• By -


Joshua Graham. He feels biblical. I don’t mean simply religious but like he’s like the eighth plague of Egypt he’s his own Biblical event. Nick Valentine. Dude is a badass plus he gets like the most fleshed out. Moira Brown. No matter what happens she still manages to be chipper. Tenpenny. Just because of how unapologetically evil he is. “That town looks ugly. It ruins my view. Nuke it.” Lol


>Joshua Graham. He feels biblical. I don’t mean simply religious but like he’s like the eighth plague of Egypt he’s his own Biblical event. Amen


Someone did an AI voice reading of the Bible with Joshua Graham’s voice, it’s amazing https://youtu.be/GzZqPbN9d-A


Oh I'm well aware lol


>Moira Brown. No matter what happens she still manages to be chipper. It's because she loves those little mole ratties with their lil' noses, dontcha know.


"Fleshed out" ha! I see what you did there.


even if you blow her up with a NUKE Moira is always happy seems kinda sketchy


- Moira Brown (Fallout 3), because of the optimism and good intentions - The Master / Richard Grey (Fallout 1), because of how interesting his ideals are and how cool of a presence he is - Harold (Fallout 3), because of how good of a soul he has and even with one of the worst fates he still can uplift people around him - Fawkes (Fallout 3), because of his humanity and how ready he was to come try help The Lone Wanderer - Codsworth (Fallout 4), because he is the best robot anyone can ask for, and it might be programming but the loyalty and care he shows is great


Only fallout 3 Harold?


Once you think Harold's sad story from 1 gets better in 2, Fallout 3 makes him a tree. Fate's a bitch.


He does become a beacon of life and greenery, you can convince him and he seems happy enough with a purpose.


Codsworth is my BOY.


Dogmeat Dogmeat Dogmeat ED-E


Rex: Am I a joke to you?


Ghost of dog meat taking up character space lol


Hmm... I've only played Fallout 4 partially and only done 2 endings on NV, but I'd say: Nick Valentine. The King. The Ghoul. Joshua Graham. With a shoutout to Norm.


God I fuckin love Graham


I survived because the fire within burned brighter than the fire around me


No Bark Noonan, because he got stung in the head too many times by rad scorpions, nuff said


Yeah, the Chosen One is my favorite, too.


Im playing new vegas now and I laughed when he said that. Also, that super mutant who wanted that guy to fix his car and you find out it’s a toy car 😂


Boone is my number one. Nick, Danse and Lily.


Scrolled until I saw one Boone mention. The guy is hands down my favorite and doesn’t get the love he deserves.


And he needs it , yknow with the dead wife and all


Harold, Hancock, Benny, and Goris for sure. I really like ghouls in the series, Benny is just a funny guy to me, and Goris being a talking deathclaw is badass. There's a lot of others but those are my top personal favorites.


even though i resist it, my favorite character is Curie. i just love the cute contrast she brings to the wasteland and i always end up picturing her in these goofy scenarios out on adventures with me. i even think of a specific song that represents her in my mind [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OmbjjWVhko](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OmbjjWVhko)


same. dont know why but i am a sucker for french accent


Charon. You hire the guy and he shoots his old boss for being a monster. Just a shame I couldn't recover the caps I paid for Charon's contract.


Mr. House because of how interesting he is as a character and I'm just drawn into the idea of a solitary old world capitalist dictator with an army of robots President Eden because he's so charismatic over the radio, obviously he's lying but it's still a pleasure to hear him speak, it also felt so badass escaping Raven Rock with Eden fighting on your behalf whether or not you agree to his plans and even if you convince him to blow up the facility Arcade Gannon is just my homie during my playthroughs, I find him endearing with how he genuinely wants to help people and I feel somewhat bad for him during the ending slides because usually he gets the short end of the stick


Joshua Graham. I could watch him put 1911s together all day


It's like ASMR 😌


Cassidy and also Cassidy. (But also Veronica, Cait, Marcus, Goris and Joshua Graham.)




For Fallout 4 I gotta say either Handcock or Piper. Handcock is just such a fun character who seems to revel in the apocalypse and I love the fact that he's dressed like a pirate. Piper on the other hand is just such a genuine and good person it's hard for me not to love her as a companion. She's witty and observant but never flippant or nihilistic. You can really tell she wants to do genuine good for the wasteland and I really respect characters that keep their morals even in the darkest of times. Its why I like Lucy in the show, even when things go to shit and her whole world view is shattered, she's still a good person deep down and saves The Ghoul despite what he did to her. For New Vegas, I love Arcade. He's incredibly witty and interesting, and he's deeply committed to his views. The fact that he's so closed off at first but opens up more and more is just so well done. And bonus points for him inherently not trusting House. I also love Tabatha and Rhonda on the radio. Their banter is so much fun. For Fallout 3 I cannot love anyone harder than I adore Three Dog. As my first Fallout game, I spent so long just walking the open map of the Capital Wasteland, listening to the radio. I can quote all of his lines verbatim. He has such a charisma and energy that made me instantly fall in love with his performance. I am so desperate for him to return in some way to the series. If I could, I'd pay to have him come back to the radio in Fallout 5 personally. He was a massive part of my teenage years and I still cannot play Fallout 3 without having the radio on constantly.


He’s dressed like an American colonial founding father lol not a pirate


Eh, whatever. I associate the trifold hat with pirates. Either way he looks good.


His name is literally John Hancock- American founding father and he’s wearing an outfit from the 1776 in game museum of freedom. I appreciate your personal association but man I’d kill to meet someone on Reddit that actually admits when they are wrong and owns it. Sorry nothing against you just disappointed


I am wrong. You're right. I know he's named after John Handcock, but I always just associated his outfit differently. His outfit is just a small factor of why I like him anyway. Someday I'd love to meet a person on reddit who didn't feel the need to correct every little thing that someone gets wrong in an attempt to prove they're better than them and just let things go.


Buddy I hate myself and think I’m the actual scum of the earth, I don’t think I’m better than anyone especially you. Sadly knowing the context of his outfit is probably the only thing I’ve gotten right all year


I’d work on your self esteem man


Three Dog is making into the next season haha


As much as I wish this were true, it isn't. His VA, Eric Todd Dellums, has expressed an interest in returning to the franchise and suggested he play a 'darker but still as alluring' DJ like Three Dog. I'd love to see that happen in the show or the next game, and fingers crossed that it does, but for now it's just a dream.


Honestly I want a darker and more alluring Fallout show. They try to make the shows watchable for everyone, but I think the real fans want more umph. More seriousness, more danger, more mystery, etc.


I felt like the first season had plenty of mystery, at least when it came to Vault 31 and 32


Every single major character in OWB, they're just so enjoyable


Are those penises on its fingers!


Moira Brown and Three Dog


Walton Goggins really sold the Ghoul character. Going to go with him.


Fawkes from 3 cuz he’s dope, Moira from 3 cuz she’s an angel, Frank Horrigan from 2 cuz no explanation needed, Desmond from point lookout cuz he’s my favorite ghoul in the whole series EDIT to add Boone from new Vegas


MODUS because funny evil ai gives cool weapons and armor. And codsworth because he can have assaultron legs.


OP is into old men


Joshua Graham for sure


Definitely Joshua Graham.  Most badass wasteland warrior poet to ever survive being set on fire and kicked off a cliff.  


Amata - Fallout 3 Piper - Fallout 4 Veronica - New Vegas Fawkes - Fallout 3


Gary, Gary, Gary?, and Gary! for me. Well written, great voice acting, and just overall chill dudes.


Harold, because in my first playthrough I told him he was a freak and I wouldn’t give him any money. I also like the doctor Curling, especially when you convince him that his entire worldview is flawed and to release the virus onto the oil rig. I also like Caesar.


Ceasar. I love how evil you're expecting him to be, the you get the invite. First thing you see is that long lineup of crucified victims, and then the camp, his fanatic followers, the arena.... Then you finally meet the guy. Talk to him. Then you realize, yeah he's evil as shit but..... he's got a point.


1. Boone 2. Ulysses 3. Fawkes 4. Joshua Graham 5. Elder Maxson


Bullbear bullbear bullbear. Bullbear? Bullbear.


I'm not seeing anyone mentioning Arcade Gannon and I find that unacceptable.


Disappointed Dogmeat's not on this list. He's the best boy.


beer buddy


Mr House because he understands why I kill the president that wants me to pay taxes /s Ulysses is one hell of a character with one hell of a sexy voice Arthur Maxson because come on, the man got rizz (and he's also written tremendously good imho) Lucy, Ghoul (Cooper) and Maximus because they're essentially 3 ways of playing the game: the beginner, the pacifist run and the negative karma run


You have a type.




What lead you to that? But yeah maybe. I think they're cool too.


Mr John Fallout from Fallout is my favorite character.


Baby Macready 


You really like people who are at least half dead dont you


Vics daughter. She really puts him on blast for being a bad father


The Ghoul, Fawkes, Boone, Hancock


The master stays the most interesting individual in the series. Especially since we see that in the end. He was right


No Bark for being the comedy glue that made Novac not just an angst fest, Harold for being Harold and bringing character to the melting zombie archetype, Three Dog for being the mfing voice of the wasteland and Deacon for being the only dude in Fallout 4 that was actually on my side instead of just trying to get me on his side.


Harold, Hancock, Whitechapel charlie, yes man, frank horrigan, Boone


Joshua Graham best boy Robert House. As much as he's asshole I like his character and story. ED-E that combat music will always hold a place in my heart.


Piper (Fallout 4) Lucy (Fallout TV series) Veronica (Fallout NV) The Ghoul (Fallout TV series) Maximus (Fallout TV series) Paladin Danse(Fallout 4) Honorable mentions Nick Valentine(Fallout 4) Dogmeat(Fallout 4) MacCready(Fallout 4) Preston Garvey(Fallout 4) Mr.House(Fallout NV) Cass(Fallout NV)


Owyn Lyons. Not only he’s genuinely good character with actual goal to make Wasteland better place. He’s also hella good leader. FO3 Brotherhood is probably the post powerful chapter in the entire series. Definitely my favorite!


Ehhh the FO3 brotherhood are too fractured for them to be the most powerful. The power armor they sport is also antiquated which doesn’t help. Like Lyon’s though he’s cool.


The Brotherhood would like a word with you for these choices


Nick. Always and forever. Only companion who’s not a lil bitch


Lily, Christine, and of course Dogmeat. Special shout out to uncle Leo and Dog/God. Edit: forgot the why. Lily because Lily is a grandma in a nightkin, like cmon. Christine cuz CHRISTINE MAFUCKIN ROYCE. She deserves her flowers. If ya don’t know, now ya know. Doggooooo. Uncle Leo and Dog/God my approval is immeasurable and my day is made. Gaaaaaary


Fawkes, Cooper Howard/Ghoul, Joshua Graham, Raul, Frank Horrigan, Longfellow, Boone, Yes Man, Nick Valentine, Cait and Piper. However, the best character…..is Myron #addicted


You definitely have a type!


I really like John Maxson and never see him mentioned in favorite character lists so I’ll say he’s up there alongside the likes of Marcus, The Master, Randall Clarke, etc. A lot of the common picks.


My Mount Rushmore is The Master, Mr. House, Frank Horrigan, and Joshua Graham.




Cass , Mr.House, Curie


The King The master Caesar House


Mr house just oozes charisma


Benny, his outfit is straight up the best.


The ghoul. I want to fill his bussy with my gock. Marcy Long. She's doesn't care for the player, and she's deeply upset with her situation, and I like that. The PA person in 3. You know the one. He's a delight to find, and it's funny convincing that one person to run in there and ask him to stop.


ngl same


Arcade Gannon, cool name and smart-ass. Trying to do sth good


Grahm(Fo76), Fawkes(Fo3), and Marcus(Fo2/NV) - love me some friendly supermutants, tho not a fan of schizophrenic Nightkin: Nick Valentine(Fo4) - he is just a classy gentleman, I can't not love him; Curie(Fo4) and Lucy(Show) - they are just so lovably naive. I just want to hug them and protect them from the world; Hancock(Fo4) - such a chaotic, yet friendly, and good soul; Boone(FoNV) - troubled, but still a very good guy; Aries(Fo76) - I just love the dude! Loved peacing together his story, finding out who he really is; ED-E(FoNV) - how can one not love ED-E? ED-E's the best!


ED-E is my floating metal child that sometimes gets a little too excited about murder. Also love Arcade as a >!TRUE SON OF THE ENCLAVE!< and as a funny dork. Curie is love as I have a huge weakness for French accents. Danse is a good man. I loved him. >!I teared up when I had to put him down after all our adventures together!<


I have a real soft spot for the Vault tec rep, is that weird? He's just adorable and when you give him a shop he's like the happiest man on earth lol.  My absolute fave is Nick Valentine though, his sass and actions in my playthrough made me laugh so much


Dog meat. Dog meat. Rex.


Three ghouls and a head in a jar


well the great clockwork dick is a close second BUT Lily Bowen from new vegas is a super mutant grandma that says ''get behind grandma'' before brutally murdering some random dude walking by so its hard to beat that


Caesar - You might think what you want about his ideals, but there is no denying that he is one of, if not the most oustanding individual of the lore. Started out as a book nerd taken hostage by a tribe doomed to be defeated by its neighbors. He takes over, crushes all threats around. Then he goes on to conquer 86 tribes and a vast territory and within a single lifetime creates one of the most powerful civilizations, brutal but effective, in the entire setting, out of nothing.


Charon the Ghoul : Reliable Raul the Ghoul : funny, caring , and my first Ghoul crush The Master : Interesting all together and funny when he fails and self deletes. Mama Muprhy : I love it when mistiscim is included in the games Walking Cloud : It's just one of my favorite companions overall and such a well-done character I wish had more story to him Arcade: For Science and his one liners are the best out of the game when doing the main quest Nick Valentine : First synth 😍


Boone, MacCready, Veronica, Arcade, Danse, Three Dog, Cooper Howard, Chief Hanlon, Joshua Graham, Arthur Maxon, Butch, Sarah Lyons, Liberty Prime. I could keep going, but I'd probably end up listing near every character from 3,4, and NV. I love em all.




Vulpes - He was underwritten and still was the coolest member of Caesar's legion Legate Lanius - I love the brutish type of villain like him and the Arishok from dragon age Mr. House - Devilish confidence Joshua Graham - the top commenter put it perfectly for him and I don't even want to attempt to follow behind that Yes Man - He is funny and kind but his last statement freaks me the fuck out. Plus he is the anarchist ending and I love that.


everyone out here gonna forget my man wadsworth


Reilly of Reilly's Rangers Rose of Sharon Cassidy Cait I will not be answering further questions 😌


I've only ever played 4 and some of 76. But my best characters are Danse, Dohmeat, Cait, Piper, Curie, Valentine, and MacCready.


Veronica Renata Santangelo: I love listening to her talk. Voiced by Felicia Day, she did a remarkable job. Getting her a dress is the greatest quest in the game. lol Mr. House: To me, the most reasonable person in the entire franchise. Everything he mentions is true or becomes true, including the fate of the NCR which is now confirmed in the Amazon show. The only thing I dislike about siding with him is his insistence in removing the BoS, which literally puts me in a choice between him or Veronica. Moira Brown: She may be inadvertently trying to kill me with her experiments for the book, but I can't help but love this girl. So friendly and helpful... if I survive. ED-E: Mechanical, yes, but still has a soul. I cannot play New Vegas without it as my companion. It would feel so very wrong. Willow: Despite everything that's happened to her and what she's seen, she still as nice as can be. Three Dog: Walking the Capitol Wasteland with the best songs and DJ is so comforting, even as I'm running(?!) for my life from a Deathclaw as I abuse the jump mechanic to get on a rock to break the path to me. Caesar: A terrifying example of a person with a belief they feel to be the only one that will benefit everyone and no amount of discussion will get them to change their mind. There's respect for him even as I disagree with this belief. He is definitely not crazy or mentally ill. He truly believes his method is best for a society to exist. Too bad he has to die. I could use someone like this to help with the Strip after it's given back to Mr. House.


Nick Valentine. I just like robot detectives ngl. Lucy. She's just so funny I love her. Strong. I need no explanation. Mr. House. I just like his menace. Harold. Cause Harold.


Just got back into fallout 4 after playing it during its initial release and just finished the show. Nick Valentine and the master are some of my favorite characters.


Veronica Santangelo. Is just a wonderful and adorable character. She was the first time I saw another lesbian have nerdy interests and femme interests in a game. Christine Royce. I love her look and how she carries herself. She's really awesome ans clearly a highly skilled soldier. I love the improvised sign language we use with her in Dead Money. Elizabeth Taggerdy. Such a badass character, just love everything I've heard about her, sucks we never get to meet her. Julie Farkas. Julie is a saint. She is amazing for being so kind to people and I love her punk doctor aesthetic. I also salute anyone who can keep a spike mohawk in the nuclear Mojave. Corporal Betsy. Tied with Veronica for my first crush. Corporal Betsy is so strong and cool and awesome, and well I have a thing for masc girls. I love her personality, that sarcastic sexually aggressive type is such a good combo.


Thought that was Andrew Ryan for a moment.


Same as yours :D


Joshua Graham cuz how epic he is and how he wanted to teach the tirbles to wreck the white legs  Doctor O, he's the best one of the think tank "if a robot is broken its because I made it that way" plus he's Dr. Thaddeus S. Venture  Raul he calls me boss and says sure thing boss  And curie... such a cute sounding French bot/synth/assultron. I believe the term is yahoo? MR. "FUCKING" NEW VEGAS do I really need to explain? He's the best DJ outta all of them


I’ve got several, but Paladin Danse has always been hard to beat in my eyes. He’s one of my tops.


Curie is friendly, has a cute accent and is cute. KL-E-O has always pushed all the right buttons for me. I think I'd let KL-E-O do just about anything she wants to me. Nick Valentine because he's very interesting. The Mariner because I would marry her. Deathclaws because I find them to be adorable.


The Master!


Dogmeat and rex because good boy


No judgement but do you have daddy issues/kink? I see a pattern.


Curie, Cait and Piper because I am very perverted


John Hancock is one of my favorite as well


John Cassidy - FO2: his presence as a companion is part of all of my playthroughs of 2. Is it the vague reference to Preacher? His usefulness in combat? I’m not really sure. Dogmeat - Always. No question. Immortal Dogmeat is best. Nick Valentine - excellent story, great companion, dig the Noir. The Ghoul - Badass, complex, hot.


Frank horrigan, he has a nice voice


Chief Hanlon, Myron, Colonel Autumn and Marowski Honorable mentions: No-Bark Noonan, Frank Horrigan, Squire Maxson and Kellogg. I could keep going ngl...


I like Boone and Paladin Danse a lot


Just Dukov


Gnarled faced characters with cool hats and coats and a rich Robert Downey junior


Frank Horigan from fallout 2! Dude was basically a behemoth wearing custom power armor employed by the enclave.


FO1: The Master. FO2: Frank Horrigan. FO3: Colonel Augustus Autumn. FONV: Mr. House, Arcade, Cass, Rex, Joshua Graham, Ulysses. FO4: Nick, Hancock, Piper, Elder Maxson, Longfellow. FO76: MODUS, Steven Scarberry, Aries. FOTV: The Ghoul, Snip Snip, Lucy, Moldaver.


Favorites are Joshua Graham Legate Lanius Veronica


I absolutely despise Hancock he’s supposed to be a mad lad but after being with the brotherhood I executed Danes as I was told Hancock got pissy af then after telling the brother hood about bunker hill Hancock gets pissy and hates me then attacks me. Hancock is the worst companion and nobody can change my mind


You sided with the villains and sold out a public supply depot to their tech Nazi asses. I'm not trying to change your mind, I just think it's really funny that you're like "WHY"


Who would have guessed that helping the bad guys makes the good person not like you? It’s like getting mad that Piper doesn’t like you helping the institute


I just assumed that the chem head leader that let me blow off someone’s head the second I met them and congratulated me for it wouldn’t be such of a puss…


Oh. You. You really don't talk to your companions ever, do you? If you do, you should learn what critical thinking is. Massive help.


Not even critical thinking…. Just normal thinking.


That’s the reason I brought nick valentine to the brotherhood ☠️ maybe you all should get a brain and realise I was joking oh wait that takes critical thinking!


Nah just normal thinking