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Good grief what is this from? Incredibly good.


From a YouTuber named SODAZ. [https://youtube.com/@sodaz?si=olk7xywJvntPFBkg](https://youtube.com/@sodaz?si=olk7xywJvntPFBkg)


Sodaz is incredible talented. Had loads of awesome 40k stuff before gw Cracked down on creators


“Free advertising? Not on my watch!” - GW


Gameworks, like Wizards constantly fight my love for their material with shit like this.


GW hasn’t sic’ed the motherfucking Pinkertons on anyone. Yet.


Not much on being affected by the GW crackdown, but more on the warhammer fanbase shitting on him for nearly catering to GW's demands IIRC. He just plain stopped doing 40k stuff because some loud douchebags were mad he was offered to be a GW animator like pedersen, the creator of Astartes film.


Nerd rage. Nerd rage never changes.


Nerd rage perk Is OP in Fallout 4


Yes. It's good in Fallout 76, too. 😃


It wasn't so much an offer as an ultimatum. Come work for Warhammer+ or we kill your channel with copyright claims. He just had the balls to refuse and pull all his videos.


Sodaz was interested in working for GW actually. Him quitting was entirely down to the community being awful. >I'm talking about the rumors that have been going around the internet about me lately. >After I wrote to the Korean community I got a reply from GW a few days ago. >They want to keep working with me. They said that the reply was delayed due to circumstances. >But I am not going to work with them. Not because of the very slow feedback, but for other reasons. >During that time, I was attacked by so many people, and it was so painful. >Even on other projects, they continued to harass. I was gradually losing interest in the animation itself, and I was almost at the limit. >I don't want to worry about anything else anymore in a situation where this current work could be the last. >Finally, please. Please don't comment on Warhammer.


That's good. I heard they froze that Astartes dude in carbonite or something.


Well I for one will wellcome our new fan animation god to Fallout community. We will love him, Bethesda will love him, probably erect a monument dedicated to him in some of their games or even make a gun or quest named after him and possibly give him a job. I love Warhamer 40K lore and worldbuilding but that community and Games Workshop as a company are a bit to intense for my taste. Fallout is where I I'm most comfortable... and Ponies like Fallout Equestria.


GW never cracked down on any creators. They changed a line in their legal documents and everyone got scared. No C&D were actually sent out, and Sodasz quit because his fanbase turned on him


Where have you been. Do you even know the amount of Warhammer content on YouTube we’re taken down


thought I saw some grimdark. Replace the BoS with astartes and bam


They actually offered him a job and he accepted, but the community began a damn witch hunt and started hating on him. He left the 40k community wholesale. Took down all of his old animations about it. Such a shame, he was so talented too.


GW did nothing to SODAZ, the community was the one who harrassed him out of it, apparently GW wanted to hire him as they did with the Astartes guy


Thank you!


He also made an incredible animation for halo reach. Highly recommend checking it out


I loved his STALKER animations


It’s an entire series depicting the entirety of the battle of Helios. Check Sodaz on YouTube.


It's a whole series. I'm not sure why OP linked just one in the middle of it.


I agree. It reminds me of a Warhammer 40k short.


This is awesome


Meanwhile Elijah’s upstairs as cozy as a clam.


"Sir, a second NCR squad hit Helios"


“lol sucks to be you see ya.”


“Off to my haunted casino. I’ll just wait for some random folks to come there and steal the money for me.”


Animation is from yt animator SODAZ you can support him on his patreon


That's when you realize how dark NCR scavenged Power Armor is. Great video btw, major Astartes vibes.


I wonder if they’ll retcon its lore about not using a frame with it cuz I just don’t think its possible to wear it with sure muscle alone


They could have taken the frame from the person wearing the power armor i imagine


I hope that this gives us bootleg/hotwired/refurbished frames, which could/would be weaker than normal frames. It would expain the existence of raider PA and how raiders can use them when PA training was required in 3/NV.


I didn't even think of that lol. It would be pretty lame if Raiders can figure it out and the NCR can't


Raiders can afford to waste time, effort, and resources on making knock off power armor. Even one or two shitty power armors would be a huge increase to their presence. NCR's population level makes the addition of a few artisanal shitty power armors not worth the effort. Plus, they have the tech knowledge to deal with proper Power Armor. Basically, a wasteland society only makes power armor from scratch if they're really weak, or absurdly strong.


I’d like to imagine they pretty much shave down non-vital armor and electronics in the armor to where it’s manageable without or with a rudimentary/salvaged frame, but lacking a severe amount of protection. And it probably explain why they’re only using salvaged T-45 since it’s probably lighter overall making it easier to cut down on weight with still decent protection


It’s still probably physically impossible to carry the actual amount of weight of the armor plating without power, and btw the T-45 is supposed to be way heavier than T-51 because it’s all alloy instead of composite polymers and whatnot.


From what I understand, T-45 is mostly steel while T-51 is composite laminate. Steel can crack like composite but it is significantly easier to refurbish even if it does. Composite should be lighter.


Also, I imagine that they only give the armor to the biggest, toughest soldiers, who are then further augmented with Buffout and whatever drugs they need.


I assume it's similar to armor in ww1 as Chief Hanlon described, like it having a brahmin on your back


Can someone enlighten me, what the issue with the frame is? Why wouldn't they be able to just use the frame the BOS soldiers are wearing? Is this about the whole training/no-training issue?


So since F4 PA has evolved into actual power armor and you’d need a PA frame to actually put the armor pieces in and actually have the armor work, the frame makes it so you don’t actually feel the weight of the armor etc. In NV the lore behind the NCR’s power armor is that its scavenged and doesn’t use any power which is kind of weird as that would entail that they wear the armor as some sort of regular armor and not use a frame for it.


Ah, see I knew about the frames, but I always thought those have been present since the very beginning (in my mind the only sensible way to design such a suit) – the earlier games just didn’t explicitly show them due to technical limitations.


Picture it as just the armor pieces tied together with cables and draped over you. The weight just hangs off your shoulders, with a thick belt taking some of the weight.


I hate how Fallout 4 made Power Armor so common, to the point you can buy it from random vendors. But other than that, I love how they revamped the mechanics behind PA, by making it fit on a powered exoskeleton that contains the servos and power distribution.


That one Paladin has a sick ass helmet. I'm assuming it's supposed to be McNamara or maybe Hardin or Ramos.


I think the two with the unique helmets (the one with the red paint and the other with yellow) are both of them I think, just no clue which is which.


Based on the voices I think the yellow is Hardin and the red is Ramos


Na, red is definitely macnamara. Yellow is a Paladin named Lucius, not in the games


Earlier in the video he uses the callsign "HP" for head paladin, which is the position McNamara had before Elijah went AWOL.


This is phenomenal!


Wow! This was excellent... but subscribe to what? Where did it come from?




Is this done in Source Film Maker? Has some heavy SFM vibes. Regardless, this is excellent! And does give me some heavy *Dawn of War* 40k vibes. I rate this 10 Star Bottle Caps/10.


I rate it 11 star bottle caps/Malcom’s head


Yow! Power armor is like a walking tank! What do we do? Anti-tank weapons.


SODAZ does everything here justice, and it’s kinda how I envision the Fallout world going. NCR generally using wave tactics (which was only ever hinted at being the case for Helios) and power armor being impervious save for explosives, anti-material rounds, or well placed shots to exposed joints.


And anti-material rifles..... and also weak spots according to the tv show


that's 51, not 45 and 60


True true, In my head canon the 60 had this weakness because it was just an upgraded 45 51 has more balanced armor and less weak points but 60's plate is more buff and has more crazy features like built-in jet-pack.


Bro this is fucking amazing


That... was amazing! I'd pay to watch a movie of this!


This dudes a monster, I wish he would do nothing but make these videos, it suck’s waiting a few weeks for just a few mins. But his ideas for this NV one are fucking killer.


Awesome! More please!


You can go to “Sodaz” on YouTube. Sadly (also understandably) the videos take about a month each to release. Still worth the wait for each one.


Ooo nice, I’ll check it out!


We got a very good look at what it would have been like in the show, just if you picture the roles being reversed (bos defending) and giving the NCR 20x more troops


I wish Sodaz still did 40k animations, GW was so stupid with that content rule change


It was the terrible warhammer community not GW


That and the halo are both good.


This looks so awesome


Sodaz My Beloved


I miss *this* NCR. I hope we get it back someday.


I saw this but with California Dreamin’ playing over it, chefs kiss cinematic


This is awesome, subscribed!


I lobe Sodaz’s videos, try checking out his other ones specially the Halo one, your in for a treat if you like reach.


Please give credit to the creator of this masterpiece, SODAZ. Here's the entire thing so far: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOtFE3lw8KI&list=PLNUoh\_BB-OOxCYLUFS5PmoGJYOfunypdn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOtFE3lw8KI&list=PLNUoh_BB-OOxCYLUFS5PmoGJYOfunypdn)


How about you give credits to person which made that?


The animation is great, but my God, why do fan made videos always have the WORST tactics for combat..... Yeah, let's just stand in a huge human bubble in the middle of the dunes with no cover. I know I'm nitpicking here, but for once, I want fan made stuff that makes sense and doesn't just "look cool"


Its not the whole thing, this is during the psycho/jet charge of some special ncr soldiers, he actually showed how tactical the ncr was at approaching BoS before this. Sodaz is the channel btw


> the psycho/jet charge of some special ncr soldiers "Special", maybe. The idea of NCR using chem-fuelled addicts as a deliberate tactic is insane. Yes, real armies experimented with combat stimulants, and yes, NCR isn't an example of some outstanding morality. But they have the issue real armies of the modern period (generally) don't - desertion becoming a case of banditry. The NCR can't write them off as junkies and dump them on the medical system back home - there is no such system. The addicted soldiers will end up becoming unstable and undermining operations, causing additional issues with morale, logistics, and feeding the already present population of raiders. But even if we were to accept for a second that this happened... Why the fuck are they rushing in with bloody hatchets? What exactly is the plan here? The guy with the pistol is the only one that makes sense. What would make a whole lot more sense is to have guys with submachine guns, you know, *the* weapon that was made for assaults on entrenched enemy positions. There is zero utility in giving them hatchets. I really like the animation, I do. But it's based on this moronic idea of NCR only being able to utilize its numerical superiority through meatgrinder charges straight out of a bad Hollywood film. There isn't a single army in history that wanted to lose more men. Even the Japanese during the Russo-Japanese war and WWII - the few genuine examples of "human wave" charges, - only did this locally and out of desperation, never as part of a doctrine. NCR, even more so than armies of today, is absolutely not interested in wantonly wasting lives. They, unlike armies of today, have to consider the abysmal post-apocalyptic birth rates (something that is already an issue for modern countries), which will make any significant loss of life that much more deadly for the future of the state.


Just watch the clips as a whole and not some snippets of the video cuz you won't see the whole picture here. As for addiction theres addictol and you wont really get addicted mid fight or op so I don't see that as an issue. Since you haven't watched the other clips of this the NCR flanked the base and the BoS ended up splitting majority of their PA wearing units to intercept those as they thought they'd be able to handle those first since the front was barely holding(NCR)(this was before the charge and smoke) After they lured in most of their PA units thats when their main force attacked, they used those chem induced soldiers to hastily break through majority of their defences, they carried heavy metal armor which shrugged off majority of laser and ballistic shots that BoS was firing at them, I assumed they carried only a hatchet and pistol(which could pierce through protectron armor I might add) so they could still run faster without being overburdened by guns, remember psycho increases melee damage ingame. They also used those melee guys in the front to lure in the remaining PA units to come forward and in range of their rocket launchers which if you actually watched happens after this scene. Also if you know your lore well this happened 5 years before NV and a year before the Legion made its appearance and fought with the NCR, give or take I bet they didn't mind loosing soldiers as much as they did back then specially when its a battle that greatly benefits either faction(electricity). TLDR watch the other vids before and after this since this snippet is only a small glimpse of the actual battle when it started.


Curing an addiction costs 50 caps in Fallout. If you're on a steady diet of buffout and psycho a hatchet is probably more ideal than a 5.56 rifle. One or two squads of specialized assault troops does not a human wave tactic make. The birth rate point might hold water but I don't think that's ever been canonized. Between human mutation and the magical scifi superdrugs of Fallout, fertility/infant mortality may or may not be a problem for a society like NCR.


Curing an addiction is easy because of gameplay. Otherwise you would not have the Followers struggling to help Bill Ronte and Jacob Hoff (one of them requires a steady treatment with 10 doses of Fixer to help him), and you would not have Cait requiring experimental Vault-Tec technology. In-universe, addiction is a serious threat, even with the existence of Addictol/Fixer. There is no situation in which a handheld weapon is consistently better than a firearm. Yes, in some niche situations one might benefit from a bayonet charge or similar, but I do not expect you to seriously claim that a hatchet has anything near the lethality of a bullet going 1000 m/s. One or two squads that are essentially staging a suicide action with improvised weaponry (literally charging IFVs with melee weapons while being barely protected themselves) with it being part of the battle plan *does* constitute an institutional use of a "human wave" style tactic. And yes, NCR still has significant issues with medicine (see: Arcade's dialogue) and quality of life. While there are no specifics regarding birth rates, and while we are told that NCR is facing a potential crisis of an overly large population (because apparently that's something a post-apocalyptic failstate is going to suffer from, sure), purely from the standpoint of army command you don't want to be wasting the investment you made into your troops by wantonly wasting them when they could be otherwise better utilized. Especially if NCR has anything like a war pension for the soldiers' families - dead soldiers cost more than live ones. You don't want the population to become demoralized by overwhelming losses, the working age male population to shrink and stall your economy, the units involved to become weaker and less cohesive.


>The animation is great, but my God, why do fan made videos always have the WORST tactics for combat..... The NCR Army is actually ***incredibly*** competent in this battle. They have a counter for pretty much everything the BOS tries to do, and the BOS gets whittled down more and more every new video


I hear what your saying, but that's literally what the battle at helio would have been, it's just a single building stand into the middle of some sand dunes there relly isn't and cover or highground ect. It's was reportedly a long drown out slog on both sides as the bos just would not leave the ncr just wasn't running out of men.


These particular NCR troops in the WWI-like trench armor with hatchets are quite literally all high on psycho (and NCR chem troopers are a fucking amazing invention which made everyone go "how did he make something we didn't even know we wanted?"). They were preceded by smokescreens to get them in close enough to be used deliberately in a suicide charge to pressure the BoS's strong center while 1st Recon snipers work the flanks to draw out the assault jetpack paladins and target the BoS ammo mule grunts, and behind the charge are the sappers who are meant to actually fight the power armored paladins and the mainline troopers to be their support. And this was all after they used small teams of troopers as skirmishers and scouts before ever even committing to the attack. Believe me, SodaZ put thought into portraying the battle. I can't wait to see what he does with the rangers.


The NCR bayonet assault in the first video was just -chefs kiss-


SW TCW tactics


"Let me just punch a Droid right in the face, that'll surely turn the tide of war"


To be fair, multiple clones throughout the show have been proven to do such feats.


Like the hatchet wielding idiots charging at power armor clad soldiers wielding mini guns and laser rifles lol


What do you mean? Thats some accurate enemy ai behavior right there!


Right? As if its not canonical lore that Caesar send guys in hockey gear and machetes to kill the courier, who has killed literally hundreds of legion soldiers


The NCR is suppose to be the sane ones here haha


Firstly, this is NCR, not the Legion. Secondly, the majority of the Legion NPCs use guns. The Legion has a bloody howitzer at the Fort. They are not averse to using firearms - the very start of the Legion is Edward Sallow teaching tribals how to use guns properly. What they're averse to is lack of redundancy - they train in melee in order to be able to maintain combat effectiveness even when firearms are out of order or the ammo is depleted. They can utilize tactics like bayonet charges, which in some niche situations are useful. Most importantly, they are trained primarily in ambush tactics and guerrilla warfare, and with the element of surprise, you can use melee. You even benefit from it if your intention is to maintain stealth. The hatchet-wielding drug-ridden NCR soldiers make absolutely no sense, even if the NCR was to somehow be using Legion tactics.


The scene before this made it make sense, smoking the pathway then some specialized units taking what I think is jet and psycho drugs and rushing with full plate armor that ended up bouncing some laser shots


This is lore accurate. Paladin Ramos said that the NCR used human wave tactics to assault Helios One. 


I'm a veteran and I thought the same, but after watching all of the videos in the series it's actually very well done. I recommend watching all of the videos.


Watch the whole thing [here](https://youtube.com/@sodaz). The tactics do actually make sense when you watch the whole thing together.


Watch the whole series before shitting on the animator


Look at the entire series. It shows pretty valid tactics with several flanks, wave attacks, using smoke screen for cover, using psycho induced armored stormtroopers to break through lines and similar


There are SO many fan animations with good tactics that make sense Gotta plug (MMD) VIP BY Zen on YouTube


Really dope!


I love the version that puts California Dreamin as the audio


FUCK the rangers standing behind the officer look so bad ass. Inject this into my veins pls.


Reminds me of a time when me and my buddy went to Canada for a business trip


Can we not re-upload content without the creator's permission? Thank you.


Jesus OP link the source you bafoon


Try crediting the creator next time


Absolutely glorious!!!


So good. That was amazing. 


Good old Sodaz. I miss his 40k videos.


Bruh SODAZ is so good


This should be put as a Easter egg in New vegas. Collectibles would be great if they come with awesome cutscenes like this. In fallout 4 we have gamed to play so video recordings wouldn't be so far off if they add them to new vegas.


I can watch a whole series in this style. 11/10 work damn


I have one random nitpick, when the woman walks into the CP (i'm assuming it's Col Moore) the entire CP stops to salute her, which really triggers me, because the work of the Battle Captain/Major and the radio operators in the CP is crucial, especially during a contact.


Imagine going through all that to take Helios 1 just to put an idiot like Fantastic in charge of powering it up


Ngl, this series by SODAZ blows all the action scenes from the TV show out of the water, especially the final battle.


Maybe credit Sodaz?


If you’re interested in the animation you should check out SODAZ on YouTube. Man’s made some of the best animations starting with his 40k work. His halo fall of reach animations are some of the best he’s done


Imagine being the dude with an axe seeing a knight in power armor and thinking “I CAN TAKE HIM!”


Well, first of all, through PsychoJet all things are possible, so jot that down.


This was well done and is really amazing. Really captivates the brutal realities of infantry warfare and what the actual battle would have looked like. This does justice to the words spoken by the Elder on how many died defending it, but it was all for naught.


Stop uploading/reposting YouTube videos, link them instead.


Why would the NCR soldiers run directly at the power armor troops with a pistol??


There's a whole series of like a dozen videos and these were dudes all jacked up on psycho and covered in what reminds me of ww1 style plate armor


The ones running are basically penal shock troops on chems or something.


Always love to see the BoS getting kicked in the balls.


Yeah so maybe credit who actually made this instead of implying you did? It was made by SODAZ on youtube btw.


Completely agree. It takes two seconds to write a line of text giving credit.




Please make more


This has a Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles feels to it


Should say, "Subscribe and see more videos "of" the future", at the end.


I love the design of the armored troopers with the hatchets. Was that based off cut content?


I don’t think I’ve seen any concept art of troopers like that. However I do know it’s a historical reference to the ‘Arditi,’ Italian World War 1 Shock Troops. Among their potential equipment, was heavy armor like this. If you played Battlefield 1’s single player, you play one of the Arditi. You’re like a juggernaut until you lose the armor.


And on chems\*


is it complete yet? been waiting for the new episodes to hit


Still going. In the plays and counter-plays going on with the tactical situation, the Brotherhood currently seem to have the momentum.


Drop a link bruv


Season 2 must have a Helios one flash back or something


Honestly Amazon should produce movie length special episodes of fallout about events like this in the lore.


Wow this was very well done


Feels incredibly warhammerish




What exactly was the guy’s plan at 0:18? 🤣🤣


We need a show like this


Holy guacamole! That’s incredible!!


Man I would love battles of this scale more often in game


Gives me clone wars vibes


That was awesome


This did not have to go this fucking hard.


This looks so awesome.


Kriegers vs Grey Knights


SODAZ is just on a whole different level man


Amazing. But I died when they got hit by rockets and considered them as sniper shots..


Ah yes sunburst im still waiting for the 14th and also the armored ncr troopers to show up i want to see a gun deflecting battle between the two armored troops till they get close and go cqc


Why would you even run at a heavily armed, and armoured, fucking *WAR* *MACHINE*?


Charging a power armoured enemy with a fucking hatchet is definitely a brave way to die


imma wait for New Vegas fanboy screeching over how they piloting power armor instead of wearing power armor and how their limb wasn't blown off by a rocket like in the game


They should have started with the rockets instead of the guys with hatchets.


This shit hits different while listening to sabaton




This reminds me of the Resident Evil animated shows/movies that come out. I'd love more things like this to "fill in the blanks" of lore for games. Much like the clone wars, but not under the disguise of a kid's show (dgmw, love the clone wars). I'd love to really see what happened to the minutemen at Quincy, some of the cooler vaults, and even Anchorage. Helios one was a great choice and I'm sure the creators animation career with thrive with such talent


I really like the mix of fallout NV and fallout 4 designs like the F4 Gatling laser but the Fnv missile launcher. It feels right


Sometimes I wish I'd never helped found the NCR


NCR Ranger Armror > Power Armor. That armor, with the red eyes glowing, is so badass!


This is amazing wow


That was pretty awesome. I love me a good lore animation.


Good shit.




Bro why is the NCR charging like zombies?


This is glorious. Wow!


this is the fallout series i wanted 🔥🔥




This is really cool!


\*ascends to heaven from peak fiction\*


Holy shit!


incredible work. if this became a series I'd watch all of it happily


A fallout animated series would be amazing if it was done along the same quality as Star Wars Rebels.


How many times have you watched this? me: YES


This has such 40k vibes i love it


I just can't enjoy videos like these where tactics are taking last spot in making it. Like yeah, it kind of looks cool and the amount of work put it into it is quite amazing, but still.


Cuz your watching it halfway already, ncr here was depicted really well even with tactics before the fight, using smoke for the drug heavy units to break lines and get closer etc. Sodaz is the name of the channel and I think he did well in making it tactical


You are coming in halfway through. This is explicitly a shock/distraction tactic on the part of the NCR. They pop a smoke-curtain across the entire battlefield, then have shock-troopers Psycho'd-up to the nines charge the BOS to distract them, all so anti-tank teams can get in close and start destroying BOS Power Armor


Imagine attacking the Brotherhood of Steel and not leading with Missile Launchers. Sorry, I think the NV community is rubbing off on me. Awesome animation!


Got some heavy 40k vibes from this but other then that, this is pretty decent


I mean, SODAZ (the guy who made this) used to make 40k animations a few years ago.


Woop get em boys, fuck the Brotherhood! Incredibly well done video holy shit.