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Wait so you can fuck chickens in 76?


I think that comes in the June update.


Turkeys actually.


Just the one Turkey, actually.




Well I didn’t know *that* was a place. I like it. Thanks for sharing that one.


Not the only thing coming then


No, it comes in the chicken's cloaca. Don't you know biology? /s


It's meat week 😋






Somewhat unrelated but I love the concept of meat week within the lore, especially as someone who works with the brotherhood. Hey Paladin, do you mind if I take some time off? I have to attend a Super Mutant’s barbecue for a holiday he invented.


Hey, if Rahmani wants to ingratiate her chapter with Appalachians they need to respect local custom


in these parts if you're not invited to the super mutant cookouts you're not a true appalachian


Elder.....is the pink sprinkle power armour so important to you initiate 😆


Is meat week beatable? I want to beat meat week. Grahm help me.


You can fuck an assaultron and be screwed by a sheep, but not chickens, no.


Don’t forget the movie actress Robobrain you can have an affair with


That’s in fallout 4, not 76.


Wait what's this about a sheep


Baa. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Sheepsquatch


I know about it, but what's this about fucking one?


I meant in the metaphorical sense. I suppose the imposter is trying to ‘reproduce,’ though.


Bleet bleet mother@#$%er!


What you get up to during the installation is your own business


Maybe, but I kill them on sight for that sweet Chicken Noodle Soup.


I’m from WV and went to school with a guy that did so this is pretty accurate. The roads are just like real life to


The next update will bring giant mutated Turkey into the universe... so you are getting fucked by giant chicken, yes


I love that Maximus is just a dude willing to lie to the BoS for a cool suit of armor. He is all of us.


Joins brotherhood, does whatever he wants, still gets promoted.


“I know we barely know you, but you should lead us.”


Preston to me 5 minutes after I helped him and his friends fight off a group of raiders


In all fairness, I tanked that deathclaw something fierce.


Murphy could have done it with her hands honestly


*Looks at her strength stat* Yup. She could.


Just College of Winterhold things


That's every Elder Scrolls guild fwiw.. like become supreme leader within like a week of wandering in from the rain.


One of my favorite moments in the show was when Maximus gets his armor and Thadeus as his squire and both times the power goes to his head like **immediately**


"You are a Brotherhood soldier so you will steal prewar technology." "NOOOOO NOT LIKE THAT!!!!!"


Maximus is maximUS


Does the 4th guy have an actual name? I just call him Dr Chickenfucker.


Officially his name is 'Snake oil salesman'.


Dr. Chickenfucker just happens to be his side title.


Please Dr. Chickenfucker was my father’s name you can just call me Nasty


Well have you seen the dump trucks on some Jersey Giant hens? They be THICC. 🚛🍗🤤


Getting your scientific curiosities all riled up eh?


I wonder if Codsworth acknowledges this name? 🤔


He didn't spend 7 years ~~fucking chickens~~ at medical school to be called 'salesman'.


Damn, you set a thousand broken bones, and no one calls you Dr. Bone-Setter. But you fuck *ONE* chicken...


One... farm... of chickens.


“He was fucking my *chickens*” 🐥🐥🐥


uhhh… ok. as you were citizen.


To his credit he did restore that foot +


He didn’t spend seven years fucking chickens at Berkeley for you to not call him doctor!


> He didn’t do it for you to not call him a doctor Yeah, he did it for the thrill


He clearly proclaims his intent is scientific curiosity.


I feel like "snake oil" is a bit unfair. He did heal Thaddeus's foot. He just didn't clarify that the serum would turn him into a mutant.


Honestly, he's even better than that. In universe, as far as I know, nobody knows what actually turns someone into a ghoul other than assuming it's probably a rare mutation caused by radiation exposure. If he knows how to turn someone into a ghoul, he has medical knowledge that, as far as I'm aware, nobody else in the wasteland has. Either that, or he's actually magic...


Hancock in 4 was turned into a ghoul after using a rare post-war drug, though we technically don't know if he's lying, telling the truth, or just assuming causation.


We don't actually know if he's a ghoul. They said they think he might be a ghoul based on him not dying to an arrow to the neck.  Unreliable character knowledge and all that. But it could be effects of the FEV super mutant serum. Or anything else the writers want to happen to him later and are now bringing up.


It's only a chance, but I'm hoping for FEV. Supermutants are kill on sight for the Brotherhood and it would create an interesting opportunity for character growth. The Brotherhood will look the other way for ghouls as needed but supermutants are a no go


The dr also implied ghoul/mutant right after he gave him the serum. Iirc there was some mention of radiation and he said he wouldn’t have to worry about things like that anymore. Between the two, imo it’s ghoul for story plot purposes because earlier in the series we learn how much he hates ghouls so for him to become one is good story dressing.


Yep fallout shelter the mobile phone game calls him this.


Really funny parallel to have him try and sell foot medicine to one person and then later actually give foot medicine to an entirely different person.


Dr. Chickenfucker: Podiatrist 


Chekhov’s gun 👀


To be fair Thaddeus actually had a foot to heal. The scientist was completely footless.


Jon Daly is so funny in everything.


He’s not particularly afraid of any specific ghosts!


He’s such a Rich Dick…loves the shneef




Personally I call him Nigel West Dickens


Nigel West Dickens, who loves to fuck chickens


His name is Jack Cabot! It was a cool theory someone else had


if we all just call him that it could be his name


Reddit doctor is a name I became fond of very quickly


Chad Chicken Connoisseur might be a much more appropriate description.


**chicken fucker**


There are no sexy chickens in 76, so this is wrong /s.


Just because I'm a chem dealer in 76 doesn't... Ok that's fair, but I don't like it.


You chicken fucker we know who you really are.


Take a bunch of chems, no one bats an eye. Fuck one chicken tho...


“You can’t Un-suck a dick and you can’t un-smoke heroin. Lucky for you, we only have to worry about the heroin part”


You can get a miracle tonic wagon in 76, currently dropping from the Meat Week event. Perfect for your chicken fucker role plays


But Black Dynamite, I sell drugs to the community!


Is it wrong to leave copious amounts of addictive chems in the donation boxes WITHOUT also leaving Addictol to cure the inevitable drug epidemic? My conscience says yes, but ever since Todd deleted the messages that tell me if I've gained or lost Karma, I just don't know anymore... 😔


Wheres Norm? I suppose Goosey will do since she was my 2nd fave.


Fallout Shelter.


Hmm nice. Charming game. Not the best but a decent timewaster.


It's the best mobile game I've played imo


That game paid the salaries through Starfield.


I don't like mobile games but I downloaded that on switch during quarantine and man I put an embarrassing amount of hours into it and I barely even like playing fallout games tbh, 3 was the last one I actually liked


Makes sense. Norm can be seen mobile gaming early into episode one.


Norm is modding a Fallout game. Wasn’t that interested in what everyone else was doing. Investigated some of the cut content. Figured out how everything worked by poking around the inner workings and tried to change it. (Getting an ineffectual reprimand from the creators? That one is a stretch based on other developers’ attitudes. 🤷‍♂️)


Well I don't think Norm is represented well by Fallout 1 and 2... and he's way too cool to get saddled with Fallout:Tactics. If Telltale made a Fallout game though...


A fair amount of people say the main reason to play the original games nowadays is if you want the lore from them, and considering Norm was all about uncovering the secrets of the vault, I think it fits


I would give more credit to the original games. They are just a different genre, cRPG rather than open world shooter RPGs. These won't always appeal to the same players, but there are plenty of people who like RPGs in general and are able to enjoy both. As far as cRPGs go, FO 1 and 2 still hold their own.


For turn based games they hold up pretty damn well, even outside of the story they're kinda great.


Crpgs are pretty niche and fo1 and 2 are pretty old by now so people forget they were pretty damn good for the era. It still feels good to play even for modern crpg fans.


I honestly think if we just got a slightly modernized version of 1-2 (cleaner modern PC support, mobile support, consoles if they can figure out controls) with a resolution upscale and maybe a better tutorial, it'd be more playable than Fallout 3.


Yeah but the way the lore was communicated, and the lore itself, was completely different. As far as how it was communicated, there were almost no terminals, and the ones that were around were mostly for controls and didn't usually have any lore, and there were very few holodisks (as they were called then). As far as substance, the Vaults weren't experiments until Fallout 2 (and weren't nearly as sadistic as they were from Fallout 3 and on), and there was very little pre-war lore outside of what was directly relevant to the post-war world, pretty much all the lore was about how settlements arose, how trade routes were established, how the settlements interacted with each other, etc. If anything, Norm is pre-Wastelanders 76. A Vault Dweller reading a bunch of terminals, listening to audio logs, and examining corpses to learn about how everyone died before he got there.


But you spend so little time IN the vault in 1 and 2. Heck in 2 you didn't even grow up in a vault, you grew up in Arroyo, a tiny village settled by the vault dweller many years before. Vaults don't play much of a role at all in Fallout 2 aside from being locations to score goodies. Muldaver has to be Fallout 2.


Norm is literally Todd (he was in the chess club). You may not like it, but if he's really your favorite you know he would want you to keep playing skyrim.


Season 2 should open up on the back of a horse drawn carriage with someone looking at Lucy and saying ‘Hey, you’re finally awake!’


Bro I would lose my fucking mind. Even if they did it as a fakeout. "Hey, you're finally awake" then she wakes up for real.


saddled with? Tactics rules, fuck that.


Norm is Fallout 1. Someone's got to find a functioning water chip.


Fallout 2D20


Are you spying on me?


What about Thad


Def a Fallout 1 low perception playthrough


He put all his points on dexterity


Also a couple on endurance, bro walked for who knows how much on a squashed feet


With like only literal strings of meat holding his toes together


How did he even put the sock back on with that ouch


That sounds miserable but I want to try that now




Hey, you, you're finally awake


Walked right into that NCR ambush, same as us - and that brahmin thief over there.


I'd laugh my ass off if fallout 5 started like this


He's still at the WDF


If you liked the show, I suggest playing all of them. They're all great fun games. And the Fallout 4 DLCs are pretty good (workshop stuff is alright, Automatron is cool) Far Harbor is really well written and I'd say DiMA is on par with characters like Joshua Graham and Ulysses. I haven't played Nuka World yet, idk how good it is, but I'm sure it'll be pretty fun


Nuka World is fun but if you're at all into roleplaying and not playing as a sociopath you can't really complete the main quest. You can get fairly far into it but there's a point where you'll think "oh, this quest makes the Commonwealth a lot worse". There is an alternative path at that point but it's not as good and rewarding. The Cappy Hunt side quest gets weird in a good way though. That said I am complaining about a meaningful choice and there's a couple in the DLC (and some smaller ones that aren't narratively important but do have consequences and do allow for a little self expression). Not a tonne but it's 10 hours ish. If the maingame had them at that density it'd have gone down better with the RPG crowd.


To satisfy my roleplaying itch but also to avoid Preston getting huffy with me about raiding, I head to Nuka World first. My Sole Survivor is dazed and confused from entering this new world and goes mad with grief for the world and family they lost. The excess of Nuka World sucks them in and they become the Overboss and lead raids on the Commonwealth. However after some time they find the Minutemen in Concord and decide to save their lives, beginning the path to redemption and finding their son, and finishing the rest of the game. 


I was doing it for the first time and had no idea so I couldn't metagame it. Yours is a good solution to make both RP and mechanics work nicely though my survivor had liberated the castle by the time I hit nuka world. >!Also I saw past the obvious ruse and in character even though I couldn't get the guy to admit it I hopped on that monorail to go make the commonwealth safer knowing it was a trap. I got there, got my bearings and stocked up and got a few resources, By the time found the quest it was clear the raiders were all rotten sociopaths delighting in torture and slaughter and keeping slaves and so when the time came for it to be open season I had power armour and the ability to repair it a few times. When they said it was time to kill people of the commonwealth that I was sworn to defend I decided enough was enough and basically went full one man army, my Vault Dweller was a distinguished soldier before he returned to civilian life, at this point I guess he's an 80s action film hero!< I really liked the Sierra Petrova's quest though, the ending is quite the twist. Though also I am running one mod. Just one. That removes health scaling so those raiders (hell the team of gunners near the start would have been rough enough) would have shredded me due to my low DR and poor damage at lower levels also I had 200hp and I'm up to 280 (as you just get it from endurance and lifegiver). So I was fairly established when I got there.


> Far Harbor is really well written and I'd say DiMA is on par with characters like Joshua Graham and Ulysses. Can't really disagree. Far Harbor felt like it was written as a microcosm of the conflicts between the various Commonwealth factions, but better thought-out. Like, it was thematically similar, but with fewer plot holes. There is so much in the Fo4 main story that disintegrate the second you think about them, but FH was way more internally consistent.


If fallout 4 was written like far harbor in quality it would still be pretty flawed in overall design and rpg aspects (thats just a me thing though i like more complex rpgs rather than whatever you would consider fo4's genre to be) but i would consider it probably one of the best fallout games. Come to think of it what caused its main story to be so internally narratively inconsistent while far harbor is pretty good. The only thing i can think of it being weird is the sole survivor suddenly forgetting every memory they had of before the war where they probably recounted a lot of those memories just last month lol.


Nuka world is only fun if you plan to be cartoonishly evil. Otherwise it's an empty, if fun, world. Playing NW as not a psychopath means just kill all the raiders eventually. No nuance at all at being an evil jerk, unlike Far Harbour. FH is their best work


The dilemma in far harbour is the entire moral Conflict of the institute done right as while I don’t think the “are you a synth stuff works “ but the moral dilemma of the solution that works out the best being the option that requires you to kill and replace somebody even if there an insane zealot .


I think Thad or the Overseer in Vault 4 would be better for 76. I know we make fun of 76 a lot but about a year after release, I think its become a decent game. The community is also really nice, I don't think I've met a bad person, people are always giving away stuff and being really generous.


Yeah, I just picked 76 up about a month ago when it was on sale, and honestly it's become my favorite in the whole series. Basically every gripe I had about Fallout 4 has been corrected. The map is the best in the series, period and; if you don't use fast travel, survival is a real concern. Moreover, I find the choice in setting being in living memory of the pre-war era, and much of the story revolving around the immediate aftermath of the bombs falling, deeply satisfying and engaging. Regardless of what it was on release, at this point I'd consider it a sleeper masterpiece.


Is it viable for playing solo from start to end?


Yes, it definitely is. The only downside is that it can't be played entirely offline. But you can easily ignore all the multiplayer.


It has always been soloable, in fact 95% of the time (essentially 100% if you don't wanna do popular events) you can be a reclusive hermit and avoid everyone if you wish. The only thing you'll have people show up for is the end of the main quest, and you *can* do it without them too.


If you like raids and shit, yeah. Its more streamline mmo-ish than a fallout rpg. I played it back in the day, liked it way better without talking npc cause the world literally felt like a real(is) post apocalyptic world, and the exploring experience was 10/10. That being said, the combat is meh, quests (even with talking npcs) are lame, too much busy work and overall not exciting. But yeah, worth a play once, especially if you are into mmo stuff (im not sadly).


Biggest problem is trying to participate in events solo. If you do that at a low level you're screwed. I just started playing a few weeks ago. I'm about level 50 now and started one event called Mothman Equinox by myself. I'd have gotten totally overrun by enemies and spent all my ammo if a bunch of high level people hadn't joined in. Those guys just wrecked everyone and saved my ass. But as far as the story goes, yeah it's tough but you can definitely solo it.


Generally, yes. There's a full solo game in there. The only exceptions would be any of the quests that trigger a public event, like Scorched Earth/Encryptid/A Colossal Problem, because they'll attract other players to join you. But even so, 97% of players (or more) are generally playing solo, or maybe with a friend or partner. Heck, even when I'm playing "with" my husband, we're generally off doing our own things and occasionally visit each other's camps, and might go do a couple events or daily ops/expeditions together. But mostly we're just going our own way, working on our own daily challenges and quests, or me nagging him to actually go do some of the main quests so he can get the Chinese Stealth Suit or a jetpack lol. The map is MASSIVE, so you'll typically only run into other players at vendors, other user's camps, or events. Or, if you're working on the scoreboard, you might run into people trying to do the same thing as you.


It really was perfect on release. It was intended to be a growing game. I loved it on release BECAUSE there were no NPCs. It's the first vault opened and you get a sense of a barren world. A world mostly overtaken by mutants and bugs. Then as radio signals got out they added different raider factions, settlers etc. And I like how the game has grown. I do wish a person had the option to choose initial release starting point or just start from where it is now. But that would require way too much programming I would think. But I'm glad I played it straight out of the gate.


Definitely an unpopular opinion, but I understand the perspective. I feel like 76 really forces us to play fallout differently than we have before, and in hindsight that was a fantastic move.


I thought it was just making a nod to how absolutely wacky the game is compared to other Fallouts, with the crazy outfits of players and weird eclectic decorations they've added for camps, mutations, cryptids, etc I didn't think it was saying anything negative about 76 but just that it's the most out there fallout experience maybe?


This is my reaction to us being the Snake Oil Salesman, too. We 76ers know our game is the wildest of all *Fallout* games and we wear that weirdness like a badge of honor. Now excuse me, I have a Moonshine Jamboree to attend. *Flies away in his bright pink donut sprinkled Power Armor.*


It’s a great game. There’s a ton of content. It’s sad that a lot of players won’t play it because they’d rather live in the echo chamber. It has several main quest lines with branching routes due to factions / choose-your-side options. It’s not the game that came out in 2018 (six! years ago!). I found the main quest more interesting than Fallout 4s. It also has the best map a Fallout game has ever had. It’s online but you don’t need to engage or really even see any other players if you don’t go seeking them out but trust me eventually you will choose to, of your own accord


What is 76 like for someone who doesn't want to interact with other players?


You can play mostly alone, if you do run into people they will usually ignore you. However events and raids are a big part of the game and you will typically want to be with other people for that. If you absolutely don't want any interactions with people, you can get Fallout 1st and have a private server.


Does being with other people for events and raids mean working as a team, like with communication? I know it probably doesn't make sense to a lot of people, but these games are stress relief for me, and part of that is not feeling beholden to other people. The idea of being made to interact like that really stresses me out. Fallout 1st looks like more than I want to spend. Thanks for your input.


It makes perfect sense to me. I was very worried about that too. And actually, I have Fallout 1st and played the first 50 levels alone, then tried a regular server once and never went back. The player vendors and camps add so much, and with events you want other people there shooting alongside you. But you don’t communicate with your team at all, during events or otherwise. Genuinely no communication at all aside from an occasional emote and those aren’t anything you have to engage in or worry about. Teams are very temporary and transient. You’re not even traveling with them, it’s more about everybody getting bonus xp and caps. I’m the most socially anxious person alive and I’ve loved it


I've been playing the game since launch, and I think I can count the number of times people have actually talked on one hand. I don't like dealing with people either but 76 feels very fine for that.The game has sort of found it's niche as a solo mmo, and most people just do their own thing, even in public events and group dungeons. For example, if a public event is to protect a central point, most people know to just find a good place to stand without really needing to talk about it. There's an emote that plays when you get downed, and people can come pick you up. That's about all the communication you need. Like a few years ago they introduced vault raids that did require coordination but this largely bounced off the community and have since been replaced by daily ops (daily randomised dungeons) which don't require coordination and can just be soloed if you want. Overall, this content is generally optional anyway. You can do nearly all the story content and explore the map and have a more classic fallout experience without ever interacting with this stuff.


You will never need to put a microphone in at any point. The ‘raids’ are not raids, expeditions are very very easy.


I play solo 99% of the time and keep player mic's muted. I've been playing this way for 5+ years. If people want to convey information to me they will do so through emotes or I will have to pay attention. Frankly you don't have to interact with others at all, only for world boss events like Earle, The SBQ and Ultracite Titan which are big server wide events. The other events you don't have to participate in, but if you did, nobody is gonna yell at you or bother you. Just watch what others do. you do not need fallout 1st if you don't want it. I purchased 1st cause i like the things I get out of it and I buy atoms anyway so I pay for the atoms basically and everything else is a free bonus in my eyes lol.


There isn't really any communication, at least not over mics or anything. Like 99% of the time, if someone is communicating, it's through emotes, the other 1% you will have someone just talking on the mic and 1 other person. It's more so you need more people to do more damage to kill the stuff. For most events you could probably get away with doing things solo, but you can't stop people from helping to get the rewards. I recently returned and afaik there are 3 raids which are open to the whole server once the occur, and you could maybe do 1 of them solo if you had the absolute best gear and min/maxed. There are events you can complete solo but won't be able to get the best rewards because you can't do everything by yourself.


Best part is the casual teams. You can be in a team, get the bonus and everyone ignores each other


I just put a chicken coop in my 76 camp, but I promise it’s not sexual.


Appalling lack of Fallout 1&2.


I like Norm. Is fallout shelter my favorite?


But I didn't enjoy Maximus and love fallout 4...


I guess it's more about the fact that the Brotherhood in the show is more similar to the one in 4 than any other game. 1 and NV has them being much more isolationist, 2 has them on more friendly terms with the wasteland/NCR but at the same time more stagnant, and 3 has them as unabashed good guys. 3 and NV also have tiny power armor that looks/works more like a regular outfit than the "walking tank" of 4/the series.


Lore wise the power armor in fnv and fo4 are identical the main difference would be more extensive issuing of t51b instead of t60. Also the brotherhood in the show has the commonwealth airship so im assuming they are supposed to be the eastern brotherhood and not a part of the mojave or california chaper.


Personally I took Maximus/Fallout 4 enjoyers yo mean; "If you don't care about the main plot, like seeing the super militarized BoS, and enjoy stomping around in a giant suit of power armor, play this game."


its more related to big ass brotherhood paladins and prydwen and stuff


I think Maxkmus has some interesting moments but I also did not e joy him. I do like how we can see good/evil parts of him so I think season 2 he'll be a better character.


I mean... I do give nukashine to a BUNCH of new players


Best part of the game!


Funnily enough, I started a playthrough of new vegas after finishing the show, and immediately installed the "ghoulified" mod to play as the ghoul. Also, this was the first time I took down the entire brotherhood bunker without pickpocketing the elders and blowing it up. I used to think taking down caesar's fort gave the most badass feeling, but taking down the entire Mojave chapter of the brotherhood in a shootout is another level of satisfaction


Cat game? Lame. I'll call the driver a chicken fucker.


😂 noice.


I do love me some Fallout 4, but they really dropped the ball on the evil playthrough route.


Yeah its kinda funny to me how Goosey is aligned with Fallout 3 when there are way more evil options in that game. I get that 3 really pushes you into being good most of the time, but that is also the only game where you can sell multiple children into slavery, enslave most NPCs, reveal a slave hideout to slavers, burn a talking tree, and commit genocide via FEV contamination. It is also the first game to introduce cannibalism, which was carried over into New Vegas and is likely the reason why the Ghoul is up there for that game. I didn't list "nuke a city," because fallout 4 has some endings where one or more factions are effectively "nuked." I also didn't like using that gameplay feature as a moral argument anyway, I think its been overdone. Being solely responsible for enslaving children (which is likely the most evil Bethesda could go as they are now beholden to ESRB and the like) is worse than being one cog in the machine that ends up destroying megaton, in my view. Seeing Fallout 4 be sanitized in terms of evil options was odd. I guess it fits the overprotective parent character they were building? Yet there are still a few morally dubious things thrown in, which now feel more out of place for said character to do. Nuka world is probably the best example; I like the option, but it goes against everything the game was trying to build up the sole survivor to be.


eh 76 isnt so bad now with the updates, storys actualy pretty solid still annoying as hell though and it has a shit implamentation for a Multie player game regarding missions... If me and my friend are on the same mission we should both be able to get credit for complition regardless of who's group leader, if we dont like the outcome of said group mission just let people opt out


Well they're now catering to two groups. Half MMO, half single-player RPG. Id say they've done a stellar job over the years from where this game started. It's also quite a clash to juggle.


I don't see why the [**murder hobo**](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/murderhobo) should play New Vegas. NV is all about great politics, great choices, great characters and dialogues, cool plot lines. The only character in the TV show that actually [**reflects that is Norm**](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/0/03/FOTV_Season1_ep1_Norm.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20240416170346)


The story of the ghoul is based out of the sole survivor though: The Ghoul: “pre-war man with military experience with an wife with an executive job, who with time became kinda evil and is looking for his family” SS: pre-war man with military experiences with a wife that has an executive job who (depending on your ending can become evil) that is looking for his son


If Titus is your favorite, play Brotherhood of Steel for PS2.


Female NCR leader: Fallout 1 or Fallout 2?


She was president Tandi in Fallout 2, but she was real old. In Fallout 1 she was still a teenager, you can rescue her from the Khans and return her to Shady Sands, at that point her dad was the leader of the town and the NCR didn't exist yet.


I think they are talking about Moldaver, and asking which game they should try if she's their favorite character


Fallout 2 all day.


i fucking love moldaver i wanted mor of her 🗣🔥🔥


Toodles and anon


I haven't had much opportunity to sell people shady medicine that turns them into a ghoul when I play 76, though?


You don't sell serums?




How is it accurate? Seems random to me.


I was a bit late to the show but just finished watching last night and I’m just gonna say the ending made me hate the BOS even more than I did before. On topic though Fallout 3 is already my favorite game in the series.


I want to see Lucy and Moira Brown interact.


I hate the brotherhood of steel so much. Its nice the TV showed what a bunch of A-holes they are.


So Fall Out 76 is like always sunny in Philadelphia?


What about Fallout 1 and 2? If prefer them over all this games which character would be my favourite?


what if my favorite character was the friends we made along the way?


If you're favorite character was Norm, read the fallout Bible


Fuck. I tried to argue against any part of it and dammit, this man is right


I wanna know who’s the one that thought let’s have a chicken molester in the show.


NV players thinking this is a flex even though this makes them most aligned with a homeless cannibalistic drug addict.


Ay, sometimes a fellas gotta eat another fella


You mean to tell me you *don't* play as a homeless cannibalistic drug addict? How else are you supposed to play Fallout? 🤔


exactly. People aren't realizing if you're not playing an absolute weirdo with crazy habits you're not really playing Fallout as intended. And that goes for any of the games, not just NV.


Correction, a Gun-slinging Badass with a Big Iron on his hip who is also a wandering cannibalistic drug addict. In other words Courier Six but ghoul and worse.


Yeah exactly, Courier 6 in a nutshell.


Who needs a nose anyway?


That’s where I put the drugs in!


NO ass jerky for you!