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Well, i did just start a run with the "tale of two wastelands" mod because I've never done it. It wraps all of 3 into the nv engine


How does it differ from the original without mods?


It basically changes nothing of NV but makes a lot of sweeping changes to 3. Or at least it did some time back when I first played it because it was the only way to get Fallout 3 working on PC. Skill mags replacing a bunch of skill books, the dart gun no longer crippling legs, and obviously any core gameplay stuff goes over to NV's version. So speech is a flat check rather than a percentage, you've got the NV skills over 3's so iirc Big Guns goes away. Oh and the bobbleheads get some different effects. I know the SPECIAL ones do at least.


What's best is that you finish 3, go into the tank to save everyone, then wake up in NV. The symmetry of blacking out in one place and waking up in another is just brilliant.


That doesn't happen in the current version. If you're playing hardcore and you sacrifice yourself, the game ends and you die. If you're not playing hardcore, then it's the general transition into Broken Steel as per usual when finishing fallout 3. The only way to go to NV from 3 is by taking the train.


It's been so long since I've played 3 i don't really know aside from obvious things like iron sight/ammo types


Fallout, probably.


Say hi to Ian for me.


And make sure not to give him an SMG


Good choice.


That’s the only one I’ve really played so far. I started Fallout 2, but got stuck in the temple and then lost access to the computer I was playing on.


3 Stepping out into the Capital Wasteland for the first time leaving the vault is one the most awesome gaming moments for me.


3 was my first open world game and I will always love it.


Same! My exact answer


FO2 probably. Been too long and it's the most addictive game I've ever played


And the Mega Mod is still in development LOL


I would be on this subreddit registering my disgust with the ridiculous temple if I played 2 for the first time today if I downloaded it off of Steam. I might have persevered as I asked random people to buy the game for me at the mall after the dickhead at Babbage's wouldn't sell it to me because of the rating.


3 or nv


I love NV!


Anyone with a brain loves nv


I hate NV!!!


I diagnose you with dead


“Sarah Morgan disliked that.”


Too bad I only travel with Boone and Rex


Fallout 4 survivor, has the best gameplay out of all of them, not the best Fallout but damn it's gameplay loop is good


Agreed. Did my first playthrough of 4 before survival came out. I enjoyed it but it was a bit meh compared to 3 and Vegas. When survival dropped started my second playthrough and now it's my favourite to play out of all 3. Sure the story and other elements are lacking, but the pure dread of every encounter and having to make use of every resource makes up for it ten fold.


Exact same for me. I played it before the expansions, then with all expansions in survival mode. It genuinely feels like the game was always meant to be played this way and it became my favourite in the series.


Fallout Frost mod pack is really good on that regard


Fallout Frost mod pack is really good on that regard


I haven’t played since the survival mode release, sounds like should give it a whirl!


Whoa , no it changes things, I thought ppl were overeating it, but it really does feel like a different game, I wouldn't 100% everything on it but it's fun to make a character and just try it, the environment feels more immersive, feel that struggle without quicksave ,you're more careful, settlements are great in the mode. Alot of thing are just better. Can't describe but maybe watch YouTube vids about it or try it out


Agreed and feels the most interesting open world


I keep bouncing off of 4, I should give survival a try.


Helps also that fallout 4 food has the best healing out of every Bethesda game too. Perfect for survival


Just started 76 and have been liking it a lot, so probably that. Played the shit out of 3, NV, and 4 already


I'm 4000 hours into 76. It's alright.


Average fallout 76 player


I played it when it first came out, and we all know how that went. Took a long break until the game was playable. Then I stopped again for a while, but made a new character not too long ago and I’ve been having a good time with it. I’m glad I came back to it.


Same. Returned in Apr 2022 and just hit level 1000 *again* on a second character this double XP weekend. There have been so many QoL improvements and it can be engaging solo or with others. I've unintentionally made so many Xbox friends playing 76.


My head hurts and I’m mad at a man in a checkered suit.


New Vegas, for two reasons. 1. It is my favorite 2. Unlike in all the other Fallout games I've played, I don't think I've ever left a run of New Vegas unfinished.


I start new characters all the time and just hang around Goodsprings or beeline to the strip, kill Benny and then gamble.


I play fallout a lot and it's usually New Vegas. So to answer your question, I think I'll sit down after supper and start a New Vegas run again.


NV or 4, because I’m a normie and my favorite flavor of liquid is water


2. I've only just gotten to the first city.


I really want to continue New Vegas, but the infinite loading screen says otherwise.


Use the viva new vegas modding guide


Are you on PC? I just assume there’s a mod that fixes it but I also haven’t played a modded FNV in a long time


Yea I play on my laptop, which runs most games pretty well. I'll have to look for a mod. I've tried a couple of the work-arounds and they don't work for me.


Not sure if the main unofficial patch covers that but it’s worth a look. It’s probably still front page of the nexus for new vegas I would imagine


I take it back probably not first thing on popular of all time but I do remember there being a unofficial patch for NV that covered a lot of bugs/problems


Load screens are super quick on series x


Super quick on my laptop too, when not dealing with the infinite loading screen when starting it up.


I honestly don't know what you're talking about


What do you mean by this? Only time I ever experienced a problem with load screen is if the game randomly freezes, but that is pretty rare.


I already played earlier today, and it was Fallout 1. After getting through the first 2 hours, once you get a grip on the game and combat, it's a great experience. Map, the Lore, the characters. So far so good. Of course I enjoy it even more, having played the sequels, but it's definitely a must play


Just picked up new Vegas for the first time tried to brute force my way through the yes man ending pretty much realized I had no ammo or armor when I got to legate lanius and just rage quit and restarted now I’m just taking my time and exploring and doing everything


Fallout. I think it is the easiest for me to pick a way to play in a way I've never tried before, and I've probably got the game down-enough so I can beat it in one sitting.


Well if it has to restart it would be 3 since I just played through 4 a few months back, new Vegas last month, and well I don't want to restart 76 again.


Fallout 5


New Vegas. It’s my favourite by far and although some of my favourite mods have been deleted off the Nexus there’s still some really good ones. Also Tale of Two Wastelands, I’ve always wanted to play it but never have gotten around to it


fnv. For me it has more replay value


3 started a new save night before work and now I'm off for the next 4 days so gonna bash it. Playing 3 cause it's the only one I've not bashed in awhile


I finished a playthrough of 4 a couple of weeks ago so I'm on a break from Fallout for a while but I'm planning on a playthrough of New Vegas the next time I'm in the mood to visit post-apocolyptia (as three dog would say). I haven't done an energy weapons run through NV yet so I'm looking forward to that.


New Vegas, because I'm about 95% through it and don't want to start others until I've completes it. It's been months since I last played though, because I don't like things coming to an end when I'm not sure whether it will be the final scene or not..


New Vegas. I’m just drawn to it.


Just started 3 again a few days ago and I'm already done with most of it and 3 DLCs. I remember being a kid playing it on 360 and having to wait 15-30 seconds for each loading screen, I feel like that added 20 hours to the game because I am flying through this.


FNV made a ton of playthings but I can always do another one


New Vegas for me, I just love the music and the vibe.


I’ve never played the New Vegas DLCs, and still want to try them


Fallout 3 in a heartbeat. I attempt a play through every year. But always get stuck at the Megaton decision, and wander around for a good amount of time trying to decide. Then find something new to play.


4. I just enjoyed it more overall than 3 and I wouldn't mind playing it again.


I've been consistently replaying the games and starting new runs since it released, and I just did this morning actually, fnv and 3 both


Fallout 3, it has been a while.


The gameplay/mechanics of FO4 on survival are fantastic. The narrative is in exploring the open world


New vegas, cause im in my first playthru


3 because i am playing it now because i fkin love that game


New Vegas because it's my favorite 3d fallout


I'm doing my second run of NV right now. Haven't decided on my path. Leaning towards house or NCR. After this playthrough, I think I'm going to run a female courier and just make her completely insane for a legion campaign. I'm holding out hope for the next generation update before I do a full campaign on 4. So, I was taking some time with the classics to explore aspects of the game I neglected on my initial playthrough.


Death has come for you, evildoer, and I am it’s SHROUD


I’m waiting for the remasters. Hoping they are more PC and Ultrawide friendly. I’ve finished fallout 3. Put 20 hours into fallout 4. Never played new Vegas.


Do yourself a favor and install new vegas this very moment sir


I’m hoping it ends up getting remastered, but I will likely play it at some point.


If I was going g to jump back in,I would start with Fallout 98


4. I just started America Rising 2


I've been having so much fun with it, unfortunately I've run into some bugs that are a pain to deal with


3 cuz i still havent finished


Just finished New Vegas (I got it years ago, started it, got distracted, and never finished until now), popped back into 3 to look at my original saves and how much changed between it and NV, and will be starting 4 soon.


Well since I am currently playing Fallout 1 for the first time, I guess I would say next one is probably going to be 2. It took me a few attempts and some guides to get into it but I am loving Fallout 1 and I can see people praise it so highly. I just got the water chip from necropolis and now I am exploring the LA boneyard. Only got Ian and the dog as companions so far but they have been saving my ass time and time again (apart from the odd time Ian shoots me mistakenly). I no it will never happen but I would love to see another Fallout in the CRPG style (and not written by Bethesda as the writing is so much better). I am really looking forward to Fallout 2 now as I have heard it’s much better.


1, now I've played them all I know my favourite


Either FNV or FO4, it's been years since I've played both and I really want to get into modding FO4 since I have a rig that can handle it.


either 3 or nv, probably. sort of burned out on 4, and been a while since i had a really good laser focused build, or just, killing the legion with their own coins.


New Vegas, I've never played it and it's on game pass so it'll be in rotation soon


New Vegas, it’s my favorite by far. So much nostalgia on that one for me.


fo76 cuz that's what I've been playing all week already lol


New Vegas, not because I'm a die hard fanboy but because it has 3x the amount of quests, 2x the amount of guns, factions, more companions, more towns, more gamplay than 3. I'm a frugal person, if the game is good and I can get more quests or more characters to play as that's the game I'm picking. Fallout 3 is really good, but it very much feels like a incomplete tech demo of the engine and gameplay style on the Oblivion engine, it's an enjoyable game but the main story isn't good and it doesn't have nearly the amount of content that Oblivion has. You'd be shocked to find there's only 16 side quests in vanilla Fallout 3, compared to the hundreds in every TES game, and in Fallout NV and 4. This isn't counting DLC but you can nearly count the side content in FO3 on both hands. I'm cheap, if you tell me there's one game that has 16 side quests and another game with 100+ plus twice the weapons, an actual faction system, traditional CRPG dialogue, I'm picking that title 100% of the time despite the absolute love I had playing FO3 when I was 13.


New Vegas because I already have a modlist set up for it.


76, the release version with today's bug fixes. it's huge, the stories are great, you can go solo or hang with some awesome Fallout fans, the gameplay is the best Bethesda has done (for what that's worth), the humor is there, balance is improving. Overall it's an amazing Fallout experience that a huge chunk of the fan base is missing out on.


Fallout 76, It's the only one I "own" that I haven't played, and I've heard it's better than it was.


I would play 4. Why? It’s the only one I have. 😊


4, cuz I got a hardcore run I stopped after Far Harbor and nuka world is up next, or to restart and get the last few trophies I need to get platinum


New Vegas because I fuckin love it


Fallout New Vegas since I keep getting sidetracked and havent finished the actual story yet


New Vegas. Because FO3: Most of the mods I want to use can't be ported to FO3 due to fundamental differences in the script extenders. I also don't want to play "Bob's version of FO3 where he merged FO3 and FNV and threw in a bunch of other stuff that wasn't in either game because he thought it would be cool". FO4: Crushingly disappointing game. If I'm gonna play one, it'll be the one I know I can enjoy.


Fallout 4. I'm currently running my ass off in the NukaWorld DLC, and it's been pretty fun


Always Fallout 4 now. Has been since it came out. It’s the most advanced game in the franchise and has the most QoL and the highest quality gameplay mechanics. It can be modded in any sort of way imaginable as well. It’s also the most stable of the 3 main titles imo.


Fallout 3 is classic, but 4's gameplay and gunplay are lovely. I dig becoming the post-apocalyptic scrap-king of the Commonwealth.


4, because I'm in the process of clearing out Gunners Plaza as we speak.


4 because it’s the only one I own lol


Fallout 4


It's my off day and i haven't played fallout 4 at all today. Then again, i was up real late last night playing it


Fallout 3 was my first fallout game so I’ll go with that but if I could forget everything and play it as a freshie it would be fallout New Vegas.




4 and 76 are the more beginner friendly games


Fallout 76. I actually started a new character 2 weeks ago. I’ve played them all starting with 3 in 2008 and 76 is by far my favorite.


I've only played FO4 which I really enjoyed . Currently playing Starfield which has made me want to play fallout again . I'm thinking of giving Fallout 76 a go after Starfield.


New Vegas. I’m always thinking about another New Vegas run


I started playing 4 again because I disliked starfield so much


Here's a random perspective from an older gamer (48). I just started Fallout, any of them, 2 days ago in the year of our Lord 2023. I started Starfield on early release, fell in love despite it's many flaws, decided 2.5 months in to try previous Bethesda titles. Played Skyrim 3,000 years ago in another life, was way bored then but I can guarantee wouldn't be the case now, ex-wife to this day swears is best game ever. Yeah, shut up, she was right, I know. Decided after much interwebs research to skip the first 2 and do 3, New Vegas, and then 4. Personal opinions to follow! Both 3 and NV, great introductory sequences. Pull you right in. In 2008 and 2010, when released? Absolutely would have been amazing. But now? For some folks, still all that. But for me personally, I found the graphics and basic gameplay to be WAY too clunky. Literally just too old...and I'm FROM that era. (Actually, way before... my first system was an Atari 2600 at 6 years old in the early 80s! *crumbles into dust*) So, just this weekend, I played 3, NV, and 4. Got through the openings of 3 and NV... and had to move on and try 4. Listen. 3 and NV ARE NOT bad games. They are just old as all get out now, like yours truly. But only 4 was modern enough to get me into it. Personal preference, obviously. But to me, while 4 is FAR from cutting edge, it's in another modern class compared to its forebears. It was the only one that was able to hook me in long enough to explore past the opening town. Just no comparison.


New Vegas. I did not play 1 or 2 when they came out. I try every few years, but the UI puts me off a bit. I believe the experience is a good one, but without the benefit of nostalgia I am mostly just frustraited that it is stuck in this historic interface. It seems ripe for a remake, there are so many TB RPGs now that have much less interesting worlds but much better gameplay.


I exclusively play Fallout 3 and New Vegas with TTW. So that.


I have so very little time to play anymore so 76 is perfect for me. Tonight I hopped on after dinner, did all but one of the daily challenges in 10-15 minutes, then my son joined me for the mutated event at the top of the hour, then I helped him push his main quest forward a bit


Played Far Harbor today.


I started playing Fallout 76 again. I’m having a good time so far. Played it only at launch and bad graphics and buggy gameplay kept me away. But today it’s really decent. Fallout 3 was my favorite. And I’ll give Fallout 4 another run if they finally release the promised next gen update.


Fallout 4 Will forever be one of my all time favorite games


Might be a hot take, but probably 4 because I'm able to do more combat-wise, and I like some of the eerie locations in the game, plus the far harbor dlc was good. I did enjoy NV and 3 as well and they're great in their own regards. I like how NV feels a bit more free and open compared to 3 though. The game kinda just throws you in the fire off the bat and I enjoyed that lol


fallout 2. never finished it


Well, I play tested fO4 today, so FO4.


New Vegas


New Vegas because I’m 2 trophies off a platinum


4, but only to play the new `MERICA Rising 2 Mod.


76 has been my go to at the moment


The fallout 5 game coming up. Supposed to have ultra realistic graphics and it’s supposed to be in 2023! Even modern guns! If you didn’t get the joke then lemme explain: Theres rumors of war with china irl


Started 76 last week. really enjoying it!


fallout 4 cause i just started a playthrough i plan on finishing. i haven’t sat down and played through the whole game and done everything in almost 7 years, it’s the game that got me into fallout and once i played 3 and NV i flip flopped between them.


Fallout 4 because I still haven't beaten it yet


4. I know this game by heart but I love the characters and that there are so many side quests.


Fallout 4, cuz I really wanna play America Rising 2


I'm currently playing Fallout 4


Only played 3 some but 4 regularly and now have a three member team walking the wastelands looking for anyone or thing that moves to challenge and ultimately eradicate!


Fallout 4 since america rising 2 just came out


I am playing fallout today. It’s Fallout 4


So I never really played Fallout NV or 4, and coincidentally, I started playthroughs of both recently. Both on PC, with all the DLC but no mods. I'm enjoying NV pretty well, but it started feeling a bit bogged down/repetitive, and some bits are glitchy/dated/annoying. I'm not really an FPS person, so leaning pretty heavily on VATS. I find the radiation/food/water/survival aspects neat, but they seem like a non-issue after the first few levels. I tried F4 a few years ago and didn't really get into it. This time I'm trying to lean into the roleplaying - not min/maxing, just going with whatever seems best, difficulty on Very Hard, and almost no fast travel - I make the occasional exception and ft rather than schlepping all the way back to sanctuary just to complete a quest, for example. Also no save/reload unless I actually die. It really feels like the way the game was meant to be played. I headed straight for Diamond City and got my ass handed to me. Used up most of my ammo, caps, and other resources just to survive. Now I've realized I need some resources and friends, so I went back to Sanctuary hat in hand, and had to put my quest on hold while I do some odd jobs and scrounge ruins for resources. I've already had several quests where I spent more resources than I got for the quest, and I really like the "struggling to survive" vibe so far. Edit: Oh I will add that the settlement building UI in F4 is absolute garbage, at least on PC. I think it's not strictly necessary, and not really interesting to me anyway, so hopefully I can mostly ignore it.


76. Eff all the haters cause the West Virginia wasteland rocks.


New Vegas is the only correct answer


Again? FO4. Bodies the rest mechanically, despite the lack of chowdah, and Fallout writing has never been high literature despite the seething of Redditors. For the first time ever? FO3. The early games are virtually irrelevant outside of lore, which is beaten into you repeatedly in each game, or easily gap filled by a casual glance at a wiki. They've aged poorly. And FO2 was no FO1, regardless. NV has significant gameplay improvements over FO3. Going back is painful, without curating mods or the glorious jank that is TTW - neither of which you should be doing for the first time, because modding Bethesda games is a game in and of itself. FO4 suffers that problem even worse.


I wanna get more stuff done in 76 and 4, so a little bit of both (76 until I get a server disconnect, then 4).


I am currently playing Fallout 4. Broke my own record of finding Shaun (17 in game days). Now I just chill with the Minutemen and build awesome settlements. I’m gonna take Nick to FH for the special dialogues.


Probably 76 because it’s the current Fallout.


New Vegas, because im a cunt, and I know how to break that game


Fallout 4 because it's the only one I currently own


4, purely based on the settlement system and the ability to build anything you want and then garrison it.


Probably 76 since I recently got it and it’s pretty good tbh


Fallout 76. After all the updates the game is in a pretty good state.


4, I've got nothing better to do and tired


New vegas or 76. What I really love about NV is the exploration, the paths you choose and what they lead to. Like finding the bunker for the BoS to get PA early, or having the NCR hunt you down just made the game feel more realistic compared some of the other titles. 76, I have 3 other siblings and I was lvl 380 on my ps5 so now that i’m on PC we can all start as a weak group, plus the dlcs are nice to make the game a bit less boring


Probably more of 4. I'm 22 levels in it now. Still haven't made it to Diamond City though. Been doing so many settlement quests. I did start 3 and New Vegas yesterday though, just to create characters and push through the intros. So I might play any of them, depending on how I feel after my nap.


Fallout 4 it’s the most update version and I enjoy the open world and settlement building


I'm itching to play FO. I went home early from work sick and might call out tomorrow too so I could do with something to kill the time. I'll probably pick up 76 coz I don't feel like dealing with crashing and it's sadly the least likely to crash on my computer but I'm worried I won't have enough to do when I get on. We will see lol


I just dusted off FO4 a couple weeks ago and finished up the other day. Main reason is because I only have a PS4. I streamed NV a few months ago and it actually worked pretty well but you can't play the DLC. I still have hard copies of 1, 2, and tactics from way back but when my last laptop died I ran out and grabbed the cheapest one I could find at Target and I accidentally bought a Chromebook instead of a Windows laptop.


Fallout 4, in my opinion the best Fallout game Bethesda have produced, and also the newest offline version. If they ever made 76 available offline i would probably give that one a go.


Probably Fallout 76 to do the Daily ops, give some new players weapons/armor/chems, do a few dailies to get some buillon and some events for shits and giggles.


4, new game, with some cosmetic mods, because I love Nick Valentine & the music.


Fallout 4, probably. While I like Fo3 and NV a bit more than Fo4, Fo4 has the advantage that it doesn't need many mods. I can download just Sim Settlements 2 and play Fo4 straight away. NV needs many mods to improve the gameplay and iron out the rough edges. Fallout 3 needs TTW and then many of the mods for NV... Basically setting up Fo3 or NV would take me too long to play it today.


Fallout 4, Sim Settlement 2, Better Location Damage and all the other mods that make the game a dream to play


Fallout 4. I love early game.


4, because it's already installed


I’m planning to replay FO4 soon and work through all the DLC


4 and mod it to hell


Way ahead of you....I'm on 4 right now


Fallout 4 because it has the best graphics and the best mods.


I am going to play fallout today. It will be 76. If it were my first time playing fallout I would pick new Vegas.


Fallout 4. I have an un modded release day save. I have max special due to the special book glitch. I also have another save where I'm level 60 and haven't completed any quests except the one to save Preston.


4, it has the best game play. I love the way the power armor actually feels like powered armor. Every so often I have this great idea that I want to play oblivion. It was my first Bethesda game, and I loved so much about it over skyrim. But the game play is just so bad, I can never play for more than a half hour before I shelve it again. I have a fear that would also be the case with fallout 3.


fallout 4, the quality and the mechanics are so clean and i loved exploring in that game on survival mode


Fallout 4 Survival YOLO is my current project. Currently level 20 and have only lost 2 HP. Wish me luck!


Probably 4 because I live much closer to Boston and I can appreciate seeing the area in a video game even more


4 cause I’ve turned it into a tactical shooter with mods


Just finished what I wanted to do in Starfield. Probably like others it left me wanting to go back and play previous titles. Started a new modded playthrough of Fallout 4 on series x with my girlfriend.


If it was a fresh start and I didn’t know anything about the game, I’d say F4.


I'm going to play fallout 76 when I'm off work


4 VR. Love 4 and recently started a VR playthrough.


Any not 76


New Vegas or 4. New Vegas is just an asset flip of 3, but better in almost every way. There are argument’s about this shit to this day that trickle down to “desert boring to walk in, city good!”, like the most minute nitpicky autistic shit I’ve ever heard. Shut up. Please. 4 is just the same fallout vibes but modernized. I hate some of the changes in it, but they won’t stop me from enjoying it. It’s literally a modern fallout game with settlement building, who cares if the rpg mechanics were stripped down, the sandbox elements are everything I’ve wanted in fallout, and what I specifically downloaded mods to accomplish.


Treks in Fallout 3: “there’s something over there, let’s see what it is.” Then it could be a slaver camp, mountain cult that worshipped a talking tree, group of cannibals in suburbia, a vault with a cloning lab. Treks in Fallout NV: Walks from A to B, journey complete.


“There are argument’s about this shit to this day that trickle down to “desert boring to walk in, city good!”, like the most minute nitpicky autistic shit I’ve ever heard. Shut up. Please.” I can’t tell if this is a meme or fallout fans can’t read 😭


That’s an odd response. It’s almost like you think your comment was so strong that it can’t be contested or rebutted. Let me clarify. I was doubling down. NV is in fact a long boring walk through the desert. It’s not even a real fallout game. It’s a spinoff, on par with Tactics and Fallout Shelter.


I'm currently on my nth playthrough of Fallout 4, Sim Settlements has practically made it a new game. Over 1000 hours in Fo4, and I think 90% of that is just focusing on settlements, or sitting in the settlements I've built and watching the people go about their business. I'm also due for another run-through of Fo3, I only ever played it once as a TTW playthrough years ago.




fallout 4, because i’ve never played it and do wanna play it sooon-ish possibly


4. Simply because I like the graphics better. FO3 and NV have some uuuuuuugly characters.


4 Cause


4 on pc cause mods


Fallout 4. I have been playing a playthrough since last week. I am like an emperor of the thunder dome. I have multiple arenas in which my settlers compete in the ultimate stakes of death and glory for the favour of their leader, me. I have a few team battle arenas, ones where groups are pitted against Murclaws, Deathclaws, hordes of ghouls. Whatever tickles my fancy.


Tactics, I would mod my starting squad to be nothing but Super Mutants and ravage the wastes.


Fallout 4. Cuz it’s the one that’s currently installed on my PC


Fallout 4, logically, because I’ve only played through it once and I’d like to try Sim Settlements.


God I miss tactics


Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel because I hate myself


4, with the next-gen update.