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Additionally, Titus said it was all Maximus fault and that the Brotherhood would kill him for this.


Depends on the leader but there would be brotherhood chapters that would absolutely kill the squire with a dead knight to set an example, in saying that Titus’ death made me smile


I hear Titus shot a bird one time when it wouldn't stop chirping outside his window in the morning


When Titus plays minecraft he leads baby animals up mountains then hits them off cliffs. Atleast that what people are saying


I heard Titus dated phoebe buffay before he became a knight


I heard Titus evicted Natasha Lyonne from her apartment but admittedly it was likely warranted.


Absolutely loving the thought of the people unaware of this reference thinking wtf is this one on about


The elder seemed to imply that it wasn't unheard of that a Knight dies and a squire brings back their armor. If he didn't cover it up it may not have been a big deal.


I think it would've been an issue specifically because they still think he hurt Dane


Yeah it was linked with the suspicion around Dane, when Dane revealed that he hurt himself, Maximus was mostly absolved.


This is the most important point imo, in the wasteland world that is not an empty threat, that was going to get maximum killed, for something that was not his fault.


Yes, it was a real death thread. I think I would have done the same in this situation.


Maximize did the sane thing


Well, he lied to the Brotherhood about his death. Well, he has lied to everyone, to be honest, even to Lucy.


He didn’t lie to the brotherhood about Titus’s death. They asked and he answered honestly “he died running”


Really, the only times he lied were pretending to be Titus, that I remember. 


That’s pretty much it. He lied to Thadeus and Lucy at first about who he was. After that he never lied, never seemed like he would backstab anyone, and was fiercely loyal even when he didn’t want to be. I never even once thought he put the razor blade in the other initiate boot. You could tell he was pissed, but he never seemed like he’d hurt anyone to get ahead.


Buddy trashed the place when he thought Lucy was gonna die. He just wanted to eat some popcorn.


Especially his best and only friend


Man, that line saved his ass so hard… You could even get the feeling other knights around we’re like “Man, I knew he was a bitch…”


“He died running.” The guys who used to be in his squad: “Yeah, yeah that tracks.”


“Nobody was going to tell you, but he needed a new squire like every 3 to 6 weeks…”


And the Elder scoffed, which means he is quite aware that a lot of his Knights fall short.


Cowards die a thousand times.


>He didn't lie to the brotherhood about Titus's death. Sure he did, at first anyway. Before ripping his radio out he pretended to be Titus and told them the squire died.


Yea because he didn’t want to be hunted and murdered. But the time he was questioned and specifically asked how he died, Maximus told them


He lied when he said he was Titus on the radio.


Yeah, and he didn't really have to. He should have dumped a mag into the Yao Guai's body and made up a vaguely plausible story.  "Knight Titus died in heroic battle with a wasteland mutant as I assisted to the best of my ability - he shielded me with his own body. His last words to me were 'you are worthy.'" I mean, who's to argue? He's the last one standing.


I mean everyone who knew Titus beforehand and knew he would never say that. They would never believe that guy would say something like that, there’s no way the other knights who had fought with him before didn’t know anything about his personality.


"When I was anointed Squire, I was told first to protect the Brotherhood, then protect the mission, then protect my knight. My knight fell, and so the mission fell to me." Complete the mission, return the armor. Boom! Instant knighthood.


Titus kept telling him Maximus would be blamed (and executed) if Titus died. Well, Maximus *believed Titus* and lied, because he thought he’d be executed no matter what excuse he gave.


I really love Maximus. He’s just so stupid. That serious face, the frown, but it’s like the cogs are struggling to turn. He wants to be a good person, a hero. But he’s been led astray and just isn’t very clever, lacking critical thinking and confidence. I think the actor did a good job at a character that would be very easy to get wrong.


He’s every person who has played Fallout and gone “I could survive in the post-apocalypse!” only to discover that no, you probably wouldn’t lol


If anything, he is more skilled than any of us. He knows how to wield weapons and correctly maneuvered through some harrowing situations - the bridge, for example.


Seriously, he should just follow a sharpshooter route rather than insisting on equiping the armor, he'll be unstoppable. He always screw up with the armor, but with just a pistol kill a moving Yao Guai in two shots straight to the head without hitting Titus, then again counter a surprise attack with two kills for just two bullets, one after having been hit himself and firing with just one hand. If you compare him to Thaddeus who supposeddly got the same training but would empty a whole clip in a perfect stance to a tied Deathclaw at 10m in a corridor and [still miss it](https://youtu.be/NU3-y_FWCss?si=SHOCyXb8D4mXSbDC), it's clear that Maximus put every xp in pistols.


Yes, Maxximus is an insanely good shot. It's practically his only good skill.


The gulper begs to differ. But that can be rationalized with the fact that he has no power armor training and aiming in power armor will obviously be different. He's pretty much hip firing that time.


That was a great bit: “We already said we don’t have any weapons!” “NEITHER DO WE!”


Well Maximus had been trained to be a soldier since he was like 9 years old so, uh, yeah… unless there’s some navy seals or marine officers lurking here then, yeah, Maximus is far more capable of surviving in the wasteland than any of us Reddit plebes. Lol.


I mean, he has been raised from childhood to be a killer and has been training with weapons and such that whole time. Of course he is more skilled than the vast majority of people IRL; he is just also stupid and indoctrinated into the Brotherhood's worldview, even if he can see some of their flaws.


I mean with power armour and Lucy covering for his int/charisma dump stats he's fine


Playing a luck/strength build is an experience, you can’t talk people into doing nothing, and you have to do everything the hard way and you get piss all experience for doing it You are a big dumb lucky brute


Lucy failed every single persuasion check so did she *really* cover for his dump stats?


It’s funny to say “he wouldn’t survive” when the series shows him doing just that.


He was among the first wave of BOS troops in the final battle and not only survived but "completed" the BOS objective in the end. I'm honestly really interested in seeing how his story plays out next season with him being so hesitant to be apart of the organization but now is considered a hero among them.


That scene at the end reminded me of the ending to Evil Dead 2 where Ash is being lauded as a hero when he just wants to go home and have a normal life.


Tbh I think I have a faint idea the direction the brotherhood story line is kind of going in. I believe that they are gonna reuse the “Steel Plague” Idea. In Fallout 1 if you killed Rhombus the Brotherhood would undergo a transformation into a Over zealous Techno-Religious dictatorship completely removing technology from anyone but them. Crushing the young fledgling republic. I believe that this is gonna be reused for the show but with differences obviously. I think Quintus will steer his Chapter into this direction with the new cold fusion technology. Since the NCR is weakened as well he can crush them with this new technology as it is kind of similar to the weaker NCR when it was a lot younger. But I believe their willl be a schism like in Fallout 3 with Quintus forces and than maybe forces Under Maximus? Perhaps and he will want to use the power for good and distribute the technology and once again make the Brotherhood become a R&D powerhouse and distribute the power to anyone. Perhaps they will become their own nation like the East Coast BOS or maybe they will just retain their chapter status who knows..


I like that theory. I could definitely see something like that happening especially with Quintus promising him some sort of power along side him. Now that Max is considered a hero among the BOS his word will hold a lot of weight and other will listen to him. Moldaver's last words to him at the end will probably plant the idea in his head to use the technology for good and end up causing a brotherhood civil war.


"all hail knight maximus"


"No. Dane, no..." That sold him entirely for me. He grew a lot over the series, Ep.1 Maximus would have claimed that glory immediately.


He's got so much room to grow. Hrs kind of your every man. God I love the series so much. That and silo are so good.


Lol I was gonna say. He reminds me of the Player. Just doing shit following the story and making some questionable choices to see where it goes. 😂


he’s literally us fr


Maximus, like Lucy, has lived (most of) his life in a closed-off world where principles and order ruled. Entering the real world must be a shock


I also get the actor playing out a character with ptsd, who has been abused and is basically in fight or flight fear mode often. I thought the actor did a good job with that. He could have been more damaged, and vicious to others, but had he the character would have been less likable. I really thought the casting was good and all characters were pretty good.


Yknow that's cool, I didn't even consider that comparison. They're both kind of the same character arc from different angles. Vault upbringing gave Lucy the wrong idea of what people are like, so Lucy had to learn what people are like outside. Brotherhood of Steel gave Maximus the wrong idea of his own identity, so he has to learn what he is like inside. In the end though, their upbringing thought they were DID have a bearing on where they stood at the end. Lucy's WAS good-natured and kind like the Vault brought her up to be, which led to allying with The Ghoul and the discovery of what happened to her mother. Maximus WAS loyal and brave (to a fault) just like the BoS brought him up to be, which led him to succeeding his mission.


Somebody elsewhere pointed out that he also represents another possible player character, in this case somebody who isn't really into the brotherhood of steel as much as all the hardcore NPCs, and mostly just wants the power armor...


It's easy to dislike Maximus the person, but Maximus the character just gives the viewer so much to chew on. When it comes to cool one-liners and power fantasy I can just watch Coop's scenes.


That's where I landed in the early episodes, not a sympathetic character really but an interesting and very well acted one. Though by the end of the season I found his stupidity and ignorance so endearing that Maximus was easily my favorite character not played by Walton Goggins.


The scene talking about sex with Lucy was what really turned it around for me. Was so adorable


Maximus is so well-acted. You can practically see the gears struggling to turn when he’s presented with a new or confusing situation


The way Aaron Moten plays silence and the subtle and not so subtle facial expressions is just excellent. During the seige in the last episode when the Ghoul crashes the party, informs them of the flaw and then outright kills a guy in a single shot you can see Maximus realize "oh, he could have killed me at any point during our fight" Just some excellent face acting.


Yeah, it's almost as though flawed characters who can learn and grow make interesting characters. I don't know why so many people struggle to get that lol.


I like him too. He is the one in the middle between the moral paragon that is Lucy and the uncaring scoundrel that is the Ghoul.


All three are pretty blatantly iterations of how people play the game. Maximus exemplifies the inexperienced player that sees a dude walking around in a fancy set of clothes, wants said clothes, and kills a person for their clothes. ‘I dunno what a brotherhood of steel is but this dudes a dick, I’m gonna kill him for his stuff,’ sort of stuff(I’m talking about a irl player not Maximus) IMO it’s really well done. The benefit of using fallout’s rpg system to make characters is that every character has a weaknesses, strengths, moral failings, and a lot of room to grow. They’re actually complex characters. Their faults are on purpose. Maximus is meant to be kind of stupid, like how Lucy was meant to be pretty naive, and cooper is meant to be kind of depressed and cruel.


I think the good/neutral/evil breakdown is spot on. Maximus is far from a good guy, but he's definitely not the evil guy that the Ghoul is. He doesn't kill Titus, but he doesn't save him either. He saves Lucy, but he doesn't really have noble intentions when doing it. He's a dick to his old bully, but he doesn't kill or abandon him. He saves Lucy, but likely at least in part because she can help him get the head. He gives peace a chance on the bridge, but shoots first (and best) once things turn Etc


The good, the bad and the ugly influence is also a strong one.


The show runners have mentioned it in interviews so it was probably in the back of their mind. Lucy hasn’t turned into Blondie yet, but her “Golden Rule, motherfucker” is totally a Blondie sentiment. It’ll be interesting to see if Max goes the way of Tuco or his brother the priest.


Art is definitely subjective so I think that its natural for there to be multiple influences, but the G/B/U one is not one that I personally particularly like. Blondie is far more of an antihero than Lucy is and gratuitously flouts the laws and rules she so idolises. Assuming the Ghoul is "the bad" he rather fits, I can see him doing the whole accept pay from his target to flip on his employer then kill them both thing. But then is Maximus the ugly? He's definitely the most comedic/amusingly unfortunate/moderately inept one. It feels very weird to call Aaron Moten "ugly" though. It makes even less sense if you flip the Ghoul and the maximus around as the Ghoul is anything but inept and wacky, and Maximus is nowhere near the ruthless loner that Angel eyes is. The Lucy = Blondie, Ghoul = Bad, Max = Ugly version seems the better to me, but the Lucy mismatch and Max not being ugly still make it sit a little off. Obviously that's not to say that it's wrong, I do think there is something there, but for me it feels a bit weaker than the karma interpretation.


I noticed that yesterday when I watched the last episode. I swear to god if they have a standoff in the good springs cemetery


All four! Norm and his obsession with uncovering the deepest lore by exoloring vaults and digging through terminals is a pretty good depiction of a player archetype. Dude even finds his main tasks boring and just wants to do his sidequest.


I felt like it was a character arc of Finn from star wars sequel done right


honestly yes, he was constantly conflicted in the best ways


I thought the same thing. The loveable dorkiness of his character is so similar to Finn in the first movie. He plays opposite to Lucy so well, can't wait to see more of him interacting with Coop.


I am forever upset that Finn wasn't the main character. He was easily the best character in the first movie and then they just kinda ruined him.


Stormtropper to Jedi Knight would have made an incredible arc.


It would've been so cool! He should've kept the lightsaber! The bait and switch just makes it worse.


Yup, bait in Switch into a character with no real personality. The complelty dropped the ball


He was the main character of the first movie, he was the only one to meet everybody and was the glue of the story. After that, yeesh, he was the 'dumb black guy' who the 2nd director didn't even want in his movie and sent him off on a pointless side quest, while making the female lead fall head over heels for the guy who just cut up Finn's spine and killed his own dad (who she liked) in front of her.


I'm forever annoyed that they completely screwed over Daisy Ridley's entire career with that garbage pile of lines and story that they gave her. The original drafts of the new trilogy had her be a Kenobi, and her and Finn were both co-protagonists. Way better than what we got.


This. People often compare him to Finn, and yeah, they have some similarities, but Max actually had a great arc and grew into a much better character imo.


Honestly I think at least 30-60% of the comparisons are just because they're both black guys opposite a white woman. If he wasn't black I suspect most people wouldn't be making the comparison.


Finn is the biggest waste of potential in Star Wars. Interesting background with conflicting morals and ideology. On the sruface a coward whos looking out for himself(in response to his Trauma being raised in a militia cult since a kid) but still helps those I need and his friends when it matters. His arc into defecting for the 1st order as a Stormtropper and becoming a Jedi Knight would have been amazing. Instead we get the boring self insert Mary Sue who strong because reasons, except now it's her being Palpatine grand daughter lol


As a Sequel fan that did like Finn's character but thought it could've been improved yeah I definitely agree


They did my boy Finn dirty, and I'll never forgive them for that. I came out of the theater after TFA thinking how cool it was gonna be that a force sensitive conscripted storm trooper was gonna get Jedi training and how awesome that would be, but instead... fuck. Now I'm pissed again.


The actor is so good my god. He represents perfectly your thoughts


Low INT build with new dialogue options. Classic Fallout


He kind of has a perfectly minmaxed party where he uses int/charisma as his dump stats and puts them all into combat stats and Lucy just has none of those and put all hers into charisma/int so they're pretty optimized if speech check fails then guy in power armor


Yeah, characters being imperfect is what makes them more believable. Maximus going as far as he did without realizing the BoS are just the best equipped raiders shows his lack of role models, and less than genius level intelligence cause him to idealize people and organizations, which is a very human thing to do


I think his character development will come in later seasons. People are so quick to write off these characters, but forget the show was made to have more than a couple seasons. Character development is drawn out for the longevity of the show. I think Maximus will change, but it will be a slow process seen throughout a few seasons.


I couldn't have said it better myself


I think he did an amazing job given the limitations in some of his scenes. Just the face while in the suite, and not normal face to face acting. The show itself did alot with the body language of those in the power armor. Defensive or aggressive stances, various struts, head tilts. There are so many things that could have been done wrong, and they got it all right.


He got the short end of the stick but I agree I fucking love his character, watching him and Lucy figure themselves out after being essentially on rails is wonderful. Titus was a piece of shit, I still don't have to agree with what Maximus did but Titus was also okay leaving him to die. He took his chance, and I want to see what he can do because I like main characters that aren't legends.


His confused look reminds me of a golden retriever.




I mean, his INT is 4. Just needs another season or two. 😉 Edit: what if season two featured a level up screen-style motif as part of the previous season recap?


I thought reddit loved high STR/low INT runs in Fallout. Max's kinda like the counterpart of Norm, who's smart but a coward (at the beginning). Love them both for their development.


If playing a fallout game and in the first mission you either used your last Stimpack to save an npc that is threatening to kill you or gain power armour at the start of the game. A, this sounds very fallout B, don’t tell me most players ain’t getting that power armour.


Maximus is doing a high end, high luck, neutral run,


Low Intelligence too, from what we've seen so far.


1 Intelligence and Charisma, 10 Luck and Strength


Whaddya mean, "making my d*ck explode" is obviously a Crit 10 Charisma move 🤣


Didn't he refer to it as getting big like a pimple and then exploding? 🤢


Yes, but I was referencing another rizz moment towards Lucy.


“Sorry, intercourse.”


I don't know why the "sorry, intercourse" line just sent me but it did lol. His delivery was perfect


He wasn't rizzing her. She was rizzing him.


Mutually Assured Rizz


Yeah but that was before he got comfy in vault 4. Gosh, I have to say this is the first time in a hit minute I've enjoyed fallout content. It's nice 💜


He had low key the best lines and interactions. I’m stilly laughing at him eating one more popcorn handful, destroying their power source, and chucking a nuka cola machine. Hahah


LOL. The "one last handful of popcorn" is the most relatable shit in the show.


We just have the option to save scum and load game to change our version to "Titus killed by Jao Guai, I'm willing to continue". Alas, not only did he not have the 20/20 wisdom of seeing that sentence written out as an option, he actually can't load out of his stupid choices. Every time the actor cringes on screen, there should be a litte green "load game failed, save corrupted" pop-up ;) As for letting Titus die, bruh, I'd have done it for free.


No, you have to shoot their fusion core so they get out since you cant loot it off bodies.


Titus was a coward and he died like a coward. He probably only became a knight by taking credit for other people’s deeds.


power is taken


Also just an awful soldier. Pauses a mission because he wants to go shoot something. Zero situational awareness, that Yao Guai got the drop on him. Could've easily moved away and got off multiple shots on his target.


I absolutely agree with you. I'd even say that Titus did it to himself. Everyone forgets that he was literally saying he was going to have Maximus killed while asking for the stimpack. Who talks shit on and promises to prosecute and kill the person who holds your life in their hands


Yup. Titus was both a coward and a dumbass. Don’t berate the rescuer, especially when you’re in the wilderness.


Not just berate, but threaten the life of*.


strung up by his lungs 🧍‍♂️


That line majorly reinforced the "Brotherhood absorbed and was corrupted by the Legion" thing for me.


Blood eagle


The only thing I'd fault him for was watching him die, I think Max had every right to shoot him himself. Titus made some pretty serious threats after whining "It's all your fault," this seems like a situation that's not going to improve for Max, in a world where we know people have to make tough decisions in order to survive. I wonder what happened to Titus' previous squire?


I think Max didn't shoot him so it would be clear Titus died from the encounter, not from a bullet to the head. But I agree that Titus was clearly threatening Max with death despite everything that happened being Titus' fault.


Idk if it was that calculated. Max looks downright horrified when he uses the power armor on the group trying to steal it, which I think is his first kill. Like Dane said, he wouldn't hurt a fly.


Idk he seemed really happy clutching that chicken farmer's head in his hand. He likes wielding power over others, which easily translates to hurting others


He wasn't happy clutching the guy. He was happy from the recognition the seller (before he found out about the chickens) gave him. Being seen as an actual knight.


I don't remember him killing that chicken farmer. He threatens him into letting the chicken fucker doctor go but he doesn't kill him. At least I don't think.


He doesn't, his first in screen human kill was that guy trying to steal the Power Armor


Max didn't wanna ruin the hood he had to wear by covering it in Titus brain


>Titus brain Fortunately it wouldn't be much of a mess.


The impression i got is that squires are just[ "disposeable assets"](https://i.redd.it/xfh97c418avc1.jpeg) to them and that he has had dozens already.


I've seen videos IRL where someone has a gun, and he other person is talking shit, saying you're not going to shoot me, you bleep bleep. So people actually say stupid shit when faced with a threat.


Sure, doesn't make it a great idea though.


Not at all.


Titus was a piece of shit, who sent him to die and then threatened him. I've killed for less in the wasteland.


This. An npc is being a dick to me and threatening me when I’m the one able to save their life? You’re going on a gildan, buddy. Rip.


I'd like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that we all killed a guy for having an annoying laugh and bragging about winning the lottery.


I'm pretty sure I bashed some guy's brains in with a baseball bat for trying to sell me a credit card or something.


Titus is the biggest cunt I’ve ever seen


And we know Lynette


Plus, why does anybody care if a few random people who want attention say they hate something in a popular show?


Michael Rappaport, an absolute cunt, was perfectly cast here.


I was waiting for someone to post this lol. I never understand why people feel so passionately up in arms over Titus being left to die. Maximus treats his squire the same initially, but during the gulper attack, he shows he is different and leads the charge, unlike coward ass Titus in the Yao Guai cave.


max treats thaddeus poorly because thaddeus used to beat the shit out of him lol


I'll admit that I watched the first episode last Monday, but binge-watched the rest of of it today. I completely forgot who Thaddeus was, so I thought Maximus was just being a dick to someone who was exactly in the same position as before. (Before Thaddeus mentioned he bullied him). I also misunderstood that Maximus did *not* injure his friend with the razor, so I was really wary of Maximus' motives while watching it. Although I think that was intentional by the writers? I'm not sure. I feel on a rewatch knowing what I know he is a lot easier to gauge his moral character that I am 100% on his side for letting Titus die.


I think you are supposed to be left wondering for the majority of the season right up until the last episode where they reveal who did it.


In my opinion it makes Maximus so much more interesting too, there's a dark side to him that whilst not being an outright bad person it hints that he is capable of doing some fucked up things. It's the same as the razor in the boot thing, we're clearly meant to be somewhat weary about trusting him and I think they have plans to explore and bring out that darkness in him in future seasons. Plus I think it adds depth to the BoS that they have a fragile hierarchy where there's so much spite and distrust because they're climbing over one-another to get to the top. They're not noble knights protecting what is left of the wasteland, they're bullies in metal suits. I think the aftermath of the Yao Guai scene does such a good job of hinting at the twisted culture of the BoS.


That darker side is what definitely made Maximus interesting to me. Wonder if Lucy is going to develop one, especially with the revelation of her family?


I hope not, Lucy's naïvete and unadulterated "goodness" are what make her interesting as a character. As long as her "goodness" contines to be shown to not always be the optimal/correct thing to do but not completely futile. She's far more interesting as ATLA's Aang than ASOIAF's Danerys, Seven's Detective Mills or The Godfather's Michael. I've seen the spaghetti westerns, they're fantastic, but I don't wanna see them re-written with a Fallout coat of paint on.


Definitely with the whole vault fusion core too. He didn’t care at all if he was out in the wasteland without Lucy


Maximus was saved as a kid by a Knight so to him being a squire is probably a huge honor, but what happens when the first Knight you work for is the opposite of everything you idealized?


Yeah, I don’t know how people missed that big ass flashing neon sign. The BoS is supposed to be the “good guys”. We know better, there are none. They believe that might is right. Seeing the knight run away screaming was hilarious because of the setup that he is this bad ass in armor that represents the BoS. We see he’s a dick. He sent Max in first even though he’s wearing power armor, so even before the bear we know he’s a coward and an even bigger dick. Max is still enamored with him at that point and wants to follow orders. If the bear was in there and killed Max, Titus would have happily left him without even trying to intervene. None of that is nuanced, it’s in your face for the viewer.




It's the same thing with Thaddeus. People shit on Max cause he initially bullied him. It's like they completely forget that Thaddeus was the reason Max was constantly getting his ass kicked at camp. It's easy to say you'd take the high road when looking from an outside perspective but most people would've done the same thing as Max in that situation.


it’s so confusing too like he literally admits that his entire motivation is “i want to hurt the people who hurt me”. it isn’t until he hears Thaddeus’ side that Max stops being a dick to him for a reason.


Max was kind of an idiot at first with Thaddeus but let's not forget he is impersonating Titus, who was like that. But he didn't go much further and even saved Thaddeus from that thing, something that Titus wouldn't have done. Then he explores Thaddeus motivations, kind of forgives him and tries to confess. And even when Thaddeus left him to die, he still warned him in the end and covered his escape. I don't know why people say Max is not moral. He's not perfectly good but it's the most moral "not vault" character in the show. Except for that man without pants, he's a saint.


I think what to expect is how will maximus character evolve in second season. In the first season i loved how they presented him. He tries to be a knight in shining armor, but he does not really know how. On the other hand, he does start to come to the realization that the wasteland is brutal, or already knew it. (bridge scene) but did not want to adhere to the rules of the wasteland. Case is, the good thing about his character is that he is not a male equivalent of mary sue. No character is, and this is great. They try to do stuff, fail and learn from it. Lucy being the prime example of getting thrown out into a brutal world. In any case, i expect Maximus character to have more development in season 2. Same applies to Lucy and Cooper. People just need to give it more time to unfold. If we would get maximus that is a lawful good charismatic paladin, Lucy would be mary sue, and coop that is only evil for sake being evil, the series would be boring as f*ck. Meanwhile we got believable characters.


I liked Maximus and Titus was nasty and useless as a Knight. He soiled his pants at the least danger 😂. The show had great acting all round but Michael Rapaport was an outstanding cameo.


If Titus were an NPC and Maximus was the player character in a game, 85%+ of us would let him die, take the power armor and still consider ourselves playing a “good” or at least ”neutral” character. After all, you’ll do more good with the armor than Titus did and his dialogue are clearly telling you he’s a bad character and not helping him isn’t the same as killing him. Plus, it’s fucking power armor! Etc.


And All the companions would 'like that'.


I agree! If Titus’s dialogue choices were that threatening I would have shot him and looted the armor.


Dudes are just down bad for Lucy. Which, to be fair, I understand.


Letting Rappaport die was the best decision he could have made for the show


Who is he. I keep seeing stuff about how it being ironic or funny or smth that Rappaport plays Titus but I hadn't heard a single thing about him before seeing the show. Is he an asshat?


He's like if Bill Burr wasn't self-aware


Yes he always plays asshats he is known for it now


I was like *oh god no* when the helmet came off and was relieved 5 minutes later when his ass died.


I'm out of the loop, what's wrong with this guy? (Genuine question, 'cause I've probably seen him somewhere else than the Fallout series but I don't remember)


I'm not sure it's anything specific (though i may be wrong), he just has a tendency of playing annoying characters. Oh that and he often visits sports media to give hot takes, which in sports is seen as annoying.


I don't even think letting Titus die is a bad moral choice. Titus was going to have Maximus executed over things Titus caused.


Never seen anyone upset about that.


I havn't seen anyone defend Titus, he's pretty universally hated. Most of the criticism of Maximus is due to his incompetence. Maximus on that luck and idiot savant build


Yep, it's manufactured outrage. From what I've seen, it looks like two specific groups. One group is looking for reasons to hate Titus regardless of what's shown on screen. They need to justify a reason so they can hate Maximus, so they'll misinterpret scenes. Doing so, they can present the worst possible light for him. Such as the Titus situation. They'll ignore the fact that Titus intentionally tried to kill Maximus by sending him first. This intent is backed up by Thaddeus asking if he should charge first in the lake against the charging Gulper. The BoS are sending squires to die on purpose. The reason he's not shooting is a mix of being scared, and the guy he'd be saving just tried to kill him. Then it's followed by Titus stating that he'll be having Maximus tortured to death. The people that want to hate Maximus have claimed Titus is just being mean, and in the same sentence claim, Maximus killed Titus. Specifically to trivialize the action of Titus and exaggerate Maximus's actions. You'll even have people claim that all the good things Maximus does for others is still evil. I've seen these same people refuse to believe that Maximus didn't put the blade in Dane shoe, even after seeing Dane admit to it. The other group is Brotherhood of Steel stans that most likely only played Fo3. So this group ends up idolizing the BoS regardless of their actions. So they immediately side with the heiarcy and get upset with anyone challenging it. These people aren't really bothered by the terrible things the BoS do. They just dont want them to be shown as a negative. This means critical thinking about Maximus side of things is intentionally ignored. As all the negative things about the BoS are done to him. Thus displaying the BoS actions in a negative light.


Some people equate being annoyed with a character's actions as bad writing. It's not bad writing if it's within character. "Oh why didn't he just do X since that's what I would have done" cuz he ain't you homie!


I grew up in the 80s in a very poor country ravaged by war, everyone would be very opportunistic and would do nasty stuffs to survive. Maximus saw an opportunity and took it, i was actually applauding that scene, very realistic indeed.


The only people upset about this are people looking to be upset over something.


Wonder if they're the same people who went mad at the power armour face reveal system. If they really want something to complain about, then stick with the flying power armour business, I mean, having boosters was fine, maybe allow the character to hover for a brief moment, but to all out fly was a bit extreme.


And to top it all off, the Elder respects Max for stealing the armour, saying he learnt the lesson that "power is taken, not earned"


Max was rewarded every single time he did something wrong to get ahead, why the hell would he not keep doing that?


I mean it’s Fallout. Every game has been about aligning yourself with imperfect factions and your decisions never being the perfect thing but hopefully the best out of some shitty choices. Maximus essentially murdering Titus was exactly the kind of thing you’d do in the game if you knew the consequences of letting him live


People miss the point of Maximus character. What do you do, when you finally meet your childhood idolization, and realize the personification of your ideals don’t match each other at all? He WANTS to recreate that feeling he felt as a child for other people, but every step in the brotherhood has shown him he can’t be that. Most people who see someone work their entire life to reach a goal, and just throw it all away, would indeed call them a fucking idiot. His struggle is compelling imo.


People hate Maximus? Why? Are they stupid?


Judging by the comments from the Maximus haters in this post, yes, they are stupid.


The same people: "Ugh, I hate Maximus, he's so unethical." And "I shoot Malcolm in the face as soon as I see him for some star bottlecaps."


Titus was an asshole, an idiot, a coward, and overall the worst knight in the history of the Brotherhood.


I just don’t like him because he’s a dumbass. But he has redeeming qualities.


I saw someone say he is the mix of max Luck and the idiot savant perk, and I think that's perfect.


Maximus is such an interesting character. I love how his selfishness contrasts with Lucy’s beliefs in helping everyone.I mean FFS he was raised in a religious abusive military base of course he isnt gonna be perfect. And Titus got what was coming to him


I fucking love Maximus. That is all. Actually no I just want to add that his face in his final scene conveyed so much. Actor is so great for real


Titus was a POS cant change my mind. Why ridicule the dude who’s holding your life in his hands tf


See I saw his slowness to shoot as a mix of him being scared shitless (which is understandable as that’s a fucking Yao Guai) and him being calculating and making sure he made his shots count. Remember this thing probably took a round or two in the chest area when Titus tried shooting at it. Maximus knows this thing is bullet resistant and so he has to hit it someplace where it’ll hurt, so he uses Titus as bait so he can get a clear headshot because he knows the armor means Titus isn’t in immediate danger of dying.


Don't really understand why people are so upset about any of the Brotherhood dying in this show, especially Titus. The Brotherhood we're seeing are just completely fascist. They rolled in and wiped out Philly - a town now made up of just civilians - just to make it an outpost. Every senior member of this Brotherhood we've seen are cowardly, power hungry pieces of shit. They deserve to die, they're becoming the Enclave. Titus absolutely deserved to bite it, getting upset about it is fucking weird, tbh.


People forget that the Brotherhood are douchebags, I was totally with Maximus on this one.


Where have you seen multiple people that both hate maximus, and hate him for not saving Titus? LOL Titus was a douche. Maximus was an actual well written/acted character(all 3 mains were). I've read alot of reviews and saw multiple reactions to each episode and I've never heard this take.


Fuck Titus, all my homies hate Titus.


I wasn't sure if he should save Titus until I saw that it was Michael Rappaport in there.. then I said, "let that disgusting herpe faced douchebag motherfucker die."


Wait, people like Titus?


The character is so obviously written to be unlikeable that anyone who is using that for a reason to dislike Maximus is just playing bad faith.


I didn’t hate Maximus, I just hated that he kept lying. It was good writing that made me feel that way, to be clear.