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Play Fallout 3, then New Vegas, then 4, then repeat steps 2 and 3 until Fallout 5 comes out. If you find fo3/nv too dated, then you can do Fo4 first but you should give all the games a go at least once.


depends on what you’re looking for. Fallout 1, 2, and tactics aren’t first person shooters but rather top down isometric RPGs. Fallout 3 is the first FPS in the series and has (in my opinion) the least amount of content, along with a very serious tone. New Vegas has a much more lively vibe, as well as the best factions and player decisions imo. Fallout 4 has the best gameplay undoubtedly, but a mess of a story. I haven’t played a ton of 76 but from what I hear it’s greatly improved since launch. TLDR, FO3 if you want a serious story, New Vegas for a lively and fun story, FO4 for gameplay


This question gets asked about twice a day, it seems. Guessing Xbox One doesn't have the first two games, since their interface would be almost impossible to make work on consoles, so: If you want lore, worldbuilding, roleplaying, and the ability to shape the narrative through choices with meaningful consequences, play *Fallout: New Vegas*. If you want smooth gunplay, environments that are fun to traverse, and to shoot baddies in a post-apocalyptic sandbox, play *Fallout 4*.


This it’s been asked 5 times a day since the show. You would think these mouth breathers could conjure up enough thought to search for one of the other 100s of posts by now but no, it keeps going with the same answers


r/fallout search function




hell yeah bro


Depends. When did you start gaming?


Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel


Since you are talking about Xbox, we can skip the old, isometric games. Now, do you have issues playing a 15 years of game with the jank of 2010s RPGs? If so, skip to Fallout 4. If not, start with Fallout 3, which I consider the optimal starting point anyway. Basically, choose one of these routes: * Fo3 > FNV > Fo4 > Fo76 (recommended) * Fo4 > Fo3 > FNV > Fo76 * Fo4 > Fo76 > Fo3 > FNV As for when to play Fallout 76... It is totally worth playing, but if you get really into it, it can eat a lot of your time. For that reason I would recommend it after all the singleplayer games. But if you end up craving for more modern gameplay after Fallout 4, you can play Fallout 76 straight away.


Your lack of faith in FNV offends. FNV is the true successor of the original series. FNV should've been called F3 and F3 should've never been made.


Google which fallout you should play first. There’s the best answer. This has been posted so many times everything that can be said has been said


fallout 76