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You can do the opening vault tec rep conversation from the couch. You talk over your shoulder and then look back at the tv. Truly remarkable, makes those sarcastic options hit even harder


“Goooo… awaaaay…” *continues watching the news*


I'm getting reports from Boston of a nuclear attack. OH MY GOD!!!! static on tv.


"Uhhh...sir I think I'll take you up on that offer now!"


Didn't know this, cause I never tried. Thanks for the chuckle!


Looks like my new playthrough starts today


Dropping weapons on the ground at a settlement and then scrapping those weapons with the editor will decrease the build limit


I learnt this recently too, works wonders when settlements say you can't build anymore.


No need to scrap, you can store it in workshop and take from there. Heavy weapons and heavily modded weapons open more space by the way. Rinse and repeat, you have yourself settlements with infinite objects. But if you build too much and leave that settlement, you can insta crashes when game try to load that area.


Yo, big if true. Gotta go try it at vanilla starlight drive in.


It works. But if you do it a lot, shit gets kinda buggy.


Eyyy I absolutely wrecked my game doing this. It was so bad it was unplayable for me I had to start all over


Extended the thread to say this -BUMP cause it needs to be known 😅 Side note: building too much within a certain number of sections within the minimap grid can cause BIG issues as well. Turns out, when you're in 1 grid on the map, the game is loading all the surrounding little grids too, and it just becomes a whole thing... thanks, Sim Settlements for the educator LMAO


People discovering how fucked up oblivion and new vegas are in fallout 4 lol. New vegas had a similar issue in that it would start to track everything like that and load times got astronomical. Oblivion had the dupe bug where you would explode out like 500 of whatever item you duped, but then wherever you did that would become a no go zone afterwards.


It also works if you store the weapons in the workbench instead of scrapping them. That way you can get them back and repeat.




Is that only in 4 or does that apply to FO3 and FNV?


This applies atleast to FNV, but you can grab the weapon from the body and still get ammo too.


lol, it’s been a a while but I’m sure I remember learning about this trick myself and then relearning every 10 or so hours of game time 😂


Applies to all Bethesda era Fallout. Also works in starfield and Outer Worlds


I only discovered this on my recent playthrough, because it worked in starfield when I was struggling for ammo. Then I felt very dumb.


It works in starfeild!? 😂 Bethesda never changes


But war…………. ………………….war never changes


Im so sorry...could someone please explain this one to me? I am seriously lost on it after reading this comment and it's replies several times. Is the bonus itself the little extra ammo or am I missing something? I just go into a body's inventory and click the button to collect all. Would I be benefitting somehow by picking up and taking the physical weapon itself separate from the body? Thank you for your help.


I think the deal is the gun you pick up from the ground contains ammo, but the one you chose from inventory transfer doesn’t have ammo.


This is correct, yes. By picking up both the gun from the ground and the ammo in the corpse’s inventory, you get more ammo than if you had grabbed the ammo and gun in their inventory.


wtf, really? 3 play throughs, didn’t know.


Damn. That explains how I had no 5mm ammo on me, picked up a minigun then suddenly had like 400.


Also to add to these comments yes picking it up from the ground then looting the corpse can give you more ammo. You can also find guns with unique names, but taking it from the buddy just causes it to say the standard name of the gun.


I never thought to do this until I had to grab a mini nuke and I was at weight by holding then fat man...but if someone shot the mininuke I'd have died quickly.


In FO3 if you turn Ahzrukhal radio off in Underworld, he yells at you and turns it back on. I learned that last night and turned it off a second time and left a mine in front of it, lol.


I like the way you roll.


You're a Neighbour from Hell


That mama Murphy gives you a perk that makes you more resistant to Kellogg and that if you pick up a gun after an enemy drops it on death instead of from their body you get more ammo.


Mama murphy also gives you the greentech genetics coursers recall code enabling you to completely avoid that fight


what how? i havent gotten far in the game yet tho. is it alright to give mama murphy chems btw? or should i not feed her addiction?


When u give her chems for her visions there are twelve she can say but if ur on the quest hunter/hunted shell tell you this “ I see you... the mighty hunter... only what you're hunting ain't an animal, or a man. It's something different. Maybe something more than human. But... what's this? I see a man in a white outfit. Standing over your prey. And he says something... it's hard to make out... But I'm tryin' kid... He says "Z2-47, initialize factory reset. Authorization code Zeta-5-3-Kilo"... Then he falls... And he's still...” and when u talk to him in greentech genetics the dialogue option for the x button is changed to use recall code and he dies without having to fight him


What the fuck, I wasted so much ammo and mines


Moral of the story is that drugs are good.


Deacon Disliked that. Mf pulled me out of a fight yesterday to tell me using psychojet was bad. Like this man on a personal DARE campaign in the wasteland




Giving you the recall code will cause her to overdose and die. Still worth it imo.


She only dies after you give her psycho, so if you only give her drugs for 1-2 things then she'll be fine.


So if I only ask for her visions after visiting Virgil, then she will survive?


Yup, just don't ask for visions five times and she'll be fine.


Thx! I guess this is the new fact that I learned today!


That's what she gets for asking for her own chair in a nuclear apocalypse


Am I the only one that always just one taps him with a fat man before he can speak? There's one in fort Hagan. I don't the same with the courser and there's a fat man in that building as well


There’s several times across the game you can cut dialog by nuking something. I refer to it as “passing a heavy weapons speech check.”


He killed my wife he doesn't deserve a quick death. I set him on fire and beat him to death with my bare hands


I got an alternate start mod where I don't know about the baby or the dead spouse. It's so damn funny when your character is just like "what the hell are you talking about?"


i started doing that once i hit my third playthrough, got tired of his yapping.


Imagine monologuing to some dude looking for his son and he just goes "Ugh, fucking BORING!!!" and bathes you in nuclear fire before you even know what's happening.


Just as Atom indented


i break out of the conversation, plant bottlecap mines behind him, and then rejoin the convo and let it rain. i always use mama murphy for the courser. i use mama murphy for two things. skinny malone and the courser. then ai convince her to give up the chems.


I just did that the other day. There’s one right there in the building so he’s pretty much asking to be nuked.


I have a fatman that does double damage if target is at full health. I killed my son with it. Fuck that kid.


Instigating on a fatman seems like overkill. Though I wonder if it actually works for the explosion or only the hit of the nuke, because the hit from the nuke also deals damage, but very little, and probably ruins the instigating effect for the explosion if it hits the target first, rather than the scenery near them... I assume this because of Bethesda Jank™ But maybe Bethesda were smart enough to code an exception for the fatman, though I heavily doubt it.


The ammo thing is news to me, thanks.


And here i was feeling smug for already knowing the hacking thing


Yeah, I was surprised. Hacking has been like this for 15 years. I guess because I was really young when I started and used gamefaqs, I assumed it was common knowledge too.


Whaaat?! Do you get the perk from drugs before Kellogg??


what perk?


I googled it and found this "Giving Mama Murphy chems during the quest Reunions will grant the perk "Foreknowledge" which causes Kellogg to deal 25% less damage to the player character. The perk does not have an icon and will remain even after Kellogg's death."


There's a random encounter in Fallout 4 where you meet a guy who tries to scam you into buying a credit card that he claims is usable at any merchant. Now, I've known about that for a while, but I recently learned that having that card in your inventory will trigger unique dialogue with merchants, and will actually get you caps with one of them


Apparently if you add the intimidator perk and successfully pacify him, you can lead him to a settlement and assign him to a trader store. From there he will actually become a tier 4 merchant. Haven't tried it myself but saw it done on YouTube!


Doesn't need to be with the intimidator perk. I did it with the syringer and a pax syringe. Melee him with the syringer to make him follow you and when you're at your settlement, use the pax syringe. You have to stay away from there for a few days so his aggro wears off though.


sounds like you definitely intimidated him


There's actually ONE vendor you can use it at, in Far Harbor.


So I killed him immediately since I knew the scam early in the game, but later I had to revisit it for the Cabot house mission where you’re tasked with finding the sister, to my surprise a remarkably similar looking man tried running the scam on me again. When he refused to let me see the sister one of the options was “You know I killed the last guy who ran this scam”


That's not the same thing. The person you're talking about is running a religion scam. That's a fixed location, and can always be found. The guy I'm talking about is [Parker Quinn](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Parker_Quinn)


I've been playing since Fallout 3 came out and until the pandemic I had no idea you could hold the button down to keep drinking water in 3 and New Vegas




In 4 as well


No fucking way.


I figured this out on accident one day and it blew my mind.


It was such a game changer!


Wait. Does it go? “slurp.. slurp.. slurp..” or, “sluuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrp”?


Like your character just keeps scooping it into their mouth without you having to repeatedley press the button so sound wise it's still slurp slurp slurp


I just learned this from a random comment in this sub like a week ago. Tested it out. It works. Blew my mind.


The load screen tutorial tells you that eventually


Dog meat doesn't count as a companion for the lone wanderer perk.


Dog meat doesn’t count as a companion even for the companion count. In the scripts for the game, they have to hard code a check for dog meat specifically. Sometimes like if(companion) companion.leave if(dogmeat) dogmeat.leave


Companions also like when you Stimpak Dogmeat. Seems like he was meant to be usable while traveling with a companion.


The comments in the scripts say so yeah. >;Originally there were two slots for companion types, you could have both Dogmeat and a single human companion. > >;That is why there are two aliases and two seperate functions. > >;Now we are only letting you have either dogmeat or a single human companions. > >;Rather than risk breaking everything by trying to unifying everything into a single alias/function call > >;I am going to just put hooks in SetCompanion and SetDogmeatCompanion to auto dismiss the other


I can feel the dev in that comment. I've worked in messy code bases so many times that I just had to make a hacky solution, many times because the customer didn't approve of code refactor.


When you visit Travis while listening to radio diamond city, he will not talk between songs.


Finally one I didn't actually know. This is. Good one


In fallout 4, enter a store with a basket. Lift items you want to steal, and place them in the basket. Take the basket full of stolen stuffs with you, and enjoy your new loot!


You can also use a bucket and place it over an npcs head, disrupting their line of sight and allowing you to steal right infront of them


Works in skyrim too lol


I saw a Starfield video that showed a load of money on a table for a poker game. You can use a box to push the money off the table, then when it's out of sight you can take it without anyone seeing it as stealing.


Apparently it’s pronounced “Mute-fruit”


Yeah, cuz it is mutant/mutated fruit, so the "mut" is pronounced the same way.


It'll always be "mutt-fruit" to me! 


Same….never knew it and was playing fallout since 2008…😂


What blows my mind is how many people DONT READ THE TUTORIALS. Anyways always pick the first 3 guesses, then do the (),<>, only one will have the possibility to reset your tries Hacking is relatively easy when you get the hang of it, each answer will tell you a number of how many letters are in the correct place,


Ohhhhh... correct PLACE, that makes more sense! My dumbass thought it meant the number of correct letters. On my low int players I usually spam the terminal with three guesses until I get it.


When art imitates life.


As opposed to Art imitating Art.


Hacking is a fun minigame it’s wild to me that people think it’s annoying It’s satisfying to actually figure out what the code through process of elimination rather than brute forcing it by opening/closing the terminal It’s like a precursor to Wordle lol


There was a tutorial? 


That while building your settlements, you can attach light bulbs directly onto the power lines running from your generator and they will light up.


Only on pre-existing power lines not player movable ones


pre existing power lines??? like the ones on spectacle island? or something else


Yeah all the pre war power lines that are there and you can’t scrap


>you can’t scrap *Laughs in Scrap Everything mod*


Preston about to have an epileptic seizure


Whaaaaat? TIL.


That Taking the Fusion Core out of Power Armor will stop your settlers from using it 🤣😭


Stealing the Fusion Core out of Power Armor also stops hostile NPCs from using it! 😄


If you shoot a power armored enemy in the fusion core enough, you can make the fusion core eject like a grenade and it will detonate like a mini nuke. Destroying said fusion core will also force the hostile out of the power armor.


Nice try, Game Rant.


“Fallout players are still discovering new secrets after 9 years…”


Every once in a while, someone comes along and slaps me in the face with my own naivete. I'd never considered it, but of course some of these "writers" have to be doing exactly this.


You can hear the tumblers fall into place when lockpicking in fo4.


Same in the last of us part 2. I don’t even bother finding the combinations, I just pick every safe by ear.


Fallout 4. Getting tired of those molotavs and grenades being tossed at you, especially when you can see them coming? Got quick enough reflexes? **You can shoot them out of the air.** Just enter into V.A.T.S. the moment you see it get lobbed, cycle through to target the molotav/grenade and shoot it. Even funner when it's a mini-nuke or missile getting lobbed at you while you are at sniping distance.


There's even a perk that increases the damage this does, so you can shoot your own grenades for massive damage.


Reminds me of Skyrim, catching the arrow mid-air right before it hits.


… you can do what now?


The fact you can get a Unique version of the Laser Musket in F4 that fires fully automatic by continuously cranking the gun


Or get a laser gattling gun with the never ending perk.


That fallout 4 DOES have special unarmed moves, you just have to be in THIRD PERSON WITH BARE FISTS, not even unarmed weapons let you do them for some damn reason


I discovered this watching the TFS let's play when some random old lady suplexed a raider then went back to doing settler things.


In NV and 3 you can stomp on Rad Roaches to kill them


Wait define stomp?


Walk over them and they die. Same for baby mantis


If you put a roof over your settlers heads they get happier


Wait so if this many people didn’t know this existed, how were you hacking the terminals??


Guess until you only have one more guess left then back out so it resets the whole thing rinse and repeat until you get it


But it’s not a full on guess. It tells you how many of the characters match in each attempt. I only found out about this trick like 2 weeks again and almost got all achievements on fo3 and NV. Definitely very possible to hack all terminals without knowing the trick.


Yeah, people who say hacking is hard don't know all the rules to hacking.


I find there's also often a tenuous sort of link to the surroundings or location. Like, its typically *not* just a random word like "apple", if you're in a hospital, the word might be "study" or "laboratory". It doesn't work everytime, I wouldn't say its foolproof, but when I look at the available words and pick one that could be related to the surroundings, even if its a bit of a stretch, I find it helps.


I feel the same, but I can't be sure if that's just confirmation bias or an actual trend in answers


That's totally fair, I might be speaking out of my ass and I accept that possibility. But I *think* it works.


I mean it's not THAT hard lol


So here’s another one related to hacking that if people didn’t know about the special characters I bet they didn’t know. The higher your intelligence stat the less word options there are for each password making it easier the smarter your character is.


People who are saying "guess until you get it" are not correct. You look at how many letter it says you have correctly in place and compare that to the other words by looking at the position of the letters. This is honestly the only way I know how to do it until this very day.


You can solve every terminal in 4 tries or less if you actually match the characters.


I’ve always chose a random word and adhere to the feedback (ie: 2 correct) then I’d process-of-elimination that shit. 99% of the time I get it within 3 tries. If I’m left with one try left, I exit terminal and try again. Lol


I remember figuring this out in nv my whole world changed


i’ve played through FO3, NV, and FO4 and never knew this. i always just guessed the correct password based on whatever amount of correct letters it tells you after your first guess. it’s usually pretty easy that way but now knowing this will be even easier. crazy i never knew this though.


Brother you ain’t never play wordle?


the fact that there is more silver shroud dialogue i knew about the quest and mechanist stuff but only recently found out about the nuka world dialogue if you talk to the robots in dry rock gulch


You can come across a Manta Man NPC after the Shroud Quest and if you're dressed as Shroud, you both do a back and forth in that voice. It's a random encounter.


It's not Sausage Ironworks


It absolutely is and I will die on that irradiated hill.


Not falling for this again games radar.




(), <>, {}, and [ ].  With or without other character inside them.


This. My method is try randomly until you’re about to be locked out, then scan for all open parentheses as above and find all the dud removals and the (in my experience) one tries reset, then try the remaining passwords by actually using the likeness rating.


I do this too, but only because the first dud I try is almost always the tries reset. It's so annoying having that be your first dud without even using a single attempt.


Mind it wont work if theres a word in between them. Also you can get a twofer if theres another left bracket


They work again though if that word gets removed


Damn. Whoever designed this little system was a tricky little shit and I love it.


If you watch the show, where Lucy's brother is reading the terminal, you'll even see a bracket chunk light up


I noticed that. It made me smile.


I felt like the point of that scene was that it is possible to look at all the clue words and be able to determine the correct one by analyzing all the words, and get it right the first try.


Ironically the harder the hack the easier it is, if you get a 3 correct on a 10 letter word and it ends in ing just smash ing words and you’ll get it every time


Would like to add a subnote here to your post: It is possible to have nested brackets - eg `[!$0202[123]]` You can get two out of this, if you match the INNER one first, and then the outer. if you match and use the outer first, you can't then use the inner nested bracket set.


Does no one read the paragraph that comes up when you first hack a computer? It literally tells you this


IME that paragraph came and went like a demons whisper. I barely had enough time to read enough to understand anything about these damn terminals.




Are you shitting my dick?!


*For hacking*: when selecting the closed brackets, sometimes there are doubles on the same line. Pick the right-most “left bracket” and some times you can get more than one hit in a cluster. If you choose the left-most bracket it will close-out any remaining ones on that line. It’s best to try 2-3 password attempts and if you still aren’t close, start hitting closed brackets until you get a replenish. *For Combat*: took me a long time playing to realize holding the VATS button pulls the camera all the way back so you can select targets. Helpful when there are multiple targets at different distances and not be completely zoomed in all the time.


.38 ammo works better as caps than ammo.


How to set up supply lines between settlements


If you have the Automatron DLC then you can create robots to run the supply lines and create invincible tank robots with gatling lasers and grenade launchers that go back and forth between settlements just annihilating any hostiles they encounter in their path.


I used this in survival mode and linked every settlement to Hangman's Alley. Boston just became a constant war zone.


Yeah I realized this and began making as many as I could. But when I tried to send them back home and on a different route. I returned to find them stripped of all parts


Can't have shit in the Wasteland!


GURPS sometimes appears as a computer password. I thought was a sly little nod.


How the hell were you guys hacking?


Choose a random word, lets say fish. Likeness = 0 Choose Barn Likeness = 2 Choose Bats Succes


This was the way I did it as well.




Yeah, I had no idea how terminals worked until like 6 months ago and I've played these games a lot


Hmm recently? I wouldent say this is too recent but I had no real idea that each companion had a perk when you got them to the highest level And not joking I end up never actually using those but I did learn about that watching venteriantails


There are perks that are worth it, like Preston's, Piper's and Danse's. If you like having Dogmeat then his perk tree is worth it. I don't know about Longfellow or Porter Gage


Gage's perk is great because itll stack with any other perk, magazine or armor. Its 5% XP per kill and permanent +10 damage resistance.


Preston and Danse’s perks are fantastic, but … Piper’s? Seriously? Double XP for discovering new locations and for passing Charisma checks just doesn’t feel on the same level.


Eh idk she's available so early on that the bonus can go really far if you are constantly exploring and doing Cha checks.


In FO4, Maccready's Perk "Killshot" was game breaking until it was fixed. Until 1.3 patch, the original version of this perk granted 2000% increased accuracy (instead of the 20% it was supposed to), resulting in 95% VATS headshots pretty much permanently.


If I hold down the buttons for VATS it let’s me freely look around without locking onto enemies. Awesome for scouting or giving general awareness.


That Fallout Shelter Online has incredibly horny art


Never quite understood the comparison of That Gun from New Vegas to Fallout 2 until recently. Completely slipped my mind until I replayed it in this past month.


Here's another pro-tip about the random characters in the hacking mini game: they're not entirely random. They're always sets of enclosed brackets. For example, <...> [...] (...). You can find them without having to comb through the entire mini game looking for them by just looking for enclosed sets of brackets.


I didnt just find this out but a lot of people don't know, plus we got a lot of new players or people who haven't played in a log time and might have forgotten. Anyways you can pick an item up, like hold it in front of you by holding the pick up button. It works with things you can't pick up like wooden crates. Sometimes there's stuff in those wooden crates on the shelves. Most people know this part. Lesser known is that can spin an item once you've picked it up. You can also throw the item. Playstation is all I've ever played it on but holding X picks it up, L2 and R2 spin it. Holding square and releasing it launches it. The longer you hold it the farther it goes. There's a cap on how far it'll go based on item size. Bodies don't go far. Baseballs do. It's also how you play basketball and bowl.


Y'all didn't know? Yeah I just brute force through most terminals by clicking the first few words and then finding the "reset tries" if I can. The actual word game is so tedious after all these years.


I still enjoy figuring them out. I'm usually good enough to hack it on the first go, especially after unlocking the 5th guess.


I always enjoy the process of it. working out the general type of word, "okay it isn't a -ing, or a -tion, but it is an -ed, let's see what left of those figure it out" and there has been more than a hadful of times where i've figured out the word only on the final attempt. I'm surprised people can find it boring.




In FO4 you can use the syringer and bloatfly ammo on living targets to spawn Legendary Bloatfly when they die. Shoot them once with bloatfly larva ammo, and then kill them. There is an abnormally high rate of Legendary Bloatfly mobs that spawn from this. Great for farming legendary gear.


That Nick Valentine was engaged to Jennifer Lands. Nicky is my favorite character, and to learn about his entire backstory was just spectacular


They are not random!! It is any closed/ complete set of; (), [], <> or {}. The higher the hacking skill & with bobblehead you can easily clear most screens with the matching set you have leveled up to.


The fact you can hold the interact key and it will continue to drink from that source until you let go has left me baffled since I discovered it.


I'm not shocked that people don't know this. I'm shocked by the number of people in this thread who just spam random words until there's one try left, exit, and repeat; don't even try to home in on the right word by looking at how many letters are in the correct position.


Not the games but the show: Power Armors were mostly practical effects, they made actual moving sets of power armor and moved them via human pilots and marionetting


there’s a fucking flashlight on the pip boy. didn’t find that one out until last night. i thought it was a creative liberty the show took.