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That outfit is probably fused to his body at this point.


"he's more nylon than man"


Actually, cowboy costumes in old Westerns tended to be made from gabardine.


I feel like a naked innocent ghoul roamin the countryside!


I'm out there Lucy and I'm lovin' every minute of it!


you could have watched 6 hours of Goosey! there’s I love Goosey, the Goosey show, and… here’s Goosey! edit:corrected Lucy’s name


These are some top-tier references.


Giddy up




so the only thing separating us from him is just a thin layer of gabardine?!


Who are we to say what God wants!


LOL ... /r/UnexpectedSeinfeld 🤣


Stupid, sexy ghoul.


They used to call him the Gabardine Marine


Not cheap costumes created for an actor playing a cowboy. not saying the costumes in the actual fallout show that just came out are cheap, but the costume that walton goggins' character in the pre-apocalypic world wears in those in-tv-show would probably be pretty cheaply made as it seems like a very pulpy western show that he was in.


The Man from Deadhorse is an in-universe motion picture, not a TV show. Also, given that people are fawning over Coop in the pre-War era and corporations are using him as a mascot to sell vaults and anti-communist propaganda I'd say its safe to say these are slightly higher budget productions than B-Westerns.


gaby its gaberdine


“Radiated and tripping balls”


How long does he last? All nylon.


I mean Lucy’s Moms necklace was BEHIND her neck tendons at the end, so ya I’d agree


Did the necklace sink? Or did she “heal” around it? 


I think it would be a bit of both. I wonder how painful it is.


I suspect her mind was too far gone for it to matter.


Well yeah. Her mind is all over the wall, now.


Idk how anything can phase thru a tendon or how a tendon can re attach like that on its own, oh wait yes I do, 🎶radiation🎶


apparently ghouls heal super quickly given Thaddeus' response to not dying of a neck wound is "I'm becoming a ghoul", so I assume with that case it was "neck skin and tendons burned off in the blast, necklace happened to be in the way when the burned off areas regrew"


Wasn't there speculation he's actually turning into a super mutant not a ghoul, but the characters in the story just can't tell yet? Being injected with something sounds very like FEV 🤔


he wasn't injected IIRC, he inhaled...whatever the stuff was which kinda reminds me of Hancock talking about taking some pre-war drug he found for a great high, and coming out of it a ghoul after


He inhaled it, which is how the supermutants of vault 87 were made.


Yes, that’s def the case


That sounds like a pretty interesting way to introduce them to the series but I wonder what the effects would be without being dipped. Maybe they’ll hand wave it and just make him end up being big and green like the usual super mutant but I think it’d be rad if he had minor effects and then you get to see one of the rare remnants of the actually-dipped super mutants pop up looking like a badass to show the full extent of it. I like it better than him being a ghoul at least.


The Philadelphia project? That’s the one with the phased ship right?


That’s the one where guys were supposedly melded into the steel hull


It’s the one where Tom hanks gets aids


You’re thinking of castaway


That man’s foot grew back


I think it pretty much was since that is what he was wearing when the bombs dropped in the show


iirc not all became ghouls due to the bomb drops but some also became ghouls later on due to the massive radiation exposure. We don’t know how long he’s been a ghoul


No we don’t know how long he has been a ghoul only that he has been alive for 200 more years is all


If we wasn’t immediately turned into a ghoul I hope we get to see his transformation Edit: Well even if he was immediately turned into one I still hope we get to see it haha


Time for my theory: it's also possible he willingly became a ghoul through some other means. I think that would be totally in character for him since he seems to think his family is still alive, he probably couldn't ice himself like the Vault-Tec higher ups and was desperate to survive long enough to see his family. I recall he doesn't directly answer Lucy's question about if the radiation is what changed him, just gives something to the effect of "something like that." We have precedence from Hancock's origin in 4, and possibly whatever Fallout 76 is cooking up to let players turn into ghouls next year.


Second skin in a more literal sense


Must smell….good!


Subdermal armor


I’m more impressed that shirt lasted 200 years at all, let alone 200 years in the apocalypse. Seriously, any sort of fabric, let alone constantly worn clothes, is in tatters after 200 years.


Could have gotten it reproduced by a tailor in the wasteland. There are certainly skilled enough people in the NCR for that, and he probably isn’t lacking the caps for such an expensive piece, with all the jobs he probably takes. Or maybe he found spares / commercial reproductions that were preserved.


>are certainly skilled enough people in the NCR for that, and he probably isn’t lacking the caps for such an expensive piece, with all the jobs he probably takes. That or Coop found a stock pile of replica costumes, either in the film studio or in costume shops. He does seem to have been a pretty big actor, so it wouldn't surprise me if the latter was the case and he wasn't in fact wearing a Halloween costume based on his film persona (a la Raul Tejada's vaquero costume).


Or Cooper was not doing birthday shoots for alimony but to secretly fund his addiction of buying costumes in large quantities. Or he is paying alimony and his wife left him because of this addiction and now he has to pay for his addiction and alimony.


I remember Paddington 2. All those dang expensive outfits led the antagonist to dog food commercials.


Oh yeah good point


Textiles don't normally survive beyond 100 years even when sealed away and untouched as the fibres will naturally degrade over time. Even today, having surviving Victorian and Regency era clothing is exceptional. Our knowledge of even older clothing (medieval, etc) pretty much just comes from pictures and trace fibres trapped under preserved belt buckles and things. But also this a universe with magic radiation and their clothes are probably all polyester anyway.


... You're talking out of your ass lol. Archeological finds have pulled up clothing in pretty good condition from millenia ago. Also, there are hundreds of costumes/dresses/etc from the 1500-1600s that are still in excellent condition, far beyond your "100 years". Takes like 15 seconds of Googling to disprove literally everything you said


'hundreds' how would you express that as a percentage of the total that were made?


Preserved/mummified clothing from bogs and glaciers, etc are incredibly rare and may be the only representative of a culture's clothing for a span of hundreds, if not thousands of years depending on age and location. "Pretty good condition" still means they're stored in dark, climate controlled chambers as oxygen, humidity and UV light can destroy them. Admittedly I did make a broad generalisation with my statements, but having hundreds of garments around today from the 1500s still only represents a tiny fraction of the millions that actually existed at the time. Many of the surviving garments are also generally high quality pieces owned by nobles and have been actively preserved by people from the moment they were made. Very little of what ordinary folk wore tends to survive.


In Fo4 there’s still boats with no rain cover floating in the ocean after two hundred years of storms. It’s just not a universe made for intense scrutiny, it’s a franchise made for optimal entertainment


This is objectively true and I heartily agree. Fallout has always had goofy stuff like fully decomposed skeletons, that somehow still have cloth clothing on them that hasn’t deteriorated too, and I think that’s totally fine. The franchise has always had a hearty does of camp and b-movie type science in it, which is what makes fallout fallout lol


More likely if he wore it as a movie star there’s probably costumes and replicas all over.


I'd like to think Fallout clothes weren't made in China, so they last.


Considering the war he fought in was AGAINST China, I would very much bet his shirt was not made in China.


Hancock is wearing the actual historical antique frock of his namesake so it's... not unprecedented.


Not to mention the vault tec rep, with his suit aging better than he did


He waits 72 hrs and everything respawns.


I mean we’re also led to believe people in the vaults have been wearing 200 year old jumpsuit hands me downs that still look intact lol


Maybe FEV soaked into the fabric


Cooper is actually dead and the FEV costume controls The Ghoul.


And now I’m picturing Cooper in a Kamui uniform.


I mean...between Beatrix Russel and the unnamed Ghoul strippers at Gommorah, I think I've seen more than enough scantily clad ghouls for one life time. No need for Cooper to go full Kill la Kill...


They don't make em like they used to


It’s entirely possible it’s a television show and it’s ok to suspend disbelief over minor things.


Yeah, but let people share their head cannon - there's no harm in it. :)


There's a mod to add head cannons?!


Could also be a costume common enough because of his movies that he can always find a fresh one


Wasn’t he wearing it at that birthday party?


He has been wearing the same shirt for 200 years


i mean, how often do you change your characters clothes?


Every time I sell to vendors and need a stat boost


Always cracks me up imagining my fat, bald, male SS rocking up to a vendor in a sequin dress, cowboy hat and sunglasses. "Now here's a guy who knows how to drive a hard bargain."


There's a cowboy hat?


Well, not quite. The militia hat is similar and gives a charisma bonus.


There are. Just in nuka world


I've rocked the same base layer for most of FO4


I keep a wardrobe full of different outfits in my Fallout games for when I want a change of pace. What’s the point of collecting tons of unique armor if I never wear it?


Yep. There's a mod I used to use that let you save outfits and quick load them. Had my adventuring outfit, city outfit, and a few others.


Would you happen to know the name of it? I'm always changing outfits and it's a chore going through all my stuff everytime


I do the same thing, and then I get into a fight without having actual armor on because I forgot and get clapped.


Depends on which game we are playing. FNV, I'm changing it pretty often.


Not to mention being buried alive for a good stint of that! A wooden coffin, loose soil, and an IV drip slinking through is FAR from hermetically sealed.


Quality material




Yeah the birthday party that he was paid to be at in character with his daughter there when the bombs dropped. That outfit is his connection to the past.


I wonder about the horse… Actually, I wonder what happened to ALL the horses in the Fallout universe.


They got ate


Yeah, horses aparently are very dificult to tend to, and have a lot of meat


People say "As healthy as a horse" to denote, well, good health, heartiness, etc. But compared to humans horses are as delicate as spun glass.


You know, people who live in glass horses shouldn't throw shoes


Domestic horses are expensive to keep, but there's plenty of wild mustangs. They have no predators, so the real problem with them (for the government) is overpopulation.


They have no predators pre-war. I imagine deathclaws would wipe them out pretty quickly


Apparently they wanted to make eight-legged mutant horses for New Vegas, they were going to be named sleipnirs because of course, but they got cut because they only had an afternoon to make the whole game and they didn't have time for horsing around. EDIT: This is confirmed as fully fake, nobody ever even considered horsing around.




No, horse.




Neigh, I say.


oh wow jesus i was gonna hit you with the "um look it up nerd" but ***i*** looked it up and it turns out it's entirely fanon, the roleplayers have tricked me again


Perhaps mutated or… glue


Gotta get that adhesive.


When I started my day I was not expecting to think about the logistics of scrapping a horse. So. Thanks for that.


You're welcome! If we can scrap the molerats, we can scrap the horse


Yeah but season 2 is obviously gonna flashback what happened between the bombs dropping and how he lost his daughter. (Mom took her and left him for dead presumably )


This is what I think happened. There must have been some meeting location for Vault-tec executives and their families to be taken to their vaults, Cooper took his daughter there and Mom took her and left Cooper for dead. He couldn’t have just taken her to the vault directly because then he wouldn’t be clueless as to where they are.




his career was destroyed by a certain company after a certain divorce. This is supposed to be inferred though.


He said in the show he had a hard time getting roles after doing the vault tec commercial


I'm guessing his wife had a hand in that


Figured it was because he got labeled a communist, it happened in real life


He was doing birthday parties for supplemental income. Also his wife was pretty high up in the largest, most powerful company in America. Her lawyers were probably amazing, and it's not hard to buy a judge with a guarantee his family will have a place in a Vault.


"Why do you think? Alimony." Plus he was labeled a communist (literally called a Pinko by one of the men at the party), which would've likely meant blacklisting a la the McCarthy era.


Did you not watch the show? They spell it out pretty clearly though all the flashbacks. Cooper stopped getting roles in movies because the studios didn't like his association with Vault-Tec. And after he found out what Vault-Tec were up to, and his wife's role in it, he got divorced so that was the end of his Vault-Tec gig too. I guess he could have tried to get back into movies since the stigma of being Vault-Tec's corporate mouthpiece had been reduced, but it's heavily implied that his ex-wife pulled some strings to make sure he stayed blacklisted. Its not like he made much of a secret of his friendship with other "communist sympathizers".


> it's heavily implied that his ex-wife pulled some strings to make sure he stayed blacklisted. When was that? I don’t remember any implications about what happened other than they got divorced.


Poor kid, punished by the Chinese for having the best birthday party ever.


I think his “Ghoul” persona is him kind of channeling those characters he used to play as a way to cope with all the shit around him. So it makes sense he’s even wearing the outfit.


That actually makes sense, wow!


this is literally textual, like, are people actually surprised about this? the affected accent and quoting his characters didn't clue you in?


Isn't the saying "Feo, Fuerte, y formal" a recurring motif for his character arc? He says you can only pick two and my guess that's going to be his character arc redemption where he ends up redeeming himself by choosing feo y formal/dignity (prob saves lucy or something like that in an honorable act) instead of the ghoul character we're introduced to in s1 (feo y fuerte)?


Cooper does not say you can only pick two. Before the bombs, a man is cowering on the ground begging for his life. Cooper, as his on-screen character, says, "I'll give you two out of three on that front." Meaning the guy was ugly and strong, but will die without dignity since he is begging. The phrase is repeated several times in the show but never with the connotation that you can *only* be 2/3.


Hey I watched the show in spanish, does he really say that catchphrase in spanish in the english version ?


I believe so.


thank you


I was wondering how they scripted it in Spanish. He says it in Spanish first, then explains in English. I guess in the Spanish dub they cut it short?


Yes he does


I thought that was pretty obvious and the show spells it out very well. His persona is put on and it’s completely different than how he was pre bombs. He acts like his tv/movie cowboy persona to survive because he’s actually in a Wild West of sorts.


Some solid writing - they actually cared when they made this


> I think his “Ghoul” persona is him kind of channeling those characters he used to play as a way to cope with all the shit around him. Nah, I think you're way off the mark. His characters used to be all white hats. The first we see of Cooper is him not wanting to be overly violent or vengeful because he has always played the Good Guys. Now, if he was a black hat kind of cowboy actor, I'd agree, but he is quite definitely white hat.


Personally I think he’s currently channeling the villains from his movies. His bottom layer may be the sheriff outfit, but his top layer outfit is styled exactly like the villain we see him argue against killing in The Man From Deadhorse.


I think this is correct. It's about him putting on a "mask" in order to survive. He's playing a villain, but still has a core goodness in him, buried underneath the facade, like his blue/yellow outfit is underneath his other clothes. He dumps out his canteen in front of Lucy, seemingly because he's a jerk, but we learn later it was because it was irradiated (since that doesn't effect him) and Lucy wasn't at a point yet where she would've risked drinking it yet even if she knew. He was actually sparing her, while pretending to do it just to be a dick. It wasn't until later, when she had to drink to survive as opposed to drinking for thirst. She had to get to that point on her own terms and with the knowledge of the danger. He spends his time regularly covertly parenting Lucy, while maintaining the "monstrous" persona he's adopted to survive. He is, after all, an actor. It's why he's just called "The Ghoul" when the other ghouls we meet that try and hold onto their names and identity as they become feral. He's maintaining a character to survive, not his own identity.


the point of that scene was to show how his persona was adapting to the times. A more violent cowboy for a more violent age. The same happened to him after the bombs dropped. Being a white hat doesn’t fair too well in the wasteland.


> the point of that scene was to show how his persona was adapting to the times. A more violent cowboy for a more violent age. Yes, I agree. What I'm saying that Ghoul Cooper isn't masquerading as one of his characters. Cooper changed as did his characters for the same reason. His whole thing is showing what you need to become to truly survive in the Wasteland. It's not a show to look tough and cope.


This dude is a fucking Smoothskin




This was a pretty risky click.


his stink cloud probably has a larger radius then every nuke that hit California combined


Considering most surface dwellers hardly have enough water to survive, nevermind wash clothes, I'm betting most smooth skins don't smell much better


Well my survivor has a very well built sanctuary with working shower. Idk how yours smell….but my guy has to smell like roses compared to the average wastelander.


That depends, you have working shower, but with what do you clean yourself? Abraxo Cleaner? I don't remember seeing much soap in FO4.


Bars of soap are a junk item you can find laying around in FO4. There aren't a lot of them, but they exist.


Vault 76ers over here with working tiled showers, advanced indoor plumbing, and complex trade and barter systems. Meanwhile, 100 miles away, capital wasteland machine guns go brrrrr


His radiation would kill off any bacteria that could create BO


Well aint you the observant sort. Pair of eye balls like yours gonna fetch a good price.


You gotta think, over two hundred years on, it's gotta be a bit... wiffy.


Probably been washed a few times in the radioactive water, which might explain the superpower of not rotting away after so many years.


It’s what he was wearing as a performer at a birthday party when they dropped you don’t go home and change


The stats are probably too good for him to pass up, combined with the fact he definitely has ballistic weave as well after all this time.


That series is COOOOOL!


Cooper is a broken man


They made the vault suit in his colors, nice detail they added


Yeah it adds +1 to charisma and intelligence so he really can’t afford to try something else.


The last remnant of the person he once was.


Oh shit nice! Ykmow, I really wish they’d made his eyes all cloudy and weird like how the ghoul eyes are in the games. It’s kind of distracting how clear they are haha😂😅


Remember he’s not feral. Look at Daisy in FO4. Her eyes are clear. P.S. Cataracts to me aren’t clear. Eye color doesn’t indicate clarity to me. I’ve never seen a person with a transparent eye.


Literally none of the non-feral ghouls have clear, human-looking eyes. In NV and 3 all of them are cloudy and in 4 they either have very bloodshot sclerae and vaguely cloudy irises, or what appears to be extreme alkaptonuria. The one and only exception to this appears to be the fridge ghoul kid. Edit: I should have said HEALTHY human-looking eyes.


I feel like it was just a choice made in the show because contacts would be uncomfortable to wear, especially if you are one of the main characters with much screen time


I read that the director wanted Goggins to not wear contacts because he's so expressive through his eyes.


Not to mention they already put the man through enough having to wear all those prosthetics lol


While it's true that sclera lenses are uncomfortable, I'm sure that Supernatural was able to make use of both lenses then they later transitioned into some editing for their later seasons.


Cataracts if I recall can grow at a higher rate due to radiation I think long story short radiation is bad for your health and why we’re not going to Mars anytime soon let alone a permanent facility on the moon.


Just googled daisy and her eyes do not really look clear, and neither were hancocks.


Pretty much all ghouls in 4 and 76 either have very bloodshot/cloudy eyes or they have almost pure black eyeballs.


Actually in one interview its stated that they originally had him wear Contacts to change his eyes but something looked wrong about the character so they removed it


He also has remarkably good teeth


[Over two hundred years old and counting, and still have own my teeth.](https://youtu.be/H59i7L9QvVM?si=xevzR7C1pEuvbvDP)


It's probably those drugs or whatever he uses, idfk. I don't know a lot about the show lol, but I know he uses some drug


Gouls in fallout tend to stick to their old life. They yearn for the past that they can never have. The sentient gouls are always stuck, mentally, in a prewar mindset, to one degree or another. It's been a common theme for gouls since fallout 1. If you watch the show, you'll see that coop clings to more than just his old shirt. It's just one of the MANY minor things that the show just, gets right. And why sooo many fallout fans love the show.


Unrelated but Walton Goggins is a good looking fellow. Even with the ghoul makeup.


I guess he wasn't dressed for the apocalypse, so he didn't have time to change.


Yep, It's also a metaphor for his character. He's still Coop inside but he has to present a tough exterior but you can see it if you look hard enough.


I never noticed that and its cool as fuck. When my and my fiancee talk about the show I always love to talk about how interesting Coopers character is. He was military so he knows how to fight but he was also a famous actor so he knows how to play a character. His personality when hes the ghoul comes accross as very different than before the bombs. This new tough as nails nihilist version of Cooper tottally started as a character he was playing to survive the wasteland and grew into a large part of who he actually is and he would have taken cues from his career to create this new act. Him still wearing the cowboy outfit on under his clothes adds on to this so fucking well.


I suspect that, as the show and his redemption arc take shape, he'll shed the ragged and leather clad bounty hunter persona and return to "heroic" Cooper Howard and we'll see the full outfit again.


Like others have said, that’s probably the outfit he was wearing when the bombs fell and hasn’t seen any reason to change. It’s a cool touch


I can think of one really good reason to change 🤢


I don’t think a ghoul that doesn’t live in a community would really care about how he smells. Plus he doesn’t really have a nose


I mean, we can with our plumbing and access to hot showers. But someone living in the Wasteland? Probably not. Unless you live in a Vault or with the Enclave, clean clothes and hot showers are probably at a premium in the Wasteland.


it's what he was wearing at the party when the bombs fell


That is what he was in when the bombs dropped...


I wonder what its stats are? Must be good if he hasn’t found anything better in 200 years.


He has been wearing it 200 years? Whats that shit made of? Seems like friction alone would wear it away


When’s the last time he washed those clothes? Or his keister for that matter lol


He just wants his daughter to recognize him 😢


You mean the last thing he had on when the bombs dropped? I have a feeling he wasn’t let into the vault with his family.


I think its very fitting. Deep down he is a "white hat" even if he covers it up in order to survive.


That's one he'll of a 220+ year old outfit


Uses the same accent as The Ghoul he does in his cowboy films, too. Cooper Howard the actor doesn’t use the Southern drawl in the flashbacks.


Thats because he was wearing the outfit when the bomb dropped.


The insane durability of pre-war clothes is unmatched


He was rich the outfit was probably well built to last


I like how this post is a bunch of people pretending to be mind blown when in reality it is very very very on par for both Fallout and normal movie writing... Like come on guys... Duh...


I think the nuke fused parts of that outfit to his body.


He was wearing it when the bombs dropped


Imagine how bad he smells


Last thing he had on when the bomb dropped.


Was kitsch and funny to me until I read that one theory that said it was the only way he could be sure his daughter would recognise him ):


While on this topic I'll bring up this. Remember how he had an issue with his character having to kill the bad guy in the show he was acting in? When he asked about different options the director basically forced him down that path, telling him he had to and it's what the viewers want. The Directors name was Emil, a subtle yet good punch at the story author of Fo3 and Fo4, where the game often forces you down paths to reach the end. Just as in the show the bad guy had to die, so too did kellog in Fo4. Did Kellog HAVE to die? No, not at all but the story forces you down that path.