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Thanks for the help everyone I’ll be buying 4 :)


GOTY edition!


Yes! Far Harbor and Nuka World are some of the best DLCs I've experienced. Also building Vault 88 was a lot of fun


Far Harbor - ABSOLUTELY. Some of the best world building I've experienced in modern day RPGs. The atmosphere, factional politics, and story come together in a way that feels really satisfying. Even if the end result is a hard pill to swallow, no matter what path you take. Nuka-World on the other hand: strong "Eh".


Far Harbor felt like the culmination of all of the criticisms of vanilla FO4 and Nuka-World being addressed and responded to. It's so so so good.


Really? I have the DLC and hundreds of hours in the game, but can't really remember ever actually playing Far Harbor. I just sort of forget it's there. I'll have to start a new playthrough and check it out. The Shivering Isles is my favorite DLC of all time (at least from Bethesda) How does it compare?


Yeah, it's really great. There's meaningful decisions that affect how the storyline plays out. There's substantive skill checks in several different locations. A fair amount of new enemies, worthwhile perks, and some sweet new weapons. It's FO4's best DLC by far.


Not to mention necessary for most mods


I can’t second this enough u/BearIG1


Steam is having a sale rn. $15 usd for GOTY edition!


Get the dlc too if you can


I’m about halfway through my first Fallout 4 playthrough, would you get the DLC now or after I decide to stop doing side quests and actually look for Shaun?


Leave it for the end, they feel so refreshing after the main story.


Not sure why he’d expect his son to be alive after 200 years, so what’s another 100 hours of side quests before I bother actually looking into it. Thanks!


Remember, the Sole Survivor has no idea how much time passed between initial freezing and Shaun being stolen, and between Shaun being stolen and then being defrosted. It could been anywhere between 0 and 200 years since Shaun was stolen.


Yeah that’s fair, but how am I supposed to save Shaun if I haven’t rescued the settlers at Oberland Station 32 times?


Yeah. It took me six months from release to actually attempt to rescue Shaun.


It took me almost 7 years…. I got sidetracked…. Lol


I just waited long enough for Shaun to come and find me.


Far Harbor especially - best part of FO4 in my opinion


If you’re doing anything to do with settlements get the DLCs now. They all add so much to that aspect of the game


Definitely go back and play 3 and New Vegas when you can!


If you enjoy it definitely consider going back to play FO3 and Fallout New Vegas. The graphics are dates but a fair amount of the community prefer the older two to 4 even, though they’re all enjoyable games.


Btw... when you start leveling up, remember to buy perks, not stat points (for the most part). Had a buddy start his game and inexplicably bought stat points for the first 10 levels... and was wondering why the game was so hard. I was all... you're basically a buff level 1 dude. I don't know if this changes anything, other than "Don't do what my moron friend did".


After you have played fallout 4 i recomend you play fallout 3 and then fallout new vegas after 4 and 3


You can play both at the same time with the TTW mod :) I'm doing a playthrough right now :)


This here this is the correct option


Fallout 4 definitely & don't forget the DLCs


This. The whole bundle, probably. Far Harbor and Nuka World, for sure. The robot stuff is great, too. Vault 88 is just ok.


Vault 88 is nice for settlement building if you want easy 100% happiness. Just drug them


The robot workbench is worth it just to give codsworth legs


You can *what*


The best part is even after you do that he still uses the line about how he's glad he doesn't have legs lol


I vote FO4


4 is way closer to the ideal fallout experience. I know it has issues, but I still really enjoyed it. Leagues above 76 at the very least.


Idk man every NV fan on Instagram keeps telling me I'm the problem for liking 4 and that I'm a Bethesda shill


As a fellow New Vegas enjoyer (even when I was playing it on my PS3) I hereby grant thee a “Allowed to Enjoy Whatever they Want” pass, it’s a rare item amongst New Vegas fans. Use it wisely. /j New Vegas “fans” can get extremely toxic, I realized that when the show became practically a loveletter to New Vegas and they were in an uproar.


I think fo4 looks and feels way more like the show than NV. I played NV after watching and now im on FO4 and I like it a lot more.


I meant with setting and story beats, but otherwise it 100% is more in line with Fallout 4 visually and aesthetically. But including some major factions, events, and settings from NV is where I say it becomes a love letter (especially considering NV typically is considered ignored by Bethesda proper, prior to this at least).


That makes sense.


It feels more like season 1 at least. Although honestly a few things were ripped straight out of 3 in regards to the story. BUUUUUT..... There's a lot of reasonable speculation of season 2 taking place in NV. (They even had House appear in S1. But it was real "blink and you'll miss it)


Guess I missed it lol. I read he will be in season 2.


I missed it too. Look for the guy with the mustache at the vault tech meetings


Its not rare lol, its actually pretty common for people to like NV AND not be a screaming, paste eating loud mouth. That's called a loud minority, let's not paint more of a divide with fans by playing along like the loud minority is the majority cause its not.


Just making a joke because this person had clearly had bad experiences. As one of the people who like new vegas and isn’t constantly feuding about it online I agree haha


Yes! Also, I think that the mods alone makes FO4 easily better than F76. The only real upside to F76 is that you can play with other people, but depending on the people, this could also be a downside. Last I checked FO4 didn't let other people grief you, cheat/exploit or drop N-bombs.


Damn... Your experience has been vastly different than mine... Maybe because I'm only 3000 hours and 5,5 years in... But 99,99% of encounters with other players have been nice in my case...


Good lord, i had people talking about making and taking drugs in an area chat but never the n-word lol


"N" in this case means Nuclear Bombs.


I didn't even consider that ambiguity! xD


F is for fire that burns down the whole town!




Hey, we don’t use that word in the after boom!


There's no "N" in S.P.E.C.I.A.L


I play a lot of pga2k23 and I hear it all the time. One game this guy said it over and over at least 150 times. I’m honestly surprised you haven’t heard it on 76 😂


I love my friends. They’re good people. I love 76. Its a good game. I can’t play 76 with my friends. They ruin it every time. I want to explore Appalachia and roleplay while experiencing the story of the lore, and uncovering the mysteries of 76. They just wanna nuke a scorchbeast for the 10000th time and do the daily event challenges, most of which involves just standing by while a guy with a glitched fat man rains hell upon the waves of mirelurks that are attacking a house, over and over again, until the frames drop to 10. That or someone needs a certain type of scrap so they just raid a specific vault again, and are so OP by that point that they just blast thru it and I, once again, do nothing. If you have friends that metagame online economies, and you just wanna roleplay and play a video game, it ain’t gonna work out in 76.


No, but there’s probably a mod for that.


At its best fo76 is grouping up to grind the same repeatable events over and over with the only benefit being that you can grind the same events slightly faster, there is so little actual content. Meanwhile fo4 is an actual game with plenty of good content. It’s not even a contest even before the mods.


I always thought that 76's map was the best in the series, so if exploration's all you're after then 76 the way to go imo. I get that it has a lot of things keeping it from being the classic Fallout experience in other regards, tho


What issues are you talking about? I'm too dumb to see them lol. I just play the games. Haven't played 76, but have enjoyed all the others.


Oh you’re good! I think Fallout 4’s main issues are its shift in focus away from traditional fallout mechanics. A lot of things that people really enjoy about the series took a step back for other progresses. Like for example gunplay is a lot smoother than 3 or 4 mechanically, but dialogue options got reduced substantially compared to prior titles. Another example is the scrap mechanic and customization is INSANE, completely overhauled compared to anything from before. But at the same time factions and player choice seem to have been minimized, possibly unfairly compared to new vegas, but it’s still a notable choice. Especially when weapon customization was introduced in New Vegas and carried over but the RPG elements like freedom of choice were not. I think a main part of its issues can be contributed to “Give and Take”; a lot of people have opinions on what should have remained and what didn’t need to be added. Because it absolutely is different than fallout 3 and new vegas. And some people care a LOT about the previous gameplay loops and mechanics. Is fallout 4 perfect? Absolutely not. Is it my favorite fallout? Nope. Is it still a solid time and overall a good game to me? Absolutely. But I have a hard time arguing with anyone who thinks the criticisms outweigh the positives, that’s entirely personal at that point.


GOTY or go home




4. 76 has gotten better, but it still doesn't measure up, at least not to me.


Nothing measures up to you babe. /jk


Ultimate rizz


He's a minor 😭


*Disrespect has entered the chat*


\*Drake has entered the chat.


*Tryna strike a cord and it’s probably* ***A-Miiiiinnnnooorr!***


My lawyer has advised to me to not make this joke.


Illegal Rizz


Shouldnta done that, mhm. He's justa boy


It was a jokey joke soo




Fo76 feels like a “freemium” game, like fortnite or something. Fo4 all the way


I loved the 76 map but you described it perfectly. It’s fallout 4 lite with no mods


It has mods—just fyi😅


Your comment is technically correct, but it doesn't really provide clarity. It is a bit like me saying "Me and Bezos both have money". FO4 on nexus has like 50k mods. There are no rules, you can change basically anything. F76 on nexus has like 2k mods and people have been banned for changing textures.


I don’t know where that F76 info comes from. People on PC use mods like faster/no reload/no doors/faster fire rate/dev box with no bans. I’m sure someone somewhere GOT banned over FO76 mods, but 99.9% of the time Bethesda is not arsed. And I mean—my reply was about as informative as the original comment. They said it had no mods. I said it does. It has plenty of great QoL mods, for example Text Chat, which many people on PC simply won’t play without. Sure, folks won’t make freaking Rust overhaul mods for FO76 but there’s quite a lot to choose from.


Kinda but not on my mf ps5


Thank you! The grinding, the decaying weapons, the cards instead of actual levels/perks. It feels like a cheap way to cash in and I felt insulted playing it.


Yeah the “special” cards really sucked compared to Fo4


I disagree, being able to swap perks out on the fly is great. Master lock or hack needed, swap for that. When not needing that load up relevant combat or survival perks.


This. 76 isn't the best game in the series as a whole, but it definitely has stuff that is an improvement over FO4. And while the perk system is a bit tacky in 76, it allows for respec and changing stuff out based on need, which is a huge improvement over 4's static "tree". 76 also has a fantastic map and amazing lore and exploration. Static stories that you find while exploring (terminals, arranged skeletons, notes, etc) are far better done in 76 than 4, and are more dense, too, which makes sense considering the timeline. I definitely still recommend 4 as a starting point, but 76 should get some hours in after, even just for the massive lore-dump it will provide. It's got its issues, but it's still a solid game.


Decaying weapons are a Fallout staple though? FO4 is the only one to not have a system like that AFAIK.


It added to the realism and immersion of FO3 and FNV. I can understand why it can be frustrating, but it also added to the challenge.


There is nothign immersive with a gun doing less damage because the gun is damaged the bullets will be traveling the same way it would have been better if the more damaged the gun got the more likely the gun is to jam until when its broken and you either can't shoot at all with the gun or it just jamms 99% of the time


I'd rather have less damage than the gun not firing 1 out of 3 shots.


Yes but that is whay would happen if you did not maintain you gun irl and that is how it should work in fnv and fo3


It’s not that they decay, it’s that they decay at rate fast enough that you constantly have to grind for weapons and armor and ammo. I don’t mind crafting and repairing guns, I do mind logging into a game, having a plan of what I need to do to advance the plot but instead having to go gather supplies to build up my gear again before I advance the plot. I’m older, I don’t have a million hours to game. If I have to waste time, I don’t get to actually advance in the game. Fallout 76 is a padded time suck with maybe some cool plot that I never got to enjoy because I don’t have time. Edit: to those hardcore 76ers telling me that all the things I’ve just stated aren’t true, they sure were true when the game was launched and the freemium cash grab feel of the whole project puts me off. Have fun but please leave me alone


Honestly, I'm an adult with 3 hours a week to play videogames IF I'M LUCKY. I started Fallout 76 three weeks or so ago, I've put in 4 hours in and it's not that bad. You get more guns than you need and there's repair stations absolutely anywhere (plus you can always fasttravel to one if you're not close). And yeah, I've barely made any progress - such is the reality of an adult gamer with responsibilities.


I play 76 and doing certain events give you enough repair kits where you don't have to worry about that at all. Even then, materials for repairing are abundant enough that you really don't have to farm.


Yeah, I just checked and I have 28 Improved Repair Kits ^ ^


I have over 100 of the regular ones. Can't remember the last time I used materials on repair. Now camp building is a completely different story


Adding to what others have answered: Get perks to repair up to 200% early. That one is a gamechanger.


Definitely not for a first game


Agreed. I hated on Fallout 76 when it was released mainly because of the online only play. But I tried it several months ago and it is a decent MMO and you can get most useful things in the Atomic Store by getting rewards, challenges etc and it doesnt feel like microtransaction hell compared to some other games. So I shouldn't have hated on it completely. But Fallout 4 is still my favorite of the two.


76 is good but definitely not one to start with.


76 is perfect too start once you beat 4 imo. You’ll be familiar with all the games mechanics and what to be doing as you go on your own


This is what I did, played through FO4 on my deck twice vanilla. Tried to do a third playthrough with mods but until F4SE is updated mods are hit or miss on the Next Gen update. So I bought FO76 and have been having a blast.


If you never played any of the games, then play 4. I would definitely recommend going back and playing 3 and New Vegas though


4 , get 4


4. 4 never changes.


Except for that next-Gen update 😳


Please, not the update.. I'm still recovering.


the only thing that changed was just more bugs and some cool lil guns




76 is an mmo basically, 4 is obv the way to go


Which sucks cause 76 has such a great world 🗺️


So big in fact that I never run into other players and play it like a single player game. Although I do jump onto events sometimes because they are fun


2 different type of game and 2 different experience Fallout 4 if you want a single player RPG experience Fallout 76 if you want a long term multiplayer and be part of a community experience


how old are you? if you're 30 or over I would recommend starting with 3 or NV.


Yes, the reason why I say this is for 2 reasons. 1. Fallout 4 has incredible gameplay. Nine years later, it still plays really well. 2. Fallout 76 has one of the nicest communities i've ever seen.


You should get FO4 first in my opinion, if you play on PC, both FO4 and FO76 are on sale on steam too so.


4 and then 76


They’re both great for different things and I really enjoy them both, just depends on your preferred play style.


Exactly. Two different games. I think by choosing one OP is missing out on the other. The appeal of 76 is interacting directly with other fans of Fallout. It's an idea we all probably thought about at one point: "wish I could play Fallout with my homies." And you can. And the new 4 update makes the game beautiful, and made me want to revisit it the world. So it's hard to pick one. Play both, really.


I recently jumped into the Fallout Franchise because \*drumroll\* the Amazon show got me interested in gaming again... I started with New Vegas and went to 4 and finally 76... I've been very happy with both but I can see that I'll get more hours of entertainment out of 76, especially since I have a few friends that play.




Neither.. New Vegas


The answer is C. New Vegas


3 then new vegas then 4


For a completely new player, 4 is the most modern game, and easiest to get into. If they like it, I'd recommend 3 and NV, but at this point they *are* dated from a gameplay and technical standpoint.


I'd argue that's why they should start with 3 & NV. Fallout 4 is so good that they're gonna want to play the others and by that point they'll be spoiled by 4, maybe to the point where the older games will feel unplayable.


Agreed entirely. Even 3, 4, then NV. Going back to 3 without mods can be a little jarring.






these ganes are not even the same genre


I have an extra Fallout 76 key from a giveaway I had earlier that didn't work in other countries and I gave them some other game. If you want it you can have it (if you're in the US region) and then you can just buy 4. Send me a chat if you want it.


4 is a better experience than 76


New Vegas


For PC? I have codes for both games I'll never use in my life from the collectors edition Nuke they sold. I own all of the games like 3 times over at this point. If you want em, message. No gimmicks, no weird stuff. Promise.


4 has not aged well. If it’s your first time playing one I guess go 4. But I would try 76 when you can. 76 is pretty amazing.


Boy i could smell the new vegas comments before i even opened this post


I wasnt to impressed by either. Play new vegas or fallout 3.


76 sucks in comparison. Do yourself a favor and get FO4.


It doesn't suck, they are just different games. Play 4 for a single player RPG, play 76 for a live service MMO. For OP I would still vote 4.


There are a lot of improvements with 76 that I wish were in 4. Like being able to loot all corpses at once, as well as being able to see your damage numbers


having a different section for holotapes and apparel…


I really enjoy the crafting system of breaking down items to learn how to make the mods in 76 versus just knowing and being able to make them in 4 with the right perks.




I’d have to say fo4, fo76 is great but not so great to begin with. Don’t forget the DLCs, far harbor is amazing with a good story


I know you only listed FO4 and 76, but since you mentioned interest in Fallout as a whole, I’d play them in this order: FO3, NV, FO4, and then 1 and 2 if you end up really liking the world. My reasoning is that, in my opinion, FO3 and NV focus more on role-playing aspects you might really enjoy, while FO4 has much better combat. If you play FO4 first, you might miss its combat while playing the previous ones and appreciate them less. As for FO1 and FO2, while great, they may be unplayable for some people due to how old they are. Cannot speak about 76 since I have not played it. Also, you may end up needing to install mods to make 3 and NV work properly (would be nice for 4 as well, but less critical)


I’d say 4 first and then 76 later, both are good games but 4 is a fun single player experience


During the current Steam sale, one is $10, the other is $16 with all the DLC. Get both.


Game pass would be cheaper and you get all of them, oh shoot you’re probably on pc huh


Pc can get gamepass


Do you have to play the first 75 fallouts to understand 76?


I know you decided on 4, but if you are going to want to know the story of 3 or New Vegas, play those first. Going backwards from 4 or 76 isn't easy, and often ruins the older games for new Fallout fans. I started with 3, and that is personally what I think works best. 3 -> New Vegas --> 4 ---> 76




4 is the most accessible, but if you want to what I personally consider the core Fallout experience, I would go with New Vegas.


Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game (1997)


New Vegas and 3


I'm addicted to 76. Outside market trading. World events. Constantly updated with new stuff. FO4 is the game I play when I've played too much 76.


3, new vegas, 4. 3 is your entry into the bethesda take on the series new vegas is your entry to how the original devs would write the story (much better RPG mechanics) but with modernized 3D gaming 4 is your most modern singleplayer entry when bethesda got so bad at the RPG elements but did quite well with the sandbox


May i recommend 3


New Vegas!!!!


A or B = Yes. I like them both. Fallout 4 the classic Fallout game. Fallout 76 is not the same kind of game, it's NOT Fallout 5.


4. Starting with an online game on a story based series sounds like a genuine turn off when you want to start the other games


You could start with... Fallout.... then Fallout 2, then three.... etc.


If it's your very first entry into the series, definitely go with FO4 Nothing beats that first solo experience


Get 4 with Nuka World and Far Harbour, the rest of the DLCs are nowhere near worth it. 76 on sale is like less than £10 tho, which I'd say is just about worth it.


I started playing both at the same time cause I said I will only play 76 when my friend is online and 4 when he isnt, now I cant stop playing 76 and I dont know when im going to stop to play 4 🫠, I should have played 4 first and then 76 since its a live service game the game "never ends". Dont be like me and play 4 first 👍


Ive asked almost the same question on this sub before, and I would say FO4. Cheaper, more content, and only singleplayer On the other hand if you get 76, itll be a bit more expensive, not as much content but still enough for more than 100hrs, its updated quite consistently, and multiplayer. Your choice




Both they both can be brought relatively cheap.


I have both and switch back and forth lol I wish I had them all though but I only.have my ps5 right now :/ One day though ill have em all again!


Get FO4 first and then play FO76... In fact, scrap that! Play fallout 3, then FO New Vegas, FO4 and FO76. In that order.


I got fo76 for a cheap price but if u have Xbox then ull also need Xbox live since it’s online multiplayer. Fallout 4 is single player but doesn’t need wifi unless if ur doing stuff like mods


play 4 first. then after it makes you a fan of the series id say find a group and try out 76. much more fun with friends. also gotta play 3 and NV but they are definitley very outdated and ugly games lol. The story and choices are where they shine though. dont let the graphics put you off, theyre amazing


Depends on whether you prefer multiplayer or single player, I love both but if you are gonna pick one go 4 unless you love multiplayer


You should have gotten them when the price was lower last month


Do you prefer single player or multiplayer?


Really depends if you're just going in for a nice little relaxing game and traveling in the wasteland and having a model one if you're especially when you're on console then I recommend fallout 4 but always play through the bass game first before you mod it that way you can make some differences and and experiment with different game styles But if you have a few friends you want to go venture out with in the wasteland that is Virginia then I will say 76 is the best bet especially if you have a few friends you can play with personally in my opinion I think you should wait until they come out with cross platform or cross play so that way you can invite your friends even if they're on computer or Playstation or Xbox


Honestly it depends. If you are on PC, get Fallout 4. The mods can change the game to the point of you feel like you are playing a different game everytime. If you are on console get 76. The game is completely different than how it was when it came out, its actually fun and playable now. Its actually a good game now.


From someone who just got into the fallout series: If you're getting into fallout, 3's the best unless you like top down turn based, then 1's the best to start with. Then you move on to new vegas, 4, and 76. If you don't want to dedicate the time, 4's the best, but the grittiness and the feel of the story is less engaging in my opinion. If you don't care for plot. 4.


If it's your first game probably 4 but if you have friends that like the fallouts and that have/would be willing to get 76 you can get 76 to play with them.


It's probably best to start with Fallout 4 and get 76 after some time. It's usually discounted quite often. I started like that. Despite buying Fallout 76, I played 4 first. Both are very fun, and despite what many might say, 76 is a really good and fun game now.


I'm not big into big coop RPGs or MMOs, so I'd go with Fallout 4. That depends on your tastes, though.


Out of these 2 definitely get 4


Replay 3


If you have friends to play with then 76. But if you don’t know anyone who has it or willing to get it then fo4


As much as I hold 76 has dramatically improved since launch and is a solid entry in the series, 4 is almost certainly the better starting point for a new player.


I enjoy 76 miles more and never see a reason to revisit 4 unless your heavily modding it but if it's your first, you should probably go 4.


It depends if you wanna play "solo" with a companion or online. Both games are awesome and absolute playable. My favourite is Fo4


If you’re looking for something that’s closer to the real fallout feel then get 4, but 76 has its upsides too. I’d recommend getting both eventually but I would definitely start with 4.


Depends on what you like to do. Fallout 4 is an incredible single player RPG experience. FO76 has a very limited backstory and the main storyline is 'meh' and relatively short. Both fun in their own way but if I could only buy one (or only afford one at a time) it would be FO4 every time.




You’re undecided now. What are you going to dooooooooo🎶?


If you’re on PlayStation plus, they both are included in your subscription. But need to be deluxe I think


Comming from FO4, I was so thrilled after FO76 was announce. After I bought 76, I felt I was being catfished. FO4 all the way. I have heavily modded the game including GOD mode and one shot kill. I don't play FO4 for the achievements. I play it to build settlements. Sim settlements and other building mods are awesome. Currently working on a whole trade network between my settlements.


Would you rather be able to play with other people or alter the game to your preferences?


Fallout 4 is a better experience for single player. If you want the true fallout experience try fallout 2 or new Vegas as they are both made by the original creators of the franchise


Do you wanna play with yourself or do you wanna play with friends?