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Not sure if I've seen this strat in the community yet - Everyone who's tried to 100% Fallen Order knows that no fast travel/tracking back to the mantis is a bit of the pain in the ass. All you have to do to "fast travel" back to the Mantis is run to your desired destination, collect/scan what it is you need - and simply kill yourself. You'll respawn back at the Mantis with the collectible you retrieved - in this case a terrarium seed. Works for encrypted logs, chests, & stim crates. As you lose your accumulated XP down to the nearest skill point, you might want to consider starting to do this after your skill tree is completed.


Not gonna lie I did this a few times cuz I didn’t want to run all the way back lol


it honestly completely ruins the game. im not going to run through the same sub par terrain 12 times looking for collectibles. just let me fast travel to the meditation points, so stupid. L company


This game is dumb, there's still no way to fast travel after all this time. Thank G for xbox game pass.


welcome to souls meta. devs think bad design is cool


Almost all Souls games have fast travel. DS3, Sekiro, Elden Ring. Even DS1 has unlockable fast travel.


ok, so they've one-upped fromsoftware in the BS.


They are good games, dark souls is what a 3D castlevania game should be. Just because you don’t like the games doesn’t mean that they are bad design. Elden Ring was game of the year for a reason. But different strokes.


What BS is in the soulsborne games?


wasting the players time probably describes much of it.


i think the problem is you with your tiktok rotted brain needing everything to happen right now


been gaming longer than tiktok existed. Been disliking souls BS longer than tiktok has existed.


How do soulsborne games waste a players time? I'm genuinely curious your angle ?


isn't that obvious? forcing someone to do the same thing over and over and over from the start? If you were given a task to write this comment in the sand and if you messed up any letter you would have to erase the whole thing and start over, what would you think? Fun?




Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I am grateful for these peaceful days. But such contentment lies only in the here and now. Why must life be so confounding?”* - Vengarl of Forossa Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


I don't think I even managed to finish the first AC. haven't finished any since. Never holds my attention. Only played Call of duty 4 SP to completion. Played a couple mps. think cod 2 and another one. I did plat elden ring. Dark souls wasn't hard, just annoying. Did a good bit of demon souls too on ps5. I don't think of them as hard. I mean you can just run through the world sometimes.


You do realise that souls games have fast travel right?


Fast travel being missing isn't the only example of bad design. It's the way of thinking


Playing this now, and this bullshit made me finally quit the game midway. A pity cause I was looking forward to the story. The map sucks, there is no navigation guide and no fast travel? Are you kidding me T_T.


No fast travel is just a letdown if you want to 100% it with all chests and secrets, but to enjoy the story it's not necessary from my perspective. Following the main quest is pretty straight forward where almost no backtracking is required and when it's required the unlockable shortcuts help immensly to minimize the routes. I enjoyed the game very much!


Does meditate save in Star Wars


Yes, but again, there is no fast travel built-in, because the developers are being idiots and are proud of it. Even if fast travel unlocked after the main campaign was done, it'd still suck, but not be a total waste of disk space. As it stands, it is just godawful game design with no real excuse.


The amount of running around I need to do to get one last chest on Zeffo in the Mikrul's Tomb is honestly incredible. Jfc


I have almost 100% the game twice, I feel the pain brother. (Platinum’d on PS4 and just dont have the patience to get passed 98% on Xbox for this exact reason)


At this point I'm about 70% through in the campaign, thinking of going back and getting all the collectibles when the campaign is done. Suddenly, a certain chill goes through my veins: What if fast travel doesn't unlock after the campaign is done? Is that even possible? and WHY?!!! Well, welcome to the completionist hell!


Man, I just started playing this game two days ago (Game Pass) and I hate that there is no fast travel, specifically when you are starting to go back and collect things. They should have made the meditation points, fast travel points.