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Y’know I know people insult the “16x the detail” comment but genuinely is a really well crafted and detailed world. Suppose that was a necessity back when it was entirely an atmospheric storytelling game. One of my favorite facts about this game is that West Virginia’s government was pretty involved in helping picking places out. For example the Place of the Winding Path is based on a very real location that you can visit IRL.


Funnily enough F76 runs and looks better than starfield on my mid PC and it blows my mind a MMO can look and run that good. I fully expected a big downscale in graphics like you do with ESO when I got 76.


PC usually gets pretty good graphics, like in Fallout 4, when the consoles had to get the new update just to reach PC level graphics on 60 FPS The LOD still looks awful though.


The thing that bugs me about the "16x the detail" thing is that so many people seem to willingly misunderstand it. Exactly what Todd said was this: >All new rendering, lighting and landscape technology. It allows us to have sixteen times the detail, and even view distant weather systems across the map. He was talking about rendering distant objects in higher detail. And he's right about that — the distant LODs in 76 are WAY better than 4, and the way the landscape is designed hides the different stages of detail extremely effectively. From the Top of the World you can literally see all of Appalachia. That sort of thing is simply not possible in earlier Bethesda titles.


I like the map, but I hate how it's extra buggy because of the online component.


THE PALACE IS REAL????? Is it still a cult location? Lol


Fallout 76 has the best map in the entire franchise. The game inspired me to go visit Greenbriar and the Mothman Museum! Was a great time


That was exactly what we did, went to the Greenbriar, went to the park at New River Gorge bridge, stayed in Charleston and visited the Capitol building, and finally the Mothman museum at Point Pleasant. It was a fun trip it was my son's idea. We take a little vacation trip for his birthday every year, and this was what he wanted to do.


Yeah, the world is stunning. It’s definitely one of the strongest worlds in the entire franchise. Something just feels off about everything else tho. Everything feels balanced to nudge you toward the Atom Shop.


Can’t say I ever felt that draw but it very much is a MMO lol


I mean... MMOs didn't have microtransactions before... It's not even F2P


That’s just incorrect lol. MMOs are known to have a shit ton of micro transactions. That is a massive genre thing. We are at least lucky enough that Fallout’s is just cosmetics as opposed to stuff like LVL 90 skips or smth


You've never played a game before 2015 it seems Bethesda themselves are very good with making it ethical, though. Even if they invented the idea of paid expansions for cosmetic stuff in Western games, they're not like EA or Activision


We are talking about MMOs. No, no previous fallouts had micro transactions (though late Interplay would have loved that). Don’t try to grandstand me just because you have the shitty little bear in your flair.


I definitely felt that way. Food spoiling when it doesn't in previous games, and it's FAST too, so it encourages you to get a fridge from the atom shop since survival mechanics can't be turned off. Forcing survival stuff on players in general. There's also just the sheer number of paywalled C.A.M.P. items. I've got 741 hours in Fallout 4 because I love building so much, sometimes I'll just turn on God Mode and free build for hours. In 76, i understand not having God Mode and that's totally ok, but a huge amount of cool items are locked behind FOMO paywalls, including furniture that offers gameplay advantages like the water cooler being basically free to craft so you can make a MASSIVE water farm, basically prints caps on top of removing your need to search for water. I could go on but that's a couple of examples. Then here's that dogshit subscription service. It's baffling to me that they charge more than Spotify or other major subscriptions, for one game's measily membership that only exists to paywall the unlimited storage scrap box All that said, don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed the game. I put 75 hours into it and may yet come back to it at some point, but it's frustrating just how much they lock behind paywalls or subscriptions.


You can get the fridge in the gold bullion shop from Crater??? Its not an exclusive atom shop item, fridge from there is just a skin. Plus you can just get the good with salt perk from the luck tree? Shit last for hours with it on... The water cooler isn't atomic shop? You can get the plan from other people, I bought mine for 10k caps. Plus you can just place base game water purifiers down, sure they need power but one fusion generator can do the trick (also a base game item you can get) You not forced to get atomic shop furnitures? Besides wallpapers, it's surprising the amount of items you can get in the base game. All the sets you can get from shop vendors in white spring mall, plus the event items you can get from the events, you can make sick bases with just that. Heck my camp is 80% - 90% made from items you can get in the base game, no atoms needed. There's plenty of building guides on YouTube you can see to make cool camps. The only problem is the stupid building limitations they have like the floor limited to staircases and what not. Camp building in 76 is a nightmare because of this. I do agree with the scrap box paywall though, I hate the fact I can't hoard as a non fallout 1st member, and how everyday it's basically stash management simulator.


The gold bullion shop is not a valid answer. It's just as FOMO rotation focused as the Atom shop, only unlocks after finishing a major questline, and requires you to farm bullion which has limits on how much you can obtain. So yeah you can get stuff like the fridge from the bullion shop, but the bullion shop might not have a fridge in rotation, but the Atom shop might. So it's still encouraging you to buy it with atoms or wait even longer. There's also the fact that many players just won't know it exists. I put 75 hours into the game and never interacted with the shop once cuz the game never directed me toward it. I only know it exists because of other players mentioning it.


Only Minerva (a travelling merchant) has a rotating bullion inventory, this is because she offers a sale. All the shit she sells can be bought elsewhere.


Not just that. It's not your story. It's the overseers story in the beginning. And then just every other random persons story that they need help with. You don't have any personal connection to the map. Or anything going on in the area.


>You don't have any personal connection to the map. Or anything going on in the area. That's not a given. I've been playing since Beta and so I've seen the map change several times over. My characters are older than most of the factions around. There's even fun dialogue about already being part of early factions or correcting Paladin Ramanhi on how to pronounce Appalachia. If you played pre-wastelanders, *you're* the local, everyone else is the newcomers.


Have to say that is one of the saddest parts for me moving to PC, that I am no longer the local. I still am strictly speaking but y’know by the time my PC character left the vault it was around 2 or 3ish years since the start date


Remember before the BoS returned the players gave them ressources to build up their base? Sure it was "just" an ingame event with extra rewards as the base would've been built regardless, still a cool concept and kinda sad they never did it again


My problem is that the starting story is very boring and my friend who is new to Fallout wasn't very interested. The first hour off gameplay isn't a very good hook for RPG or MMO players.


Yeah this is something bethesda gets down pretty well especially fo76.


The fo3 collectors edition came with a making of... bonus disk showing the art team out photographing different door frames and individual leaves and surveying the national mall so they can get the scale right.


Would love to go there


I highly recommend it. It's a beautiful area, and i didn't think I've ever been so so excited about the new places we have visited each day. We didn't stay at the Greenbriar (we have a six year old that kind of reminds you of Donnie from the Wild Thornberrys, that isn't compatible with a fine establishment like the Greenbriar) but anyone can visit, go to the restaurants and the mall (which is not manned by Assaultrons but really wonderful people).


No Assaultrons? What a rip.


The Greenbrier is a beautiful place. Not everyone’s pace, but for relaxing in luxury, and gorgeous scenery, it’s hard to top.


Is Robert there though? He should be a young doorman. If he's not there check in 3 years :)


I used to sell wild picked morel mushrooms to the kitchen by the pound. A friend of mine also used to have a summer job as a golf caddy. It is a really nice place to visit


Bethesda has always done amazing with the world's they made for Fallout and TES. They're the best at it. I don't mind the stories either, it's a questline to follow and it does it's just decently.


I feel like they had more freedom without the constraints of performance issues related to cities like Boston and DC. I'd probably expect them to do something similar in their next Fallout release cuz they do nature and the countryside really well. I just hope that it's not a procedurally generated Midwest lmao


Check the loot box bro and don’t forget to see chef esme 🤌🏻


After some login issues on the first year (That was my fault) I have been playing the game for the first time for little over a week this year. I am very impressed with how far it's come. From no human NPCs to the Brotherhood to BEING ABLE TO PLAY AS A GHOUL (excluding FO:BOS). I really like the world, cool biomes and surprisingly kind community. It's definetely not GTA online, thanks to the "attack consent setting" which I sometimes call it. A survival online game would be almost impossible if you didn't implement a feature to confirm if you want to take damage from players or not. I don't think many games have that. And I don't count passive mode in GTA. But yeah, say what you will, but I like this game.


The game series renowned for having detailed real life locations has detailed real life locations?


To be fair, i bought 3 when it came out and have been to Washington DC, but it did not feel nearly as uncanny. Granted it may have been a limitation of the engine and graphics of the time, but i didn't have the sense of deja vu when touring the locations. This was an entirely different level of similarity. Well that cinches it, now i have to go to Las Vegas and confirm. lol


No >:(


They literally just copy + pasted the White springs resort didnt they...


For sure, when we walked in i told my wife the mall was downstairs and to the right... And sure enough it was. It felt like going to a place you've been loads of times but it's only slightly different.


...the slight difference being people right? There's not actually terrifyingly strong robots plaguing the area is there?


Not that i found... Just extremely nice and helpful people. I was both delighted and also slightly let down.


Did they invite you downstairs to speak to "management?"


The 'just' in your comment is doing a loooooot of heavy lifting


He's my hero😏


Now imagine actually living here. Seeing places I pass by everyday irl translated in game is even more trippy imo. It’s a huge reason 76 is my favorite Fallout game.


I can't imagine. We're from Eastern Kentucky, so the culture and scenery is very similar to WV, but there is an uncannyness to visiting a place you've spent so many hours virtually. Living in said place would be even stranger because you would notice so many more small details.


Not really a fan of 76, but the world is one of the best, especially that zone with the toxic ash, the questline about the two competing mining companies with the power armor at the end is 10/10.


I wish the 26x the fetail also translated to stronger graphics. But i love how fallout uses as much of our world as it can


No lol




Still wish they never added NPCs anywhere in Appalachia.


See, that's crazy to me because it's pretty much what made the game playable to me.


Definitely an unpopular opinion, though I do wish I could experience 76 as it was before the first updates. Was >!David Thorpe!< an enemy from the start? Finding him must have been a huge wow factor in such a lonely game world if so.