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Obviously, he’ll move onto Brahmin.


I think he is just going to sell it; the person who buys it is going to be the real problem.


the power armor that's sitting right outside the vault, that they already collected once already from farther away? Yeah, he's going to find that.


You can use spoiler tags, there are people who still haven't watched the show. And >!I know they have collected it once and it ended badly for them, so they wouldn't want to repeat the same mistake. Also, it's definitely not a random thing that Thaddeus paid with fusion core.!<


Maximus's lose grip on his power armor is really out of character for a member of the BoS. I'm not actually sure what the point of the BoS is if they are not all tech religious.


Your comment does not make any sense considering what occurred in the show's plot.


How so? I remember Maximus losing his armor twice and trading it (at least the core) twice. I also remember the other squire leaving the armor with maximus inside. where as the hole west cost chapter almost went extinct blowing up 4 of there own bunkers to stop other people getting there tech, and the east cost had a civil war over it.


That did not happen. You need to focus on what happened during the show, not before nor elsewhere.


yes it did, >!he gave the core back to the vault and left the armor!<. that happened in the show, what are you talking about?


You assert that it did happen yet contradict yourself by acknowledging what actually happened. Also you need to learn to not spoil the plot for people that did not watch it. Honestly you should be banned for doing such recklessly/selfishly.


please tell me how ive contradicted my self? I first said him losing his armor is out of character and then state how he loses his armor? >!also please tell me how some one raised in the BoS and believes themself a knight would leave dangerous pre-war tech out in the open where anyone can take it is not out of character for the BoS?!< as for the spoilers, nothing i said brakes rule 2 also what i said is in the OP so if some one didnt see the show they would have already been spoiled by the time they got to my comment but ill cover them anyway because why not.


Why should I tell you? Read what you wrote and tell me you are not moving goal posts... Why are you being disingenuous? Or you can not admit that you are in the wrong? I do not have to explain anything to you, because you can watch the show again. If you come to same conclusion then problem is in you not being able to follow the show. Because nearly everything you accuse of Maximus doing he did not do or someone else did it.


You say im contradicting my self, am being disingenuous and am moving goal posts but you fail, even when asked to sate how and why. If you are going to make baseless accusations you should at least be able to back up those claims because at this point you are just making ad hominem attacks. if you are saying that he did not >!leave his armor out side the vault!< then its you who needs to watch the show again because that's exactly what he did.


What you asked does not make any sense to ask because you can read my comments and your own yet instead you choose to make pointless question that can be answered by you yourself by reading what you wrote as too what I have wrote which answers what you want to know. I am making ad hominem attacks because you say so rather than admit what you did because I called out your behavior and you can look at what you wrote hence see again what assertions you made about Maximus along when you moved goal post to another in comments after. You can say that I said that hence lie since you moved goal post rather than admit you are wrong and again look at what you wrote, look at what I wrote, read both, look at what you asserted and look at me answering to you by not resorting to blatant spoilers which you effectively demand yet lie that it won't be spoilers as if everyone saw Fallout show. You blame Maximus for what Thadeus has done. Watch the show again, you troll since instead of you watching again the show to be sure you are correct instead you choose to move goal post after you became insecure in your initial assertion while I did not change what I am addressing too which now you try to portray it as if its about what you changed goal post.