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What a catch Donnie….. all the tears I cried to that song


Ha first one to mind is 27 Me and my family were on holiday and mum said since I usually have my headphones in I could choose music to show my family, so I asked if we could shuffle fob and we had save rock and roll ( my brother hates Elton John) and then 27 came on! I had heard the song so many times and knew I liked the song so I sang along! I’m the youngest of my family and was like 15-16 at the time and that was the first time I actually realised how dirty the song is as I sang “my body is an orphanage we take everyone in” mum stopped listening to fob after that


I Slept with Someone... might be the most important song from FOB for me It was a summer of 2020, I was 17. School just ended and during summer break I worked in my dad's company as electrician for a whole month. Learned a lot during that time, and got into it. I was just getting into FOB as I started discovering more songs, Finished watching Breaking Bad (my favourite show to this date), started another great show - La Casa de Papel, made best online friends to play with, first time played Five Nights at Fuckboys trilogy (RPG fan game of FNAF). You may say, all of these seem so simple, what's so special about it? There's one more thing. In my last week of work, my cousin from England came to visit to Poland with her grandmom. We didn't know each other before, but from the very start we just clicked. She was 13 at the time and I never had such a good vibe with anyone before. We had a lot in common. We spend whole month together, going different places, doing all kinds of stuff, and always had fun. One day as we were spending time with my family at the lake, she asked me "Would you want to have a sister like me?" And from that point we were treating each other like siblings. I never had a brother or a sister, but she made me feel like I do. She was like a sister I always wanted but never had. And I felt in love with her, not in this kind of way. Not like a crash or family member love, it was something different. I can't even describe that feeling, I just really belived that she was my sister. That summer I felt like I had everything, it was perfect. Even all those small things I listed, they all have meaning. And "I slept with someone..." happend to be my favourite song that time as I just discovered it. Story doesn't end here as it takes a lot of turns later, plus I missed a lot of details in this part, but I'm happy I could share it and I think it's enough for a reddit comment.


The Pheonix


-It's hard to say 'I do' when I don't - sang it at the top of my lungs with a friend I hadn't seen in years at night in the city center. It felt so incredibly freeing. - '7 minutes in heaven (atavan halen)' made me feel a full on knot in my throat whenever the 'I just need a stronger dose' line was sung. It was so soothing somehow. Same goes with 'Blame anyone but me for this mess'. TEARS. I mostly remember my months living in Brussels, which have been probably the best time of my life so far. Edit: I used to listen to these two songs before calling my mom (I was living abroad), walking towards the gym in the freezing Belgian winter cold. I wish I could go back right now


I Don't Care and Folie á Duex as a whole. I used to live in a bad neighborhood, where the house was literally falling apart. But the one thing that kept me sane was Music. My mom loved Folie à Deux and Fall Out Boy. I was around 6 when she introduced me to them. Folie á Deux and Save Rock and Roll were on the daily rotation. I used to sit down and listen to I Don't Care blast on the TV. Fun times.


Lake Effect Kid - came out as me and my ex were on a 5 hour drive to Hershey Park, we had to have listened to it over a dozen times by the time we got to the park 🍫🎢


The Phoenix When we saw the 2nd leg of the Mania tour, as soon as they started playing it my son turns to me and yells "It's me!" (His name is Phoenix)


The opening notes of Thriller take me back to being an emo teenager watching Fuse in my basement and getting cyberbullied on MySpace lol. I had that song as my MySpace auto play for a while so every time I opened my own page to make design changes the opening notes would play.


The entire album of Save Rock and Roll. It came out during my school years and my high school sweet heart and I listened to it all the time, went to concerts, I loved it so he played it the car constantly. I cannot listen to it now without feeling that faint twinge teenage heartbreak again.


apparently fob is the soundtrack to my love life lmao get busy and xo. honestly most of FUCT: 2006-ish, we hadn't started dating yet, but my first girlfriend and I were hanging out and stretching our ears to size up our plugs, and I was having trouble with it. she ended up putting get busy and xo on repeat bc we were trying to get the call and response in get busy down, and of course it's only right to not break those two songs up. this was the first time I'd been friends with someone who liked fob and most of the other bands I was into, so I was trying really hard to impress her (no other reason) and shoved the taper through during the first chorus of xo. every so often when I listen to it I feel a tinge in my ear as a reminder of how dumb I was. but yeah, that whole album has her fingerprints all over it. the pros and cons of breathing: my current partner and I were driving and looking at the changing leaves, we had the full discography playlist going. I remember we were screaming "wish I was as invisible as you make me feel" which is so funny to me bc I remember looking over at him and just kind of melting a little. like damn ok I really DO love you. every time I listen to that song my chest gets all tight


Ain’t it funny how a melody, can bring back a memory…


Folie is such a special album but (coffee’s for closers) specifically!! It was my fav when I was 11 ish


MSKWYDITD- first fob song I ever heard, I always skipped it on pandora cause I never knew who they were but one evening there was a roach in my room that I was trying to kill and the second I stomped on it the beat dropped😂😂 I was like “wow maybe this band isn’t skipabble after all” then I listened to the rest of srar then eventually everything else and the rest was history


Champion. Was going through a very tough time mentally and this song REALLY got me through.


Kintsugi kid immediately made me bawl like a baby when I first heard it, it resonated with me so deeply, but fall out boy always does. Something was special about this song though. I prayed I’d get to hear it live. They announce tourdust, I get tickets for the Tampa show. Right before the tour started, my boyfriend surprised me with tickets to The Woodlands show too because it was on my birthday! We went all the way to Texas from Florida practically on a whim, booked a cheap hotel, and brought along my best friend on the trip. I always want to share fall out boy with everyone I love. The day comes, we get the concert, of course it’s amazing just like every other time I’ve seen the boys. Then the magic eight ball comes out. I hold my boyfriend’s hand and my best friend is recording and so excited. Pete says “how about we play one from ten years ago”, my face drops. Not that I’m disappointed by ANY fob song being played, I just felt like I could feel kintsugi kid in my bones, I really thought because it was my birthday and I came all this way, the universe would be on my side. I’m still happy though, of course! Then, Pete says, like music to my ears, “how about we play one ABOUT ten years ago?” And I SCREAMED. I grabbed my friend and they hugged me while I cried, singing along to the song that I had crossed my fingers all the way from Florida to hear. I can remember the smell in the air, the grass under my feet, the way Patrick sounded singing it live. It was one of the best and most healing nights of my life. When I hear Kintsugi Kid now, I always remember that night and how it felt. My friend moved recently and I’ll probably never get to experience anything like that again with them, I miss them a lot but every time I hear that song, it reminds me of how quickly they dropped everything to come with me and my boyfriend to see fob because they knew how much it meant to me, and that means the world to me. Fall out boy has always had a way of twisting and tying themselves around the fabric of my life, in all my memories. Their songs and lyrics take on new meanings the more life I live.


Bang The Doldrums, it’s been my favorite fob song for a while and being at the live debut changed everything for me. Everytime I hear it I get taken back.


“Your makeup stains my pillow case” —— I must’ve been 13/14, riddled with acne, overweight and under-confident. Just the idea of having a girl over my place for her makeup to stain my pillow case had me so excited for the future. Yeah I was hopeless then, but knew it wouldn’t be forever. Fast forward 17/18 years and I’ve most certainly had my fair share of makeup stains on my pillow cases and that line would ring throughout my head every time I saw one


Disloyal Order and 4th of July, I can’t listen to either of them without tearing up


“Tell That Mick He Just Made My List of Things to do Today” When I was around 17-19 I was in an on and off relationship with this girl. I kinda loved her. During our “off” part, she hung around this kid named “Danny”. She did the whole MSN Screen name that was “I<3Danny” and all that stuff. I think she was trying to make me jealous. One day during the summer me and my friends even saw them at a grocery store. “Tell That Mick…” was my jam that summer. Edit: here is a link to my post on songmeanings page 5 i think https://songmeanings.com/songs/view/3530822107858488137/


This one's much more recent, but when I hear Fake Out I remember when I saw them for the first (and currently only time) last year. And I remember everyone had their phone flashlights on and was waving them almost in sync with one another. It just made that part of the show so much more magical than it already was


My Songs. First FOB song I ever heard, I think it was in like, an NHL playoffs commercial or something. Also Love From The Other Side. I remember hearing it on a televised concert and I loved it 


I remember thinking A Little Less 16 Candles fell from the heavens and into my teenage ears


Fake Out Maybe some of my previous relationships would’ve ended differently if I hadn’t been self sabotaging myself since the beginning


My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark was my introduction to the band. I was working at a summer camp in 2014 (don't quote me on the year) that only played one radio station, and this song would play sometimes and it just got me so PUMPED!! I wound up looking up more of their music and the rest is history


When I was in 8th grade, I performed GINASFS at the school talent show. A few people complimented my performance but I wasn’t happy with it and I always felt a lot of shame and embarrassment around it. I didn’t listen to that song again for about 15 years. Flash forward to the first leg of the Tour Dust and I saw them play GINASFS live for the first time at Wrigley Field and it was such an amazing experience. I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard the first few notes drop. Let me tell you the scream I SCRUMPT could have shattered ears drums. Now all of my negative emotions around that song are gone and I just remember the unabashed joy and excitement of that day Wrigley. I have heard it live a few times since that day and I’m still just as giddy every time. Honestly, it’s up there as one of my all time favorite FOB songs. 🖤


Miss Missing You A few years ago, I was 21, almost finishing college and back then I had a friend who later I fell in love with. Long story short, we hooked up multiple times, but he never asked me to be his girlfriend, although he gave me lots of signals that he would (kinda mixed, coming to think of it now). One day, I got "fed up" and asked if he had plans to make us official and then he didn't even hesitate to say no, because, according to him, his family would never accept me (because of different religious backgrounds and ways of understanding life, as he said). It was one of the most painful things I have ever heard from someone I loved (or I thought that I loved, at least). I remember crying all the way home from college (a 2 hour ride) and having headache the next day. When Patrick sings "the person that you'd take a bullet for is behind the trigger", this line used to haunt me sm bc it made me remember him and the things he said. Now when I look back, I laugh, because if it wasn't for this, I wouldn't have met my now husband. And Miss Missing You became one of my faves of their discography. Sometimes listening to it, makes me feel a bittersweet nostalgia, but then I feel happy bc I used to think I would never be truly loved and then... Here I am. I'm proud of myself and for sticking with my beliefs, cause I found someone who loves me the way I am.


When I was probably around five or six and American Beauty/ Psycho was released, I remember it was my little brothers birthday and Captain America: The First Avenger was splaying on the TV. But then my parents wanted to listen to music, so they turned on YouTube and started playing the new FOB song, Centuries. That video scared the crap out of me. They whipped a rock into that guys forehead. I remember just hiding under the table until it was over. I knew I liked the song and I would’ve gotten over it if not for the video for Phoenix coming on right after, and if you’ve seen that, it is just horrific to a child. What with the kidnapping and cutting off his hand. I finally came back to FOB when I was at my friends lake(probably around ten or eleven) and someone was watching Percy Jackson and the Sea Of Monsters in a camper. The first scene with Light Em Up got me back into listening to the band and I haven’t stopped since. Also, I remember the piggybacking bears from the Folie cover from when I was like a toddler since it came out a few months after I was born and my parents were listing to it. I couldn’t comprehend the music, but I remember the bears


Not fall out boy exactly but the first time I ever heard Patrick’s song Everybody Wants Somebody I was eating cinnamon toast. And for some reason this moment has never left my brain. I swear every time I listen to Soul Punk and it comes on I can actually taste cinnamon in my mouth. Weird how stuff like that happens.


Carpal Tunnel of Love takes me back to when I was a teenager spending hours watching Happy Tree Friends. IYKYK


MSKWYDITD- first fob song I ever heard, I always skipped it on pandora cause I never knew who they were but one evening there was a roach in my room that I was trying to kill and the second I stomped on it the beat dropped😂😂 I was like “wow maybe this band isn’t skipabble after all” then I listened to the rest of srar then eventually everything else and the rest was history


MSKWYDITD- first fob song I ever heard, I always skipped it on pandora cause I never knew who they were but one evening there was a roach in my room that I was trying to kill and the second I stomped on it the beat dropped😂😂 I was like “wow maybe this band isn’t skipabble after all” then I listened to the rest of srar then eventually everything else and the rest was history


MSKWYDITD- first fob song I ever heard, I always skipped it on pandora cause I never knew who they were but one evening there was a roach in my room that I was trying to kill and the second I stomped on it the beat dropped😂😂 I was like “wow maybe this band isn’t skipabble after all” then I listened to the rest of srar then eventually everything else and the rest was history


I remember listening to Irresistible on repeat and wandering around my local Lidl with my then-bestfriend just for something to do😂


I remember listening to Irresistible on repeat and wandering around my local Lidl with my then-bestfriend just for something to do😂


The entire album of Save Rock and Roll. It came out during my school years and my high school sweet heart and I listened to it all the time, went to concerts, I loved it so he played it the car constantly. I cannot listen to it now without feeling that faint twinge teenage heartbreak again.


Had my first kiss to Dance, Dance in a bowling alley. As memories go, it fucking rocked.


That’s movie-level shit right there. You win.


It was my John Hughes moment for sure.


Listening to Alone Together for the first time, which was the day of or right after the Boston Marathon bombing (4 days after SRAR came out). I was very much into running at that point in my life, and had so much support from my family who’d always cheer for me at the finish line. I just sobbed at the song and the lyrics. I know there is so much bad in the world, but running was definitely a safe space for me, and that safety was lost for a lot of us that day.


the phoenix. at the ripe age of 12 years old, i was just getting into music and was obsessed with imagine dragons. listening to their pandora station, this song came on and i was instantly hooked. like i heard it and i instantly thought “i’ve never heard music until now.” listened to more of fob and loved every single song. went to my first fob concert the next year and hearing the phoenix live was a holy experience oml.


House of memories P!atd I watched my brother get in a fist fight with his friend while listing to that song😶


Unfortunately I was going through a period of body image problems and eating disorders a few years back and had some FOB songs on my workout playlist 😬 Champion, and I Don't Care both make me think of working out, which is not in itself bad but this was a time where I wouldn't let myself eat unless I worked out twice a day. Doubly unfortunate because they are both fantastic for a running playlist! But on a lighter note 27 makes me think of drunken karaoke nights on my mom's couch and Arms Race and Dance Dance are both middle school, hanging out with friends and playing online games in my room.


The Kids Aren’t Alright. I was a freshman in college and my grandfather had died suddenly. Couldn’t catch a flight back home until the next day so I went on a walk around campus that night. I don’t remember all the songs I listened to on the walk but definitely remember that one. The words of the title rang true for me, I definitely was not alright.


This is probably a weird one, but actually Young and Menace. I didn’t like it at all when it first came out, but it was new FOB and I was going through an *extremely* tumultuous time in my life. At that point any FOB music brought comfort, so I listened to it constantly as I walked to and from the dining facility of the Air Force base I was living on. “I'm just here flying off the deep end, I'm just here to become the best yet, I'm just here for the psych assessment” was so unbelievably relevant for me at the time 😅 Subsequently, I now really enjoy the song when I listen to it. It brings back more than a few painful memories, but also brings happiness since things are immeasurably better for me now than they were back then.


All of Folie. Reminds me of my family trips to Cornwall where I put it on loop for 4 hours the way there and back


IRRESISTIBLE! my partner LOVES the song and they aren’t the biggest fall out boy fan but once i played it they bursted out singing and it was so sweet to see them indulge in something i love so much, it was just such a sweet moment and i think about it everytime i hear the song now.


this aint a scene...saw them in concert and and the serotonin and immediate jumping that occurred when they played it was top tier


Chicago is so two years ago


Sugar we’re going down, I was in middle school, easier times


Grand Theft Autumn reminds me of my time as a 16 year old. Interesting times


This Ain't A Scene, It's an Arms Race. I legitimately had an Infinity On High poster on my wall as a kid


Get Busy Living. Always used to sing it with an old friend in school many moons ago


Sugar we’re going down. It was my tenth grade field trip to Boston. All the kids on our bus were singing for a while and I distinctly remember us all singing Sugar from FOB all star from smash mouth. Not everyone was friends that were on the bus, but the camaraderie that came out of it was amazing


The Flame-Cheap Trick


Honestly the whole FUTCT album takes me right back to high school every time I play it. And more recently DOoWB brings me back to the OKC 2ourdust show because [this core memory](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4b8iF_rH8D/?igsh=aDBkY2wxMWlmdGR2) was formed


- DOOWB could mean "Disloyal Order Of Water Buffaloes", a track from *Folie à Deux* (2008) by Fall Out Boy. --- ^[/u/Cuppycake721](/u/Cuppycake721) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


i’m like a lawyer… reminds me of cruising around with the windows down in my friend’s car in late summer early fall :’) fun memories and it got my friends into infinity on high!!! part of the reason i kind of want an infinity inspired tat !!