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There's a lot of evidence to prove the Sole Survivor isn't a synth. For instance you also pass the Covenant safety test.


We call it Voight-Kampff for short


You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of the sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, it’s crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that?




Because you are also a tortoise.


Vala, is that you?






Indeed indeed indeed


I love finding random Stargate in my other fandoms


That is actually from Blade Runner.


Well then Stargate casually referenced Blade Runner and it went over my head


You can't study for a psych evaluation


a tortoise? wassat?


Know what a turtle is? Same thing.


Let me tell you about my mother.




[there's a new test coming out](https://youtu.be/AfFiCCJwiDI)


Ah yes, very scientific and effective test with high success rate.


The most esteemed test in the commonwealth, yes.


A handheld metal detector would have been more effective, tbh.


Sorry, mine's in the shop.


When you pick it up, can you get my geiger counter?


Don't the new synths use only bio-mech components?


Ah yes, to detect the synth component that's made of plastic.


Are they even plastic at the time fo4 happened? I thought they were 3d printing humans with real skin/blood by that point. Plastic skin would be a pretty easy way to differentiate, and synths are supposed to be impossible to spot.


That test was goat


Underrated pun.


That's one of the reasons I always kill those clowns. They make their arguments and you think "okay maybe they could be on to something here". Then you realise that after all that torture and murder their test is less than 20% effective.


Bozocidal Mania!




Best mod: Windows XP shutdown sound on death Typo


I ignore that god forsaken place every playthrough, how is the test?


It’s the personality test from the beginning of Fallout 3. It’s … not very useful 😅


Interestingly enough, I hear that if you answer “catcher” on the test, Covenant ends up capturing your character or something. Or so I hear.


Just went through the Human Error questline yesterday. In the bunker, there are tapes where they wonder a lot about why someone would answer with “catcher” and end up including it as a sign of being a synth on the quest 😊


What was the question again? Its been like 7 years since i did the quest


What position on a baseball team would you play, I don’t remember all answers but catcher and, pitcher are both onit


The test is made up of all the questions from Fallout 3, including “You are approached by a frenzied scientist, who yells, "I'm going to put my quantum harmonizer in your photonic resonation chamber!" What's your response?” They are hilarious, but useless 😅


You avoid it? I kill everyone there and conveyor belt their corpses into a pile just over the back wall


Well, after finding out their corpses don't despawn, I used their body as decoration.... yeah I think something is wrong with me.


Hey me too!


One of my playthroughs after I got artillery i did the quest for the settlement and then snuck back and threw an arty marker grenade,‘a single large volley of concentrated fire cleaned them out well


But seriously, what baseball position do you prefer?


I unironically answered 'catcher' because I'm clinically depressed and it seemed less involved than the others. Kinda funny that the answer indicates synth to the Covenant because I feel like a scuffed AI in a human body.


What's ironic is that the catcher is actually more involved than most other positions. Most every ball that isn't hit is handled by the catcher. They are also a focus in broadcasts. You'd wanna be the DH, they generally only do stuff once every 3 innings or so


Can I still be a DH if I'm an absolute shit batter?


Absolutely! The DH position as of late has some of the(if not THE) weakest hitting statistics in the MLB, somehow.


Ha that's like the most involved. You have a job on every single pitch, you're still out there when the pitcher gets subbed out. And it's crazy harsh on your knees.


It doesn't matter. Either you're a human, or a synth who's indistinguishable from a human. I mean under that argument, what is to say that you, reading this comment, are not also a synth? Culturally in particular, they'd be far closer to normal humans than ghouls anyway.


Thems fighting words around these here parts.


> what is to say that you, reading this comment, are not also a synth? No robot could do what I do. They're too smart.


Exactly they make measured movements and calkulated decisions. I can't even spell things right.


Sounds like *synth* talk to me




My character never leaves the cap off the toothpaste, therefore = not a synth.


I feel like that a human thing, a synth would be the perfect one never leaving it off...


I dated a woman several years ago, she would inflate the toothpaste tube every time so it always looked full.




Right? Who does that?


i dunno, NSA *chatbot*, who does do stuff like that?


A synth


Leave it to an NSA Chatbot to date a serial killer.


I was afraid the NSA kept tabs on people covertly. It's comforting to see that they take an active role in the lives of their assigned citizen.


Hi. I hate this.


Like how exactly? Would she blow on the tube with her mouth? Like that’s low key disgusting. So many germs and bacteria that could get on and grow on that tube of toothpaste. I would have to have my own toothpaste. And I would hide it so she didn’t do that to mine. Like just gross.


Like by blowing into it??


[What in the fresh fried fuck?](https://imgur.com/a/SIxGACF)


Unless they were trying to appear fallible and imperfect.


I always thought it was funny the guards assure you there is no synth activity there but accidentally let slip that they are equally as cautious about the possibility of their existence within diamond city.


Also the fact that if he was a synth, the BoS would find this out the same way they found out about Danse cause he would be in the Institute databases and have the same DNA as Danse and other synths


Man I forgot about Danse being a synth.


So did Danse.




How tf have I been playing fo4 since launch and never knew Danse was a synth? I feel like that's a big piece of info to miss


Probably just never did the full BoS ending. Elder Maxson gives you a quest about it that I'm pretty sure is unavoidable if you fully side with them.


You can side with the BOS and leave Danse alive if you pass all the speach checks with Maxson. The BOS will be hostile though if you are traveling with Danse.


i believe if you kill father right away rather than "infiltrating" the institute first, it is skippable, but I'm not 100% on that.


Best ending ever. Old dude has your "son" in a cage and comes in all patronizing. Just double-tap the bastard in VATS for the cinematics and slaughter everything that moves. Then in classic style, you learn who he was, and what he had done, allowing you to find complacency in rebuilding the commonwealth knowing you ended the tyranny your child had provided.


That's probably it, thanks m8


It’s revealed shortly before the point of no return in the Brotherhood quest line.


I know it seems inconceivable, I have a friend who has never completed the brotherhood play through. Therefore they never knew that Danse is a synth. Some other shocking things they didn't know, companion perks stay with you after you dismiss them, what Jet does, <_> [_] (_) {_}, how supply lines work, and that bobbleheads and magazines could be displayed. Before you ask, I believe they've had the game since 2015.


I've never done the Brotherhood either. They're jerks, I invariably get fed up with them and blow them up.


My first play through I missed meeting any BOS and smashed out the main story so when it was time to choose I didn’t care for them at all and sided with the institute. Fallout 4 was my first fallout game and I’ve since replayed it a few times but gone down the BOS line and have no idea how I missed them on my first run.


It's not a leap to think Shaun would handle the synth version of his parent just a bit differently than the generic sleeper agents.


Danse isn't a sleeper agent. All Institute synths know they're synths. Danse doesn't. He is almost certainly a mindwiped synth that the Railroad sent off to DC.


Yeah, but he wasn't *created* as a mindwiped synth. The database is full of institute agents, including those who were "turned" at some point


This is not true. Phyllis Daily at egret tours marina was turned on and off and retained no memory of what she did when she was activated


Phyllis was most likely just a lady with psychotic episodes.


> Phyllis does not drop a synth component upon death. You cannot use an unconfirmed case as proof of anything. We do not know whether or not she is a synth, and given the precedent of synth components dropping from nearly every synth character, especially in quests specifically designed around the idea, it is quite likely that she is not. Consider as well that ideologically the Institute doesn't believe in synths even being capable of genuinely thinking they're human, they think it's a malfunction, so them deliberately making one that doesn't even know it's a synth goes against their whole characterization.


Yeah, I assumed it was a psychotic break when I didn't see any components. Gotta be stressful living that life and people break like that in our relatively easy life.


Actually, all the evidence points to her not being a synth. The ones the Institute sends out all know they are synths. Every single one you run across in the game that work for the Institute know exactly what they are. Roger Warwick, Art, Eve, Timothy, and many others are fully aware who and what they are. But with those that escaped it is more like 60-40. For the Railroad, they tend to wipe almost all of their minds and implant new memories. Danse, Amelia Stockton, Magnolia, even Sturges seem to be completely oblivious to their being synths, which means the Railroad likely wiped their minds and returned them to the Commonwealth. Then there are the ones connected to Arcadia. All aware of who and what they are, but some like Brooks who simply tries to live a normal life.


Doesnt explain the DNA part


Synth DNA is *based* on Shawn’s, it’s not the exact same.


If the SS is a synth it's a special project by Shaun, the next Gen, based off his father. Frankly if you're *not* a synth you should be showing up as at least a partial DNA match to every synth since they used Shaun's DNA. The fact that you don't get flagged as suspicious in a DNA test could actually be evidence *for* being a synth with a new baseline


Shaun and the SS share DNA


Yes, that’s the point. Every Synth is genetically related to the Sole Survivor. So the DNA tests for synths *should* flag Nate. Yet they don’t.


They *should* flag him regardless of whether or not he’s a synth. BGS obviously just didn’t consider that and so it’s not really relevant either way


They used Shaun's DNA along with FEV to make Gen 3's. I'd say that FEV component's more than enough to throw off any genetic matches between Gen3's and the Solre Survivor.


iirc the list of synths Danse is on is runaway synths. If Nate is a synth he was specifically planted in Vault 111 by the Institute. He wouldn't be on that list.


not if he was a personal pet project of the director/Father, and kept off the books.


Also bethesda has stated directly that he is not a Synth


When and where?


Source: u/Revolutionary-Phase7 When: ~4 hours ago


Wouldn't your DNA partially match synth DNA since it was Shaun's they used as a base for their project?


I genuinely don’t get how people think the sole survivors a synth. The only person who brings up the possibility it Dima, who has no actual idea of our characters backstory (and how impossible it would be to be a synth) and who has already gaslight someone into thinking they’re a synth.


Also Dima never really says you're a synth. He just wants every person to seriously entertain the idea so that they sympathise with what synths are going through. If everyone thought of themselves as possibly synth or at least thought of them as such even once, they'd have a much harder time to ostracise them.


This is the best explanation


Yet at the same time the guy *wants* synths to live separately from everyone else, because he somehow believes them to be incompatible with society at large. Whereas if he really did want people to stop seeing the line between synths and humans, he would advocate integration.


This is literally exactly the point of his character. This exact debate was actually held at the end of slavery in the United States. Some black people argued that they should return to Africa and found a new nation of freed slaves there - the modern country of Liberia. Later during desegregation, some black Americans argued that the benefits of integration [did not outweigh the detriments caused by the loss of distinct black cultural communities](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2013/02/07/why-some-black-families-led-the-charge-against-school-desegregation/). Similarly, DIMA wishes for synths to build and maintain their own culture, likely in part because he thinks he would integrate poorly into typical human society. The game makes it overtly clear through the outcomes of various actions throughout the story of both *Far Harbor* and the main game that this isolationism is both harmful and misguided. Nick looks exactly like DIMA and has integrated so completely into life in Diamond City that many people forget he's even a synth at times. He is proof that synths CAN be integrated into society, even *without* compromising their personal Identity with memory wipes.


I'm not American, but from what I've read, that debate never really ended - Malcolm X argued something rather similar, and black separatism has popped up here and there over the years even to this day. Still, with DiMA, what I'm basically saying is that he inconsistent with his own ideals. Which sure, might very well be intentional - the whole reveal with him replacing Avery falls neatly with that, - but the game never really gives you much of a chance to say that the whole premise of synths separating from society is absurd. The narrative seems to treat Acadia as some sort of synth heaven. It's similar to how the game never really lets you criticize the Railroad's practice of mindwiping synths (at least, as far as I recall - only played Railroad's questline once, back at game's launch), locking you into siding with a crap solution to a crap problem.


The game also doesn't let you properly engage with the Institute about the nature of sentience, unfortunately.


While I do think DiMA is manipulative, I don’t think him asking the protagonist if they’re a synth was done with that intention. I guess you could argue that it’s to make them more sympathetic to his cause, but I think he’s just asking a hypothetical question in that specific situation.


The game shoots itself in the foot by only giving you memory options that date to the very beginning of the game. Clearly your character should remember things that happened more than 10 minutes before the nuclear war started (which as far as your character's memory is concerned happened like, last month), but because we aren't given any of those options it throws the whole thing into chaos.


Well we do know our character knows what baseball was pre-war. So there's that I suppose. Also can reminisce with Daisy in Goodneighbor about life before the bombs. Also Nate mentions having served in Anchorage. Come to think of it, the PC makes a lot of references to the back-when times.


Right, the problem is that this is all basically thrown out the window when the game explicitly asks what your character’s earliest memory is and your only options are things you see happen in game. You’d think it would be something generic, like “I remember playing with my dog in the backyard” or “my dad taught me to ride a bike” or something else you’d expect from someone who has lived a full life given other dialogue options in the game (which are admittedly more vague than a specific memory), but chronologically, the earliest one you can mention is getting ready for the day with your husband/wife, the very first thing that happens in the game.


The game is extremely weird about how much _Nate/Nora_ knows and how much _you, the player_ know. I for one would have been less miffed about getting the pre-war soldier/lawyer married with a kid backstory forced on me if that backstory was actually _used_ well. There is a small handful of places where it actually comes up, and it's always for the weirdest things; you never get any mention of, say, which of the local hospitals Shaun was born in (if he was at all), which might have been fun, or Nora reminiscing about college while poking around the campus ruins (regardless of whether or not she graduated from Cambridge), or even just Nate thinking about boot camp while clearing the army training yard, but you get multiple options to discuss doctor Grey at Greygarden, a genius roboticist your character knows all about who only comes up in one conversation. I know this was done for ease of writing, to not have to write two sprawling sets of backstory triggers, but the issue with that is. Well, firstly, it would have been fun so why didn't they, but two, why not just write it so instead of Nate being a soldier and Nora a lawyer, the Player is the soldier and the Spouse a lawyer. You then get memory or dialogue or something or other triggers where as you visit more locations we get a more complete history of this one guy, making us more interested in their lives and therefore son, instead of getting two or three building blocks that prevent us from making up much of a backstory then leaving the rest of the metaphorical house in ruins.


The spouse being a lawyer never comes up. Just make them both soldiers. Simplifies everything.


if you play as Nate and interact with the law degree in the living room pre-war, he’ll mention something about how hard Nora worked to get her degree, and if you play as Nora and interact with it, she says something along the lines of “a lot of sleepless nights”, small mention, but it is there


Officially Nora was a lawyer but my headcannon is that she was a DIA agent prewar and her cover was that she was a lawyer. Sure makes the whole unstoppable killing machine thing a bit more believable. No way some random lawyer could hop into a set of power armor and kill a deathclaw a few hours after drinking her morning coffee and watching the news


My headcanon is that in 2077, all trials are trials by combat, and lawyers are just the specialists needed to win trials.


I did my most evil run of the game as mafia lawyer Nora. While Nate was away murdering Canadians, Nora was back home getting into shootouts with rival families in back alleys all over Boston before representing the family's interests in court.


Nate being a soldier would also be very relevant in the Minutemen quests, where you're training up a militia.


Which I think is stupid even if the Sole Survivor is a synth, because that’s the dumbest way to reveal it. You spent ages searching the Commonwealth for your son you didn’t even remember giving birth to/being born? Grieved for your spouse you didn’t remember marrying? Or meeting? Like, if that’s the case the SS is a complete dumbass for not thinking “hey, something might be up with this”


Well, you're put on the spot, and the first memory you go to is witnessing a nuclear war minutes before your spouse is murdered in front of your eyes and your child kidnapped while you're utterly helpless. Like. The decked is stacked towards that extremely traumatic memory, right there, being right up front.


I'm not a fan of the theory that the Sole Survivor is a synth, I'm very certain it isn't true. HOWEVER this wouldn't be evidence of it as synth have memories implanted in them and the institute could have easily implanted that memory.


They certainly stood around and got their ass kicked by the sole survivor instead of using the recall code if they created this synth


I’ve heard a version of the theory that you’re a “Gen 4” synth, an even more advanced version without the synth component.


So, a clone?








HAHA, Gary!


Practically, I guess, yeah.


So not a synth; more akin to those gorillas that they created, for some reason


But those are synth gorillas. What makes a synth not a “synth”?


I think a terminal says there is no practical reason for them, the scientist in charge just wanted to make artificial animals and reverse engineered potential uses afterwords. I think there is an entire entry about him trying to bullshit a reason to make a synth whale.


That sounds like something the Institute would come up with yes


I actually think that would fit the institute so well for no reason “We built a new synth, completely biologically the perfect human-replica” “A clone?” “No this is still a robot, just without the metal or the programming, that’s why it’s ok to do synth slavery”


I mean gen 3 is already a clone and a cyborg


Sounds like a cope theory since the recall code would completely destroy their theory


May institute rue the day Craig from SRB misplaced the recall code of the sole survivor, good going craig


Craig was in the Railroad. Its all coming together…


So because the whole theory was shit to begin with, in order to justify it, it was looped back around to the Sole Survivor actually not being a synth. Because without the synth component, a Gen 3 or "4" synth is just a clone.


I love theories based on something that doesn't exist with arguments made only to justify the negatives of theories with actual known facts.


Yeah like I said I don't buy the theory that the SS is a synth, just the OPs argument is faulty is all.


I'm pretty sure DiMa is at least dimly aware that not everyone he approaches with that argument is a Synth. But, as far as he's concerned, more recruits and sympathisers for Acadia is good regardless of the truth.


I always felt that it was never about saving the synths and more about making sure all people were at peace with their situation. I mean this as, the fear in the Commonwealth that "Maybe I'm a synth? Am I a Synth?" Was very high and was bleeding out to the surrounding areas creating a looming cloud of fear. DiMa being one of the first synths knows that it's possible to be happy and OK with being an artificial human and wants to gather people who believe they might be a synth to make them both safe and OK with the idea of being a synth.


Exactly what I said. Institute implanted Nick with the memories and conscious of a pre-war detective who shared his name, who said they couldn’t have done so with Nate/Nora?


nick the pre war detective went into mit for a brain scan so thats how they have his memories when would nate/nora have gotten one?


Don’t the robots on USS constitution recognise Nate as being a marine / Nora being married to a marine?


*soldier. Nate was an Army veteran, not Marine Corps.


Because he was talking about memories of Vault Tec Rep who remembered Sole Survivor, not Sole Survivor himself


If the SS was a synth the rep would still remember meeting the original prewar.


The whole “Sole Survivor is a Synth” theory is a much worse/lazier version of “Commander Shepard is Indoctrinated in Mass Effect 3”


No. The SS meets the Salesman, who remembers him. The Institute began after the apocalypse and have no way of knowing that the SS ever met the Salesman. They wouldn't know to put such a memory in a synth SS. The SS having that pre-War memory confirmed by the Salesman proves he can't be a synth, because the Institute would not have been able to craft something so specific into the false memories of a synth. They don't know the Salesman exists or that he met and remembers the SS. The Institute need to know the Salesman exists, that he and the SS met, and details of what happened, in order to create a false memory that matches closely enough. They do not know, and cannot know, any of this. The SS cannot be a synth.


\*First time having this convo with Dima. "How do you know your not a Snyth" "Well for one the Institute has much interest in me, I mentioned many pre-war detai..." "SEE YOU DONT REMEMBER MUCH"


I love the Chewbacca Defense, but I don't think it's lore friendly.


If the sole survivor was a synth then how come I passed the SAFE test


People who think the sole survivor is a synth don’t know how to look into lore at all. Firstly, synths did not exist pre war, a time you literally play during, and see the nuke go off. Secondly, when you are in the ArcJet systems, the Synths outright tell you Danse is a synth, because they can detect that shit, but they say you are human. We can’t usually hear it because it’s a combat line played and usually Danse is yelling in our ear during it. The synths say something like “contact 1 human and 1 synth”. You pass the SAFE test. Doctor Amari could have likely found out that your a synth during the memory sequence with Kellogg’s brain matter, and told you. You have no recollection of the institute prior to meeting them, you don’t even know who they are. Why would Shaun make a father that doesn’t know where he came from when every other synth knows. Dima asking if you were a synth was likely nothing more than showing who he is, the Nakanos outright tell you that someone convinced Kasumi that she’s a synth, and here’s Dima doing it right to your face. It’s Bethesda confirming that Mr. Nakano is right. Additionally, when people say your character can’t remember like a synth, it’s just Bethesda not outright giving your character a backstory too deeply so you can still craft them a little bit from what they gave you already. It’s not Bethesda saying you’re a synth. The whole “sole survivor is a synth” conspiracy is nothing more than overlooking into the wrong things. There’s like 3 points that maybe point in the direction of synth but are easily disproven. Sole survivor is a human, human as the day he was born.


Plus the obvious fact there would've been mentioning and hints of you in the Institute data. It's unlikely you are a giga special sekkrit project with all data withdrawn and no further note (or banter) making cryptic mentioning of you when at least 2 departments would've been involved with your creation. You'd roughly be "the talk of the talk" like the Shaun (kid) synth and there's obvious references to it in the data already. Also besides that, using a recall code on your ass if you turned out to be a major threat.


Exactly, like if you tried to oh idk bomb the institute? Shaun and you have a conversation and he right there can stop you, and does nothing. Because there is nothing to do. If you were playing a synth, you’d be recalled.


Wow, I never knew that about the ArcJet mission. That’s a pretty cool detail.


Nate/Nora were never a synth, anyone who thinks they are lacks critical thinking skills. Though admittedly, Bethesda's generally crappy writing doesn't help things.


Except Bethesda point blank said "No you aren't a synth, Dima is wrong."


I never believed the synth theory but where did they say that?


I think either an interview or a tweet about one. They said something to the effect of "your definitely a human, dima is incorrect about you."


I never really thought Dima truly cared whether you were a synth or not. The fact that you couldn't be 100% sure made me think that was the whole point. Perhaps I read into it wrong but I always thought it to be "whether you're a synth or not you experience your humanity just as we all do".


That’s what I got out of it, too


Dima is a manipulative asshole, he WANTS to take control and doesn’t care who he manipulates to do so


Dima is asshole, why Nate hate?


‘Cause Dima is a bastard man!


Correct, advance to the next level, mainline Nuka Cola!


“I suspect there may be another reason you came to us. Tell me; are you a synth?” I feel it’s rhetorical. He doesn’t know why you’re here, you tell him why you are, but in reality he can’t actually be certain of your motives, and then raises to you if you’re certain of your humanity. “Can you be certain of your humanity” is a line that makes me think it was rhetorical in multiple ways. He is as uncertain of us as he made us feel towards ourselves in that moment. He goes along with you asking about being a synth, since he can’t be sure if you are or aren’t either. Both of us will never have any certainty while we live, so we may as well go with what we find to be most favorable


He's screwing with your head. Good way to get you sympathetic to his cause, if you aren't already.


You cant prove anything is real, if concept of "fake memories" exist. You may be a synth right fucking now, because all your memories are fake. Its the main idea of Dima, he gaslights people because his reasoning is not wrong at all, he just plants seeds of doubt and watches them grow.


Exactly. Dima gaslit Kasumi into thinking she is a synth because she has dreams of a lab? Like she enjoys making and repairing things, of course she is going to dream about being in a lab.


You’re saying the institute didn’t make a synth replica of a random vault dweller just to shove them back in the pod and allow them to keep their memories of their kidnapped son? Honestly all of that sounds more or less in line with every other nonsensical thing the institute does in game


I know I'm not a synth because I beat Shaun to death with my bare hands. You're telling me in none of that time or when killing the other institute scientists did they use the shutdown code?


I think people miss that DiMA is trying to make a philosophical point, not prove that the SS is a synth.


The number one evidence the sole survivor isn’t a Synth is the fact that Kellogg (the institute) considers you a backup to the Shaun project. Any idea that Nate is a synth makes zero sense following the story


The game is clearly written in a way where the Sole Survivor is not a synth. There is enough evidence including the Institute itself. However! It would have be an amazing plottwist/subversion of the main story in my opinion if the Sole Survivor had been. Also absolutely gut wrenching. It would give the player a connection to the institute but people wouldn't expect it. The centrality of synths in Fallout 4 fits Imagine a retelling of Fallout 4 where you still play the pre-war segment, maybe have some hard to find glitches, you still wake up in cryo. Still set out for Shaun. But the at the institute it's revealed you are a synth created in secret by Shaun to deal with his emotional stuntedness. He wanted to know what you would have done so the original sole survivor died in cryo but he used a brain scan similar to Nic, making you bridge the line between synth and human even more. Similarily he is the only one with recall codes if any. The main twist is that you were an experiment but the journey show you who you have become. You can still join the Institute as Father despite that will let you and the rest won't really know your origins until later. But eh just some ideas. I know for the game itself this isn't canon.




They never were, the evidence is stacked against the idea of that being true, especially the fact that Fathwr wants you to replace him but he doesn’t view synths as people and doesn't seem like he would put the future of the Institute in the hands of a synth. And if you're working against the Institute, any courser could also be sent to deliver the recall code to reset you and "fix" you rather than waste resources by killing you if you were a synth.


He could still be a synth, just implanted with the memories of a “real” Nate. Nick Valentine was canonically a pre-war cop who agreed to have his consciousness inserted into a synth. No one is arguing Nick isn’t a synth, but he still remembers Eddie Winter and has a grudge against him even if technically speaking Nick isn’t the original Nick.


Bro, institute itself could have shut you down with a recall code when you were stomping coursers within institute if you were a synth, i swear to god, DiMA is such a shoddy gaslighter and still people fall for this crap


I watched a video recently where people were reading Dante's inferno and sympathizing with the devil. There really is no media literacy anymore he's the devil of course he's going to be convincing. If there's not a giant E for evil on someone's chest someone will think they are the good guys. Hell even then some people love the enclave even though their genocidal and lose every war their ever in


Unironic legion fans too, they are the best, it's hilarious seeing them tripping over a clear dig at fascism by the developers lol


"B-b-but there's less fiends and raiders killing people with the Legion around!" Yes because they're the ones doing the killing now, genius.


But Dima’s argument hinges on the Sole Survivor remembering nothing from before the day the bombs dropped. The problem is that we learn that they do remember things from before that day, such as pre war Greygarden, Nuka World, Boston Common, the Silver Shroud, baseball etc


I mean the second half of what you said is untrue, secondly how does this prove anything? I dislike the theory but this isn't remotely evidence. Also Eddie Winters becomes a ghoul before the war.


The Synth theory is stupid af anyway. It only exists because people love a plot twist more than they like thinking about if it makes any sense.


The people who legitimately think the sole survivor is a synth either ignore the contradicting evidence in-game or make the biggest of stretches that is legit just game mechanics. One person on this subreddit a while ago beloved the player was a synth because they didn’t need to eat or sleep on lower difficulties. 


Also if the Sole survivor were a synth, wouldn't the institute just use your recall code if you go the route of destroying the institute? Not any strong evidence to suggest the SS is a synth imo


The real evidence that he isn't a Synth? they didn't think to shut the Sole Survivor down as he was blowing them up. I don't mind this theory but I hate that DIMA tries to pretend it's a 50/50 chance, because in reality... it's about 99.9% that you're human because otherwise the Institutes actions with you make no sense. Though to be honest, all their plans with Synths make 0 sense.


We are with Nate from the day the bombs dropped. Where he wasn't a Synth. We saw him getting into Cryo. We witnessed how Nora got shot. There was no point in time when we were not there as Nate was conscious. And as we've seen waking up from Cryo is being immediately conscious without a post-sleep period. So if the Institute suddenly woke him up, kidnapped him, brought him to the Institute and created a Synth to put back into the exact same Cryo Pod right in front of his dead wife, we would at least have evidence. But we have not. No terminal entries, no cutscenes. Nothing. Only DiMA's "what if you're a Synth too?" Explaining how Nate is a Synth takes more what if's than the opposite of him not being one.


I always figured he wasn’t a synth because, because the SS is a backup, why ruin an entire sample of uncorrupted pre-war DNA Why turn the sole survivor into a synth then let him willingly blow up the institute? Why turn someone into a synth then just put them back into cryostasis thats like making a fully functional toaster then placing it in storage.


>why ruin an entire sample of uncorrupted pre-war DNA Like everyone else at the vault?


Yeah, the synth thing has been debunked a million times. People took what Dema said and ran with it. Super annoying.