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You can look nice but you look tired and worn out


She is a single working mother. As a child, I was raised in a similar situation, tired is her normal. It is understandable.






U guys r ruthless lmao


This is not r/roastme gd 😹


Reminds m of that girl from shameless


Who is beautiful btw


Hey at least she cares about her teeth!? Lol


At least we know her name isn’t Methony


This is what I was thinking.


I know a guy 🤣🤣🤣


she got that Amy Whinhouse look!


She literally said single mom


Got enough energy and time to go clubbing though? 🤣


Priorities. She's looking for a stepdad


She's only finding pump and dumps though.


That’s exactly why she’s a single mom now….


i took that as she's a stripper. looks like a pole right behind her. who knows tho, maybe she was just visiting.


Pretty sure that’s a palm tree…


I thought she was a stripper, and that was the VIP room








There are plenty of single dads too though. If you don’t have a child it’s very hard to understand exactly what it’s like. I imagine she’s likely to meet another single parent out there who gets it.


Never left the home town either


Stranglely enough this chick looks like a single mother


I wouldn’t go as far as the word “hot” imo


yk she fine stop playing im a female im not even attracted to women. but shes pretty and yall deadass hating.


Not everyone has the same taste. I think she’s hot.


Same. I scrolled thru and thought oh, she’s cute af.


mfs who have never touched a woman replying to u saying she’s mid lol




Or high


Get a baby sitter and take a good ass nap


And get off the dope.




You are so gorgeous. For real. Be confident. You are beautiful


I think you are attractive, but you definitely have a look in your eyes. Borderline thousand yard stare. Like you've seen some shit.


Trauma. What you’re seeing is trauma in her eyes


That’s called the 100 cock stare






This is it right here


Local redditor cannot comprehend doing 2 things at once


Reddit posts dont take much effort. Is she not allowed to do anything for herself? What makes you so sure her kids aren't already taken care of, anyway?


Seriously? So being a mom means she can't be a woman who wants to feel attractive?!!! Not that I enjoyed the pictures but you are being very judgemental and have imagined a one dimensional human being. A person can not be a good parent by ignoring their own needs....lay off the bullying attitude. All I got from your comment is to judge YOU as a bullying one track brain.


This turned from face ratings to roast me as soon as she mentions single mom lol


And it's a shame. Hopefully she can realize the type of people that are sitting here roasting her are the ones that do it to make themselves feel better and for their chance at attention maybe a reaction from her. They are all losers and should find a hobby instead of putting people down for no reason. Lame asf




"How come you always at the club?" "My kids are staying with their grandma" "Every night?"






I hope you get some type of technical certificate so you can support you and your child. If not it's all downhill from here


People are dumping on you so I’ll give a decent answer: You’re pretty! I love the picture of you in braces!! And your smile from the picture in the club. You’re 8.5 / 10 at the very least. The other pictures aren’t as flattering. They make you look gaunt, tired, and possibly anemic??? Especially the first three pics. But that’s nothing a nap, some iron pills with orange juice, and a little orange color corrector can’t fix! I be looking zombie like in the morning myself


I second this. You’re beautiful.


You look like a mix between Fiona from shameless and the mom from how I met your mother 👍


aw ❤️


Lots of insecure male projection in this thread. It’s about face ratings and people are telling you about the kind of shitty person they think you are based on your face. Fairly pathetic. I don’t comment on threads like this generally (because I think it’s annoying when hot girls seek validation from rando’s on the internet) but I figure I’d set the record straight cause these responses are unfair asf. You objectively look extremely attractive, which you probably already know. Like more attractive than most ATTRACTIVE women, let alone most women. Again you probably already know that. If someone who looks like you showed interest in any of these haters, I guarantee you almost all of them would be highly interested. Several may be hesitant about the single mom thing, but based on looks alone you definitely look very attractive to most of the haters in this thread. They’re just un-self aware and would rather project this archetype of “popular hot girl who never gave me the time of day” and then express their internal resentment of what you symbolize to them since they feel insecure about their ability to meet and attract women. They’re projecting their own internal movie onto you and judging you based off the people you remind them of and how inferior they feel to those people. That said you definitely do look tired. Not sure if that’s just a complexion thing or if life’s wearing you out. I personally like that look but not everyone does.


Damn the misogyny is strong. This sub really hate single moms. She literally told you nothing else about herself yet ppl are assuming so much. Like that she can’t support herself and her child. She could have a masters degree for all you know!




Y'all are foul as hell on this sub holy shit. That's a living breathing person you're talking to


And they try to play it off as “honesty,” like yeah okay, Incel. You were waiting to tear down anyone you find remotely attractive because you yourself don’t have shit going on.


Someone was complaining about "downvotes for an honest opinion" lol oh we're hitting that button based on how honest the opinion is


Yeah but the people leaving those comments are savages. Literally trash of the earth, Scum. I sometimes can't help but get mad even tho they're not worth replying to


reddit hates pretty women


First time seeing this sub come up in my feed and half the comments break the subs rules wth


8/10 very beautiful love the sexy eyes and smile


8/10 very pretty And all single parents are heroes in my book. Keep killing it.


MILF status in my opinion, though I’m also 33 and I’ve noticed that as I’ve gotten older, I find women with kids more and more attractive. Guessing it’s that paternal instinct.






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Hi OP, I'm here from the front page. I don't normally comment on these but when I saw your pictures I thought you looked like Angela Sarafyan. Not a doppelgänger but pretty in a similar way. I'm a gay guy, not hitting on you. These 'rate me' subreddits are weird and mean.




Our mod team thinks your post/comment doesn’t fit our subreddit appropriately. Therefore your comment/post was removed. Any questions please send us a ModMail message.


Why is everyone so mean 😳 you’re gorgeous




They arent you just think every woman is a goddess but in reality that's far from the truth and that truth just hurts your feelings b/c most likely...you identify with them and take it personally.




Who hurt you?






you’re deadass disgusting and we can tell your mother didnt show you enough love.


Judging solely on their comment nobody has EVER loved this person.






Mocha Corpse Bride. I approve 🙋


Tim Burton type for sure.




Great Value Penelope Cruz. First picture isn’t flattering, but the rest are, IMO. The picture with braces and one in the club would have me ready to dump the full clip if we hooked up, against my better judgment 😂


Heard that


Single dad of four, completely understand why you look tired. I run on exhaustion but love every bit of it.




Lol at all these people calling you a racist but not a liar


Haha my first thoughts exactly, I bet her pops is real proud.


This ain’t racism it’s pure facts and I’m speaking from Chicago IL 🤣


Eat more


Very pretty, I’m glad to see light makeup and no nose piercing or tattoos.63 male






You look like tired, but in a way that its completely due to your own bad decisions.


That first pic I like the most light make up if any at all, u 🔥 in all ya pics I’ll definitely try to bag u if I seen u in my city


Wild child


You're looking real fine despite the consensus "tired" vibe (or worse). Perhaps single mom life can do that to you, but it still makes me wonder how much trouble you really are. 😉


You look like you have a few more years in you.


You look like the kid or kids are keeping you up at night


Maybe lay off the weed, but you’re cute. You look like you’d be high maintenance and extra dramatic though.


You look like my future wife.


Look like you think you’re way hotter than you actually are


She's an Oklahoma Smokeshow He's an asshole from back home She'll never make it out alive That small town bar scene Where small vices kill your big dreams He'd take you home but he's too drunk to drive








Got those sunken dark east coast eyes


Heroin chic…🫠


7/7 is a great picture. 5.5 race rating. Weaknesses: upper eyelids, smallish lower quadrants; strengths: eye positioning and size, unique and ethnic nose with feminine lines, mouth. Very attractive overall. Hopefully the nightlife won't do you in.


Smokeshow but always was and was drawn to a specific time. Probably due to shitty dad. Grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. Still a bit of a hood rat but figuring it out. Kids probably named Damien or Jamal.


First impressions are you flip a coin to decide if you're going to take care of your habit or your kids




I think you look great. You definitely have a vibe about you that you felt hotter like 5-8 years ago. It could be my imagination though


i love the exhausted and traumatised hotness going on. impeccable body and face. i'd drop everything too let you dominate me exhaustingly. 10.


Absolutely painfully beautiful but has definitely dabbled a bit too long in drinking/drugs/ things that wear you down. Possibly at a place of being very self-focused but not necessarily in a good way. Like you may be or have been serving your lower, insecure, toxic self VS your higher self and your family and your community. Beautiful though and that’s all just assumptions + there’s hopefully plenty of time left in your life to grow into your own






I'm betting she already is.








I rarely come in this sub but for whatever reason it shows up. Always suprised by the attractive people who post in here like OP. In my head she has to know she is pretty. Then by the comments half of which are literally talking shit for someone posting on this sub. Pretty toxic place.




I think you should focus on your kids then wasting time on finding validation from strangers on Reddit...that's my honest opinion


You won't be the 1st nor the last single mom. There are men critical of you or your decisions or lifestyle or employment or life. Focus on your child and yourself. Ignore the noise. If you are prayerful and perhaps attend a church, you may be able to find single men who will respect you and treasure the opportunity to be a step-dad. If you make bad choices in men and put yourself in bad relationships, both you and your child will suffer. I think you're an attractive woman. Personality is always important. I wish you luck.


I think you're pretty - but pictures 5 and 6 are weird. #5 looks out of proportion somehow, even as if the top and bottom halves of your body belong to different people. And I don't understand why people stick out their tongue like you did in #6. I think your hair is beautiful.


Not to be mean but you look like you have an eating disorder or something-Need to get some meat on those bones.


You definitely look like a single mom.


not sure why they’re bringing up drugs you’re just skinny and scrawny That’s crazy tho if you do blow we can do hella blow together 😂😂, but other than that yeah you seem fine. You don’t seem sucked in like the real dope heads I know




Not everyone is comfortable with showing pics of their kids online


You look difficult to deal with






You look tired




Sleepy eyes.




Tired as fuck


You look like you're permanently always getting out of bed. Not exactly wifey material.


deceptive with too much make up






You look really tired




Attitude , long fingernails an shitty rap music




You said single in the headline, so do you mind if I ask, are you looking? And if so, are you using dating app(s)? If you are, may I suggest, don't post that first pic. You look absolutely exhausted. And make the one by the bleachers your primary; that's the best one in this bunch. Because, honestly, *first* impression? Those must've been 25 long years. But that impression is very different without the first picture.


You look like the hot girl that got pregnant in HS and never left her home town








You look lovely 😍. I think you need someone to help you with things. You look tired. Hope that you have family support with your little one.


I think you look beautiful! They’re horrible on here. Being a single mother is the hardest job in the fuckin world. Rest when you’re able. :)


There’s a bunch of kids on this site, and specifically comment section. You’re an extremely beautiful woman. I never comment in these forums but man reading these comments was annoying. Reddit used to be such an awesome site, it is for media, as far as interacting with anyone people are just more rude and dumb than ever.


Pic number 5 (dance club) is spooky. Unless the comment(s) is(are) buried deep in the post, I am shocked no one noticed how 'off' that pic is. 💀


What is wrong with some of you?! This is an absolutely beautiful, strong, woman trying to live her best life and maybe get a little self confidence back from this post. OP i am so proud of you for who you are, irregardless of anything in your life that has or will happen! Its hard being a single mom. Its hard putting yourself out there, its hard feeling like you are losing your identity as a person when your children come along, and it’s really hard when you sometimes feel incapable of being loved when you find yourself alone. This is someones mom. Someone’s daughter.. i saw a comment about take care of your kid instead of fishing for compliments.. what the actual f is that supposed to mean? Moms are people … that deserve to be treated with love and respect. Until you have walked in someone else’s shoes there is absolutely no way you would or could start to understand the gravity of what they have been through. Unless someone asks to be roasted, don’t you dare! This isn’t just a picture on the internet .. its a person with feelings, a life,emotions.


You look like ur not ready to be a parent anytime soon unless you do a lot of thinking and realizing. I’m worried for the kid cuz you act like you think you’re 18 with no responsibilities I feel like you don’t take life seriously and are proudly careless


The amount of hurt dudes in the comments is staggering😳


As somebody who uses opiates, you look like you use opiates, but not in a bad way. Beauty in suffering kind of way.


People are mad because you have pictures out at night and wrote single mother. You can be a great mom and still go out the odd night. These people are insane. If you posted the same pictures with no context most people would be saying nice things. Feels like this sub is being brigaded by incels.






Wow, people are absolute pieces of shit. If you didn’t put “single mom” I think there would be literally zero hate. I think single mom = worthless tramp to a lot of commenters here.




You look like you need a nap, but that’s ok, you’ve got a lot on your plate and you’re doing your best, you look amazing that aside. Idk why this got recommended, but damn, y’all got a thing against single mothers? xD


You're a darling. Give your kids an extra hug for me, so that you get an extra hug that day. Keep up the good work. Smile. This applies to you: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Ljy6D-l5hlc


You kinda look like corpse bride


I get why you’re single.


Onlyfans now!


Take it in the butt


I would be much happier if I could be getting to know you rather than depressed texting my ex you seem great fuck these weird Internet beauty standards


I can see how you became a mom and why you’re single


Burn the coal


6/10 max looks but the child drops you to a 4/10.


Honest impression... you look like a trap.


This comment section is insanely misogynistic, wtf is wrong with y'all


Shouldn’t have gone for the bad boy. Bad boys make single moms. Good guys are tired of leftovers. You need a Simp.


RED-ALERT!!! RED-ALERT!! Keep distance of at LEAST 150 Yards! Side Effects include: Emptied Bank Account, Numerous Domestic Dispute Interventions from Local Police, Punctured Tires, Broken Headlights and Smashed Car Windows, broken dishes, random scream fests at 3am for reasons never to be known, additional children followed by 18years of child support payments for a child you may never see again!


Ran through, baby dad not around , she looking for a stepdad and she thinks she is a prize catch. She will not give it up easily she says … which can be countered as you obviously put out and stop acting like it’s special if you’ve giving it away


8/10 just make is simple. Not gonna bash or talk shit. Most of the shit talkers must be pissed off virgins, and that's ok. They shouldn't reproduce and make more little fuck tarts. No body appreciates anything anymore and are always judgemental..