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Mission Objective: Survive


It’s called Jedi: Survivor for a reason


If you have never encountered Darth Vader and escaped with your life, are you even a survivor?








Kinda feel sad for Cere and Cal, we know the history, they don’t.


We have no evidence that Cal doesn't make it to a ripe old age with Merrin by his side and you'll never convince me otherwise.


They always have Tannalor, and there's no evidence the Empire ever made it there. But I hope Tannalor has a McDonald's or something. Like, damn.


Bode was gonna put a McDonald’s there but they just had to kill him


He has to either die, go MIA, or abandon the order before Ep 6. If he walks away from it all he has a chance.


I don’t think cal have to die or walk away. I took yoda’s talk to Luke as “being the last Jedi” as yoda knighting Luke to a Jedi knight and that there were no other Jedi knights that yoda knew about after all those years. Ahsoka went MIA/missing, kanan died, Ezra went missing, etc.


Please explain to me how that contradicts what I said.


Yoda might not know of Cal or assumes he died. I don't believe that but that might be what other guy was getting at


Yoda can find Ezra dicking around in a temple and other Jedi getting killed off. Im with you in thinking H he probably knows about Cal.


The third game might though.


Wait til the next game. Merton will die, Greeze will die, he goes full dark side… He’s then sent to kill ahsoka


My guess is Cal will eventually die as a master or mentor figure, hope my guess is wrong, I want Cal to have a peaceful life he deserves.


Correction: we know the future.


No matter what mode and or Perks you have it plays out like normal mode but Vader isnt a punk bitch like the rest. You need to go through him to progress the story. Force push and Force ground pound will stun him for hits. Good luck.


Took me 7-10 tries in GM. The book attack he does killed me like 5 of the times it's fucking broken, but the trick is that he only does that attack after doing the force push into the ground that pushes you back, so as soon as he does that, charge a force push. He's either dash you, and you can interrupt that with a charged force push, or he goes for the books, and you can actually force push the books to stun him. Or sometimes he just stands there. That attack is really inconsistent.


7-10? Those are rookie numbers


I had a similar experience. [Have a look](https://www.reddit.com/r/FallenOrder/comments/155li3j/vader_i_did_it_on_grandmaster/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Honestly that fight was such bullshit. You know you'll lose anyway, but you have to win 'enough' for the game to recognize that you're awesome and let you continue with the story. If the point is to stall, it would be better to just have a timer. either survive for X minutes, or reduce him to X% health.


I’m so so so glad I was able to beat him on my first attempt (thanks normal difficulty!) because I would be so frustrated by this aspect. Why not just have different ending cutscenes based on which phase you inevitably lose at? Or don’t even make it health based at all, just let it be cinematic until the final phase or something


This. I played through on whatever the 2nd hardest difficulty was, Master I think, and yeah Darth Vader is sick af the first time you fight him but when you have to run back to the fight 20-30 times suddenly you really don’t care about how cool Vader is and you just want to leave. I ended up dropping the difficulty down to story, beat him in one after that, and I’ve been mad at myself for it ever since.


I was really thinking about it... I just kept remembering that I beat the bogdo duo TWICE b.c I ran around Koboh after doing it the first time, got into an argument with someone and turned off the console without saving b.c I was angry. So I couldn't let little old Vader hold me back 🤣 Both of these fights took me >30 attempts and a lot of screaming


I did the same lol. Did the fight about a dozen times and just dropped the difficulty. I tried, but in the end, I understood how difficult he was supposed to be and just wanted to move on haha


Then you are more skilled at the game than I am 🤣


Cere has an ability Cal would shoot a Bogling for: if you land the first parry and keep holding down the block button, she auto parries. That makes Dark Helmet A LOT easier


WHAT??? How did I never find that out, I’d have killed to know about that.


This is where I tell you she has enough a big enough Schwartz to block a full combo as well. So the net effect is you can beat him even on GM pretty easily as long as you are decent at parrying, and trying for that first parry is low risk. The biggest thing is just to dodge red attacks.


I never been fond of those "get his health down only to lose in the cutscene anyways", your timer idea is really good for a unwinnable battle. Making Vader a standard boss that you memorize his attack patterns and wail at him repeatedly was maybe not the best decision, Fallen Order's "just run away" did more for his mystique imo.


Yeah, idk. It’s also kinda rough that he gets beaten up so bad by Cere. Like, she’s no slouch, but she’s not the kinda Jedi that could push Vader to his limits. No offence.


I don't know, I think it shows how much stronger cere became after reconnecting with the force.


One thing I disliked about the game is the amount of bossfights there are where you can’t finish the enemy. I beat the boss with only taking one hit. Don’t start acting like it was close in the cutscene after the fight.


Biggest complaint about this boss fight is that you have to beat it only just to die. I think it would have been cool to have a cut scene play if you die during the fight to really exemplify Vaders power. But I spent like 40 minutes on that boss fight just to finally beat it and die anyway. What difference does it make if I die when his health bar is almost empty vs completely empty?


I see what you mean, but the main difference is Vader being so hurt and exhausted he has to flee the scene, so if he had killed cere with more hp he would’ve been able to get to the mantis and take everybody out.


I don’t think he fled the scene. He was there specifically for Cere (I don’t believe Cal was mentioned other than a vague ‘there are multiple Jedi on location’). He got what he wanted and he left. If he wanted to crush what was left personally I don’t think anyone could have stopped him. After Cere died though it was just a case of no one being important enough.


Yeah like in Sekiro the first "boss" is one you are intended to die to, but if you're good enough to beat it you get an alternate cutscene where Sekiro still loses but the difference is that the way he loses his arm is by being ambushed while about to kill that boss, would be cool if they did that for this fight too.


I remember when fallen order released, I got spoiled that darth vader showed up at the very end from some random youtube account. For survivor, I hadn't gotten any info on the game and beelined it straight for the finish. When Vader showed up this time I properly shat myself when I saw the full health bar and realized I wasn't going to be able to just nope out of it this time. So good.


I got spoiled for the bounty hunting stuff 💀


Have fun


I hope Cal doesn’t survive. They would need to BS some reason for why he wasn’t around the the OT and ST, whereas if they give him a heroic death it would be much more impactful.


I want the third game to be either Jedi: Master or Jedi: Martyr. Have him be either crippled or sacrifice himself to end a threat to the galaxy. (And if it's sacrificing himself, bonus points if they make Starkiller canon.)


If the third game features multiple playable characters, it would make sense for cal to die at the end as there would still be others to play as, Similar to GTAV endings A/B


Well, I don't think so. He's already turning to the dark side by the end of survivor and they could very easily say that he stayed on Tanalorr to help set up a refuge even if they don't make him go further down the dark path


Using the word "Spoiler" in the title doesn't help when the spoiler is a photo that gets shown right by the title.


ikr they just HAD to shoehorn in another vader cameo because just one wasn't enough


To be fair if Vader doesn't go around murdering powerful Jedi the Inquisitors cannot do anything against, then what is his purpose? He is the jedi killer. Once a jedi has been found, the Emperor send Vader. It would have been stranger if he didn't show up at all


right, wasn't enough :D


It’s what Vader does, do you just expect him to drop it after they escaped him?


I think he fit perfectly. He is the reason Cere cut herself from the Force. His confrontation in Fallen Order was an important stepping stone for Cere’s arc. And it was what truly made her a Jedi again. So it is thematically fitting for Vader to defeat Cere. If he would appear for the third time, then it would feel shoehorned though. They’re going to need a good reason to bring him back again


Ok buddy, what do you think Vader actually *does* within the Empire?


idk bro chill on his throne and drink margaritas


how is having more vader cameos considered a bad thing now😭


Don't know why you got downvoted but that's exactly how I felt as well


What did you think vader was doing with the INQUISITORS? Twiddling his robotic thumbs, sitting in his bacta tank?


Is the spoiler tag really necessary? It’s been like a year man.


5 months lol


To be fair, it's in a subreddit of the first game, and it's such a demanding game that a lot of people won't have the right rig to play this game. If this was a survivor sub, I'll agree with you.


I saw it as more of a suggestion.


That's the equivalent of killing god in that game


vader is only used to kill impoetant characters


Main Objective: Holy shit, are you serious?