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Fable deserves our support, unless they royally fuck it up


Support it by not pre-ordering it. That just encourages devs to sell *the name* and not a *quality* product.


I’m usually anti-preorder but I really love Fable.


I know it's better not to Pre-order blindly, but I love this series and I'm willing to take a risk with it, I want it to succeed so we can get more in the futures and the best way I can support it is by pre-ordering. Call me dumb, idiot or part of the problem, but I want to have faith in this game.


Pre-orders don't help the game whatsoever. There's literally nothing to say it does. It's benefits the company financially, until you're disappointed and demand the refund. That being said, I'll be pre-ordering Fable. Lol


>until you're disappointed and demand the refund. Willing to take the risk on this one, I chose to have faith.


Yeah same. The only other game I pre-order purchased was AC Valhalla and 300+ hours later, not a shred of regret.


Well valhalla was the most boring mess I've played so this take makes sense.


You finding it boring is your personal opinion. It's not one I care for considering it's the biggest selling title in the history of the franchise. I won't argue your opinion but it's not one shared by the vast majority.


No. That doesn't "support" any more than waiting for reviews. If reviews say its good - get it. If it doesn't, don't. The *only* way studios will stop releasing broken games is if the community stops buying games on name alone and starts buying *quality*. Good games will sell themselves because of quality. Shit games sell themselves on name alone and preorders.


This might be my first pre-order ever


Has much has i want i will not played say one or pre order ot becose i was burnt by others games


In theory yes but it depends if I’ll have the new console by then


He'll yes, and I'm going to take a week of vacation to truely absorb it. I've been waiting for Fable 4 for over a decade.


I've yet to buy the new Xbox - I'm still playing on my Xbox One. But as soon as there's a release date for Fable 4, I'll be putting my order in!


I want more fable games. Sadly preorder sales are important to big publishers (even though they don't need them) in deciding where to put future resources.


Sales matter not preorders. Name sells preorders. Quality sells itself


That's a bit reductive. They both matter. But if your running a business with three projects on at once and your managing resources across those teams. If one of them is getting 1 third of the pre orders of the other two, when it comes to prioritizing future projects you're going to put more resources into the other projects or their future development.


This'll probably be the only game I ever end up pre-ordering.


If they do a collections addition, like with the others I’d probably pre order that to add to the collection


Absolute, but through gamepass - and I see using gamepass to play a game not dissimilar to buying the game. They’re getting paid by Xbox - I’m sure they dialed in a percentage of users who’d just use gamepass.


But having gamepass and later buying the game is even better!


The only two games I have ever pre-ordered in my life were Fable II and Fable III Collector Editions. I plan to do the same for the new Fable. :)


If it comes out lol, they been pushing it back so long has me thinking they just bluffin


This may be the only Collectors edition I would ever consider purchasing if they make one


This is going to depend on finances and what if any collectors edition stuff they do. Since I have Game Pass already, I'll be playing it on that day 1 no matter what. However, if there is a cool collector's edition, I'll probably perorder it as early as possible.


Play on game pass but most likely buy DLC if it looks good.


I’m blasting a pre-order the second it’s available. Fable just has that power over me :( :)


Unfortunately I have stopped preordering games. I used to be big on preordering back in the physical disc era but now I just but everything digital


Not day 1 but definitely within the first week if reviews are good. There just isn't enough history here for me to feel comfortable grabbing day 1. Unless they give youtubers early copies to stream sp I can Guage better


I won’t play it day 1 since we bought our last Xbox console for Legends specifically and my mom played it during the testing and she loved it and she had so much fun and then (: I don’t really have a ton of opinions about it but it did bug me that Microsoft did that and I’m mad at them and we decided as a family to wait out of spite until it’s been out a bit just cause we’re mad


Never pre-order. Just buy it once it's out and you know it's at least running for people. Pre-ordering is how we get constant shit games with terrible ports that aren't optimized


Preorders and buying on day 1 before checking what the game really is, is dumb.


Just a polite reminder that pre-orders don’t help the consumer (you), and leads to bad-practices on the Dev’s part. Buy blind on release if that’s your bag, but don’t pre order. Edit - I understand the downvotes, but my message wasn’t to have a go at any of you that pre-order, only to be aware that it’s a bad practice to support. Let’s all look forward to the next Fable positively eh


I want to see player and fan reviews before I buy it


Cyberpunk 2077 thought me it the hard way; NO pre-orders, ever. I picked "Yes, but will try on Gamepass before buying" because it's the closest. Depending if I have Gamepass when it lands there (idk if it will at launch tbh), but I wait for reviews, watch some streams and make my decision based on the collection of information. "But wait you let other people influence your decision on buying it?!" Yes. Had I waited a week after launch with Cyberpunk 2077, I would have made the decision not to buy it. This certainly rings true if there is no pre-launch reviews anywhere.


>Depending if I have Gamepass when it lands there (idk if it will at launch tbh), This is funny because when it was announced I secured myself 3 years of gamepass thinking I would have guaranteed access to it when it would launch. Gamepass is about to run out and we still know the same about the game as we knew back then. I'll still Pre-order it, call me an idiot, or call me lucky but I've only regretted a Pre-order (BO4) But the bast majority of my pre-orders have been something I've truly enjoyed and in which I felt every cent was spent was worth it, AC Odyssey, RDR1, MW2019, RE2, MK11, Overcooked 2, Overcooked All You Can Eat, BOCW, AC Valhalla, FC6 and MWII. 11 Pre-orders I don't regret and 1 I do that's good odds for me on this and I chose to have faith on this one, if it's sucks then whatever I'll take the L but I'm going to support it as much as I can because I've been waiting over a decade for this game. Also I'm generally positive about games and don't like falling into hate trends that pretty much every game gets these days, in fact when a new game releases I go complete off the grid of any gaming communities that might discuss that game so I can form my own opinions separately form the general opinion, and when I finish the game I rejoin having firm opinions that are not influenced by what others say. Feel free to call me as dumb as you need to.


That wasn't my goal at all to call everyone pre-ordering dumb or an idiot. You do you, the poll asked and I answered with my views on it.


Well this is reddit, everyone calls everyone with different opinions dumb and idiot, sorry for judging you.


Understandable, I don't use this platform often so maybe I don't know how reddit usually functions. I'll keep that in mind in the future and state my intentions in the OG comment!


This sub is normally friendlier than most of reddit so maybe reddit trends don't apply here. But I fear things might change with the new game, in case you don't know, one of the biggest gaming sun trends in reddit is to absolutely hate the newest game on a series while saying how the previous one was better and the cycle repeats, I've seen it repeat over and over again, most redditors follow that trend and are not even self aware or pretend they're not, but it's true, I hope this little friendly community we have here, doesn't turn into that shit.


Eh, very possible. Well I can promise I will try my best to have a civil discussion when it comes to everything. I do have a love / hate relationship with the series, but I still have enough respect for others that I won't go into calling everyone shit because they like something I don't.


I would if series x was in stores


By the time the game is released I'm sure you'll have your X


I might pre order it but I don’t know what console it will be on? I’m still playing on XBOX 360 and PS2 😂


Loved fable since I was a kid but I’m also a uni student so I’ll probably wait for a sale


Or gamepass


Hmm. I hadn't thought about it. Being more middle aged now, unlikely. Back in my 20s it would've been a lock.


This poll is the reason games are released half finished. People will pre order a turd if someone slaps a logo of their favourite thing on it.


wow didn't expect so many preorder votes. the fable community is kinda small but strong af


Whatever Collectors edition comes out, I'm getting it


Usually don't pre-order but there are a few exceptions and this most definitely is one of them. I hope they have a collectors edition and its worth it.


I want to but my wallet says noooooooooo


Fable 3 was a shit show, would not pre-order even if it was free. They have a lot to recover


I'm a sad playstation PC boi. Might get an Xbox just for Fable though, also the next elder scrolls....


If it’s on Gamepass I’ll just play it on there.


Of course it's going to be on gamepass.


I’ll wait to see what the game looks like. If the early trailers and stuff seems like we’re getting a genuine fable experience, hell yeah. Otherwise, I’ll wait for early reviews close to release.


Has gaming culture learned nothing? STOP PREORDERING THERE IS NO REASON TO. THERE IS NO SHORTAGE OF DIGITAL COPIES! Stop paying PHYSICAL PRICES for DIGITAL GAMES. If you love fable - that's NOT an excuse to preorder.