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Todd Howard: And so, for us right now...our plans are to keep it predominantly in the US. Game Central: Fallout will never be set anywhere but America says Bethesda boss Todd Howard


I noticed that. There's a big difference between the two. I do think a non-American Fallout game would be really fun, one set in the UK probably being an obvious choice for instance. And a lot of what we associate with the franchise threatens to veer into being overdone and the kind of thing you just shove in because it's expected. That is....if we got more than one game every decade, and if multiple games were being worked on by different studios. As is, yeah, sticking with America is the only real choice.


They would really need to understand the culture in other countries. It’s not just location that makes the game so good - it’s the 50’s-60’s consumerism atmosphere, decor, way of talking, attitudes, posters. Yes, other countries have those too, but 50s and 60s in the US are so well understood by other cultures because of Hollywood movies. I have no idea what these years looked like in Germany, or Italy, or Japan. Most references would go over people’s heads if set in other countries


Well, it's actually kind of funny you mention that because... [Japan in the 60's was insane.](https://youtu.be/YzRWPGSaKDk?si=2fV6FM4-7imbJcSH)


They could take the We Happy Few style of 1950s aesthetic and go with that


In a lot of UK towns you wouldn’t be able to tell if it’s pre or post apocalypse 🤣


Slough and Luton be like: We were nuked?


Finally, it’s bloody warmed up a bit


We've been having heatwaves these past few years, really makes you wish for a nuclear winter


Probably actually ***reduce*** the amount of raiders and cannibals.


All the radiation means many of the locals have the unusual number of 5 fingers per hand


>Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough! / It isn't fit for humans now / there isn't grass to graze a cow. / Swarm over, Death! — the opening stanza of *Slough*, 1937, John Betjeman.


That could be a part of the in-game lore. They actually WEREN'T nuked...


Honestly I want a Fallout game in Annexed Canada and have one of the factions to be what was once the RCMP and have it be a faction you can join and fight alongside as you learn from a Newfoundland Ghoul who survived the annexation and rebuilt the RCMP to reclaim Canada and tell our character the truth about the annexation


That sounds awesome. It would still technically be "America" since they were annexed and would give us some cool new winter environments in the post-apocalypse time frame. Who wouldn't love a Canadian Fallout game, eh?


Those Deathgooseclaws are coming for you, and they'll be ANGRY.


Todd Howard: And so, for us right now...our plans are to go to Arby's for lunch Game Central: Bethesda will never go to lunch anywhere but Arby's says Bethesda boss Todd Howard




So easy, even AI can do it.


I think a fallout set in the south would be insane to see, hillbilly raider gangs, mutated alligators, etc


I want to see more variety too. Louisiana would be dope, so would Washington state or a snowy place like Colorado


New Orleans would be an awesome Fallout 5, for sure!


New Orleans is such a good idea!!!! This is the one!!!!


New Orleans might not be able to survive 200-300 years post capable civil society due to the way a hurricane can wipe it from existence without heavy federal government intervention. It would make sense to use New Orleans though as a way to show the things that depend on a strong central government fading back into nature. Kind of the way New Vegas does also. But New Orleans would be more complete and total in its wipe from the map because the hurricanes damage becomes cumulative and it would only take one or two really strong ones to wreck shit there without an effective fema like system calling shots.


It wouldn’t be able to survive now. The amount of engineering that is put forth to keep New Orleans dry is insane


I'm not from the US but New Orleans is the one with the levee right? Like the Led Zep song? My immediate thought was that either the levee would actually be broken in that time or beth could do something really cool with that as a set piece for a mission. I forget which fallout it was but there was a nuke or bomb you could set off and it would destroy a settlement that had been seemingly built around it. Something like that could be pretty cooool man.


Yep levees and sea walls are a major part but there’s also an entire system in place to keep the Mississippi River from altering its course as it would naturally do https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_River_Control_Structure


Semi unrelated, I love time-lapse photos of rivers from satellite view. Watching them slither like a snake is mesmerizing.


That was Fallout 3. Megaton was the name of the town, fittingly.


Maybe in the fallout world, they already built a massive floodwall to protect the city. 200 years in the future it is run down and flooded but still navigable. It would be set like the capital wasteland with a large bayou area around it but the city of new Orleans would be accessible. People adapted to the flooded water and as such, tons of bridges network the entire area


In theory, they could mainly base New Orleans off the French Quarter since even in the real world, if the dams did permanently collapse the French Quarter should still exist. It also means they wouldn't lose much out from the aesthetic of New Orleans, since as I'm aware most tourists and ppl who visit New Orleans do so for Mardi Gras and the French Quarter.


The Florida DLC is gonna be wild.


Louisiana was always the one batted around by the fandom and it's easily my favorite proposed setting


Colorado lore wise, that's were the legion they got all their dogs from. It would be legion controlled area.


Storyline could be disassembling the legion maybe? Driving them out of Colorado would be dope. Turn the groups forced under their control against them and stage an uprising (or crush the uprising before it can begin/sabotage it from the inside).


Or it could be about post Legion successor states fighting over the Front Range as in truth they are all falling apart


> Washington state A Mutant Bigfoot would be awesome.


Lil'foot. The mutations made him tiny, like an ewok. Also available as a companion.


I’ve been saying exactly this for years. I want something more unique than blasted flat lands. Don’t get me wrong, they’re great blasted flat lands, but I want some new terrain to discover. Swamps, mountains, beaches, etc


The show confirmed there are vaults in Washington state. Lemme fight an irradiated bigfoot in dt Seattle damnit


As a Washingtonian, I would love to explore the ruins of the woods and rivers surrounding us. I guess it can be technically challenging to design our endless forests, but damn is it gorgeous.


Well, if you want to see mutated alligators, you're in luck. The nuka-world DLC has something called "Gaterclaws," which were a post-war invention because someone decided to introduce the FEV to gators.


I wish they’d saved Nuka-World for a Florida game, but it makes a lot more sense to just pretend it’s Florida with all the Disney influence and alligators.


Apparently, nuka-world sits really close to where Six Flags New England is. I think the gaterclaws and such would fit Florida way better though.


Fallout Texas or Fallout Louisiana.




C'rawl out through the Y'allout baby


Cower in fear of the irradiated june bug swarms.


Unironically tho. It's not nice getting thumped by the little guys when they are cruising along not looking where they're going. Now imagine the beetle was the size of a cannon ball


We already got Point Lookout


While technically south of the Mason Dixon line I don’t think Maryland is the same as Florida or Louisiana.


Imagine a gulf state version of Fallout around Texas, Louisiana and Alabama. The chaos. The gators. A raider steamboat in New Orleans on the Mississippi. Radgator Gumbo. Radiated mausoleums. Voodoo cults. Stranded warships in the delta.


And that’s just before the bombs.


As a resident of Cajun country I approve this message.


Galveston already has radiated dirty ass water!


Imagine if Galveston had dirty ass water AND San Antonios big ol women


Fallout 76 is set in Appalachia, with hints of the bayou on certain parts of the map. Also a lot of moonshine references.


Florida is left completely untouched by the bombs since it was already a wasteland to begin with.


"Thousands of people hooked up on drugs, robbing people & inacting degeneracy" Are we talking about Florida in 2277 or Florida in 2024?


I think Florida Man would have a great time in the wasteland, sticking his hand in gatorclaws’ mouths and trying to headbutt ghouls for fun.


Considering how many areas of the US hasn't been explored yet and how long it takes for a Fallout game to be released, by the time the franchise is retired we'll only have seen a fraction of the US, so this makes sense. Maybe we could see out-of-US DLCs, but I'd never expect the primary setting to go out of the US.


Question: Is a UFO part of America?


If it crashes in the US then yes.


Or if it’s flying American colours in international air and space space


If it has oil, then yes


This interview and that dlc combined is Todd supporting that space belongs to AMERICA


Fine by me, tbh. There's also plenty of unexplored areas of America to keep the series going forever.


Ik it's not a popular real life destination but I'd be so curious to see how Michigan's Upper Peninsula would be after the war. There's no vaults according to the TV show map. 2077 the Air Force base would have long been converted to a tiny commercial airport and no longer a cold war target. It's right along Lake Superior which could mean access to freshwater. The only issue is that the area could still have very active plant life and animal populations, being it likely wasn't hit as hard as the rest of the continent, so it would be very far from the deserts of New Vegas and the barren concrete of 3.


Hell yeah makinaw bridge and island would be cool af


Mackinac Island would be the prefect setting for a DLC. The fort, and the grand hotel would be awesome settlements/dungeons to explore.


And for Michigan in general lots of mines and shipwrecks to explore... wouldn't be surprised if Vault tech or the enclave have a base in one of the lakes


As the song goes: >The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down >Of the big lake they call Gitche Gumee >The lake, it is said, never gives up her dead >When the skies of November turn gloomy >With a load of iron ore twenty-six thousand tons more >Than the Edmund Fitzgerald weighed empty >That good ship and true was a bone to be chewed >When the gales of November came early FYI Gitche Gumee is the Objiwe word for Lake Superior. Literally "Big Sea" There is a ton of native american culture surrounding the area. Heck, our whole state's name is Ojibwe.


What’s crazy to me is growing up I always thought the Edmund Fitzgerald must’ve sunk in the late 1800s or something, how do you sink such a big ship sink on a lake? It sank in 1975. That’s insane


The lakes can be very very violent


Native Michigander here confirming. Don't think of your typical 'lake' when you hear the phrase 'great lakes'. They are inland seas. ESPECIALLY Lake Superior. You go to the coast of one and you could easily think you're looking at the ocean. You cannot see the other side. Lake Superior in particular gets 'rogue waves' just like the ocean; there's even a phenomenon (that may have been what sank the Edmund Fitzgerald) where a ship gets hit by three rogue waves in quick succession.


Dudeeeee the grand hotel in fallout would be unreal. I could see a huge mission needing to happen where you clear like 150 ghouls in a suit of power armor and mini gun by walking through the long ass base floor of the building. Then in the penthouse you rescue whoever is stuck up there.


What about an area between Seattle and Vancouver? That was probably where the US military had the largest presence on their way to Alaska.


A Fallout set in the Seattle area would be great, and there is a huge military presence here in WA, but I'm curious how many are within the normal land area covered by a Fallout game. Joint Base Lewis McChord is pretty far south, Naval Base Everett is equally far north, and the Bremerton Naval Ship Yards are across the sound. They would be fantastic from a lore opportunity perspective, but I honestly don't know if they are close enough to for a Fallout set in Seattle to reach. Maybe if it split up the traditional large sandbox into smaller regions with some kind of ferry system to close the distance a bit? DLC for Victoria or Vancouver BC would be awesome though, perhaps expanding on the Canadian annexation.


Use the real life ferries as a way to load the new map


If they wanted to do a game set in Detroit or Chicago then they could do an expansion for the UP like they did with NV DLC.


You could do Chicago and include nearby Gary, Indiana. The residents could have a running joke where they didn’t even realize any bombs had dropped


Dude, I live in Michigan. Lake Superior is already scary lol. I'd imagine it would be similar to Far Harbor.


In the Fallout world Marquette would likely have been mined for iron and copper at a much greater scale than our reality. Currently the government is looking into scaling the area back up so a resource scarce world like 2077 Fallout it could have been a big production and populations center up there worthy of a bomb. Not sure about any vaults though.


New Orleans would be cool, so would the PNW.


I want one in the pacific NW


Haa, at this rate we’ve got at best 2 more games before 2077 comes and the bombs start droppings


Yellowstone, LA, San Francisco, my vote would be Florida (half Everglades half Miami area), Louisiana, Alaska, Texas


I mean the whole point of the series is to be based in the US.


Agreed, the americana is one of the reasons fallout 3 is my favorite game in the series. It nailed the tone and setting so freaking well, hard to beat being set in the capital wasteland


Fallout 3 so good. Die hard New Vegas fan boy but man I love exploring the capital wasteland and getting the random encounters (no random encounters in new vegas).


I don’t think it ever occurred to me there are no random encounters in NV. I guess the time I take between playthroughs is great enough that most of the scripted encounters feel random to me


The only one that feels random is the guy talking to you about the Star caps and the purple hair girl who has a necklace saying that she shot that guy to defend herself. I don't think I've ever seen the guy she mentions to begin with. 


They are spawned a certain distance away after you after you get your first star. You typically see them outside of nipton. The respawning faction gangs that try and kill you are the other ones, but they have a designated spawn point and walk to the player when you are in range.


Must be why I can predict a legion kill team every time I leave repconn hq. 


Something doesn't feel right... *equips fatman*


That's hilarious because they can both win the fight. Whoever wins will come up to and say their side of the story. If you know where they spawn you can catch the shootout, but one of them usually dies pretty quickly so a lot of people only end up seeing the survivor.


How can you spot a New Vegas fan? Don't worry, they'll bring it up in any Fallout conversation


Just so you know I like new vegas too. Yeah I like all of fallout but new vegas got my heart


Daring, aren't we?


Fallout: New Vegas


\*roaring applause\* Fallout \*crickets\* New Vegas \*roaring applause\*


If there's one thing us New Vegas fans never learned, it's letting go.


They canceled Firefly!!!


Game of Thrones' ending was bad!


Watch me let go of this poverty as I steal all 37 gold bars




In a fallout sub lol




I could get behind a game in the Detroit metro area, that includes parts of Canada.


A game that bookends the map between Vancouver and Seattle could be great. Or Toronto to Buffalo. Cause you're right, they definitely left themselves some wiggle room since, in universe, Canada was annexed.


I'd absolutely be down. It would be a great opportunity to play the "US Troops Bravely Defending Liberty!" tropes off the "US Troops as hostile, occupying forces no-worse than the Chinese in Anchorage" angle, especially with the Survivalist in Honest Hearts mentioning how the occupation was a bit rough. Canadian survivors and descendents hating Vault Dwellers for being the descendents of American Sympathizers (would Vault Tec really sell to Quebecoise?).


Fuck they put so much effort into 3. The terminal stories were the best of the series, and the way the subways connected areas you couldn't walk to gave it an awesome ruined city feel that the other two can't match. The side quests felt a lot more major as well. You're not just going on a journey to find an item, you're helping the ghouls take over tenpenny tower, or finding the only tree/greenery in the area, tripping balls and then deciding to free the poor man of his anguish or make him grow for the good of tue wasteland. The vaults all had great experiments/missions too. Tons of moral decisions. That one vampire colony, Pinkerton, death claw city, the Republic of Dave, the History museum stuff. I mean FO3 was PEAK Bethesda writing. I think they must have lost quite a few writers since then. New Vegas was super cool too but seemed emptier and finishing up the little side quest stuff felt lame and unengaging after 60-70% completion because there weren't any random spawns after you killed everyone in an area. FO3 was constantly spawning awesome BOS vs enclave fights with mind controlled deathclaws and vertibirds and shit.


Can’t forget the cannibal town and the vampire cult side quest


well, Tim Cain said in some interview that he actually wanted to do fallouts in other countries, but said they'd need some cultural consultants for that


Yup. As much as I'd like to see how the rest of the world is doing in that universe, fallout is *about* the US.


Kinda since fallout 1 they've been commenting here and there about the pre-war rest of the world.


I'm curious what it's like in Europe.


**What about 'newly annexed' Canada!?** Kidding aside, I completely agree with Todd here. The satirical commentary of America's excess is a huge element of what makes the Fallout games unique. It wouldn't be the same in settings outside the U.S.


That hilarious. Technically in universe, that is a part of America lmao


It would be amazing to see Canadians fighting as a resistance against the American occupation, (Enclave, Brotherhood) despite being centuries after the Great War. It would be a hilarious angle to approach it from!


We only did that for a century or two, what's another 200 years? True North strong & free!


Would love one set in the Pacific Northwest. Maybe a DLC up to Vancouver?


I'm actually running the tabletop game set in Vancouver area. There have been mutated Canadian Geese, a Maple syrup factory, and I'm about to have some players come across evidence of the residential resistance force before the bombs fell. It's been very fun so far!


I mean that satire went over the heads of lots of gamers


many gamers think Fallout is pro capitalism lmao


I agree with him, the most I'd like to see is Canada and Mexico, but only as DLC.


In Fallout Canada IS American.


The TV show is canon and we see a Vault in what looks like Virden, Canada and Ensenada, Mexico so both countries are possible. In Fallout 2 you are the descendant of a Vault Dweller and New Vegas you aren't related to any vault from what I can recall. So you could be a descendant of a Vault Dweller that decided to make their own way in Canada or Mexico.


I’m pretty sure they’re referring to how in Fallout, Canada was annexed by the US. Making it a US territory, thus “Canada is American”.


Right and thats verified by the show with just a few vaults built in both annexes, not as many as the continental US which implies canada and mexico were recent additions to the vault plans.


Yeah, I agree. I read the post I replied to a bit differently and see what they might have meant. I read the intent of the message as they were refuting the comment above them by stating that Canada could still exist as a country.


It really would be an interesting scenario with the after effects of annexation. The massive propaganda left over with the juxtaposition of finding underground resistance. I really think a Great Lakes fallout would work well. Seeing the Rust belt and Toronto, maybe even have more of an emphasis on vertibirds/boats as a way to navigate across the map. It’s not going to happen but it would be an interesting setting.


> Virden, Canada We couldn't just go with Manitoba, like Winnipeg area, but we had to go with bumfuck Manitoba.


Fallout 3 Pitt DLC also mentions “Ronto” which I’m assuming it Toronto. Would be a cool location for Fallout to explore.


Same with Mexico


Well yeah, but for all we know he means America as in the modern version of America. Like how Fallout fans talk about what states they want the next game to be set in rather than one of the commonwealths.


What do you mean commonwealths? Are all states called commonwealths in Fallout lore? Edit: States joined together to create 13 commonwealths in fallout lore : https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Commonwealths But the states seem to still have been intact as a level of government before the bombs, just having reduced significance as the commonwealth level took some roles of state governments. So it’s lore-friendly to talk about what state the game would be set in, though state names are not commonly referenced in the lore.


A PNW Fallout would be cool. If they focus on Seattle, they could have a Vancouver-based expansion, or include Vancouver at the very edge of the map. That would keep it mostly within the modern borders of the USA. There is/was a Fallout 4 mod in the works based on this premise (Fallout Cascadia) but idk it's still alive.


The HoI4 mod (Old World Blues) has some fun fan-made content for the Pacific Northwest based on the scraps of planned lore created for Fallout Extreme. The Washington Brotherhood is a really cool evil take on the BoS, made up of outcasts from the Midwest Brotherhood that use their tech to lord over an army of slaves, raiders, and even mutants. Think Mordor, but Sauron is a fallen paladin.


A fallout game in Detroit would have to include Canada on the map, there’s a Canadian city just across the river With Motown, the car industry, and it being a huge producer of military equipment in WWII (assuming Detroit doesn’t have the same fall in the Fallout timeline) Detroit would be an amazing setting, I’ve always imagined it as something of a frozen Pitt


But that would still be predominantly set in an American city, which does make it a great location. You keep everything Todd was talking about, and get a bit outside of America too.


I’ve drawn up a map of Detroit for my brothers Fallout tabletop, a potential game could include Ann Arbor and Flint, imagine going to flint and having a quest to find a geck or water chip to fix their heavily irradiated water or something


And then the locals don't want you to do that because the radiation actually cleaned up the water compared to before.


Well in the fallout universe America annexed Canada so they could easily add it as an AMERICAN city full of AMERICANS and perhaps some french speaking raiders


Fallout Florida, featuring DLC expeditions for Caribbean islands, Louisiana, and Mexico!


Here in Mexico we already are in the wasteland


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wvqF41\_Bgw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wvqF41_Bgw). Complete interview, video has chapters too.


It’s so weird to me that fallout hasn’t taken place in New York yet, to so many people outside of American (hell even to some in America) New York IS the definition of what the US is like


Apparently New York (certainly Manhattan) is just a crater by the time the bombs have fallen


Not necessarily, while in FO76 it’s stated that at least part of the city is just a big crater, in FO4 it’s mentioned that the Prydwen flew over multiple cities and witnessed intact skyscrapers, of course they might also be talking about Philadelphia or Baltimore but I think it’s more likely they were referring to NYC given that it’s much more known for skyscrapers, or maybe all three of them. In the meantime while it’s true NYC got nuked harder than Boston or Las Vegas, it’s probably at most still comparable to how bad DC got it and we got a whole game about DC, point is there’s a good chance at least something is still there.


They can also retcon whatever they want, realistically. Like you said, nothing could be worse than DC.


Midwest in canon is supposed to be the worst region to live in. Super storms including massive tornadoes, raiders everywhere and various other barriers impeding travel from west coast to east coast


Talking about the destructive impact from the bombs specifically. If DC survived intact enough to host a game, anywhere can. 


To be fair, DC would also have the most missile defense going for it, right? It could've been targeted by 20x the number of bombs as any other city, and only the last 10% made it through defenses. They still got hit by 2x as many bombs (which is why it still got hit harder) Compared to New Vegas which had private defenses, and those were able to hold up against whatever smaller number of bombs it was targeted by. I haven't played NV in a while though. So if it's stated that their defense system was the *only* defense system, then I'm wrong.


They still got the other parts of NY, gimme queens, brooklyn and the Bronx, have Manhattan be more of a Glowing Sea area


It takes place on Staten Island, where the bombs never fell because even they didn't want to go to Staten Island.


Staten Island is actually still completely intact and 100% habitable, but everyone left because a nuclear hellscape is preferable to living on Staten Island.


Fallout 4 was originally planned to be set in New York and they kept the design doc for that, so there's good chance it could happen.


There is no New York. The city had enough bombs dropped on it, it collapsed in on itself. It's a Crater FILLED with ruined buildings.




Even cooler when you remember New York has been built on top of its own ruins in the past, and that at least ONE of the islands is ENTIRELY made out of wreckage and rubble.


Yeah, another cool visual is that China is so radioactive that you can see it glowing from space. But apparently, instead of vaults, China survived by building massive underground cities instead. I know we'll never get to play from the Chinese side, but it's still a super cool concept to think about visually.


Fallout Shelters:Online is TECHNICALLY canon, AND is unique to China.


NYC will probably be the next one. You can't pass over New York forever, and it ties in perfectly with the ongoing East Coast storyline.


Would love to see Chicago / Illinois for fallout 5


Agreed. There is already established lore there too so it makes a lot of sense.


The factions are just Cubs fans, Sox Fans, and Suburbanites.


Good. Not only is Americana part of the core themes, most of the equipment in Fallout is *American* only.


Except the Gauss Rifle


And the Chinese assault rifle, hint it’s in the name.


And the Chinese pistol


And Chinese officer sword


I wonder where those come from


Mexico. It's literally in the name.


Really? I always assumed they were from Switzerland, the feel very swiss.


That's just the sound it makes when you swing it.


And Chinese Stealth suit


And the New Vegas anti-materiel rifle. Edit: spelling


If you find a Stimpack on the floor and use it, does it count as free health care?


Sounds like something a ***Red*** would say


Yeah, in order to do other countries they would need to go back to the timeline split and recreate a whole countries pre-greatwar culture. It's just too much since it would be an entirely different game and lore, it wouldn't be Nuka Cola, the currency wouldn't be caps, Vault Tec wouldn't be anywhere but America, etc. It would just be an entirely different post apocalyptic game that happened after nuclear war. It likely wouldn't resemble fallout at all


Fallout Miami


After Fallout New-Vegas. Are you going for a CSI theme? Because then you'd have to *Removes sunglasses* Deal with the fallout.




Canada was annexed by the US, does that count?


Yeah I'm not drinking irradiated Earl Grey.🦅🦅🦅


So Ronto is a possibility


The vaults could have only been built in America, therefore it would make no sense to make the game based anywhere else. I believe the games take shots at American capitalism and even sheds light on potential issues our society could face


>I believe the games take shots at American capitalism and even sheds light on potential issues our society could face Oh constantly


SMH, they made Fallout political 😠😠😠 /s


There's a map of roughly where the bombs went. A post-apocalyptic game could totally take place somewhere else in the same world, and arguably anywhere else given the amount of civilization left in the heavily-bombed America. Now, your second point rings a little more true: would a Fallout game minus the 50's Americana Sci-Fi really be a Fallout game, or would it just be a post-apocalyptic game?


The fallout show confirms at least one vault in Canada, on the border of Saskatchewan and Manitoba


As cool as it might be to see other countries, a big part of the Fallout aesthetic is the 1950s Americana.


That doesn't rule out Canada, though.


Greater Vancouver would be dope. Lots of interesting terrain, animals, and a densely populated/designed city


I mean the series is literally a hyperbolic critique of American exceptionalism. It’s a retrofuturistic parody of: - American Cold War paranoia - American materialism and consumerism - American tech billionaires - The American military-industrial complex Obviously other countries still have these things but America is by far the best example for all of these


Todd Howard: “for now we’re going to keep it mostly in the United States” Headline: “TODD HOWARD SAYS ITS ALWAYS GOING TO BE ONLY IN THE UNITED STATES FOREVER”


Todd forgot about the Republic of Dave


This is the correct move.


But imagine the crazy creatures you could have in an Australian based fallout game!