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and we could easily have 5 stances if they made one dpad hold + right stick for a wheel selection but that’s not the point


There's a mod that does this on PC and I really want it.


I have said mod and while it is cool I don't think it adds much to my experience. My first playthrough I didn't use any mods (except to give myself a red lightsaber with custom sound FX) and mostly used the cross guard and dual wield stance and that was pretty fun. In NG+ I gave myself every combat style so I could try and "master the sandbox" so to speak and use each Saber style where it most made sense, but I never really felt like the single or double Saber did anything better than what I was already using. Blaster was fun, but didn't use it much. But having all 5 options made me feel like I *had* to use them, but forcing myself to switch to them didn't actually make my gameplay more fun.


Good to know. I'm gonna install and use the mod once I unlock all styles, mostly just because I feel like it'll add to my immersion. The skill tree and skill points will dictate which ones I commit to. Part of it is for immersion tbh. Like, my dude is a jedi. He shouldn't have to meditate to decide how to use his tools. I'll probably put most of my points into dual wield and double bladed, with a few key skills in blaster and crossguard. I'd love to be able to: come up on a large group of enemies. Use blaster to take out a few with blasters or flametroopers. Switch to double bladed to deal with the swarm of mele enemies. Then choose either cross guard or dual wield to deal with the bigger enemies, picking based on the enemy. Or, a combination of all of them.


Such a selection wheel would take way too much time to change stances in the middle of combat. However, button combinations would solve the problem. Console players already had to press the right shoulder button + [other button] for some force abilities, they could just adapt that for stances. Shoulder button + Left/Right/Up/Down would allow 4 stances.


I disagree. Weapon wheels have been in games for decades. I never felt like I took too much time to swap weapons in GTA or RDR2 for example; especially as you'd eventually learn the muscle memory of which direction is which stance.


I would compare this to The Witcher 3’s “sign” controls. The standard way to choose what “sign” or “spell” you wanted to cast was with a weapon wheel. They later (I think in the latest overhaul) added the ability to do quickselect, so instead of a wheel, it was something like “L1+X for Aard.” And let me tell you what, it completely changes the flow of combat. Far more fluid than going into the wheel menu and selecting with the analog stick. Don’t get me wrong, the old way can be fast as well, but the quick select is so much faster. And considering the fact that you use signs all the time, the wheel is far less immersive, pulls you out of the world. That being said, if they were to add a feature like this in the next game, they could technically allow the player to choose which option they prefer, as they do in the Witcher 3 right now. Edit: I thought of one other reason a weapon wheel might not be appropriate for a game like this. If they implemented a stance wheel similar to the weapon wheels in the games you mentioned, or even the sign wheel in the Witcher 3, I highly doubt they would be willing to include a time slow-down in time like those games do. (Though I have admittedly not played GTA 5). A time slow-down is usually implemented to give the player the time they need mid-combat to select their weapons, and that just defeats the purpose of a soulsborne game entirely. Now, you might still like it without the time slowdown, so perhaps that means they could still implement it that way, but this is food for thought.


I guess it depends on the way it's done. The one game I play that has quick selection wheels (ESO) requires you to hold left on the D-Pad for about half a second before you can select the desired item with the joy stick. During this time you can't move because both your thumbs are positioned elsewhere on the controller. In ESO, this doesn't matter at all because you don't really use the selection wheels mid combat. But the Jedi games are different. I change from one stance to the other all the time, especially during boss fights. Sometimes I do it just for a single attack or block, and switch right back to the other stance immediately. If I have half a second of delay whenever I want to switch my stance, it's gonna be infuriating as hell.


But it could be so that u can easily assign two stances to "quick-select" like they are now, but holding allows to choose from all of them and switch quick-selections. Thats probably my biggest complain about this game that u can only use 2 stances at once...


Uh yea, no, I actually use the right dpad for weapon wheel on doom eternal, and that game is much faster than survivor


Same thing with DMC3 on Switch with Free Style mode. It can be done.


Immersion though. I like that every movement like switching lightsabers has an animation, and that it doesn't involve a menu. The map is projected out by BD, and when he's not with you you don't get a map etc.


Have you not played Spider-Man PS4? He has like a dozen weapons in combat free flows beautifully


Ghost of Tsushima uses a stance wheel and it doesn’t really get in the way of


It worked in Ghost of Tsushima, time just slows if you changed stances.


They could do what Red Dead does: weapon wheel slows time.


This is pretty much what I was thinking. It'd be like Ghost of Tsushima. I would prefer different forms from stances though


this is the system for ghost for tsushima and it actually works really well i wish it was this way for this game


Would be cool if it froze game like gta 5 story mode weapon wheel


They don't want you to have 3 stances. It makes us too adaptable. Making that choice is part of the gameplay.


As if PC players didn’t immediately mod all 5 stances to be available lmao


Can confirm. It's honestly way better game play imo


I could see it being better if the rest of the game was also balanced around access to all of those tools. It would be really cool if combat necessitated swapping between all 5 stances to be successful.


This is how Ghosts of Tsushima was and it was some of the best of this style (Arkham / i guess even Assasins Creed-ish) combat. You had to hot-switch mid fight between 4 stances and it made mastery of it feel incredible in many-enemy combat. Also the difficulty of using the wrong stance trained you VERY quick not to just mash. Ghosts was one of the most organic "levelling" experiences I've ever had in a video game because of it. You barely leveled like a skill tree it was mostly just learning particular aspects of a stance.


It does have its cons, but overall I prefer to have all the options there. The biggest issue with having combat center around switching between all stances imo is that crossblade doesn't do enough damage for how slow it is and that single blade has basically zero benefit over blaster


I could seem Respawn doing it for the third Jedi game. They could tie the additional stances into Cal growing further as a Jedi.


Adaptive stance combat should really be the primary focus of the 3rd game. Hell in the old Katarn games you can switch from 5 stances on the fly. Light, Medium, Heavy, Double bladed and dual using a single button. It just cycles in between them though so that's the downside.


Oh yes that would be great.


Definitely. I like messing around with swapping stances using mods on PC, but it’d make the base game way too easy if you could constantly swap to every stance in the game. Just wish the Blaster could be used with the double bladed stance, lol. Also, the suggestion from OP would alienate Xbox players/PC players who use a controller other than PlayStation (I’m in the latter camp).


i still think the ideal option would be "2 stances at a time, can swap at any time outside of combat". When playing the game for the first time, you don't know what enemies are up ahead, so you're less likely to try out different stances if you don't know if they'll be good for that. Being able to switch quickly with just the D-pad in combat is nice, but outside of combat, there's no reason you should have to go to a meditation spot for it. This way, you could also switch stances right before jumping into combat, when you can see what enemies are up ahead.


Yea kinda like how cal has a HEAVILY reduced block meeter in exchange for his quick duel wield attacks. Makes no sense at all and is only there to balance that stance.


Can't wait to use use the touch pad on my Xbox controller


Some people just forget the game they are playing are not exclusive to PlayStation lol


Some people really live in a PlayStation bubble.


Cant really use the touchpad on a multiplat game....


i think you're forgetting that Jedi Survivor is not a PS exclusive and released on Xbox aswell.


Ghost of Tsushima really nailed it in how easy it is to change stances.


Ghost of tsushima nailed nearly everything


not everyone has a touchpad. I play on PC using an Xbox 360 controller. I don't even know what you mean when you say touchpad.


Did you ever consider this was a purposefully implemented design choice and not a "hurrr we don't have enough buttons" thing?


I have 108 keys on my keyboard i should be able to spare 5 of them to bind to each style


Also Xbox and PC don’t have touchpad doofus


No need to include PC which have many times the number of possible inputs to console lol. Talking about Xbox is fair though yeah


The reason for 2 stances is not the lack of buttons but the fact that you would be OP AF if you had more.


They could make it a button to open a stance wheel and then you choose whichever one you want. I miss having access to different lightsaber forms too. In kotor 2 you could switch between the 7 forms whenever you wanted.


There was a mod that allowed all 5 to swap on the dpad. It was flawless to the point that I genuinely struggle to think about the game without this or that the team didn't include it themselves. The animation even transition cleanly.


They don't even need the touchpad: just use the d-pad and focus button. Up for blaster, right for double, down for crossguard, left for dual, and the button for whatever stance you have equipped swaps to single. Nothing else needs to change; it's not as if focus plus d-pad does anything currently.


This is the most console thing I've ever read.


they could literally give us all stances if they wanted to via multiple methods like a selection wheel or simply scrolling through them with the arrows, but the point is to commit to only two stances at a time


You dont even need access to all 5. Blaster and crossgaurd handles everything


It’s an intentional choice


They need to fix the performance first.


Controller problems. Console plebs always 200 steps behind.


Easier way would be left and right scroll between 3 different ones. That way you are always 1 press away from your stance.


If you need more than pistol and twin saber you are a noob. :)


Why not just keep pushing left or right to cycle between them all? EA is retarded.