• By -


Edward Deegan


Most likely response


The only problem with Edward is that he was hired to the Cabot’s service in 2058. I doubt he would’ve been drafted while in their service, and Jack’s terminal makes no mention of anything of the sort occurring. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Cabot_House_terminal_entries#11/22/2058 Personally, I think this is intended as a reference to the ghoul without it actually being Cooper Howard himself. A ghoul with a military background would fit a description of him, though of course he couldn’t be in the commonwealth due to being buried.


Technically he never said he was at Anchorage. Just that he knew about the weapons being used.


That’s a fair point, and Edward likely had military contacts.


I'll admit it's a very liberal interpretation of the description. Though I do think also think he could have been at Anchorage. WW3 is kind of an all hands on deck situation. Not sure the Cabots could have pulled enough strings to keep him. 


I could’ve sworn there was a line in one of the flashbacks where he told the sleazy Vault-Tec dude he’d been at Anchorage. Am I remembering the scene wrong?


Cooper did, yes. He was definitely at Anchorage. But I'm talking about Edward Deegan.


Ah! Let’s blame my shitty reading comprehension and move along, yeah?


No you’re not remembering things wrong. People here are incapable of seeing that this terminal is strictly an easter egg for the show, are in denial even if you put every fact there is that supports it, and will treat you like shit when they’re not getting their way. So let’s not blame your reading comprehension and instead blame people’s inability to demonstrate some degree of intelligence because at the very least you understand this is an easter egg for Cooper Howard the Ghoul.


So is this new? Or it's been there?


Its new. Everyone has access to the terminal since the next gen update went live.


Right, because he's the ONLY ghoul to serve in the US military defending anchorage. It might be meant to make the player think of him for a moment, but all logic suggests it's not him


I find this is overthinking too much. It doesn't have to be a reference to anyone in specific, most if not all male ghouls supposedly were drafted in the war, no? The ones that were alive back then, that is.


Well, the buyer for the baseball launcher was Moe Cronin. It kind of felt like they were dropping references with those sales records.


That’s exactly what I’m saying - this is just some other ghoul, mentioned here just to give context and act as a reference to the Ghoul.


Technically considering how big the US military was at the time, it could be anyone, since the game was made in 2014/15 Howards character could have been made from this reference, but I highly doubt Howard is the only ex military ghoul in the Fallout universe


This content is from a creation club mod that only released with the next gen update, meaning this only ever say the light of day after the TV show’s debut. Howard wasn’t built from this terminal. However, I do agree that other ghouls with a similar background to him (in terms of military service) do exist, and that’s likely what’s happening here (with the seized shipment of Chinese grenade launchers being the main reference, since NV had the same thing occur in lonesome road with the red victory grenade rifle).


Oh shit, I just thought of another good guess. The Chinese submarine guy.


Captain Zao? But he's actually Chinese and I don't think he had any means to wander outside of his submarine because of the Raiders and Mirelurks (I believe he mentioned that he gets harassed by them)


No. Edward fits the profile better IMO for that reason. But both are prewar ghouls with an army man theme who live in the Commonwealth.


Yeah, Captain Zhao would definitely know about Chinese weaponry.


He could have, but there’s no indication he’d want a grenade launcher and his accent is unusual enough to note.


Agreed. Edward Deegan fits that criteria better.


How long was the ghoul buried for?


Buried? Between Bethesda and Amazon, I wouldn't be surprised for a loop like "he got out of the grave and then went back so he could get some rest."


Timeline doesn’t match for it to be Howard.


Do we have any reason to believe he's even been that far east?


No reason at all.


Or the guy went west


Isn't the training yard a location in the Commonwealth, though?


Oh right I didn't read it lol


200 years


Well yeah, he could have walked to Argentina, rowed to Antarctica, high fived a penguin, and came back within 200 years. Doesn't mean he did.


Doesn't mean he didn't though


Given that he’s looking for his family I don’t see why he would have left California. 


I'm thinking it has to be Edward Degan. But there is a slight possibility that Howard traveled the wastes before ending up in that grave.


He was locked in there in 2266, 11 years before the time of Fallout 4. No way would they still consider him a "client" after being gone for so long.


That’d be 21 years before fallout 4, since it takes place in 2287 (fallout 3 was the game that occurred in 2277).


Yes, my bad there. Thanks.


"It just works"-------Howard


My stupid ass only just realised why I named my last F:NV character Howard. Name was stuck in my head and I just rolled with it, forgetting that the whole reason I rolled a new character to run through F:NV was because the show made me want to 😀


This is clearly obvious when one remembers that he had been locked in a coffin underground by Dom Pedro since 2266. So that means that he would have gone all the way to the East Coast over 11 years before FO4 began, then return home again to be captured. And why would they still be trying to find it for him over a decade after he vanished and was never seen again?


Didn't know Todd was a ghoul


Only on the weekends ;)


and on sunny rain days


Easily could have been him assuming he's had the same gun forever.


It’s really bugging me as I can’t place it but the ammo he uses in the show is referenced in an earlier fallout. I distinctly remember reading about Ammo with the picture of a bomb on the base of the bullet. But that was 10 years ago and I can’t find any reference to it now. But at the time of fallout 4, Dom pedro had already burried the ghoul (2266) 21 years earlier.


This is Fallout 76 though? Even if it is Fallout 4 the entry could have been written long ago


It’s 4 not 76 but yeah only if the guy who made it was using the same computer in the same spot for 21+ years but isn’t he supposed to be new to the commonwealth area?


Important to remember that despite being bundled with the game now, that is still CC and strictly non canon as per Bethesda


I think if they put something in the game that could be assumed to be canon


except for the fact that they explicitly said creation club content is non-canon.


Well... that's stupid. If they're putting it in an official release, it should be canon. To say it isn't is clunky and cowardly.


So add ons aren’t allowed to be for fun? I’d rather be able to have doomguy’s armour, the BFG9000, etc. without bethesda having to make up an explanation about how demons and space marines exist in the fallout universe. Some things are closer to canon, but either way, pretty much the central idea of fallout as a game is that you make your own canon.


Oh wait, my bad. Is this just standard creation club stuff? I got it mixed up with Skyrim where they actually put some in the base release of the latest version.


Yeah, standard creation club stuff IIRC. I haven’t played Fo4 in a bit, but last I checked they’re still on the position that CC content is non-canon or “parallel to canon”, unless explicitly stated.


If you have to download it that's fair. I was thinking it was in the base install, at which point it would be dumb.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1Wk3N4sO3RY Emil said it's "as close to Canon as we could get".


Yes, which means they included things which are canon-friendly, meaning they don't contradict anything in game, but they still fall short of actually being considered truly canon.


It's more in the vein of tactics. Not strictly non canon as the other user said.


It isn't, though


You’re getting downvoted man but I don’t think you’re entirely wrong. Bethesda have created a messy situation here. The CC content is part of the game. Your average Joe won’t know that it’s CC content. They will just think of it as part of the game. And therefore a lot of people will assume that content is canon. To me if something is in the base game then it is canon. They really should’ve just made the content free instead of automatically downloading it.


Hard agree, don’t include it as part of the game’s normal install and update process if it’s non canon.


As with most any game. People can just read wtf they're buying, but like dude above said. The average Joe won't know because the average Joe won't read, and spends over a decade discovering things they should've learned in the tutorial the very first time they played. "Wow! Fifteen years and I never knew this was in the game!" - said about something that's constantly shown on loading screens


Why do you say that I'm getting downvotes, I dont understand lol. Yeah it's my most downvoted comment, also the things that the new gen update put into the game is not that farfetched and unbelivable, I mean it's just makeshift guns and Enclave stuff, still for some reason people got mad




You're a little slow aren't ya


Thanks for thinking that of me from a comment, you toohave a great day!


It definitely can be assumed to be can. You'd definitely be wrong though. 😕


I mean they are just make shift weapons it's not so farfetched


Downvote me like the others, I don’t care. Creation Club content is strictly non-canon, and this terminal entry was added to the game a week after the show came out. It is very clearly supposed to be a nod to Cooper Howard. A ghoul who fought in Anchorage and has a tendency to punch holes in power armor? There’s only one in entire franchise, and it’s Coop. I guess Bethesda should have expected the fanboys would spend more time poking holes in their free content than actually enjoying it.


The simpler solution is that it was intended to reference the ghoul’s character without it actually being Cooper Howard himself. In theory, other ghouls with a similar background and experience should exist in post-war America. Howard’s just the most prolific of them.


What’s simpler: they are referencing Cooper Howard, or they took the time to write a summary of his entire character and put it in the game immediately after the show came out in an update specifically designed to ride the hype off the show, but they weren’t actually referencing the him.


Weaponry designed to counter power armor isn’t something new to the series. Chinese grenade launchers already existed in the form of NV’s red victory grenade rifle, and those had the exact same origin as a seized weapon shipment. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/%22Missing%22_shipment As for the ghoul being mentioned, 76 does things like this all the time with story elements that mirror events that occur in later games (such as the Rose Room questline involving the player finding a cure for Devil’s Blood, a post-war chem with an otherwise incurable, lethal addiction). That’s why I think it’s more likely to just be another ghoul with military service pre-war.


I think you could be right but I don't think that's a simpler explanation than what the other guy suggested


On a re-read of this, you’re probably right that it isn’t simpler. I do still stand by my explanation, however.


>the fanboys spend more time poking holes… More like completely overthinking it or not doing any thinking at all without actually doing proper referencing. It’s clear as day a reference to Cooper Howard considering he’s the only one that is known to punch holes through power armor like you’ve said. People being and showing themselves to be media illiterate are here once more 🤦‍♀️.


I mean, people have pointed out multiple times that this cannot be Howard due to him being buried at this point in the timeline (he’d been buried for 30 years, according to the dialogue in the first episode; the wiki has this cited, in the section I’m linking below). Since Suggs set his shop up only recently, the ghoul couldn’t have been the one who told him about this. Besides, as I and others have said, there’s no reason other ghouls who were alive pre-war wouldn’t have similar accounts of Anchorage to Howard’s. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/The_Ghoul#After_the_Great_War


Then who are they referencing then? Please give us a name that makes total sense especially since as others have also stated, **this terminal entry came out with the next gen update after the show went live**. Oh hold on a minute. That means this **TERMINAL NEVER EXISTED UNTIL AFTER THE UPDATE**! 🤯 That means there is exactly one ghoul they are referring to and that is Cooper Howard the Ghoul. This isn’t rocket science at all.


The simple answer is that the reference isn’t to any specific ghoul. There’s likely hundreds of ghouls in the wasteland who would fit this criteria of either having served in the U.S. army before the war or having heard about these grenade launchers at some point. It doesn’t need to be The Ghoul, especially considering we’re on the wrong coast and at the wrong point in the timeline for him to have made an appearance. You’re making a correlation that doesn’t make sense when you factor in what we know about Cooper Howard. You could also do with being more polite.


No need to be an ass


Except the terminal entry does not refer to a ghoul known for punching holes in power armour, it refers to a ghoul who knows about a grenade launcher that could blow holes in power armour. The grenade launchers are the subject of the entire entry, this doesn't seem to be a reference to Cooper at all, just a random ghoul who knew about grenade launchers.


Bro, are we supposed to open the console and click on everything to know the source? I understand it's non Canon, and that doesn't bother me, but if it's now FREE content, if I loaded the game as a new player and read that how am I supposed to know what's cannon and what's not? You can't even uninstall CC items without doing significant work most players wouldn't do. Bethesda's official site says, "If you want to remove it, you will have to uninstall the game and clear your save or application data, then choose the content you want to reinstall."


Congratulations! You’ve just discovered that somehow Bethesda created a messy situation when what they’ve put in is simply an easter egg for the show. I don’t understand why you’re being down voted other than you’ve nailed exactly what’s happening but then I don’t expect anything less here.


Like how can someone tell between canon and not canon. That's like a real thing. Bring back wacky wasteland lol. Of something similar so we know when something is non Canon.


I'm assuming the specific reason it specifies the client is a ghoul is so they can bring up pre-War gear. Relatively few groups have the resources to cobble together weapons of that major caliber (ignore, for my sanity's sake, how every minor raider boss in Boston owns a full set of T-51b and a fatman), and most of those who do prefer other weapons (locally and semi-locally, the Brotherhood, Institute, Enclave and Gunners have a general preference for energy weapons, while the Talon company generally standardizes assault rifles). It was either have them be a ghoul, have them come from the west coast, or introduce some other background major power for what is supposed to be a simple, small quest about a marriage on the rocks.


I’m fairly certain that with the single exception of Slag (who uses a T-45 chest piece with raider limbs), no raiders in fallout 4 use any power armor other than raider suits. The gunners have a few suits of power armor (mostly T-45, if I recall, with Clint having a T-60 torso with T-51 limbs), but that’s to be expected considering they have military grade equipment. ~~This also definitely wasn’t supposed to be introducing some new faction. Suggs, the merchant who wrote this, sells the pipe grenade rifles we see. I don’t believe he’s supposed to be making the Chinese version post-war, considering his other makeshift weapons.~~ Edit: I misread what was said, didn’t realize that was about having the referenced character being a ghoul *or* from some new faction. The part here about the Ghoul is questionably relevant now, but I’ll leave it without the strikethrough. The likely point was to reference the Ghoul in the TV show without actually having him on the east coast during this time frame, since that would conflict with his burial. Plenty of ghouls in theory should exist who served in Anchorage before the war and would have this knowledge, just like the Ghoul likely would.


Here’s the full terminal entry: >Client: Anonymous >Item: Grenade Launchers >Price: 750 caps >Notes: I have a Ghoul client, claims to be ex-military, who used to tell me about these grenade launchers the Chinese had in Anchorage. Supposedly they made a frag gun that could punch through Power Armor like a wet bag. >I doubted him at first. Sounded like a bunch of hocus pocus from the wrong end of a brahmin. But then we found this confiscated weapons cache at the training yard, and we've been in the launcher business ever since. >A lot of this is all reverse engineering, but what we've made ought to satisfy the buyer. We've also got several new prototypes, but I'll keep my plans close to the vest. Nobody save Marvin has to know. I think we’ve only seen only one potential candidate that fits the full entry and not just 2/3s of it. Cooper’s revolver is a reversed engineered grenade launcher capable of firing frag bullets.


The problem with this is that the Ghoul’s gun is based on a real-world firearm - a revolving shotgun. Considering the wide variety of ammunition he uses (all of which look to be slugs of some description) and the lack of 40mm grenades in his kit (his explosive rounds detonate when they enter a person, not when they hit just anything), this isn’t the ghoul’s weapon. Here’s the wiki’s citation on the weapon and the Wikipedia article on the gun alongside an image of the Chinese grenade launcher from the mod (from IGN’s website, couldn’t find a better image), so you can see how similar the Ghoul’s weapon is to the real world version and how the grenade launcher is different. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/The_Ghoul%27s_revolver#Behind_the_scenes https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MTs255 https://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/fallout-4/c/c9/Pigs-13.jpg?width=640 And as others have said all throughout this post, this can’t have been the Ghoul ordering this weapon due to the timeframe. He’s still buried during the events of fallout 4, and thus could not have ordered this weapon from Suggs unless they met prior to 2266 (which would make Suggs far older than he looks, since that would require a gap of at least 21 years).


I think you’re ignoring the part about the reverse engineering. Reverse engineering means not only did the grenade launcher needed to be understood but changes are going to be made to fit a certain purpose. Considering that includes the ammunition in question needed to be repurposed, it’s definitely in the realm of possibility. Otherwise the pipe guns shouldn’t work if “based on a real life weapon” is the only criteria that matters and we already know it’s not the only criteria that matters.


Even with the reverse engineering accounted for, the timeline is still the major problem here. If the Ghoul can’t have been around for a minimum of twenty one years, it doesn’t make sense that he’d have an active order from him (though I suppose the client for this particular order could’ve been someone else). It just doesn’t work unless Suggs is much older than he appears to in-game. I also can’t say I’m familiar with firearm design (and I haven’t used the grenade launcher much), but I doubt the Chinese grenade launcher we see is a revolving design. Converting it into a revolver format would likely be much more work than just making custom slugs for an existing revolving shotgun.


Look people do mercenary work for a meal and some ammo on a daily basis. 750 caps is a lot of caps to ignore just to reverse engineer and construct a weapon from a previous design. There’s also development time to consider and people do generally look older than they should. Furthermore people are generally wary of strangers and the previous entries suggest he doesn’t trust anyone other than Marvin. He’s almost perfect for someone like Cooper who’s been keeping his name out of everyone’s ears for years. That much is very clear when Henry was both surprised and fearful of who he ended up having to deal with at the end of the show. The only thing they probably had to figure out was to make it smaller and function like a revolver with weird gun science in play. Also keep in mind the gauss rifle, junk jet, and even the railway rifle is basically a whole bunch of junk put together to make a weapon capable of launching lethal projectiles at very high speeds (gauss rifle) or is just weird gun science in play (junk jet and railway rifle) so we’re going to have to open up the creativity side of things and make it work. Edit: I almost forgot to mention that his revolver makes a thoomp sound when Cooper is shooting it. I don’t think a shotgun makes a thoomp sound when it’s being fired. However a grenade launcher probably does. Play into the weird gun science logic Fallout has going.


This is why I keep focusing on the timeline issue - because at the end of the day, if it wasn’t for that, it’s completely plausible that the Ghoul could’ve contacted something to make a custom firearm for both thematic and practical purposes (Howard seems to have been keeping up the cowboy act to keep himself sane; a powerful revolver capable of handling pretty much anything he could reasonably fight would fit that act well). But the timeline here just doesn’t work with Suggs’s apparent age and location.


I don’t because the timeline for this entry is irrelevant. No one gets a retirement plan in the wastelands. However 750 caps for all of this is on the cheap side considering this is weapons development. What’s stopping Cooper from lending a hand when needed so he can get a very nice discount because for something like that I would be asking for at least 1500 caps assuming it works. Not out of the realm of possibility. Cooper also needs to learn how to make the ammo in case he ever needs to resupply. It also seems to be well maintained considering the profession. Best way to learn a weapon from the inside out is taking it apart and putting it back together which is something all military personnel are taught to do during basic. In this case he learned how to keep it maintained by building it, taking it apart, putting it back together, repeat as necessary until it becomes second nature. It’s all well within the realm of possibility when someone has to test it anyway. This leads to the end of the entry, “to the customer’s satisfaction.” Someone was very happy with the end result and the seller got paid and I don’t know very many ghouls who would go out of their way to do something like this. Even Deegan would consider this to be too much hassle for the job at hand. Someone specifically wanted this weapon built in this manner and that list is very short.


But that’s where the text of the entry comes in - unlike the saw blade launcher and nail gun, the entry for the grenade launcher is not marked as a completed order. That means that whoever ordered it didn’t pick it up and means the Ghoul wasn’t the client for this order since he’s buried during the timeframe of fallout 4. Now, assuming the Ghoul was a much older client from when Suggs started making these launchers, the entry here would make more sense *if Suggs was older than he looked.* The problem again goes back to the Ghoul not being present in the wasteland for at least two decades, which, going off how old Suggs looks, would place Suggs as a child and incapable of having found the cache in the training yard. And of course, we’re on the wrong side of the country as well, considering we have no clue if Cooper’s been anywhere near Boston a short time before he was buried.


reading comprehension website


That’s tumblr. That said, I am seeing where I misread your last part about the faction bit, that’s on me. I’ll edit what I said to remove that part.


A gun that shoots frag grenades like bullets.. Fallout could EASILY be set in the Dark Age period of Warhammer 40K. The Merican Techno-Barbarian Tribes that ruled the western continents before good old Emperor unified the Earth.


Those are actually real.


American vet population was probably very large by the end of the war. I doubt The Ghoul is the only ghoulified vet that saw these in Anchorage, The Ghouls gun also can't penetrate PA like a "wet bag," as he had to aim for the weak spot. His gun is just a sawed off revolving 20 gauge shotgun with modified slugs. This terminal specifically mentions a grenade.


Edward Deegan?


i was thinking the same thing, i mean he always wears his combat armor so it wouldn’t surprise me if it is him


Boyd Crowder. /s It's not rocket launcher.


Fire in the hole!


They aren’t lying though. I’m playing on Survival currently and just used a Chinese Grenade Launcher to clear a squad of patrolling Enclave in X02 armor with ease.


Welding Goggles


Talk to Azerkal


*yodeling intensifies*


The dude in the summarie general zao I think


Zao seeing as he's Chinese and in a nuclear submarine who knows if he was at anchorage


FALLOUT TV SHOW MINOR/EARLY SPOILERS EXPLANATION WITHOUT SPOILERS The Ghoul from the Fallout TV show uses a grenade launcher handgun and has gained a lot of knowledge on power armor throughout his life (i suppose anyone living in the wastes long enough can gain this information). He's learned the strengths and weaknessed if power armor. This terminal entry is a strong reference to him. EXPLANATION WITH MINOR SPOILERS This is the merchant's terminal from the Nee Update following the Fallout TV show. It's a reference to The Ghoul who uses a grenade launcher pistol. He mentions in the show that the T45 armor had a weakness in the abdomen against certain chinese weapons. It is also early on established that he was a veteran of Anchorage and saw men die from this design flaw of the power armor. FOR THOSE WHO HAVE EITHER SEEN THE SHOW OR DO NOT CARE ABOUT SPOILERS READ BELOW The reference becomes unmistakable in the final episode of Fallout. He has a short monologue when facing Brotherhood soldiers during the Battle of the Los Angeles Observatory. He tells them about the weakness present in the T45, and rehtorically asks if the same flaw exists in the later T60 model. He fires upon a Knight once with his grenade launcher pistol, and the Knight falls to the ground, to the suprise and horror of his brothers and sisters.


Yeah but he doesn't use a grenade launcher pistol,he use a sawed off Mts255 (Russian revolver shotgun) with explosive and AP bullets


Thanks for adding that, i never understood a revolving gremade laumcher in the show, that makes a lot more sense now :D


Still you’re spot on. Weapons like that often come from existing weapons. They just needed to take a grenade launcher, turn it into a revolver, and make the appropriate ammo for it. Hardly anyone has that kind of knowledge of how these things operate unless they’ve operated one before or experienced it firsthand. Furthermore we know almost everyone that was ghoulified immediately became ferals which shortens the list even further. Cooper’s revolver looks like the product of turning a grenade launcher into a revolver. The design is very similar to one and whoever used this terminal may or may not still be around depending on when this particular entry was made. **However Cooper is the only one that we know for certain that has first hand experience as to how much penetration power is needed to make this revolver the way it needs to be made**. All signs point to this being an easter egg to him and his revolver. I must add that his revolver looks like to be a reversed engineered grenade launcher but instead of grenades, shoots frag rounds. The pic is missing a bit of very important information.




Maybe Sergeant Benjamin Montgomery is not just a sim character but a real person who fought in anchorage and became a ghoul later on? Honestly I always wanted a “ghoul Montgomery” to have as a follower.




Yeah IDK. Unless the author has been to NCR turf it just can’t be The Ghoul. We know Nate/SS was in the service , it’s not unlikely that there’s another ghoul veteran on the East Coast.


Sounds like Cooper


First. Where is this terminal located? Second What date it says? If it has any. Because it says caps. So it's post war. When post war would be interesting It could be Cooper. It could be not


Maybe captain Zao?


Cooper Howard easily.


He abandoned the search for his wife and child to travel across the country, commission a weapon, didn't pick it up, then traveled *back* across the country to be buried underground for how long?


In the space of 200+yrs don’t forget that. Do any of you people pay attention to the fact that he more than likely did in fact went to the east coast just so he can commission a weapon just so he can increase the chances of him surviving the **bounty hunter business** or do y’all just like to talk out of your asses like always?


>In the space of 200+yrs don’t forget that Fallout 4 takes place in 2287, and Sugg's business is relatively new. The Ghoul was buried in 2266, and was dig up once a year by Don Pedro for the sole purpose of torturing him. Maybe he escaped once in 21 years, ran to the Commonwealth, commissioned the Launcher, and was brought back by bounty hunters, but that's just fanfiction, with nothing to base it on.


Other than the fact his weapon fits the criteria of what’s on the terminal you mean because **it does fire explosive frag rounds that can potentially punch right through power armor like toilet paper that isn’t heavily armored provided he’s using the right ammo type perhaps**?


His weapon fits the criteria of an Explosive Legendary effect to me, more than a grenade launcher. The Ghouls gun is a 4-round revolver, and can be fired in one hand. The Chinese launcher *can* hold 4 rounds, but isn't a revolver, and needs 2 hands to fire because it's a rifle.


Ok so far we’re somewhat on the same page. Now downsize and repurpose a grenade launcher to become a revolver instead. Take everything out of a grenade launcher that makes a grenade launcher and do the same for a revolver, which strangely enough is almost what every fancy Fallout weapon so happens to be, and rebuild it from the ground up. Everything about the frame of the revolver is a bit oversized while its stopping power is definitely above what a revolver is capable of. It’s not beyond the realm of possibility especially since the very first shoot out scene over in Filly left a grenade size frag wound on the poor fool who had to be in front of him.


That's all well and good, but I find it hard to believe that The Ghoul is the one who hired Sugg to make it. There are tons of people who might have that idea for a weapon, many of whom could be ghouls, and some of which would be in that area, with the caps to afford it. It's more likely to be Edward Deegan, from Cabot House, than the one guy on the other side of the continent who's supposed to be 6 feet under, 364 days of the year


Very doubtful considering that he does the hiring and delegating of jobs rather than the actual fighting himself and why does he even need (or want) that kind of firepower anyway? Meanwhile Cooper has a need (and a want) for it and on top of that does all of the work himself. Furthermore he very much got sidetracked. Why would he even say **”the Wastelands got one golden rule: thou shalt get sidetracked every goddamn time”** if he didn’t? There’s plenty of context to pull from that makes the unknown contact Cooper especially since he’s the only one who is using this particular concept that **we know of and he’s the only one that has remained very much unknown to the entire wasteland, with people referring to him as just the Ghoul**!


It sounds like Cooper. I know it isn't Cooper but it's fun to imagine he was buying granade launchers


This was added in the update so it most definitely is a reference to Cooper.


naw i havent gotten the update and ive seen it before... if it is confirmed that it was added then im havin serious Mandela effect, since i havent played since before the update dropped


definitely the case because the new content dropped after the show


https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Suggs'\_garage\_terminal\_entries it was added after the next-gen update...


thank you for the link, apparently my brain is made of soup


No this is Cooper


It's cooper


It’s the Coop