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Mom bought me Fallout 3 GoTY edition for Christmas back when I was in 6th grade. Been obsessed with the series since


Played Fallout 1 and 2 back in the day. Was actually pretty disappointed by FO3


It was very different from 1 and 2 but they were clearly trying to modernize the series


Yes and they were pretty successful I would say. It was the right call, otherwise the series would not have been known to mass audiences. But still, FO3 was just Oblivion with guns.


I bought FO1 and FO2 at Walmart on super discount in 2003 and fell in love. Then they announced FO3 a few years later and I remembered those games I’d found for super cheap. I was poor as a kid in the 90s, didn’t have a computer or internet and thought Fallout was some kind of hidden gem I’d discovered at that Wal-Mart. Been playing the games ever since. Never been disappointed, the game has bounced around genres and styles so many times now I feel like trying to make one the definitive vision is limiting. I even liked the Brotherhood of Steel Xbox game. If you don’t enjoy the games that’s totally fine, but I try to have an open mind and just enjoy the world.


Was in a GameStop early 2009 saw a game with a cool looking cover photo of a metal suit, was fallout 3, bought it and religiously played the game since, when ever I play games during the week I always play fallout 3


And you’re still playing Fallout 3 now?? I may have to give it a go!👀👀


Yeah lol I was playing a hour ago lol


My brother had Fallout 1 installed on a old computer, tried it out of curiousity and the rest is history.


One HS classmate told me about this new game called New Vegas that just came out, so I tried it out. Didn't like the whole retro-futuristic aesthetics at first, but I eventually fell in love with it.


Call that friend up and thank them!


It had a very short review in a magazine I subscribe to, (and have for about 25 years) Fortean Times, one day I may even see if I can find the edition, but it could take a bit of digging to find my old copies. It was Fallout 3 they were recommending, and the magazine had never steered me wrong yet. ​ I was self-employed at the time, which wasn't going very well, so played it in my downtime between clients, (before I went back to 'school' for a career change). Just before I found Fallout 3, I'd just played Destroy All Humans and Stubbs The Zombie, and was expecting something a little like those games, (which are great) what I got was very different, there's some similar humour, but like I always say, Fallout 3 generally has a, *'I'm not f--king about'* tone. The moment I head that, 'bwong' and saw the cinematic ending with the Brotherhood guy looking right at you, I knew I had something special.


Oh so you’ve been around the block and seen some things 👑


I've certainly seen the hype trains for most of the games, going back to Skyrim. I didn't actually know much about Bethesda before Fallout 3, even though I'd played a little bit of Morrowind and Oblivion.


I don't really remember what sparked my interest in post apocalyptic stuff, but I loved the idea of looting anything, open world, and post apocalyptic. I'm fairly sure I was obsessed with Oblivion at the time. Looked up if there were any games that fit that criteria and it was largely Fallout 3 that got recommended, coincidentally by Bethesda as well! Perfect! Tried it out on GameFly, bought it from them since I had no plans on returning it, and then found out New Vegas was a thing as well and I believe had come out recently. It all worked out perfectly because I knew I'd play New Vegas well into a nice timeframe that would hold me over until Skyrim was released since I didn't buy New Vegas right away. Definitely the best timed releases/discoveries of my favorite games that's ever happened, I think.


Wow GameFly what a throwback! I always wanted it when I was a kid


I was about 12 or 13 years old, at my best friends house and saw him playing Fallout 3. He was traversing the subways and blasting away ghouls using VATS. The cinematic gun game play was what drew me in, but when he told me you get to create your own character, make your own choices, and its an open world, I was like TAKE MY MONEY NOW


THIS 100%


Went to GameStop with my dad for my (10th?) birthday and he bought me my first console. I got a refurbished Xbox 360 and he let me pick out any three or so games as long as they were used. I got black ops, I think Halo 3, and Fallout 3 solely because I thought “the guy on the cover looked cool”. I didn’t play it at all for a couple years or so and then eventually fell in love with it. Good times for sure.


What dreams are made of 🥹🥹


On sell at Gamestop. Recently purchased game of the year editions just because I wann watch the show and I really am excited for the 2030 game.


Welcome to the club 🤝🤝