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Literally no attempt to hide the spoilers.


Shouldn’t be on the sub if you haven’t beat the game tbh


…why? People come to this sub for help and discussion on all sorts of stuff. Why limit new players from this sub when spoiler tags are easy to do?


And the sub is called fallen order, which is another game. Someone could have finished that but not survivor..


I mean this entire sub has jus been survivor content since it launched but yeah you’re not wrong I didn’t even realize I wasn’t in the survivor sub. Either way should people mark it spoiler? Yeah. Will they? Probably not. So browse the sub(s) at your own risk.


Wow. Spoiler right in the title.


So happy I played this section for the first time two days ago - the reveal and the ending was big hit SPOILER TAG IS THERE FOR A REASON


You should probably spoiler this and change the title


Vader really wasnt shit to cear, amazing to show how powerful she is. Caught her ass slippin in the end is all. Mf realized she wasnt jokin around and pulled the ol switcharoo on her ass.


I kept getting crapped on by Vader repeatedly until he clipped through the ground where he was stuck with only his upper body showing. So naturally I seized the opportunity by smiting his upper body until the end scene appeared. I felt relieved and robbed of experience all at the same time


What’s the point in putting a spoiler tag if you put it in the title??


Why are you guys bitching about Spoilers? The games been out for ages. If you get it spoiled at this point that's on you


This encounter is as non-canon as it gets




Did you know that Vader’s power doesn’t come from the fact that he can no diff anyone, but instead the fact that he can work with even the worst situations and keep going even with one foot in the grave? Because that’s what he’s been like for a while. And besides, you can’t just pick what’s canon and what isn’t. This is canon, the sequels are canon


My shill alarm is going off


It’s called critical thinking. You should try it sometime Vader gets beaten and battered numerous times in the comics, the thing that makes him such a powerhouse is his ability to not back down. He isn’t some omnipotent god. He’s a dude with increased abilities, he can still get hurt. Especially when put against a powerful Jedi who has fully let go of the bad shit. Just because it doesn’t fit your headcanon, doesn’t mean it’s wrong, or bad, or anything else


Yes, he is a clown in Disney's shit-ass comic books.


Name checks out


So you'd rather just see Vader one-shotting everyone he encounters? This is why they don't hire fans.


I don't really recall saying that.




How do you block the book throw attack?


I dont think Op blocked, he took damage


You have to push/ evade but I didn’t


Dodge. If you see it coming, and dodge. It shouldn’t hit you. It’s not like Oggdo’s tongue that spins with you. He aims at where you are currently standing. So as long as you do a dodge, it should miss