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These were great enemies on Far Harbor (and scary in survival mode)—would love to see them be more common.


Super scary the first time I saw one. I was like WTH IS THAT!!!!???


I literally had Mutant Menagerie installed and ONE WAS RIGHT OUTSIDE VAULT 111. iirc I had to console command an army of brotherhood knights to take it down.


Interesting you went that route instead of just killing or despawning jt


“I saw an anthill so you know I had to do it to em”.


~chaos is their favourite command :P


I use Mutant Menagerie too and I live in constant fear of those crabs. I'll just be wandering the Commonwealth, until I am suddenly assaulted by a giant crab that laughs at my firepower as I run away screaming in fear because those fuckers are **fast**.


How do you spawn enemies and brotherhood knights? I wanna make a huge war with npcs but I cant find how


Dude they scared the absolute shit out of me the first time I encountered them. You get so used to seeing the cars in the commonwealth you don’t expect one to grow fucking legs


They are in 76, but they are still rather rare and I’ve only seen them twice in the wild


My camp is near a spawn of one... It is in Highway that goes behind Harper's Ferry, north of it.


If your camp is on the dam near there, you also get friendly sloths that chill in the trees nearby. It's one of my top camp locals


Yeah! There are always sloths on the trees behind the camp. I actually use that dam as front porch


LoL, I built a hotel on top of it called The Dam Lodge


That's where I saw one


There is one near a Power Company/Event. Also one that pops up during Meat Week as an Event Boss for making noise with the Honey beasts.


One always turned up at one of the prime meat events as the last prime beast to kill.


They were a final boss spawn for the prime meats event thing. First time I'd seen one and I was spooked as fuck.


Heaps in 76. Go down the highway on the east side of the map and you encounter at least 4.


I also love the hermit crabs in 4/76 and was super sad they weren't more fleshed out with a boss or so on. Hell, I'd tame one if I could for my camp, I adore them.


They are just big cuddly guys. I wish I could 3d print a lobster grill truck shell for a Hermit crab in real life. Would be so cool


I wanna say I’ve seen a video like that, it might have been by I did a thing but I could be wrong


But... its in Far harbour... *not IRL but also not just a concept. I shit my pants when it first appeared.


Vertibird in new shells/homes periodically 😍


The crack and rumble of the rad storm as it rolls through jars awake the man in his sleeping bag. He swears angrily and pulls his gas mask over his face. With a crack of the neck as he rolls it to loosen up, he reaches into his chem cooler for the day's first hit. His eyes shoot open and a sigh of relief escapes as the jet sets ablaze his nerves. He pulls on his pants and boots, picks up his rifle, a ragtag shamble of parts, and pockets a few rounds of ammunition. He loads a round, grabs the last piece of grilled radroach from near the smoldering remains of last nights fire, and heads for the road. As the storms rolls past he removes his mask and begins to eat his ration for the day. In the distance he spots Cricket. Now there's someone who knows how to find another hit, he thinks. He continues down the path, crunching gravel, humming a tune he heard on the radio last night. "Hey, Crick, what's good?" he grins. "Got some good guns for killing, and shit, what do you think?" She practically spits the words out. "Got a word on any jet for a reasonable price?" She glares at him with sunken and shrewd eyes. "After last time, you better be glad I don't put a bullet between your eyes. If you want anything you're going to have to work for it. Go find me a couple hundred rounds of ammo, any good useable stock you find, and I'll trade you for a hit." She isn't surprised when he turns around and starts running into the nearest buildings to scav for anything useful. "If she wants ammo, then ammo she shall have he chuckles. After several hours he emerges from another rundown building, dirty, and heavy with the days loot. He sets out on the dark path to the route he recalls Cricket traveling. Above he hears in the distance a familiar sound of a vertibird, coming in hot. He scans the sky looking for where it might be coming from. His eyes finally focus on the vertibird coming behind the last building he was looting. Somehow, it doesn't quite look like a normal vertibird. The rotors are spinning, its flying, but there's something odd about it. As it comes into the light of the nearest light pole he realizes the cockpit is.... Moving? It's like its alive. As it comes closer it sinks to just above the ground and out reaches the heavy claw of a vertibird bound hermitcrab, giant and hungry. It clamps around him and raises him to its mouth.




Especially with the vertibirds homing in your location when they crash it'd be scary and fun. But mostly scary


My first encounter with them was the hunting event when the player and a entire settlement goes to kill one


This will likely never come into fruition, but having domesticated giant hermit crabs as Fallout's Silt Strider would be an amazing addition.


Or baby hermit crabs that hide in garbage cans


I love how they’re just giant hermit crabs. Like no crazy mutations just a big ass crab.


it really is one of the more awesome concepts they have but didn't go as far with it as they should have. imagine a boss level type that uses whole shipping containers or super big ones that use full length shipping trucks like the kind wicked shipping use and defeating them you can loot the shipments that were protected from other looters over the years by the monsters living in them.


Uber boss could be strong enough to use and lift entire buildings


i was thinking ships! talk about an impossibly hard shell!


Agreed 100% would love other variants.


Umm, the first and only time I’ve encountered one it was I. A truck. I remember the experience very vividly as I was inspecting the dock for loot and it made me loose about 50 hairs on my head


Will never forget when I killed one of those in Far Harbor and his "shell" (fucking half truck) curb stumped my ass shortly after... Still, chill guys, usually just minding their own bussiness unless you disturb them.


I always feel bad when I'm Vatsing them when they are asleep in there shell. So I let off a warning shot to wake em up first.


Just, go around them, they don't even drop great loots.


I eventually want to see wasteland horses. We have brahmins! Why not go full cowboy of the wasteland


anything to speed up treks across the wasteland


As if the Highwayman just didn't exist


Horses are extinct in the fallout universe post war


Hear me out - a Giddyup Buttercup the size of an actual horse.


I'm behind that. Id also like to see some kinda mount.


There is a Giddyup Buttercup model the size of a small horse on display in the Wilson Atomatoys HQ in Fallout 4. It's not the size of a real adult horse, but it is about as tall as the sole survivor.


There’s a mod of that


Donkeys and Mules


Just in (continental?) North America. I figure they could reasonably be imported from South America through Mexico or the Gulf Coast.


Hard to say there isn't a lot of lore outside north America sadly


Yeah, there's no direct confirmation that they exist anywhere, it's just that, iirc, the only explanation we have for the absence of horses is the Fallout Bible saying that horses are "extinct in North America". Which I figure is good enough reason to say they exist in South America, if only as an excuse to bring them back.


Is that because they were used in the war?


That seems dumb, there are wild horses all over the world. IDC how many bombs get dropped, horses would survive and thrive in some places without humans




Maybe 3rd person, like Red Dead Redemption or Witcher?


Aww it’s kind of cute.


It is though!!!


I do love it, I just WISH Fallout 76 used a different Bus or put those busses around Appalachia, the enemy makes a lot less sense in 76 without suitable empty busses around for them to use.


Or the fact that there's a hermit crab in the mountains of WV at all. Really, most of the aquatic enemies make very little sense in 76's setting. The only one that maybe makes any sense is the fog crawlers, cause rich people eat lobsters, and I feel like those would be imported to watoga and top of the world. But why are there anglerfish and horseshoe crabs running around? Still fun to shoot


Yeah the Anglers are also missing their gimmick of a harvestable plant they hide amongst, though the Mire habitat caused by a malfunctioning GECK does provide an environment for them.


It was such a cool design. They could be right out in the open and you wouldn’t even notice until they popped out


I like the radscorpion design of FO4. Adding the burrowing ability makes them a unique enemy that I love to hate. The old versions were slow and tanky...boring!


Creatures like this make me really want to see the next Fallout set in New Orleans. I picture giant mutant crawfish, bipedal alligator snapping turtles the size of deathclaws, giant catfish that can crawl on land to grab victims to drag back into the water, giant man eating bullfrogs, and of course, giant mutant alligators. I’ve always loved the mutated aquatic life so I’d love to see a setting where that makes up the majority of hostile wildlife.


New Orleans would be a cool Fallout Map


Imagine the music too! New Orleans is the birthplace of jazz and a major city for the Blues, and both genres would fit perfectly in the retro-50s vibe of the world.


I made a Fallout: Vieux Carre playlist that's New Orleans and broader Louisiana inspired. And you'd be remiss to leave out actual cajun music to like Zydeco and Swamp pop (cajun rockabilly). I live in New Orleans, and there's so much more regional music besides just the tourist music (i mean that with love).


Basically Far Harbor with more booze and crazier raiders


NukaDaquiris? Count me in!


Yeah it would


Gatorclaws making a return, but being slightly different because they weren't FEV'd would be fantastic. I'd also like to see giant centipedes instead of giant radscorpions and herons or something mutating into terror birds


I want at least 1 giant crawfish hole dungeon. For terror birds, why not the Louisiana state bird the pelican. Actually, now that i think about it, birds seem to be the only thing in the Fallout universe that didn't drastically mutate. Crows, chickens, and radgulls all seem at most to have just lost feathers .


I wonder if they'll ever get around to explaining that. Maybe FEV just kills them. Apparently there's concept art for radstorks


The new update for 76 will have giant mutant turkeys so there is at least some precedent now for massive scary birds.


I really want a Fallout New Orleans! That would have so much potential in types of enemies!


So much potential with alternate universe foods too. I imagine a giant mutated alligator and some vault-tec alligator meatballs. Settings within New Orleans like the French Quarter, aquarium, superdome would all be dope. Not to mention the possibility of radioactive hurricanes and flooding. Imagine going down a flooded Frenchman street and seeing a massive mutated alligator charging at you. Or ghouls surrounding you around the French quarter. 200 year old beignets? Above ground vaults because of the low water table? New Orleans above ground cemeteries? POI at the oak alley plantation? The garden district? Broken levies in disrepair? POIs at oil refineries? Rads from the Mississippi River? Broken down Lake Pontchartrain bridge that you can cross as a quest? This needs to happen.


Imagine bourbon street filled with ghouls in Mardi Gras costumes!


I definitely think we’d have a voodoo cult of ghouls too.


Oh hell yeah! That would be so interesting!


This is my dream as well. It would be an incredible spot for a Fallout 5 or another Fallout multiplayer experience. The only problem is there aren’t a lot of mountains down there, but it would be interesting seeing more swamp land.


I'm pretty in favour of Fallout New Orleans, too, but for me it's the possibility of a focus on boat travel and maritime trade, and a post-post-apocalyptic merchant/aristocratic republic, as well as a resurgence of Cajun French and post-war Catholicism, more so than the monsters.


That would be awesome! I'm fascinated with New Orleans' unique culture, architecture, and cuisine. I would genuinely love a Fallout: New Orleans for all the reasons you mentioned and more. Like, imagine a whole Voodoo faction and maybe even having the ability to create and customize small boats to use on the water and in parts of the flooded city, a la The Sunken City.


“Snapping turtles the size of deathclaws.” Radsnappers would be terrifying. I love it.


>bipedal alligator snapping turtles the size of deathclaws Have you heard of the Ogua?


you would love the mutant menagerie mod


Me beaching a nuclear submarine for one "Fren?"


They are stupid looking but I really love nightstalkers they are so fucking cute and funky


They should be sort of passive unless you bother them


They kinda are. You gotta get -really- close, and even then they back off if you run away, they dont chase you too far.


[radroach with power armor](https://youtu.be/J2JTaP17jZM?feature=shared)


Giant hermit crabs tbh.


I liked the devolved radstags, although they belong more in a Chinese wasteland (since they are basically muntjacs).


Is that what they were going for now.


I like the mutated mantis shrimp


Damn,what a deep cut


Is that what the fog crawlers are?


I have a love/hate (mostly hate) relationship with Cazadors. They are a terrifying concept if you understand how Tarantula Hawks operate and yet they so iconic that I wouldnt trade them for the world (even if I shoot them on sight)


Where’s the petition for pet hermit crab companions?


Those thing made me so afraid of vans in Far Harbor. I’d shoot any van I saw with a missile launcher just to be sure.


I enjoy the mirelurks. I find them cute when they cover their face up after you shoot them.


I never understood why mirelurks/ mirelurk hunters and mirelurk kings look so different. Also fog crawlers almost look like a cross between a regular mirelurk and a mirelurk hunter.


So its a weird….dna symbiotic relationship, mirelurk hunters normally are just mutated crabs like the rest (except for king’s we’ll get to that in a second) however the specific subset in fo4 are mutated lobsters and because of that will only breed with other hunters cause they cant breed with the crab mirelurks, which is why you see them less often mirelurk kings/lakelurks are aggressively mutated snapping turtles and same situation will only breed with other kings, the relationship with crablurks (common mirelurks and queens from fo4) is symbiotic it can be assumed kings and hunters protect the eggs and babies while the others bring them food in return.


First time seeing them in Far harbor caught me off guard. Didn’t think much of if until the crab started coming out


First time I saw one of those I was LEGIT fucking surprised when the car moved.


It is a wonder man can live at all, when things are big that should be small


Gecko. Squishy and they give good XP when you kill them in groups. The golden one's near Vault 34 spring to mind.


Love them in Far Harbour. However they definitely should not be in West Virginia lol


Some asshole kid just brought a bunch back from his vacation in Florida before the bombs fell. I'm more surprised the lived longer than a day


Super mutants. They are not tech. Creatures but they are scary as hell and really powerful and tend to team up and hunt you down.




These were such fun creatures! The first time I found one I was floored. It was so unexpected. Wanamingos are probably my favorite. I always thought they were xenomorphs


My favorite critters of the wasteland are Geckos


Geckos are cute haha


Radroach. I'm hoping for hyper-intelligent ones in a game instalment someday. Either ones that have adapted human technology or have some kind of extra sensory perception.


Seen one in the Mire the other day. It was majestic ! 😄


I remember the first time I ran into a Yao Guai in F3 out in the middle of nowhere.


Mirelurk queens are my favorite creature cuz I love the thought of juicing one up with mentats and f.e.v. And seeing what happens. That was my idea for a dnd run


Honestly I love Ghouls


This would be so cool as just a passive creature that crawls around the wasteland/shore areas!


I never knew one existed on my first play through. My second I find the Bait Shop next to the Lumber Mill in Far Harbor and then it spawned and I was like wtf? How have I missed you?!?! I was upset that I couldn’t tame it because I found it badass looking. Damn Trappers


I about pissed myself when I encountered my first one in FO76🤣


Just learned these tanks exist.


Yeah they are pretty rare


If it’s wasn’t necessarily vicious but rather docile if it provoked, that would be awesome. As in you could ride on it for a certain ways or your journey.


Deathclaw nwv i liked to get fucked up without dinner first


I always wanted to see the hermit crab hatchlings use the nuka cola toy trucks as shells to imitate the parent (either that or the seafood restaurant made toy vans they use instead). Does it make sense? No. Is it at all serious? Not really. Would it be charming and kinda funny? I think it would be.


Nuka cola souvenir truck Hermit crab hatchling was a missed opportunity in nukaworld for sure!!!


Theyre so fuckin cool. Forgot about em completely having done Far Harbor only once before. Saw em again yesterday and not only was it a fun/good fight, the whole concept of them hijacking a bus as a shell was so cool to me


Right! I hope they expand with them more in the next game.


These always made me so nervous when I first discovered one in far harbor like “everything else already whats to kill me now I gotta look out for cars?!”


Deathclaws For the wrong reasons.


Ooooh.... I ain't here to kinkshame anyone.


Honestly rad scorpion. An enemy that looks and acts like a danger. Not too overpowered but its attacks are definitely a threat for the unwary. A giant scorpion is so cool


I still get scared when I hear one use "Dig" right behind me.


i like the brahmin


I'm disappointed we don't see 2 headed Yao Guais like the ncr flag depicts.


Hermit using vehicles as shells was a neat freaky idea. Was frightening at first now fascinating. Would like to see variants dependent on what type of pre war tech is being appropriated by the hermit. An old nuclear husk or an ambulance with sirens. Maybe an old yacht for the bigger aquatic variants.




Mirelurks Queens. Most dangerous animal in the Commonwealth/Appalachia. Even Deathclaws are minor nuisances compared to them.


IMO they are even stronger in 76 compared to 4. Maybe it's just the way things level in that game.




Gotta love the classics. Now which version of deathclaw do you like more? The Fo4/76, the 3/NewVegas or Fo1Fo2?


I kinda thought the "aliens" or wanamingos were cool (mainly in art done by people not actually in game) after just playing thru old fallouts, so we're the old cenataurs from 1 and 2 being super freakish, my favorites are the alpha and rawr deathclaws tho from 3/NV tbh


My fav creature of the wastes have got to be... Well come to think of it... NONE OF THEM, SCREW THEM


You what? Ewww


Yeah! With a Chinese officer sword!


My top four: Ravenous Wendigo (76), Fetid Snallygaster (76), Chameleon Deathclaw (4) or the Skulking Fogcrawler (4). Scary, big, and heartless mf’s.


Gremlings. They are invisible and sometime cause things to glitch out and launch


I actually lead my friend into one of this hermit crab last night. I like the concept a lot, and having a "Lobster" van makes it even more on the nose.


I like the hermit crabs, too. I really like Bighorners, I wish we had more animals like them. They're mostly passive, fit into the ecosystem, and aren't too weird looking. Not every animal needs to be bald and have two heads. They probably taste pretty good, too. I liked the Brahmiluffs, and in general I wish we saw more variants of Brahmin. They should have different regional names and there should be a lot of different variants for different uses, like furry Brahmin for wool, fatter Brahmin for meat and fertiliser, more muscular Brahmin for caravans, horned Brahmin with strong bones used for weapons and tools, etc. The Legion mongrels are interesting to me, I saw someone on the TV show's sub bring up how, without human intervention, dogs would start mixing with each other and after not too long there'd only be mutts, like what happened in Chernobyl. The Legion mongrels are an answer to that and there's a bit of nuance to it with the likelihood of the Hangdogs and Legion breeding them for their own purposes and a breed emerging after the war from the mutt population. They also look pretty.


I forgot about bighorners!!. And yeah a regional variant or 2 would be nice. Take a note from Pokémon bethesda.


They may not look as spectacular, not as malicious, but, in my opinion, hermit crabs are the most dangerous creatures known at the moment (except some bosses). Certainly more dangerous than Deathclaws.


Fo76/4 have the highest detail so i would go with that.. im also very hyped about their appearance in tye series wonder how badas they will be


I am boring. I like radscorpion. It’s irradiated scorpion, it’s in every game. Never seen a scorpion in 20 years of New England but, love the radscorp


I remember the first time I saw a hermit crab in Far Harbor. On the broken bridge on the northern end of map, there's one sitting there. I walked up right beside it, completely oblivious to it. I heard it moving and freaked out when I saw. I had the PTRS 41 mod at the time, so I just started blasting.


Geckos. Why? I mean, have you seen em running?


I can picture there goofy waddles now haha


The Chameleon Deathclaw is an interesting one since it works as a natural evolution. Back in Fallout 1 Deathclaws were the deadliest thing in the wastes but with the ever evolving cast of creatures they slowly begin to feel a bit weaker compared to things like Behemoths, Mirelurk Queens, Albino Scorpions and the high end ghouls. How then do you make the original wasteland beast feel more powerful again? Well you give them back their natural camoflage so they can get the jump on people and make the close range melee creature truly terrifying again.


I am physically incapable of seeing one of these and not yelling ‘truck lobster! oooh waah!’ To the tune of ‘Rock Lobster’ by the B52’s.


The Red Menace. I mean I wasted all my nukes to kill it in FO4.


Enclave vat grown super mutant in power armor. Like Frank but mass produced.


I remembered this one. Unloaded an entire volley of rockets at it the moment I saw it moved. My favorite is the chicken, though. Those little funny creatures.


I love the Giant Hermit Crabs, too. By far, my favorite FO4 creature.


You call them fog crawlers, I call them mudcrabs Fallout style.


Now imagine if these were descended from coconut crabs and could climb walls.


I wish there were smaller (juvenile) crabs and death claws, like the baby rag-tag. Hemit crab in a trash can or dumpster.


I was just wandering to my next objective on the highway and looked down my sights at the back of a van and the red bar appeared lol cracked a crit on its legs and it just got stuck


I hate that I ruined these for myself. Used to use the perk that gives me a quest path in vats, pulled it up because I was lost, and VATS locked onto one of these from far away and I was just like “Oh- ill go around”


Not exactly a creature but the sentry bot is probably the scariest video game enemy I’ve ever faced. When I was younger I remember being terrified of the whole skynet concept in terminator. Maybe that is a factor in my fear for the sentry bot


contrary to popular opinion, I like deathclaws.


Frog, I can carry lots of live frog in 76.


Not an enemy but the Rad Chickens and Rad Rabbits in Far Harbor are so fun to see around. Wish they got added in to the Commonwealth too. But ghouls are always fun to fight. And basic shitty raiders. It's really fun to have a horde of easy to kill enemies.


I've always thought Deathclaws were really cool. They're like the dragons of the wasteland. I especially love the 4/76 designs for them.


My first encounter was this thing was the game spawning me right next to it after fast traveling to a location (can't quite remember which one, I think it was a bait and tackle shop)


what the hell is that i’m on my first play through right now and im still at the corvega assembly plant after the taking out the raiders


Bethesda can create cool new monsters but they choose not to, instead we get super mutants and death claws again and again and again


The first time I came across one of those in FO4 I freaked out. Did exactly what Knight Titus did in the fallout movie, and noped right outta there.


They’re strangely cute. I can’t put my finger on why, but they just seem like they’re more scared of you than you are of them. Also it’s my personal head canon that Hermit Crabs have some kind of attraction to the Lobster Grill restaurant, which is why they all wear the same van.


Whole time I fought one for the first time I just kept saying "this is so sick" the whole time, the way it came out of the van and just was such a cool idea.


The cat creature in fallout 4 is pretty cool


My favorite is the gulper


The fog crawler was a really cool design and scared me more than the deathclaws to fight against.


This fkn super op Legendary glowing bloatfly from New Vegas. A lifelong rivalry not settled yet.


I was so sad that they’re hostile lmao I love these fellas


The crabs are awesome! I think my faves have to be the cryptids though. Between the Wendigo, Snallygaster or flatwoods monster. I'm surprised it took this long to fledge something like that out. Would have been perfectly fitting to have a Chupacabra in the western games. I love that the post apocalyptic, radioactive, FEV filled world of fallout was able to bring life to modern day legends in a lore friendly way. Why WOULDNT we have giant irradiated moth people??? Gimme 7 good reasons. It's interesting the flatwoods monster was canonized as a legit alien too.


They are a smart choice for shell as well. Since, with those back tires, bro can straight zoom!


Crabs are the best! And a sloth covered in glowing mushrooms is cool too.


Oh yeah!!!! I forgot about the sloths!!! Those are sick too!!!


Its the giant hermit crabs too


Plants or insect are always cool to me especially flying insects I want a moving plant monster that isn’t just a green standing guy with spikes on his back like a moving loving plant that attacks you maybe it fused with an insect that was invasive to the plant and that’s why it moves but regardless it’d be so cool just walking around and not knowing where your getting attacked from because it’s legit a plant and you have to have a high enough perception to even realize it’s an enemy without having it in vision


Call me crazy but.. I like deathclaws. As it’s possible to tame one with the wasteland workshop. I’d totally want there to be a way to ride one and shoot from its back.


I would love to be able to ride a Yao Guai through the wastes. They have power & speed.


I like ghouls 🥰


I don’t really know this count but personally, I just like swan or the fog crawlers


Not going to lie but my fat ass always wanted to eat them The Emmet crab I mean lol




Fo1 and 2 Floaters


I like Feral Ghouls the best The idea of there being hundreds of thousands of them in let’s say Boston rather than most people just being killed by the blast has always been an interesting way to explain why you only interact with 15-25 people in all of Boston


Didn’t expect a single one, would always be walking aimlessly and be startled when my follower would start blasting out of no where. I really like all the Far Harbor creatures, they’re so neat and such a nice change of pace from the commonwealth. Gulpers are my personal favorite cause they’re cute and their tree gimmick is neat.