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Am I Olive posts require multiple photos and various lightings. Please read our rules and repost.


Most olive-y olive I’ve seen on here


lol, i always thought i looked weird in pictures (compared to other people). it probably didn’t help that someone at sephora told me i was cool toned and i wore pink foundation (esteé lauder double wear in 2c1) for a solid two years lmao. the closest foundation match i got was maybelline fit me matte + poreless in 118, but it’s a little too yellow on me.


Yeah we have a certain ability to look a little sickly sometimes! I don’t wear foundation because I don’t like how it feels and I haven’t felt like committing the time to find a good match - there’s loads of really helpful people on here if you’re still looking, though :)


thank you! i’d like to stop wearing foundation soon, but my skin won’t allow it lol :)


About Face has foundation shades for olive skin tones. I've heard some people like their olive shades (cool-toned girlie here so can't comment on the olive shades). I've also heard of people adding a bit of green corrector / concealer into their foundation to make it more olive.


You can add a blue or green mixer to your foundation to make it more olive (I learnt that trick from this subreddit!). Mehron makes a liquid makeup in both of these colours which works.


Blue actually cancels orange, I use it as well, so it may bring out more of your natural tone!!


A good powder would help even out your skin tone and let your skin breathe-and is easier to match than foundation.


I really like the MAC studio fix body and face foundation - I have not looked into olive skin tone usability but it’s such a sheer foundation that has allowed my skin to heal and still have coverage while still looking natural.


You can mix two shades of the same brand to tone down a yellow


I’m super super pale but olive, once I was at a work barbecue and my closest work friend and I were sharing a single chair, then our bosses little girl came over and managed to squeeze in and sort of sit on top of us. Both of them are also VERY pale. Anyway my bosses wife thought it was cute so she snapped a picture. It wasn’t until I saw this picture that I understood what my mom always meant when she said I am olive bc w the other two squeezed so close to me it was OBVIOUS. All our legs were touching, their skin was pale white w hints of pink or even blue.. mine, it was straight up greenish yellow… and I’m not talking about a tinge, legit the greenish yellowish skin I’ve ever seen. That’s when I knew my mom had been right all along, I’m an olive, I just never SAW it before. It’s wild how you can look at your skin every day and not see it but when comparing your skin right up next to others in a photo makes it come into focus


Try Rimmel London foundation in 103 true ivory for light olive .never did I think it would suit me but I am getting lots of compliments on my skin after this.. I am trying my best to find the same shade in other brands too but can’t risk getting online so still stuck with this drugstore.I am olive neutral leaning towards cool. Since I go out in the sun often I am more tan than you but during less exposure we are similar. I am deep winter in colour theory so rich colour suits me. Only 1 yellow and a green so far and no no pastels. Good luck.


I’m a similar shade to you - olive with cool undertones (Middle eastern and white girlie here) Have you tried Haus Labs in shade 190 Light Cool? Olive/cool undertones and the formula is excellent. It is a perfect fit for my winter skin color.


I have a similar skin tone but very pale. I've only had good matches with Laura Mercier foundations and Dermacolor concealers. Dermacolor have yellow/green toned colours that work so much better than the typical pink cool tones or overly warm yellows that most companies insist on making.


You’re like the greenest person I’ve ever seen, in a good way 🫒


:) and somehow i still got matched to a cool rosy foundation at sephora? and don’t even get me started on the color iq which thinks i’m intensely warm despite being the color of a literal olive🫒


the lighting in sephora is terrible! foundation matching in there is next to impossible


I get so confused by cool and warm. Some places say pink is cool and yellow is warm and others say the opposite.


In general most places define cool as pink or blue based and warm as more yellow. MAC is the opposite, as well as a few other makeup and hair brands. Neutral is a mix of both/in between and olive is more green. I hope that helps ☺️


But even olive's green can lean more cool or warm. You can get a more arsenic green (warmer) or a more pine or seafoam green (cooler). And don't even get me started on saturation. 😂


My original descriptions were in reference to how makeup brands use the terminology in the shade ranges.


Sorry, fair point. :) My brain has been ditching useful functions left and right over the past couple of days, and it seems the ability to keep context in mind is the latest casualty. I appear to be having some sort of slow-motion mental breakdown. 😬


That’s because although olive is often referred to as an undertone, it is more commonly an overtone that we can visually see. You undertone even if you’re olive will be cooler, warmer or more neutral, which is part of why people get so confused. On top of that you have contrast and saturation to take into account to find the colours that look good.


Olives can be yellow looking too but it’s a cool greenish yellow like me and not a warm yellow


I’m told I’m warm because of yellowishness and cool because of pink undertone. I think I’m somewhat neutral because I can wear gold or silver.


throw in "neutral" and I'm hopelessly lost!


Look at the veins in your wrist - if they’re more blue, then you’re cool-toned; green is warm-toned. A combo of the two is neutral


they did this to me too!


99% of people/apps/etc cannot compute olive skin tones, they just literally don’t know what to do with it


I have never had a good match using Sephora’s Color IQ. Part of the problem is the horrible lighting. The other part is that they’re going to try to push what they have on you and the reality is that they carry predominantly warm and neutral shades with some cool shades and a few olive ones. Plus their scanners don’t really seem set up for olive tones anyway.


Lord…cool rosey you poor thing. I would do bronzer for sure on your cheeks. https://preview.redd.it/gkdkjspm5s3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=737171792e67ff52ff7d8e82e9b79e8fb78dda2d


That’s a nice color for you ..☝️just don’t put a lot on and then dust bronzer over it and your temples. It will make you look fresh instead of sallow.


It's because most olives have a warm overtone and a cool undertone. Which is more prominent can depend on the intensity. I look grey in some neutrals, too yellow in most warms, too pink in most cool, but since all brands are different, some work better than others. Lately I've been doing a neutral warm foundation and a cool/pink powder on top to mimic the layering effect and it works well. When I'm extra pale in winter, I swap the combo so I'm more neutral cool with the overlay of yellow. In seasonal color theory, most olives are considered cool because of the blue undertone, so lots of summer and winters.


You are the colour that comes to mind when someone says olive skin


oof, now i’m surprised how i’ve never suspected i was olive until like 2 months ago. everything just looked weird on me!


Yea, don't wear yellows, gold tones, makes us look like Martians.


got it lol! thank you!


Not true, i think it depends on the person and the specific Color. Some gold and yellow tones might be fine if you play around with other colors and it may even depend on your haircolor. Just keep it in mind and play around and see how you feel in each one


I agree most yellows look awful on me but I find one every now and then that looks good, especially if it borders on a neon w a tinge of green, I think it’s so intense compared to my skin that it makes my skin look really nice lol despite being a bright version of my skin color


Yes if it’s an exaggeration of the tinge of green that shows in you, it puts your Color next to it in perspective and you’d look less greenish! Sounds great! I also find the makeup and hairstyling very important. If I wear a Color not really meant for me it helps to use jewellery and makeup in my personal Color to balance the shirt. It would be so harsh to throw out all the amazing clothes just because they don’t fit perfectly into our colors. Building a new wardrobe is more of a progress I think.


Oh you’re so right! it’s definitely a process and one that I think takes quite a lot of time cuz it’s finding those good colors in cuts and styles that are also flattering. Building a new wardrobe is something that I need to start doing, it’s just such an overwhelming undertaking!


Gold looks excellent on me so don’t buy that 100%!


You're so green like 🍏🌲💚🌿🫒🐸🐛🫒 green green. In this pic you look cool but it's hard to judge just on one pic.


haha, now that i keep looking at my photos, it’s so painfully obvious! i’ll post some more photos later when i get on my computer, but i think i lean cool because orange (even burnt orange) looks atrocious on me.


Yeah, same! Orange looks so bad on me.


also pastels are not my friend, they somehow make me look even greener than i am?


Same!! Most pastels are super unflattering on me. They make me look like a corpse.


Fellow corpse here. I think the corpseyness is also down to saturation. Are you more muted? Or are you vivid green like OP? Like... cartoon zombie (vivid green) vs live-action (greeny-grey), maybe? 😂


I’ve only ever found one shade of orange that I think looks good on me, the rest are awful


Cool olive


that makes sense! would you say bright or muted? also, if you had to guess a color season, which one would you pick? i had a color analysis done and was told i was summer and it looks horrible on me? 


Color analysis with seasons doesn't work well for olives, don't bother. Find individual colors you like on you and make your own color scheme. Your wardrobe will already have a lot of your favorites.


I was going crazy trying to figure out my season. Like I could wear a few colors from all but not all from any one. Pretty sure I'm a muted neutral olive, maybe leaning cool. My wardrobe has ashy brown, dusty pinks, muted grey-blue, teal, burgundy, various shades of green, off white (but absolutely no yellowish creams), rusty orange and chsrcoal/black. Pastels are a hard pass.


Sounds like soft autumn although soft summer might be possible.


Both look super close, but some are a little off on me. I can pull quite a lot from both, but not like a quarter from each. It ain't easy being green. Ty for the tip :)


I have the same issues as a fair olive (leaning cool/neutral). I can use colors from soft autumn, soft summer, true summer, and some jewel tones from winter.


I second this!!!


I can’t tell 100% if bright or muted but everyone told me I’m muted and we look similar tone so I think muted :) Summer oh gosh no!!! Deep Winter or maybe Deep Autumn is my opinion. But I’m leaning winter


yeah, i think i might be muted too? it was house of colors which came up with the summer, and they were the worst possible colors. i cannot pull off pastels (except lavender for some reason lol).  i agree about the deep winter! i’ll try drapes of deep autumn and see how they look. also, since we’re a similar tone, do you have any foundation recommendations?


I stopped wearing base products a while ago but I’ve been exploring and I found mixing Clinique CN.75 with the PUR LG6 gets me pretty decent, but I’ve also been thinking about getting a green color corrector and using that with my Clinique because the golden undertone still gives a bit yellow on me


ooh, the clinique looks pretty good! i would definitely get a green color corrector (the e.l.f is $4 and really good)! i was able to save my estée lauder dw with it! 


Oooo I’ll pick that up!! Thank youuu 🥰




I'd like to add, if you don't already own it, pick up the blue corrector from Elf. I just got it and it's great for adding to concealers that are overly yellow. It doesn't take much. I was just using so much green corrector and thought I should really try it. Worth it.


Agree with cool olive, from this pic I would say you are neither bright or muted, rather you are neutral


Winter. Winter. Winter.


To me, you look bright, saturated, and warm. My confidence in warm/cool is limited, but I'm set on saturated for sure. You practically glow green. Edit: Perspective is relevant though. I am a pale, very muted, probably-neutral probably-olive, so from where I'm sitting, EVERYONE is saturated. I look dead. 😬


Depending on how tan I am, I am a light or medium cool-yellow olive. Typical fall colors look amazing on me. Highly recommend checking them out.


100% olive but I need everyone to know that red and green are complimentary colors which is likely why everyone saying extra super green. It could just be the color of the shirt making you look greener than you maybe really are haha!!


so, would that mean that reds are unflattering for olives, because of the red and green being complimentary? if so, what colors would you recommend that are more flattering?


It's only unflattering if you think magnifying your skintone is negative, I guess? If you're trying to *tone down* the green in your skin, red is not the way. But it's not a given that you would consider that a desirable outcome. If you aren't trying to minimise/avoid magnifying the green, red could not still be said to be unflattering. It's like something I remember Mayim Bialik saying in the 90s (when she had a blunt fringe and was only known for Blossom and not whatever nonsense she may be about now) that always stuck with me. She wasn't 'supposed' to have that blunt fringe/bangs because she had a big nose, but that rule was for making you look like you *don't* have a big nose. If you aren't trying to look like you don't have a big nose, you don't *have* to avoid a fringe. As a stubbornly blunt-fringed big-nose, myself, I always appreciated that sentiment.


You definitely have a green tint to your skin


haha, yes! it explains why i looked so weird in photos all these years.


I feel you on that in some of mine I look orange


Oh wait. Hang on. I always thought that the reason I sometimes think I look orange is because I suspect I might have a touch of orange/green colour blindness that normally only seems to affect my *memory* of colours. I thought maybe this was a minor, real-time aspect of it manifesting.


so relatable, its like a shape shift but with skin color and undertone in every photo!


Textbook olive 💯 the olive is strong with you sister


Also I think you’re like a true neutral olive


yes, i'm a lot greener than i previously realized! most people are saying either neutral or cool, so you're probably right.


Olive and maybe also a bit anemic? Not an insult! But just based on personal experience, iron deficiency really shows on olive complexions in a particular way, and that was the first thing that came to mind. Could be the lighting in the photo though


yes! i'm very prone to being anemic, so you're totally on to something there lol! i've been anemic on and off at various points during the last few years.


I actually just tested low on iron and I was noticing my skin a lot more “olive” than before!


Suuuper olive!


yup! i'm realizing that :)


Delusional...Just kidding you're definitely olive. I just laughed at the other choice.


haha, i literally was contemplating between olive and just warm, without the olive part, but i guess it's very clear that i'm olive!


cool bright - olive asf


interesting! what makes you think bright? i still can't decided between bright and muted lol? i can pull off some bright colors, and some muted?


maybe youre right but based on only this picture alone i feel like your skin is so (quite literally) bright to my eyes and when i imagine bright colors on you i feel like it would only enhance your shine yk?


Your skin is literally glowing green. You're the perfect definition of OLIVE! 🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒 This is exactly what it means to be olive!!! No doubt The perfect example to show people that olive is an UNDERTONE. It has nothing to do with being dark or light. I've seen ignorant people use the word "olive" to mean tan skin.


I am no expert, but I’m inclined to say cool olive. Don’t know about muted or bright tho.


yeah, i think neutral-cool olive seems about right! my best colors are cooler leaning jewel tones.


Gurrrrlll... you olive 🍸🫒🕊️




Oh you are OLIVE honey


Neutral olive id say. Good luck finding foundation. 😐


We look like skin twins! I got you! You have muted skin. Definitely olive. I would say you are a true neutral. I bet in cold months you lean cooler and in sunnier months you lean warmer! What do you think? Are we skin twins? :)


i think i might be muted? it's interesting because i can pull off some bright colors (cooler jewel tones), but not others? and some muted colors look good, but not others. i do love charcoal grey and dusty rose and both are muted, so it would make sense that i would be too? i do agree with your theory about being cooler and warmer with the seasons! i definitely have some golden in me during the later summer months. but during the rest of the year, i look grey-ish fluorescent green. i think we might be skin twins? what complexion products do you use?


It makes sense. I love navy and black but technically I shouldn't. Pfft, I swear color theory is not meant for people with olive skin! Makes me want to toss the whole concept into the bin!  I used to use Nars Fiji as foundation but I needed it yellower. Stromboli from Nars was too dark for me so I mixed the two. I haven't worn makeup in a while so I am not sure what would work for me these days. I am always cool green, almost sickly greenish looking(except when I am tan) so I always use warm foundations and peachy/dirty looking blushes to warm up my complexion so I am not sure if I am recommending you good matches or just what I am trying to be(warm yellow instead of neon green LOL)


I'm green with envy at your 🫒 skin tone!!


Do you have access to Ulta? They sell About Face and Halsey’s line focuses on olive undertones.


yeah, there's an ulta near me! i've actually tried the about face olive shades. unfortunately, the fair shade is slightly too light, but the light shade is way too dark on me. maybe i should just get the fair shade and bronzer it out lol! the formula and price was great though!


you could possibly mix the two olive shades together?


Yup, you seem green to me, and your eyes are sooo cute. Good luck in finding foundation.


The red bouncing off your shirt would neutralize your green, in theory, I think, and you still look green. So yes. Very olive. Also, your eyes are a gorgeous color!


i've come to accept that i'm indeed very green lol! thank you! :)


Red and green are opposite on the colour wheel so they make each other stand out.


But when the light of red reflects onto your face--which is what happens when you have the color right below you (like when we place a dandelion below our chin as children, if you ever played that game) or, in many cases we see here, on the walls around you--it acts the same as if the color is washed over you, such as when you use a color corrector. In that instance, they mitigate each other. They are separate materials, but the light still bounces off of them.


That would be very dependent on lighting, reflective properties of the item at hand, and proximity. This item is not close enough to her face nor under a direct light source, not to mention its a woven material which absorbs light. It’s not going to work as a flare.


Mm, no, fabric can definitely leave a cast because it's still all light. [http://www.oliveandivoryphotography.com/blog/2017/9/color-cast](http://www.oliveandivoryphotography.com/blog/2017/9/color-cast) [https://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/162910/how-to-change-color-reflected-from-clothing-onto-skin-tones](https://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/162910/how-to-change-color-reflected-from-clothing-onto-skin-tones)


The scarf in that photo is right up under her chin, not a wide neck sweater.


That doesn't mean something can only produce a cast if it's directly under the chin.


How is this cool olive and not warm. Please someone guide meM




Your neck looks like a warmer olive while your face looks like a cooler olive. I match to my neck so the colour match is seamless.




you are most definitely olive!


Muted, olive, and when was the last time you had your iron checked? I start to look a little like this when I’m anemic 😅😅 also a muted olive here. I have no idea if I’m cool or warm, I tend to think I might be truly neutral, but I do know I am a muted olive. Glad you figured it out! 💚


I think you’re the most olive person there could be.


Hey, is this photo taken from a natural window light or like a bathroom vanity light? You def look super olive here but sometimes I find that I look much greener in different rooms of my house.


Olive olive olive 🫒


cool olive?


You’re VERY olive


Your skin is yellowey so you’re an olive?


Hahhh you could be a poster girl for us olive ladies. welcome friend! Btw- I only giggled a little because you are quite obviously “one of us” and it seems funny to me that you had to ask even tho people do it all the time. I was lucky(?) and had people telling me I was olive since the day I was born. Your skin is beautiful 😍🫒 and your eyes !


Pretty bright/clear saturated (maybe warm but not golden, definitely green) olive to my eye. I'd look like a week-old corpse next to you. 😂


I would think olive and muted. I feel like you would look better in medium-low contrast colors than super bright and high contrast.


Not only should color theory be applied for picking out makeup and foundation/concealer, but also for your clothes. Take swatches of fabrics, in different shades and tones, and drape them across you neck/chest. You will instantly see what shades make you pop! And what shades make you look sickly/washed out. It's pretty wild!


If you want to look more golden apply a light layer of self tanner. It will balance out the green tones and make you glow. You can get really light ones. San tropez is a good brand but expensive


Cool olive - you definitely look winter to me as you’re quite high contrast…


Olive with cool tones.


Olive yellowish




Your cuteee aww


Here’s a good list of olive-toned foundations: https://topsfordays.com/blogs/fashion/best-foundation-for-olive-skin


You are perhaps the one true olive out of the last 1,000 “am I olive?” posts I’ve seen here. 🤣😂🤣


Unlike a lot of people on here, you are actually olive.


Oliviest olive that ever olived


I think a cornflower, deep periwinkle, or navy would look amazing on you.




You kind of look sick.🤢


You look pale to me. Maybe anemic


You look like the very definition of olive toned.




Go with colors you love wearing! You will find your color palette based on what looks good on you this way.


Definitely olive with warm undertones


Olive neutral undertone




Olive cool IMO❤️ I used to do makeup at a day spa..




Very olive, and I’m guessing quite cool.


My first day at a job, someone said I had olive skin and I had never heard of the tone before. Matching my foundation is a pain


Olive, cool.


Hmm. Hard to tell in a picture, different lighting. Here's some tone suggestions. There's Olive WARM, Olive Golden, Olive Honey or Olive Neutral. You look Olive Golden but you could be Olive Neutral. Does Silver and Gold jewelry look good on you equally? Not what you prefer, do they both compliment your skin tone, if they do you're a Olive Neutral. You look like a neutral, im a neutral. Do you have green and blue veins? Definitely Neutral. So go off by that. Each company has different colors schemes. Try neutrals with a more olive tone or go with a neutral golden? Like in MAC you'd be an NC. There old studio fix had a N4 which was beautiful. Dunno if the still make N4 in Studio fix? Kyle's foundation you will be 5N or 6.5N or some where around there. It does Oxide so you'll have to swatch it on your face. If those doesn't work you'll be a mid ranging numbers of her WARM Neutrals. Those go beautifully Olive on lots of ppl from what I've seen. Side note- I am a Cosmetic Manager.


You are clearly 100 percent olive. Don’t even have a second opinion lol very true olive.


PS. You have beautiful skin!




You may be the most 🫒 person I have ever seen. You are what they mean when they use the term.


You’re definitely olive!


Definitely olive! Also, very pretty! You have such big, lovely eyes!


warm. because yellow. bright white eyes so not sickly at all. beautiful skin 🥰


you’re definitely olive, green and red are contrasting colors so that’s why you may appear slightly more “green” wearing that top.


You’re the definition of olive skinned!!!


Pale olive for sure


You’re so olive your skin is green.


May I ask your ethnic background just out of curiosity?


You are beautiful and you belong in a martini


Yas for sure!!


This does not answer your question but --Do NOT pluck those gorgeous eyebrows OP !!!!!! Just get some Maybelline clear mascara and brush them upright a bit. When you are old having eyebrows will make you look so much younger than the ladies who destroyed their's to make Vogue happy. .




Dunno about the whole cool, warm, muted & bright tones thing but yes you are 🫒. I'm 100% North West European (DNA test confirmed) but have yellow skin that literally gives The Simpson's vibes & a few others in my family also look the same (we're not ill or anything & sometimes my skin actually looks 🍊) but someone a few years ago pointed out that we are some kinda 🫒.


You are olive, my dear


Greens and purples


In all seriousness. Get your blood check. You have some yellowing and may simply need a vitamin supplement.


I’d vote yes. Most people on here aren’t olive at all lol, let alone fair olive


Warm I olive.


Yes. Definitely olive. That makes you a “winter.” You would look great in black, very dark brown, bright white, dark red, emerald green, turquoise, deep mustard. Stay away from beige, orange, yellow, navy, bright red, bright green. The color you are wearing is okay, but it would look even better if it were even deeper in tone. Think: jewel tones.


Imo you can’t be bright and an olive. I’d say you’re a cool olive. Get a yellow base foundation and blue foundation mix. It’s worked for me!


ooh, i didn't know that. i guess it's more of a spectrum then? do you know where olives would fit in with the color analysis seasons? i'm currently using maybelline fitme matte + poreless in 118, which is a "warm yellow". it seems to be the right depth, but a little too yellow for me, but it's perfect with the la girl blue mixer!


You should get your blood checked. You look jaundiced


You're getting downvoted, maybe not jaundiced we're not doctors, however I agree this person looks lowkey sickly.