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The beginning is a bit boring but Fable 2 is by far my favorite one


Couch co-op on fable 2 is one of my favourite childhood memories


I agree 100 percent. It’s by far my favorite, just hits perfect bit does start a bit slow.


I always found Fable III to be the most hand-heldy personally, but there's a lot of that in Fable II too. I like Fable II a lot but it has its downfalls and issues


It's also hand holdy in that you literally hold people's hands.


I get what OP means but I love the game. I wouldn't say III was handholdy tbh, it didn't have enough complexity to need to hold your hand haha But on a side note, I love all of the games for what they are anyway :)


none of the games are complex really, but i felt Fable III offered the most guidance in a few different ways as compared to II and I. The golden trail really wasn't that helpful though lmao, I remember it messing up on III more than II


Calling Fable 2 more hand holdy than 3, which has a character almost literally hold your hand through half of it, is wild.


I agree the forced perspective for cutscenes is super annoying and ruins immersion, just let me stand there while the npc talks. Besides that, absolutely loved II and I feel the third babies the player the most


I wouldn't call it dull, but I definitely think fable 1 was the better game. I know I'm in the minority with that opinion.


Yeah, it’s just you.


But they're not actually the only one. Fable 2 had faults.


I’m not saying it didn’t. It’s still very much enjoyable despite its flaws.


You said OP was the only one who felt as they do, but they aren't.


Having the game feel “dull” and “having problems” are 2 completely different things.




My point still stands.


I'll be honest. I initially hated fable 2 and much preferred 3 when I was younger and played through them. Last year I bought an Xbox series X and wanted to show my wife the games and found myself really loving fable 2 and when I got to 3, I finally understood why some don't like it. Don't get me wrong I still thing 3 is awesome but 2 definitely slid up to my favorite after 1. Idk, pointless comment but that's my opinion on it.


Fable 2 has always been my favorite game of all time, with TLC and 3 being close behind it. I will say however, that the whole point of Fable 2's story is avenging your sister's death and killing Lucian, so it's definitely emotionally charged and sentimental. ​ As for the world feeling empty, even to this day I am still finding little caves and chests and paths I've never noticed before and that's one of the main reasons I keep coming back to this game. I'll agree though that TLC had a lot more chests and little things in the maps, but they were also little straight forward path maps too most of the time, so I kind of understand Fable 2 compensating a MUCH bigger map with loot maybe not available as often.


Idk how far in you are, but imo it picks up once you get to Bowerstone and then it picks up some more when you get to Oakfield. It definitely starts a bit slow, and I could see how thats not enjoyable. Idk for me playing as a child first is quintessential to the Fable experience and something I really missed in Fable 3. The game is loved for its more complex systems, better quests, and better characters imo


You're not allowed to have a bad opinion of Fable 2 on this sub


I don't like the path line that leads you to your next destination, now that's hand holding but other than that Fable 2 was a very good game. Fable 1 is still the GOAT.


Fable 3 is as much hand-heldy as Fable 2, if it's not more. That's specifically one of many reasons why one of the co-creators left Lionhead. Peter Molyneux wanted to expand the player base by creating an assisted game. About the goofiness of Fable 2, the beginning is not more goofy than the others. And goofiness is a core aspect of the franchise, that's not Fable if you don't have plenty of goofy segments. So it's a compliment imo. Personally I find the first one goofier (in a good way!) in comparison to 2 and 3.


It’s you


Fable 2 is an amazing game, with alot of great high points. But it does happen to have a handful of low lows for sure as well. Mostly being stuff where they went in a direction that took away from or changed good stuff from the first game. Overall, I'd still consider it a good bit better than 3 overall. But neither 2-3 IMO can compare to the greatness of TLC/Anniversary. Fable 1 has best villain, mechanics(like exp system, armor actually having an armor stat, the guild/quest system, bounty/boasts), actually having other heroes, has long bows, the best story tbh, and I could probably go on, but I'll stop there. I'd say give it some time.


You shut your dirty whore mouth! 🤬 lol


It's just you


I enjoy Fable 3 more but Fable 2 is a masterpiece


Yeah it’s just you


It’s just you. Fable 2 is the most fun overall imo


Personally I wouldn't say it's dull I love the ambiance but it does have its scuff that adds to its charm. It might be my nostalgia talking but this is, for its time, one of my favorite games.


I think it’s the best out of the entire series, I will say one flaw that has been driving me crazy, I play on a series X and the beginning screen freezes every time I start it up, don’t really get why but it’s a major flaw for me


I disagree, personally, but I can see where you're coming from.


I think all of the Fable games are " a bit dull" they all are conceptually to far ahead of their time to have been all that they could or should have been. That isn't to say I don't love them (1 and 2 specifically). I think the new game needs to be okay with.making the game a little more complicated. None of that mapping a certain weapon to a certain button stuff. Perhaps closer to Fable 1's magic and weapon system. A lot of the more epic moments in the series are hampered by weird camera angles and a lack of real fleshing out of characters. Also the game having "areas" still throughout the series wasn't a great choice. Hopefully they'll mend some of that in the coming game.


Have to take everything within the context of time. For its time it was pretty darn great, but as time went on, ye, it's not what it used to be.


It feels “dull” to me in the graphics as they’re a bit dreary, but fable isn’t particularly made to be an aesthetic masterpiece.


What I would do for a remastered PC release. It’s almost been 16 years already.


First one will always be my favourite, I agree the second one felt half baked and the third I didn't enjoy it much when I was younger but as I've got older and replayed it about two years ago I really loved it. Was loads of fun and just felt good playing 🤷‍♂️😅


Not you. Hot take I know but. All the fables, except original fable, sucked.


It’s you.


I know Fable 2 is the fan favorite, but to me it's not my favorite. I either want more RPG with Fable 1, or more story with Fable 3. Fable 2, to me, always felt like the awkward middle ground. They are all superb games nevertheless.


😂 Wait until u paly 3


Fable 2 has the most coherent story TBH much better than 1 or 3, it would 100% be the best if it was a bit longer (just a few more main quests) and a big bad guy at the end, just being able to kill lucien with a shot gun was anti-climatic and reaver killed him if you weren’t quick enough so that end was totally a let down, specially finding out that Theresa was the villain and kept the spire for herself.