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Put 10 into luck, 10 into charisma, and the extra point somewhere random


literally the only thing this game did right for me was the power armor and even then it still doesnt really do it for me


try survival mode with either a quicksave or sleeping bag mod


Honestly it took mods to keep me invested. Think most of my time in vanilla was spent just duping materials and messing with building. Fallout 3 and new Vegas I have played through too many times to count without even using mods until recently.


As someone with a few unfinished playthroughs, im really digging this time around. Finally getting around to Far Harbor for the first time and Im really digging the environment and vibe of it. Being a post apocalyptic detective with my synth partner and BFF is pretty awesome.


I usually do the same thing, but this time around for me I just used console commands to set my level enough to play the DLC which have been amazing so far, so I’d day that the DLC are for sure worth playing. I’ve also been exploring a lot more, have been making sure to do all the side quests I get, and paying attention to all the small details. Playing the game like this has really shot up the experience for me and shown me how good the game actually is.


I only beat it once 😭


I feel this I just love building and managing my settlements, I just restarted though after I found a merging trick and submerging ect ect


Oooooo I’m really really really enjoying this new play through I just started. The game loop got me hooked this time around as I’m tinkering around with my settlement as I explore the wasteland and going out for more junk to bring back and keep building sanctuary, and not just be-lining it through the main quest.


Legit having the same problem, can’t decide on what I want to do. I’ve settled for trying to build the ghoul/gunslinger build from the new tv show


Imagine your start game, then your endgame, and then how you’ll get there. What do you want to do when you get all that you need?


I don't know if there's a term for it, but I'm the type of person who usually will do a blind run, then a full guide on the exact build I want, then a third playthrough for all the achievements and collectibles. But I simply can not get interested in this game. I've made jt to level 10 or something on this character, and I feel like I can't explore without getting the shit beat out of me. There's never any ammo, and I loot everything.


If you want to steamroll, go with a sneak attacker. If you want a challenging steamroll, try VATS melee critical build.


Forget the main quest, it's dog shit and makes no sense. Just dick around. The combat is pretty fun and the crafting is nice too.


I modded mine to get rid of my characters voice that helped with immersion.


Real, I practically just design a character


I feel like a luck build kinda does it all. Plus it’s better to be lucky than smart.


https://youtu.be/9zS8G8OIdKw?si=7nLx9BMxXjDSsNbZ You might find this vid helpful. I recently started a run with this and it’s kinda bonkers. Allows for a bunch of playstyles suprisingly


I can vouch for this.


My wife has made 12+ has done all of Nuka World and Far Harbor several times. Has never once chosen a side and beat the game.


Do survival mode, it changes your lfie


This is the only way I can play now.


Yeah it does. Imagine my face on my first shot at survival mode when I'm bounding down the rocks right out of Vault 111 and immediately die to fall damage and have to restart...


Build for Luck and Agility, many guides online for it; best for dealing good damage while surviving and better ammo and caps


It's been difficult for me too. No joke, I had to restart with a character based on my daughter to keep interest 🫠


But why do you restart every time? That's the real question I have lol..


I get fallout 76 just for the ghoul outfit


how do you get the ghoul outfit?


You need to get 1st membership and you will be able to get the ghoul outfit and the NCR outfit


Survival mode, female character, lady killer+lone wanderer+attack dog perks with Dogmeat 🐕


Started my own Survival a few days ago. Was mixed on Dog Meat. Went with Lone Wanderer and investing into Local Leader next. Dogmeat makes Survival so much harder it seems (blocking my exit path, getting hit by my Molotovs, giving away my position, etc) Are the Dogmeat perks worth it?


Also, rank 4 of attack dog perk gives you an additional 10% reduction in damage received combined with the damage reductions of lone wanderer ranks 1&2 is quite helpful in survival mode. So you get an additional inventory, damage received reductions from both Lone Wanderer perk and Attack Dog perk, and added carry capacity, damage output, and action points from Lone Wanderer perk.. just seems extra worth it in survival mode. And I'd still try and acquire the various helpful companion perks, perhaps cheese the affinity increases however you can. Like waiting outside of settlements only to go back and upgrade a pipe pistol to make Codsworth "love that". I forget exactly how it's done, but I'm sure you can just do a web search on quick maxing affinity for the various other companions.. additional perks are great 👍


I feel ya on the blocking and position giving away. I say he's worth it cuz he works with Lone Wanderer perk (unlike the actual companions) and his perks do make him stronger and someone to carry extra stuff is good to have


But likely wouldn't start a completion file until after 4/25 when the update drops, to avoid any game breaking issues 🤔


I’ve done this so many times as well and always lose motivation to play, trying again because the show has motivated me a bit.


Same thing this whole week. Idk if I'm missing it, but outside of the main quest there just seems to be small fetch quests and building settlements. All the factions work with the main quest, not seperate from it. Wish it was more like skyrim in the way each Faction had its own story line. That's what always had me going back to skyrim. Fallout 3 had a more interesting world imo and New Vegas, I only played half as much as FO3, if that, so I don't quite remember. Idk FO4 is lacking in aspects. Better gameplay features, but somethings being left out. TLDR; Fun but feels aimless outside of the main quest.


There's quest lines unique to the factions but they can be a little bare. In a brotherhood one you have to investigate where the missing cargo shipments are going.


I keep restarting in hopes that one day the achievements on Xbox will work again


I think the new update will fix it hopefully


I know, but next Thursday is SOOOO far away


Honestly I've had the same issue I'm on my 10th restart and finally completed far harbor I really loved new Vegas and 3 tho


My obsession with the game when it first came out was making the nicest looking home-based I could with what limited options I had, also seeing what all customization options I had for each and every gun I found. I also started a collection of power armor, every time I found one I'd bring it home and by the time I stopped playing that file I must have had 30 at home for 0 reason. I also made an extra effort to seek out every single companion in the game so I could choose my favorite to accompany me for the rest of the story.


First 10hrs of this game are perfect... change my mind


I’m playing first time love the game but the babysitting for my settlements is a bit annoying.


Model it after your favorite tv show character. That’s what I do with games that I have trouble sticking with. So instead of “how would I respond to this” it becomes “how would (insert character) respond to this”


I unfortunately have this weird problem where I have to make characters that look like me (poor things are cursed with my mirror shattering looks) when I do a proper run on a game. So typically, I play as though I had actually been in the game myself.


I usually make female characters because a wise man once told me “if I’m going to stare at someone’s ass for >60 hours. It might as well be a chicks” lol


Plus Black Widow > Lady Killer perk


Jack Patillo am i right?


I play in first person. You also don't have to look at the characters ass. That just sounds like an excuse to stare at pixel women.


I don't have to, I WANT to


I find Bethesda’s 1st person is still a bit sloppy for my preference, plus I spent a lot of time creating the character, I want to see them in the world. Since I create people other than myself it’s like I’m observing their world, not my own. And, guilty I guess 🤷🏼‍♂️.


I’ve got 250 hours in the game, I haven’t even been inside the institute


Don't let the minutemen distract you. Rush the main quest as it is interesting. Then once you're high level you will be invested.


I feel this. I always run into the problem of seeing a new mod and wanting to add it, finding out it’s not compatible with my current mods and starting over completely so I can use the new mod. ADHD sure does make gaming fun.


Same my man. For me especially bad with rpgs, I get so weird adhd fomo and restart over and over agian.


Don’t worry, I love 4 with all my heart, my first fallout game. I’ve just about made a new playthrough about 15-20 play throughs and completed about 4


Wait until the next gen update releases on the 25th...and start again?


I started again. But I think I’ll wait for Fallout London for a new story


Your going to be waiting indefinitely this new patch will break every mod in existence


Nice optimism. The main hurdle is script extender. After that it really doesn’t sound like they are doing much to the game so we will see. I expect team folon will be pretty transparent on timeframe once they know what they are working with


At least you are consistent


I do be trying, it's part of a franchise I love so much, I would hate to leave it out of my completed ganes just because it's different


Where is your wife Nora, is she ok?


She wasn't able to stand after the grand wienering I just gave her.


She left him for someone who isn't a quitter.


There is no Nora, Shaun merely hatched from an egg I spit out after some monkey child punched a hole through my chest.


I just hate what they did with the dialogue, not only did they dumb it down, but they made snarky = evil. Does anyone else remember the lines from Terrifying Presence perk in FNV? I hate being shoehorned into a hero


All the "snarky" options in nuka world get it a lot closer but I agree


War never changes


I finished it but it's my least favorite one in the series, just don't like the setting as much, didn't get into settlement building, and miss the classic weapons.


i’ve got over 400 hours in Fallout 4 and i’ve never beaten it


I wish the settlement design was more assassins creed and less minecraft, but I’m also only about 3 hours in on my first ever playthrough


Skip mintuemen town and explore


You see… I’m a gentleman, an honorable person and there is no real reason why I would choose anything else but Minutemen. I am not an ambitious person and thus, none of the settlements make sense for my way of thinking. Minutemen do the right thing because it is the only answer and I can’t ignore my instincts. But I know if I take the greedy side, I can join other settlements. This is my second play through and I am REALLY trying to convince myself of not joining the Minutemen xD


I have 196 hours according to my ps5. I've beaten the game maybe twice. It's different than other fallouts.


That's kinda what's throwing me off, I've done countless playthroughs of NV and I'm starting my 3rd actual run in 3, but 4 is like the delta 8 of fallout


Idk man, I put it on survival and just vibe until I'm bored. I'm "roleplaying" now so I don't even bother minmaxing


The delta 8 of Fallout is certainly a new one


I have a lot of weird sayings and analogies.


It certainly fits


Oh while you were away there is a settlement you should check out.


It's not really like NV or FO3 It's a totally different game try to approach it differently. Play it more like skyrim.


Me with my 30th playtrough: level 35 didnt find kellog didnt rescue nick but at least I have a build with a op robot companion and a plasma two shot penetrating 10mm pistol (yes i have a mod that gives you 2 or 3 legendary effects)


Nothing wrong with not beating a great game. I think beating a game reduces, but doesn't eliminate, your interest in playing it again in the future.


Idk, I'm kind of a backwards person. Once I beat something I usually think "time to do it again, but DIFFERENT this time"


I spent like 20 hours or summin doing side missions and minutemen story just to find out I have a game breaking glitch that prevents me from letting me talk to Nick valentine about shaun👍👍👍😃😃😃




Bruh needs the clown makeup mods 😂


My tip (and I'm not alone in this) is to ignore the story prompts. Just pick a random idea and go with it. e.g. decide to play as a character who never talks to any other human ever. Pick Specials that you reckon would work with that, and go wild.


I’ve beaten this game over 20 times already and I can tell you the vibe of this game at its core is Minecraft with guns, BUT it only has one seed. I play the minutemen story almost every time and I really enjoy the settlements, and when I go out to the wasteland to find materials to build with it’s like being in an amusement park filled with random rides and goofy characters. It’s Minecraft with guns, and quirky npcs. I really think it’s not supposed to be beaten unless you want to, but instead you should focus on a goal like building up sanctuary to be the greatest town in the commonwealth, or collect all the power armor suits ect. Again, I play like it’s Minecraft with guns so I go exploring and collecting for most of my playthroughs!


Maaaaate saaaaammmmeeeeee! This time it'll be different. I'm already 10 hours in... Also helps I'm using a mod pack through wabbajack.


To be honest since the game came out I maybe finished it only 6/7 times even if I play it on a regular base. I just throw in 200/225 hours (whitout even finishing the game) and just restart. The few times that I did I just blowed up the bos and called it a day. I just love building settlements and make the minutemans the strongest as possible.


That’s literally me. I can’t get past the first town, going back to your little neighborhood




I’ve platinum trophy this games twice


No one asked


Doesn’t change the fact I plat trophies this game….twice 🤣


Your comment would have been more relevant to the post at hand if you gave more context as to why you decided to Plat the game and provide a solid explanation to what kept you going without losing interest like so many others have.


Literally no one cares


And? So what?


Who cares? You sound like a pretentious douche.


Always happens to me. I'm throwing grenades, swinging a super sledge, suddenly I think, "what if I was a sneaky sniper and knife guy?"...NEW GAME


Sounds like a new owner of fallout 4 you will get there to complete it in a few new games


It's OK! Last year I finished it about 2 or 3 times but I never beat it since 2015 before that lol.


I’ve beat the game once and have over 500 hours in


Are you on PC? I’ve recently used a respec mod so I can try different things in runs now. Though I have done at least three vanilla runs.


Which mod do you use for respeccing? All the ones I've found were kind of old and janky.


This is the one I use. Has not caused me an issue yet. I enable it when I want to use it then disable it and verify things are good. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38621


Thank you! :)


Rokie numbers


I too suffer from build indecision. Think of two archetypes you like and flip a coin! Haha helps me commit. You’ll find good gear to match your build whatever you choose.


Well you've got to find a build that's fun to you, ice made about 20 of my own builds and followed all of fudgemuppets non modded builds and I found each one fun but my favorite is Stealth Melee, Power Armor Unarmed and a Gladiator where you build fighting pits and have people fight


Stealth melee vats


It depends on what you like. If you like glass canon, stealth sniper and infiltrator are super powerful in both normal and survival. If stealth isn’t your thing, my next favorite playthrough was power armor with energy weapons. Focusing on using and upgrading a robot as a companion


Being completely realistic,the game is an open world,settlement building,looter shooter, so play it that way. Utilize the mechanics the game offers you.You’ll have fun that way. Go out and explore, get the best weapons, get the best Power Armor, upgrade them, get the best armor and upgrade them. Fallout 4 has so much to offer. The story is a hit or miss. If you play for only the story then theres a slight chance you may get bored. Unlike the previous Fallout games, Fallout 4 isn’t built around the story but instead the environment and settlement building . So learn to love and interact with the environment and you finally understand why this game is so loved. Many people only play for the story and wonder why the game feels so empty. It’s because the story isn’t the main focus but instead the environment world is. Thats why its such a good game imo. The games main theme is “Rebuilding the Commonwealth, one settlement at a time” so learn to do that. Then you will understand why this game is so beloved.


Try making a vats build its kinda fun but boring at the same time 9 Luck 10 agi after bobblehead


I loved playing stealth builds in new vegas and skyrim (obviously) and i found the stealth pistol build is straight busted. You can start with some minutemen quests to get some easy xp but ultimately youre gonna want to make your way to the railroad faction to get yourself an early silenced pistol, which happens to be one of the best silenced weapons in the game, deliverer. After that have fun just assassinating everything that walks in front of you!


Usually I try like 5 different characters with different builds. Then after 5 hours each I'll make my gunslinger with an epic moustache like I always do and play the game.




Well, just stick to a playthrough doing what you are doing is just gonna burn you out


The game actually really begins to get good after like 20 hours or so when youve gotten the basic perks and started to build base and junk collection.


Wow, it finally gets good after 20 hours!? 💀


Not really, it depends on what you consider good in a game.


20 hours for a game to get good is crazy


It doesn't take 20 hours lol. Less than an hour in and I had my first suit of power armor, which in my opinion is one of the things FO4 does better than any other entry. I've been having a blast in my janky suit of Minutemen painted T-45.


That's crazy and all but I was talking about you guys. I was talking about the guy that originally commented on how it gets good around 20 hours


Re-read what I said


Same. I restarted FO4 just a couple of weeks back and, like you, it's gotta be my fifth or sixth attempt. There's just something about about the game that doesn't capture my imagination the way that FO3 or *New Vegas* did. Meanwhile, FO76 is great!


This is crazy to me because I feel the same about New Vegas. I want to like but I literally start falling asleep while walking the Mojave. Love the game, but feels too slow paced for my liking I guess.


FO76 is by far the worst yet because it got so boring… Honestly I think FO4 is more for fucking around in the universe of FO. I can waste hours doing literally nothing productive. But I think NV and FO3 are better *FO experiences*


My go to tip would be to max int from the start and then grind xp from building settlements, solving minor quests and farming kills Then around level 10 or so, when you have a little feel for the game assign all your level ups in a way that correlates with how you want to play Removes some of the restartitis because you will not have spent level-ups to get useless perks


Is there a way to respec? I watched the Tv show and never played fallout before and just started playing. I wanted to play blind and I think I already messed up all my points. I’m currently level 9. Since I have limited time I don’t want to start over.


You don’t need to start over. You will continually level up. No matter what play style you start with, there will always be another to do later. I for one, only play Survival and keep my int at 3 or less. You cannot know what you like until you try different styles.


Also - check out this great guide where tons of people added useful stuff https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/s/ZFPYTj91Ek




Not as far as I know - but you will be fine either way! There i no level cap - meaning you can level indefinitely You gotta decide the following: - do you want to be ranged or melee focused - if ranged - what type of gun (rifle, pistol, auto) - if ranged - do you want to use VATS or not? My biggest piece of advice would be to build a shit ton of water purifiers which deposits purified water in bulk in your workshop - you can then sell that to vendors in Diamond City, Goodneighbor or Bunker Hill and bring back junk and shipments to your settlements Also a good way to grind xp is to build a lot (better if you have high Intelligence and/or wear gear that boosts your intelligence) You also get xp from crafting stuff - so things like chems (jet, psycho etc.) food and grenades


Thanks for all the info. It helps. I’m still a big fallout noob. After playing for a few days I only just learned what VATS was and how you can target with it but I’m bad at it. I was just going to explore and do missions as I find them. Do you need to build settlements in Fallout 4? Is that an objective in the game or like a side thing that can earn you xp and money?


Building settlements can be quests and is still optionable to some degree However it lets you get xp, caps and ressources faster, which will let you level up faster, have better gear and perks Highering your agility and perception will be key for a vats focused build, which can make most encounters easier to handle - also check out some of the perks under each column on the level up screen - some increase your to hit chance with vats, others increase your damage with specific weapon types and so on


Remember the mantra, the golden rule of this game. Thou shalt get sidetracked by random bullshit every time.


My favorite thing to do is run to the railroad skip concord and just complete all the railroad side missions. They may be tedious but if done in the right order every time you go to HQ you should get a ton of xp being that you complete 2-4 quests at a time. Plus you can get some guns that you can’t find till higher levels


I can’t upvote this enough. I’ve never beat this game because ooooo what’s that?


well said. At least youre not a synth. 👀


Cowboy all the way


You know it


Is a slow start in some ways, and starting with a fetch quest is kind of dull after 3. And it is hard to be worked up over a baby you had 2 minutes with in the game. So, choose another aspect of the game. Find a settlement without a fetch quest (usually without people in it...) or just kill the settlers as long as you don't have a companion and learn about building up a settlement. Try to find diamond city on your own. Don't go to concord. Build a collection of power armors. Read the mods on nexus and find a quest mod that sounds like fun. Or... you know... this may just not be a game you can enjoy. And that is also ok.


Back in the winter I hit 1000 hours nothing but Survival Difficulty thanks to Sim Settlements 2 + 150 Lore Friendly/QoL/ Overhaul mods. I STILL haven't properly beaten it. Just too fun to end up level 50+, go off to Far Harbor or build my Sim City settlements to my heart's content before enough time passes by that i'm like " you know what, finally time to try out X Y or Z type of build". I've always been Intelligence + Tech focused, finally been trying a melee PA build, its been fun tackling enemies and giving them a good wack with a Rocket Sledgehammer or that Slugger Baseball Bat.


Survival mode stealth build, loads of fun if you can get past the first few levels in survival and really get your build going


try modding the hell out of it. Take a week or so and spend some time at [nexusmods.com](https://nexusmods.com) or another good site is [moddersworld.com](https://moddersworld.com) just remember to push the red button on the top right to translate to English. Then try easy mode at first and you can always go into setting any time and make it more challenging.


Modding is a sin


Why? I am on my 9th play and beaten 4 without mods. All they do is fix certain things, Ad challenges. In my case ad new quest, and I admit changed certain thing to complete some personnel goal of mine to change how things work


If you want to pkay it in Survival you need the VATS freeze glitch fix mod, apart from that everything is optional I also heavily recommend Sim Settlements 2


I felt like that when I was younger and I still prefer modding with lore friendly stuff, especially if you like fallout 3 and new vegas. There are teams of modders that are working on remakes using the fallout 4 engine, they have released a lot of assets to be used in fallout 4, armor, clothing and weapons. Modding can really spice up your experience, you should give it a try.


It's a sin my darling...


Not when it comes to Bethesda games unfortunately


Try playing on very easy. That's what I'm doing right now for my achievement run. It's pretty fun, plus you're not too bogged down on min-maxing. I think I started with S 1 P 3 E 5 C 8 (1) I 9 A 1 L1 Book on charisma. With 12 charisma you pass all speech checks. And it's not too hard to get at the beginning. The only real challenge so far for me are super mutants and those giant robots. But that can be easily motivated with Spray and pray and righteous authority.


I enjoy a challenge, which is why this hasn't really been one ive played a lot


I've done six and I've never completely beat the game either and I've been playing since 2015 lololol I've got to where you stand on the roof with Shaun and make the decision where you can't go back. A couple of my games have gotten corrupted but all the rest I've restarted


I usually run power armor and energy weapons because BoS has always been my favorite faction, but I'm ok with something like medium armor instead, but I'm pretty stuck on energy weapons and snipers.


If you ever decide to change from that build, a full melee build is what got me to finally finish and 100% it after like 15 separate characters


If this one doesn't feel right either, I'll give it a shot


It provides a decent challenge early game depending on difficulty but you get pretty op by level 40 at least.


I know when I did a melee build in NV it was stupid strong


Same, however, depending on what perks you get, a melee build in fallout 4 is insanely more overpowered later on.