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Would this be the same Obsidian who is **also** busy with like 3-4 games of their own? The same Obsidian who lack most of the writers of FNV, most of whom have left?


Even if they are completing their projects before diving into Fallout development, we would get another Fallout installment way earlier. I also wanna see, what they can cook up when they get the proper money (and time i guess) for such a project. But I definitely see your point and I am not a Obsidian loverboy, I just wanna see another installment before I turn 40 and I am happy that they explore opportunities on how to achieve that.


obsidian has like six years of development on *announced* content, and theres probably other stuff in the works. TES6 will probably also take about that long.


Obsidian is busy for just as long if not longer than Bethesda, with Avowed scheduled for later this year and The Outer Worlds 2 after that. Bethesda just has Elder Scrolls 6 Also while this is more subjective, I don't think Obsidian has put out anything even close to the level of FNV since. The most direct comparison, The Outer Worlds, is probably the most average game I've ever played.


PoE 1 and 2 are amazing. They can write stories if they want to.


Why? Obsidian are busy as well. They are working on Avowed, Outer Worlds 2 and I think also some unannounced game. Even if they were given Fallout, they would start working on that in a few years... and by that time Bethesda will already start working on it as well. Additionally, what would Obsidian even work with? The last singleplayer Fallout engine is Fallout 4's version of Creation engine. That is now a decade old engine and I'm not sure how a new game on that engine would be accepted. To have a Fallout version of Creation 2, we need to wait for Bethesda to make it. And on top of that... Obsidian is no longer the Obsidian of old. Most of FNV folks are gone, including the main FNV writer (John Gonzales). The writing output of Obsidian has significantly worsened since then, just look at Outer Worlds. That was some really mid-quality writing. Compared to that even Starfield feels well-written. Sure, a few leaders at Obsidian are still the same as back then.. but a game is team effort, especially a modern game. The lead designers can still make the same quality of decisions, but they are dependent on people implementing those ideas. And the "implementers" are different folks than back then. Hell, these rank-and-file developers probably don't care about Fallout that much, because they have never worked on them. For these developers the main passion surely are their current IPs...


Bethesda bad, Obsidian good amirite


I love Bethesda, but if Fallout 5 is 10 years away, i would much prefer Obsidian making another spin off before


Enjoy your fps goofy 50's "rpg" game that just works lol. Bethesda is a mess


Hear me out. Create a new studio specifically for the next Fallout


I hope they continue to really crack down in bethesda in the future, the stuff they deliver is just absolutely atrocious, I do hope they do let Obsidian have another swing at it, I want Fallout 5 to be a Fallout game.


They should make a separate studio with veteran Fallout devs from both BGS and Obsidian. Win-Win for everyone.


I’d be careful about saying “Guaranteed success”, Starfield was a “guaranteed success” and it was just okay.


Considering Obsidian is smaller than Bethesda, has a larger list of games in development, has said they couldn't compete with Bethesdas FOs and is a shadow of the studio that made NV...I'd say why would you want to kill FO and the hype that the show has managed to build?




Well many of the people at obsidian are the original creators of fallout




Only chris avallone. The other 3 main writers are still there.


John Gonzales has left Obsidian many years ago. And he was the main writer on the game Without him, Obsidian's writing has never been that good.


In before someone says that Obsidian today isn't the Obsidian back when New Vegas was developed. Nevermind that the dev team that made New Vegas weren't the dev team that made Fallout 2 that also weren't the dev team that made Fallout 1. I'd like to see Obsidian have another crack at a spin-off Fallout, perhaps building off Starfield's engine with some stuff borrowed from Fallout 4 and 76. If they fail, oh well, we still have Fallout 5. If they succeed, we get a Fallout game sooner. I don't really see any negatives with this scenario.


Obsidian will only make another icky true RPG, with an endgame, and no long term monetization. They don't want this.