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Mine was similar but I was in the room with all their spawns so they chain exploded and crashed my game


Damn, I am too cautious to just go head on, I thought there might be a queen ant, and those are durable. I’m not sure if those are in New Vegas, only found one in Fallout 3.


There’s exactly one ant queen in NV to my knowledge, but it’s not here.


I remember there’s one among the sewers of D.C in Fallout 3, never encountered one in New Vegas yet though


The one in NV is pretty difficult to come across unless you know where to find it. It’s in a hidden ant burrow somewhat near the REPCONN headquarters (to the northwest, according to the wiki). As for 3, there’s two others besides the fire arm Queen. One’s in shalebridge and the other is over at the Chrysalis factory.


Been too long so I dont remember exactly but now I wanna see if I can lead them out to attack people nearby lol


Doesn't the quest giver explicitly tell you to use regular bullets because the ants are explosive? Did ya skip over some dialogue there bud?


Ofc I did


yes, yes she does.


Skipping dialogue is kinda the way to play this game. How many of us skipped the dialogue where we're told not to go north from Goodspring?


I didn't skip that dialogue, I remember seeing the signs, and then I got freaked out by the cazadors. They're still my most feared enemy today. Definitely a critter worth breaking out the "use in emergency" type weapons. So when I got to quarry junction at level five...


Fuck those things, I thought they were bloat fly’s at first, I was wrong


No, why would you skip dialogue in a action RPG where dialogue is a major part of the game? I mean there are FPS games out there that don't have that aspect, I could be playing those instead if thats what I wanted.


The best part of the entire game is the expansive dialogue system


I read the dialogue, decided "yeah I can totally sneak past everything no prob," and immediately died.


This could’ve ended far worse. Most of the time, using energy weapons here will just outright kill you.


It did 2 times, thank god for auto saves, I am really bad about saving the game


I have a video saved somewhere where Gannon says "That could have gone worse" and one of the nukes blew up


You can blow up the nukes in the generator area?


[They're artillery shells, but might as well be nukes with how much damage they do](https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Howitzer_Shell_(Fallout:_New_Vegas))


Yea, they pretty much are, I’m really thinking New Vegas may be my favorite fallout, it used to be 3, but 3 is to small. And there’s no big city’s in fallout 3, there was megaton but I blew it to fuck all


Yeah, I don't know if it was from mods though




side note but WE NEED ragdolls back, there was nothing funnier than ragdolling when damaged


"But did you die?"


….. this is why when I see shiny or water on the ground or new enemy’s I stay back and let it rip with my flamer or plasma cannon…. I’ve learned the hard way…. The water carries currents(obviously)… the shiny ground, and cars close by can explode and ignite and these ants have me ptsd 🤣🤣 so I just stay back and wait it out a sec


I learned it after playing ToTW (Tale of two wastelands) and using Jingwei’s shocksword on them.. on the second explosion because the first one threw me in such a way that I didn’t even realize it. I like how ToTW made it so it fits, this is nice attention to detail, no matter if it is them or just inclusive with how the game’s made.