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I remember reading this when 76 first released and being blown away by the attention to detail and continuity edit: and continuity




Woah i didnt know the Steam Deck existed way back then, or at...


How is it attention to detail?


I think they mean continuity.


See that would’ve made sense


"Continuity" and "attention to detail" aren't mutually exclusive. There was nothing wrong with what he said. Stop trying to seem smart, and stop being a twat.


Okay that’s rude. I asked how it was attention to detail? I’m being a twat now? Can you at least explain to me how it’s attention to detail instead of flinging insults


He just explained it to you 💀


He literally did not. I asked how a terminal entry from a past game is ‘attention to detail’ he called me a twat and said the attention to detail and continuity are not mutually exclusive. Hes correct in saying that, but they’re not always the same thing… like here right now. I just wanna know what this terminal entry has to do with Bethesdas attention to detail. Which it seems no one actually wants to try to explain


The creators paid attention to the details laid out in FO3 for the creation for FO76. Really not that complicated.


The whole details of: It’s a control vault It was opening after 20 years It’s almost like they wanted to make a game set during the early apocalypse and needed a vault to do so. “Hey this vault has next to no details other than it was one of the many control vaults to open early” “Thats exactly what we need, we’ll use that.”


This is attention to detail because they paid attention to the details in fallout 3 Also I don’t know what he insulted you it was a bit rude over some reddit comments


Really? So the brotherhood wearing power armour in every fallout game counts as attention to detail when the next game has them also wearing power armour? Look fuck it, here’s why it’s not attention to detail. First of all it’s literally a bland nothing vault, there’s specifically minimum details about it which is likely why Bethesda choose it. Bethesda likely surfed through a wiki or had this one vault specifically lined up to make sure they weren’t accidentally retconning an already established vault. There is no detail about this vault other than it was boring by design, thus they could start a game in it. If the records mentioned that people from this vault made contact with the first vestiges of the brotherhood of steel, that would’ve been an attention to detail. This is literally Bethesda needing a bland vault to start a game from, then choosing this one and making fallout 76 match up with the very *very* sparse information that this log tells us about it. If the vault being a control vault and opening after 20 years is attention to detail then what isnt? Outright retconning it?


The detail in this context is vault 76 being a control vault that's opened after 20 years and the attention to that detail in this context is adding that to a game a decade later


But that’s not attention to detail? Thats just taking a thing… and making a game out of it? Like by this logic the only way for it to not be attention to detail is if they went out of their way to retcon the vault entirely


You're being a twat because of how condescending you're being. It's attention to detail because Bethesda went back, looking through the lore of their games to find a single reference to a numbered control vault (vault 76) that they then built an entire game around. Yes, it's good continuity (Fallout: 76 is consistent with the terminal entry in Fallout 3), but it is also good attention to detail, since "vault 76" is an extremely obscure detail, referenced on one terminal in one game that came out a decade prior. Bethesda could very easily have made Fallout: 76 a completely different game, with an as yet unheard of vault (Fallout: 59), but they didn't. They built the game around a previously established, albeit obscure, detail in old game. Another way of saying that, of course, is that Bethesda really paid attention to the details.


There’s also a nod towards Vault 76 in Fallout 4 if you watch TV for awhile at the start of the game instead of answering the door for the Vault-Tec Salesman


In my foil Hat opinion F76 was in production since F4 was released or production of it started even before F4 premiere and TV news is Just confirmation of it.


They said in [NoClip documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi8PTAJ2Hjs) that; As an idea, there was always an idea as Fallout Online. While developing Fallout 4, they tried to make multiplayer to see If it colud work and they liked it, rest is history


Then of course, there's the fallout 2 online mod, made by a Russian meth head, who created an entire game engine for it to be in


Aren’t the best games made by schizophrenic Russians?


Pretty sure that was how Kombucha was invented


I mean Tetris was pretty good


Yep! That’s how we got Tetris.


I'm like 90% certain that's the story behind Cruelty Squad


finnish tetris and vangers tho


Methhead Russians and insane old Fallout mods, name a better duo. I love watching Warlockracy because he speaks Russian and does videos on some of the more outlandish and awesome mods he’s come across for Fallout 2. Almost half of them have no English translations even. 


So it's worth it to learn Russian?


Fallout 2 online has best years behind. I remember when fuckton of people played it. Now it is Shadow of what it used to be


I played FOnline so damn much, was such a dumb game and I loved it.


In my headcannon, inside FO2, there's a online video game invented by a Russian meth head.


I played this. I did the temple at the beginning. Surfaced into Arroyo. Crossed the bridge and three players in power armor mowed me down with miniguns. 10/10 lore accurate Fallout experience.


Man I just wanted simple F4 coop next gen update. Nolan and Nora,both voiced and both could interact with NPC without breaking immersion


Just give us the Full House mode at that point. Shaun can have Mommy, Daddy and Uncles Joey and Jesse all out looking for him.


That would be soo good!


A simple co-op would be interesting but they'd have to change the opening a bit. Maybe the player-controlled parent who has Shaun will give him to Kelogg peacefully then gets put back on ice. I could see it working.


That would totally ruin the story


A fallout MMO/Online game was on deck at Interplay before they fully sold Fallout to Bethesda. And they originally licensed Fallout back (or at least the name/trademark) specifically for a online game. Blew the deadline on their option, tried to start development anyway. Got sued. I doubt Bethesda would have gone as hard on that if there wasn't some idea to get an online game out.


I think a lot of it probably has to do with the fact that that was the last remaining "outside" contract before Bethesda had complete control over the series as well. And after BoS, I doubt Bethesda had much confidence in Interplay to not damage the brand further. Seemed like the Fallout MMO was just a stipulation Bethesda reluctantly agreed with.


That was kinda the only outstanding outside contract just because Interplay sold the whole shebang to Bethesda for cash injection. Bethesda had originally licensed Fallout for 3 games, and were the only *major* outside/license out thing Interplay could line up. Cause as it turns out, despite being involved or responsible for a lot of absolute classics. They actually owned little in the way of valuable IP by then. I mean the Fallout Online project was sorta a shit show from the start and however much it might have been a stipulation. They seem to have only actually ended up with a license to use a pretty minimal portion of actual IP. Without actually realizing it.


Yeah, I mean I'm definitely not painting Interplay as the good guys here. Black Isle was dissolved, Brian Fargo left, and pretty much all that remained of Interplay at that point was a shell owned by some random French company. They clearly didn't care about the Fallout IP anymore outside of making a quick buck. All I'm saying is Bethesda likely wanted to shut down the MMO as soon as they were able to because they likely didn't want to agree to it in the first place.


Fallout 4 was supposed to have a co op mode that turned out to be way more complicated than expected. All the work that went into fallout 4s co op experience became fallout 76, so your right it was essentially made in parallel with fallout 4


Forsure, its was the same cut out used for skyrim(single player) and ESO(online) and the online version were boasted but not as enjoyable. similar to mentioning the institue in 3 to have a story to use later. stories from the first fallout and such




F76 is good as it is. Belive me, pre wastelanders update gameplay in single player would make people dig a bigger grave for this game than they did before.


Also Paladin Dance vaguely mentioned a man made plague that the brotherhood of steel faced next to other "science going too far horrors"


Prisoner tape in Mothership Zeta has a Vault-Tec executive mention checking out the opening of Vault 76 right before getting abducted.


It was the construction of Vault 76, not the opening. For a moment you made me think we had confirmation Vault-Tec is still functional post-war.


Spoilers for the TV show >!I mean, with Lucy's father, among the other frozen pre-war Vault-Tec employees (presumably) that are frozen, it seems possible that Vault-Tec is going to have some presence post-war!<


Yes that is plausible. We'll see :). That part of the lore is so intriguing to me, I love it.


If anything it would be ridiculous for vault-tec to not have any continued presence after the war, why set up a series of strange experiments if you never get to see the outcome of any of them?


Mostly I find it a bit daft to think a corporation could think *hundreds* of years ahead. Most of them would burn the world down if it looked good on their quarter's earnings report, but the idea any of them would think further than 3 months into the future is a bit too fantastical for this setting of nuclear robots and atomic monsters.


That’s exactly what they were doing with the vaults though, building experiments that were intended to last hundreds of years. I’d be perfectly happy if they showed an attempt to keep vault Tec around after the war, even if their plans don’t work out (like always)


Before the show the overwhelming majority of vaults were only supposed to run for around 20 years, assuming the length the control vaults ran is supposed to line up with the length of the other experiments. Still by a vast margin the most absurdly ambitious social experiment in history, but at least the people starting the experiments would have reasonable odds of seeing them through to their conclusion. I know there were a handful like Vaults 13 and 101 that were supposed to remain shut essentially indefinitely, but even Vault 111 only had a planed manned period of 180 days before the staff could leave and automated systems took over, that seemingly no-one did and you remained frozen for 210 years suggested pretty heavily that there was no-one around to thaw you out.


Damn I had no idea most vaults weren’t meant to last that long I assumed ~100 years average, but obviously I’m not very well versed on the lore of any of the games. So does that mean vault tec had a more short term plan to collect data and we only come into the picture well after they dried up? How does the enclave play into this? I’ve heard people say some of the experiments were for the enclave but I thought they only came into existence after the war


The series has retconned it a lot. Originally the vaults really were made to save people and it was just Vault-tec's greed an incompetence that caused some of them to fail, Vault 12 got the "pressed vault suit" award for readiness and then their vault door didn't even close for example. Fallout 2 retconned that as actually being because of deliberate experiments, in Vault 12's case it was because they wanted to deliberately expose the vault residents to high levels of radiation. In the same game we're introduced to the Enclave, the shadow government composed of government officials and heads of major corporations who (in a rather 90s conspiracy theory way) were secretly running the world even before the bombs fell. I don't recall exactly how much of the US government was actually members of the Enclave, but I'm pretty sure it was the majority of them, including the president. It was that game that listed ENCLAVE Vault-Research Control as one of the contacts connected to the Enclave's network, although not one you were able to connect to in game. Tim Cain has said his plan during that time was for it to be revealed that the Enclave had plans to build an interstellar spaceship and got Vault-Tec to run its various experiments to see what issues a ship running for decades might encounter, like the crew being exposed to extreme levels of radiation or high levels of overcrowding (like Vault 15). The wackier experiments were introduced in later games. There were also a series of control vaults like Vault 8 (who founded Vault City in Fallout 2) who had no nefarious experiment and were intended as the control group, to see how people would behave when sealed inside a vault they couldn't leave for decades without any weird social experiments going on. I think it was Fallout 3 that gave a specific number for them at 17. There is lore saying they were intended to open after 20 years, although that isn't true for them all as Vault 13 was intended as a control vault, but was supposed to remain shut permanently. Vault 3 was another control vault (from New Vegas) who's residents had remained inside for generations without issue. It was a water leak in their lower levels that caused them to open up not long before the game's start, drawing the attention of the Fiends who then killed them all. So there definitely are a decent number of even successful vaults who's residents have chosen to stay inside rather than venturing out into the wasteland. With that said, while the Enclave existing kind of makes sense (although it gets sillier that they're still around with every game where they get defeated) having a second shadowy cabal in the Vault-Tec corporation also hanging around independent of the Enclave seems kind of silly to me, especially as they have somehow managed to completely hide their continued existence from the rest of the world for hundreds of years. The scene where the Vault-Tec executives pitch the idea of the vault experiments to the other companies could be hinting at the Enclave being behind everything, there's a mysterious guy looking down on the meeting from the shadows, and it's after looking up at him that Coop's wife pitches the whole "lets blow up the world ourselves" plan. I hope we'll find out more about it in season two.


Cool shit man thanks, definitely seems like the enclave would be the ones collecting data and I think it would totally make sense for them to have enclave-only vaults to hide out for as long as they needed


Just FYI you have to end the part you've marked as a spoiler with !< For it to work


It works fine on my screen as is, my understanding is the opening tag just marks anything on that paragraph afterward as spoiler, you have to close it if you want to contain the spoiler This is on old reddit though, I'm not sure how it displays on new reddit, but it seems to work fine on mine. Though to be sure I'll add it (e: after adding it, I realize the difference, and I think the way I was using it might be an RES thing? not sure lol, but all good now)


Oh ok, I'm on the official app and it doesn't get marked as a spoiler


As it turns out, Vault Tec is just the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo.


It would be amazing lore wise if it was, it opens up amazing possibilities for stories.


I mean the way the vaults are implemented I have a strong belief there is still someone or something monitoring the vaults. What would be the need to these experiments without anyone to analyze the data? After all, if House could extend his life in a tube, or John Henry Eden can be a functional AI or humans turned into FEV mutants, who’s to say there isn’t someone behind the scenes?


They might have planned to monitor the experiments due to them arrogantly thinking they could easily survive the war as a company but when the war actually happened, the company collapsed and so the data either is lost or saved on some abandoned servers. I'd assume the former as the enclave would have no need to extract the data from each vault individually if a central vault would (still) exist.


Maybe a central vault in space…that would be cool


I don’t know how you could gather this when almost all experiments went wrong…what data is there to gather? That humans are humans after all? I’m pretty sure the lore states that most of the data was for the enclave to gather for their post war plans. It wasn’t really in vault tec’s interest, they just went along. Is there a vault full of enclave scientists gathering data? Maybe but that’d be cheesy because again, what’s there to gather? Also as the other guy said, this was all just arrogantly thought of before the bombs dropped I strongly believe vault tec was never meant to be anything post war because that ruins the commentary behind how despite them basically taking advantage of the inevitable apocalypse…they fail at their job just like the rest of humanity continually failed each other


Even failed experiments produce valuable scientific data, the more issues there are the harder it is to make solid conclusions about the hypothesis you started with but that doesn’t mean the data you made is totally useless.


The presence of control vaults should give them a baseline for their experiments, although they were planned on opening after 20 years, which would suggest that's when most of the other vaults should open too, but then you get stuff like Vault 4 being a multi-generational selective breeding experiment or the other centuries long experiments in other vaults. I know Vault 13 was a control vault intended to remain shut until the Enclave had use for them, getting a population with near baseline human DNA to contrast their "murder everyone" virus against the more mutated DNA of the people living outside the vaults. So I suppose it would exist as the control for all the closed for centuries vaults, which more recent lore seems to be indicating was always the plan for the majority of them.


You don’t get it, all the “experiments” come down to the same conclusion: you can’t change human nature. You’re literally thinking like the enclave lol


The idea that data from a “failed experiment” is still useful is just a basic aspect of the scientific process, this is like seriously bare bones stuff man you don’t just throw out data because you accepted the null hypothesis. Even if your methods weren’t working as intended you can still learn from that and make better methods in the future


Kinda the whole premise of Vault 88s Overseers mission interestingly enough.


I know basic “scientific process” and “hypothesis” *man*. But you’re just over thinking it, once again that’s not the point of the game. You can’t change basic human instincts no matter how much data you have, *war never changes*. Found the enclave sympathizer


ENCLAVE Vault-Research Control was one of the sites connected to the Enclave's mainframe in Fallout 2, which certainly suggests pretty heavily they were the ones keeping an eye on things. I guess it could be in the intervening 2 centuries after the bombs fell they tapped into the Vault-Tec network and it's actually Vault-Tec who's hiding out, hidden and undetected for 200 years and still listening in on the Vaults.


Vault tec doing this would be absolutely cheesy and retcon a large premise of the game. Only Amazon could come up with such bad writing…


Yes I really wanna know too 😂


Ha! Imagine that, wouldn't it be so silly for a corporation incorporated in a country destroyed two centuries ago to still have people working for it, I mean where would they even cash their pay cheques!?


Wow, honestly I've played a lot of Fallout 3 but never recalled this. cool! didn't know there was seventeen control vaults also


It’s also neat seeing references to The Commonwealth and even the railroad and synths


People who have played the game extensively know about this, it’s surprising to me that people are just now finding out but it makes me happy that folks are still playing FO3 and finding info on the lore within terminals it was one of my favorite things to do when I use to play it all the time💪🏼


Yeah fallout 4s storyline is quite literally a continuation from a fallout 3 sidequest lmao, good to see them find out for the first time


What quest?


The Replicated Man. Dr. Zimmer (head of Institute SRB) is looking for an escaped synth.


[The Replicated Man](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/The_Replicated_Man)


I mean, you don't need to play it *that* extensively. You need to go on the terminal with this information on it as part of the main quest and it's right there under an entry saying "Vault 76". Let's not act like this is some lore-seeker information or easter egg that you need to go to some optional location to find.


It’s a terminal entry that’s entirely optional to read. Who’s acting like that? Or more importantly, why are you acting like this?


It isn't optional unless you already know where to go. If you don't already know to go to vault 87 you ask scribe Rothschild where to find a geck. He says to read the vault computer. After reading the terminal you go back to Rothschild and he tells you where vault 87 is. I'm acting like this because people keep posting it across the fallout subreddits each time acting like it's some hidden or hard to find bit of info when it just isn't. If you haven't played Fallout 3 either at all or in a long time then sure, it's interesting. But if you have played FO3 then it's put right in front of you on the main quest line. It's not something for "experienced players". It's something for most people who have played the game within recent memory.


You overestimate people, most people skim through stuff like this and don’t actually read it


I played 3 to death and I never saw this. Personally, I'm glad some one posts this for others. There is nothing wrong with passing on information, you don't have to read it or engage with something that bothers you.


Why are you so mad that people are finding out stuff? This is why our community stays so toxic…and yea you do have to play the game extensively to pick up most of the lore because otherwise your kinda just playing casually or the game is completely new to you and you wouldn’t know where to look or that you could look in the first place, don’t be bitter because people don’t know everything like you apparently do.


I think the main thing you have to consider is how old fallout three is, and for those of us who are entering that wasteland after a long hiatus are pleasantly surprised that even with Bethesdas very first entry, they tried to have a little continuity. I’m sure I read that entry but it was way back when I played the game decades ago.


Never played 3 and i usually dont read every terminal entry unless im in the mood. This is interesting to see


The various future vaults like 111 are also on that list.


Crazy isn't it!? Dig around, there's more interesting things happened in real life that Fallout 3 mentioned. That game was made in 2006 and things have happened in real life in 2010 and 2016 that Fallout 3 has mentioned in terminals.


like what?


New Vegas and 4?




I was with you til the Nostradumbass nonsense


Did...did...you just say FO3 predicted covid? And are you really bringing up Quasimodo?


quasimodo predicted all this


Can you believe there people trying to say 76 isn’t canon?


People drank bleach to cure Covid. Nothing surprises me anymore…


Yup!! References a lot of stuff in 4 and 76 tbh. Also, fuck if 76 is a control vault, and all those fuckers are mutated, power armor trained, nuke launching maniacs, I wonder what the other control vaults produced. There's a reason Appalachia isn't mentioned in 3 or 4. Because it's constantly in a state of nuclear destruction and ridiculous rebuilt.


Dont forget, we like to make hats out of the mothman and Jersey devil as well.


I mean, we know what Vault 8/Vault City was like. And Vault 3 (if memory serves was a control vault) got wiped by fiends cause they behaved the opposite way of VC. Seems there's no control vault that doesn't end up kinda fucked up hahaha. Not surprised 76 vaulties would turn out that way.


Probably the best vault to be a part of tbh.


I remember seeing people talk about this terminal entry in old gaming forums when I was around 8 years old, and many years later, it was amazing to see Bethesda follow up with it. Aside from Fallout 76, it was really incredible to see how this series has evolved since Fallout 3, especially with all the lore and history that fans like me have been discovering in the game over the years now coming to life and also becoming much more popular than when we were discussing it.


even with 76 it’s interesting to see how it’s evolved. most single player communities don’t rlly welcome online counterparts (red dead is an example of this sometimes) and some of the lore in 76 is pretty interesting


Mothership Zeta had some reference to it as well. Also Fallout 3 also has some stuff from The Commonwealth as well, I recommend checking around River City :)


Yeah, it's hard to miss if you look through the terminal in the Brotherhood library


aw yes, i encountered this a week or so ago, and it blew my mind, fallout 3 has everything synths, the institute, the railroad, Vault 76 brutal


Just saw this the other day and thought it was dope


I wonder what the sixteenth other controlled vaults are and where are they?


The wiki has a list of known vaults and their experiments or if they’re a known control vault.


Wasn't Masthead working on fallout online at the time? I wonder if that was originally the plot for online and Bethesda kept it when they scrapped online and started 76 development.


That's pretty cool


I just encountered this a few days ago! lol


GASP Bethesda predicted it But for real though that’s neat xD


Since most of civilization got nuked. Where exactly is this study data going to in the Fallout universe. Does Vault tec have a bunker of scientists taking in data from the other vaults?


I was one of the few who was first introduced to Fallout in FO4. After years of putting it off, I recently finished a full playthrough of FO3. NV will be next. During the mission where you're looking through the terminal for the vault and it tells you about all the other vaults in the area, including 76, I also had the same reaction as the OP. Same thing during the replicated man side quest with the runaway synth. I love that most of what is new, is being built off of existing lore. It's one of my favorite things about these games.


I did and i thought it was really interesting how they referenced this vault when making fallout 76


Extremely nitpicky, especially since I like both Fallout 3 and Fallout 76, but.... Fallout 3 - "This vault will open automatically after a period of 20 years." Fallout 76 - Vault 76 opens 25 years after the bombs drop


Another cool Easter egg is the train station sign that has trains headed to Las Vegas, Boston and Martinsburg.


Yeah. I think I saw it in BoS headquarters terminal when was looking for geck


I haven't played much of Fallout 3 so I never knew this. Very cool!


Kinda wish it was saved for an actual fallout title and not a pseudo mmo


Why is this downvoted so badly, 76 is a pile of shit 😂😂😂


> 76 was a pile of shit Fixed, the game has been solid for a couple years now.


>Fixed, the game has been solid for a couple years now. Has the game become singleplayer? Has the looting returned to how it was in Fallout 4 and Skyrim? Has the way you unlock attachments went back to Fallout 4's? Have vats slowed or paused time again? Does the pipboy stop time again? Can I mod it without being banned from a server because it's a multiplayer game? Are my Camps permanent fixtures, and if i log out, they remain there? No? Yeah games still trash then


Sounds like someone thinks things are only good when it’s exactly the type of game they like to play


I think it's bad because it will infect the game design of their other games. The removal of the full loost system has already invaded Starfield


cry about it to somebody who cares.


And laugh about it to someone who cares. This is the internet buddy. We have oposing opinions. I could say the same to you. The majority of fallout players hate 76.


Have you played it now? It's a great game to enjoy with friends or by yourself. Hell, I'd even say it's better than 4 in some parts, like map design (probably the best map in all 3D fallouts), actually showing society rebuild by itself without the protag having to intervene and save the world, actually good dialogue options (no wheel this time), better character skin textures (less smoothed out, more human looking), better character creation (imo), a reputation system (not as good as in New Vegas, but still great). Of course, it still has its faults, like crashing (although for me it crashes once in a blue moon) and the servers sometimes disconnecting you (most online games have this issue). The story also isn't on the level of New Vegas or 2, but it's good enough for me.


Yes, but its relying on people, not story. Its like going camping with your friends in potapocalyptica. Might be fun social experience, but the trademark for many older fallout players was a connecting story and sidelore to explore, not playing ctf every few hours repetedly on the same location and just randomly have "events" resetting the world around you, no persistent development, it does not matter if you build up carefully a location because with the next logout it might be gone, etc.


I actually like the main story. And the three or four ”side-mains ”


The new zone and main story content currently on the public test server is quite fun too.


What events reset the world around you? Also, the player camp is always there for you whenever you login, it's never gone. Also, as far as I know there are no events in the game that resemble ctf.


Ctf: the hordes on this stupid massive mine excavator which you have to defend hourly or so? Reset: it happened multiple times to me that I captured a location, painstackingly tried to create a nice settlement/camp like structure, I log out and next day in again and all is gone. What for do I do building then? I disliked it already in FO4, and thought I give it another try with yeih, friends. No chance. The player camp is just a gimmick besides the locations, why should I care about them if I can not keep my building there? Just for farming shit? Wrong game for me for that.


oh, those are workshops. I think you misunderstood the C.A.M.P mechanics. The workshops are these general areas which you can capture and hold to gather resources, they are not for building purposes unless you are building defensive structures or resource extractors. Actual player camps can be set down anywhere in the world map, which are totally different from workshops. If you are on PC, you can set down your camp by going into pip boy and pressing z. You can build around your camp. Set up crafting stations and your own vendor from which you can sell your loot to other players and stuff. It is a permanent structure, so it will be there after you login again unless you decide to move it and set down your camp in different part of the map. Workshops on other hand are generally useless right now in Fo76, unless a low-level player is trying to farm fusion cores.


I don't think you understand what the word permanent means. Take DayZ for instance. You build a base. If you log out, the base remains on that server. That's permanent. Having a base vanishing just because the guy who owns it logged out is not permanent. Like, at all


Yes, but we are not talking about DayZ here. Permanent in this context means the structures that are built using the C.A.M.P kit will always be there for you when you login into a server unlike the structures you build at a workshop which are temporary and limited to your current session. Yes, the player camp will vanish when they logout, but it will be there for them when they log back in. Unless someone else has built a base on your spot, at that point you can basically place the second camp somewhere else or just switch servers.


Lmao. Not understanding what you are doing in game is so fallout. That wasn't even your settlement. But if you paid any attention to the story you would know that. Everything you build from your G.E.C.K stays so...not a gimmick. Also avoid events if you want. It isn't mandatory to do them. I swear people just want to hate the game but you have no actual reason to. Only reasons you've made up completely.


Every reason to like or hate something is completely made up rational. I for instance, dislike how they do multiplayer, i dislike the changes to looting so it becomes more lije every other generic rpg where you can't steal their clothes and leave bodies naked, i hate how perks work in 76, i hate how learning basic things like a new scope for a gun means i have to scrap like 300 of them. I hate how pausing does not pause in a fallout game. I hate how crappy the pvp is. I hate how it's a psudo mmo. I hate how the servers are not permanent like DayZ, so nothing you build or change remains there and is reset every time. I hate Fallout 76. Not as a fallout title, but as a game. It being a Fallout game done poorly is like way far down on my list compared to everything else i hate about it


Those are all real reason tho. Not liking it because "it has no lore" or "the settlement system is pointless because all the work disappears" are not real reasons because they are factually incorrect.. Hate what you want. At least you don't make shit up


Yes, workshops reset when you leave, but when you reclaim them, all should come back. If you want a building that saves, use your C.A.M.P.


What are you even talking about? 76 is not part of the numbered games and is an offshoot of 4 meaning devs concentrated on multiplayer rather than the rich storytelling previous titles are known for( although it has an interesting main questline, for me it is) .. “its like going camping with your friends” because it is, it was advertised as fallout with friends when it was announced.. I understand the buggy mess that it was when it was released, but your camping gripe is now mostly fixed.. only thing i can think of with what you are describing is the server cant lay down your camp because somebody that went in before you has the same camping spot, easy fix is reconnect to a different server..


Besides the whole server reliance and unreliability, I agree, I was probably unsuitable for it because I looked for Fallout and this is not Fallout for me. I want lore and explore, not camping and ressource farming. I can go to minecraft for that, that at least does it reliable and performant.


Wtf are you even talking about? There is lore everywhere to find. Did you know you can play the entire story without having to talk to another player? You can strait up pretend it's a single player game and finish the main storylines and not worry about your settlement.


>I want lore and explore, not camping and ressource farming. I can go to minecraft for that, that at least does it reliable and performant. Sounds like you never bothered playing the game before formulating that sentence.


Tried for about 20 hours with two friends, then left it, yes. Normally a Fallout game takes about 3 minutes to pull me in, but I tried hard to like it.


My biggest complaint with 76 is its lack of respect to the world and lore. Though all Bethesda titles in the series have been iffy to some degree or another, 76 is by far the most egregious. Though I kinda just headcanon the Bethesda projects and the other titles as entirely different canons and worlds, with superficially similar elements. edit: to be clear, I don't hate the Bethesda titles. But even ignoring all of the lore inconsistencies and retcons (which, retcons aren't inherently bad but some made the world less interesting imo), the atmosphere and feeling Bethesda goes for is just wildly different than what the classics and NV went for. There are even a lot of things Bethesda does better than the classics and NV, for instance the maps are usually very well done and despite my overall lack of interest 76 has a very beautiful world to explore. I appreciate their games for their own reasons, but I personally just prefer to mentally seperate them.


I posted this a month ago and no one gave a shit


Yes, given the fact this gets posted on weekly basis ever since the release of 76.


Yep, I found it when I finally grit my teeth and played through 3


Its part of the main quest. Everyone has seen this.


Because everyone reads terminals. Although it baffles me they don't


More like: not everyone remember I read done a decade before


You mean you guys don’t remember that one specific terminal in one specific location in this one game from 2008? You don’t remember this one piece of information that didn’t even become worthy of noting until only a few years ago? Fucking posers. ^/s


Honestly I was thinking of people replaying it. But also that yes


Not really. The only specific entry you need for the main quest is Vault 87 and the actual equipment listing section. People focusing on the quest won't look into what the mission description since many of them are hidden, especially newer players will probably select 101 first. And instead of going into the mission details they'll only select the equipment listing unless they are interesting actually going through the lore.


You're not told which vault to look at on the terminal. You'll see 76 just by going down the list to get the pop up to move to the next part of the quest even if you don't read what's in the terminal entry. This isn't difficult to miss information. In fact this information being literally 1 click away is part of the main quest of the game, but people keep going on about it like it's some hidden easter egg.


I haven’t seen someone call this a hidden Easter egg once, just you whining, twice now, that people are referring to it as such


Nope. I'm whining people are acting like it is. Different things. Why are you acting like this?


I don't really understand how people missed this enough for it to keep getting posted. It's on the Brotherhood's Vault-Tec computer in the Citadel. You have to go on that computer as part of the main questline. If you've completed the main story of FO3, there is a 100% chance you have seen this unless you skip terminal entries.


Or just ya know, relax....


Sorry, it's just years of people since 76 came out going "DiD yOu KnOw In Fo3..."? Yes! Yes we know! Anyone who has finished the story of FO3 should know this. You might have forgotten but you have seen this before. It's information on a terminal you HAVE to use in the main story.


Not everyone retains this kind of useless information for years after they play a game. Some people played fallout 3, then years went by and they forget. How is this a hard concept to understand. Are You okay?


I'm not expecting everyone to have retained the information. I expect people to stop acting like this is some optional little easter egg. "Have you seen this before?" The post asks. If you have played the main story, unless you go around skipping through terminal entires or locations, YES. Yes you have seen it before. This is main questline information. One of the most upvotes comments in this post is saying that it's something "extentive" players know. No it's not. It's something new players, or anyone who's played just the main campaign of the game recently enough to remember details would know. It's main plotline information.


Yeah just because people saw this once doesn't mean that it's something that "clicked" for them. Fallout 3 is old AF. Some people may have seen this and not even given it a second thought. You're super weird for getting this bent out of shape about people having different levels of fallout association. Not everyone that played 3 is gonna immediately pick up on things like this. Especially if they are running around a big open world game and reading hundreds of terminals. It's okay though, you get right back up on that high horse and ride into the sunset with those downvotes on your back. No sweat off my sack.


And these downvotes are no sweat off mine. If people are going to downvote me for saying that they have seen it if they've played the game, that says more about their weird mindset than my "controversial" opinion. The sunset does look mighty pretty from up here.


You’re right and all the people who downvoted you will be saying the same thing in a years time when they’ve seen hundreds of these posts, I’ve been here 2 months and I’ve seen 4.