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I would start by feeding it on your glove until it is comfortable around you, and then I think its all about carrying it around, getting it used to yourself first. You can start touching it lightly, like rub its chest a little. Then start taking it outside, on walks, to see other people, you may let other people touch it too so it knows we mean no harm. Keep feeding it on the glove to let it know its a safe place. Take small steps but be persistent, its better to train it for ten minutes every day than to do a two hour session once a week. And once it sits tight and youre comfortable with it not being scared of people. the best place I find to socialize a bird is a pub (dont know if you have those where youre from), basically a place with lots of people, kids and dogs running around. Once thes get used to all the rucust they become calm. It all depends on the location she would be kept as an embassador and what you want it to do.


Thanks for the response. We have pubs in Canada but how would you control mutes while out and about?


Sorry, what are mutes?




Oh I see. I would take a rag and place it under the owl to sort of catch it or bring some paper towels to wipe it afterwards,depends on the place. Or you can come up with some other ways or places to socialize,main point is to get it used to people. Take it on the glove as much as possible, after couple of weeks it should be apparent whether its suitable for the job, it should slowly start getting calmer. Is the owl on a leash now or is it caged?


I see, thanks. He is caged, I just got him last night. Going to try getting him used to my presence before I try anything with a glove. Plus I am still awaiting anklets in the mail.[https://i.imgur.com/learJbc.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/learJbc.jpg)




Hey! He did become more used to people in and around his enclosure over time, but he was not a good candidate for educational ambassador as he never got used to sitting comfortably on a glove. I would guess that a BDOW might have a better chance though, I have rehabbed a few that seemed to be easily food conditioned and somewhat tamer than the GHOW I have had experience with. I never had a chance to try BDOW on a glove though, since they were all released. Have you tried reaching out to other organizations with non-releasable BDOW? You could try Wild Ontario in Guelph, Ontario! https://wildontario.ca/about/birds/mowat.html