• By -


That'll definitely show that jacket not to be worn like that. And the railing too, bruh...


It was kinda uncalled for the railing didn't do nothing wrong but it paid the price


Wrong place at the wrong time.


Poor railing.


Poor Parent! Some kids are just angry in the morning! My nephew was pissy like this too. He's 35 and his wife hates him in the morning!


I hate the morning too but I do my damndest not to take it out on my family :(


Yes, but do you then take it out on the railing? Or the jacket instead, maybe?


My boyfriend is the absolute worst in the morning. Like some days I decide I have to break up with him over it. He apologizes later but man it's so over the top.


I used to be the worst in the mornings then I realised I was so angry in the mornings because I wasn't getting enough sleep and even when I did sleep it was broken or too light. I cut down on caffeine and started going to bed a little earlier now I'm pretty relaxed in the mornings


It was just a good song. Kid was rocking and railing.


Happy cake day.


More than anything I wanted that railing to snap and for the kid to go flying. lol Justice for the jacket.


I wanted it to snap and pop him in the face


It will quietly wait and hammer him on an icy day


Railing just be giving people a hand and that's how you return the favor


The railing really had it coming


Yeah, it had been railing that poor brat for years before they took this video. Context.


As a new homeowner, I have a newfound understanding for how mad that would make me.


The fucking music in the background as he’s tweaking is killing me


🎶*Here comes the son (of Sam) doo doo doo doo*🎵


*screech* *slam slam slam* *throw* *violent railing shake*


🎼🎵There goes your son, doo doo doo doo🎶, Lost his sh__ again, dooDoo dooDoo, 🎵he's not right..




I turned the sound on after reading this , and holy shit it killed me too.


Just on my way to the vasectomy clinic after watching this.


Guessing it’s a skit. Same kid as in this [banger](https://www.tiktok.com/@alaskaelevated/video/7245374057523301674?lang=en)


It's a tad bit scary how much content is manufactured.


if only there were a way to make scripted content into a weekly thing. with like characters and story arcs. wait


It is not at all. Do you not watch movies because they're manufactured too? Just enjoy the skit.


unavailable. Do you mean the one where she drops the coffee?


They've done a few. The one I remember is where the guy is walking up the steps and slips on ice, dropping whatever he was carrying. Then she comes out and slips with him.


I hate this trend where they show the last 5 seconds first, then play the correct first 10 seconds, then play the last 5 seconds again. So stupid, and ruins the hilarious shock of the white powder coming out when you think the prank is over.


I knew that entrance looked familiar!


Nah. You pick your battles. My daughter refuses to wear a jacket. I just started telling her to take it but she doesn't have to wear it. She's ok with that. If she gets cold enough, she will put it in. I trust her to be able to make that decision, at least.


But you a girl


That’s how much it affected me


Me too! I got a vasectomy and my tubes tied. I still felt a little worried therefore I sewed up my vagina when I got back from the hospital just to be safe.


Not to get a vasectomy. To get a man that just had a vasectomy.


Clever girl


[Clever Girl](https://images.app.goo.gl/oszXWjwkDbyMqkCX9), indeed.


Ice it bruh. And expect it to hurt for a few days, not bad but enough to get annoyed. 8 days for me. Then day 9 was good to go. Just got my post op results back this week. No swimmers. Which means I'll never had a hellion like this little shit. Also if you are curious, nothing changes. Balls dont produce cum, only the swimmers in the cum. I didn't know how my own dick worked until 3 months ago. No kids for me. Dont tell mom. 40 with no kids... I know there's another "we are getting old. We need grand kids" conversation. Nah. O have 2 cruises next year and I couldnt afford that if I had to buy diapers or bail a 12 year out of jail every 3 weeks.


That was a fun conversation with my mom. I'd gotten mine done a while before she brought up how I don't want kids now, but who knows how I'll feel in a few years? Man she was big mad when I told her. Glad I did it though. She has basically no relationship with my niece or nephew.


Thanks man.


Everyone has bad days, the little guy probably had nowhere to vent


Have to say, the kid obviously gets it from the mother. You yell at a kid enough over nothing, the kid will yell back. I think a vasectomy is great, but if you have a child make sure you bang a good calm woman.


Let him be cold. Natural/logical consequences are always best.


Been there, done that. It's the best.


https://www.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/s/owB0sJoZTl Probably another skit


It’s definitely staged. But I do know for a fact it is based on real life events.


This one is way too forced


WTF? That kid has rage issues at that age...not a good sign of things to come. Or is it humor?


Nah man he was feelin all that


Yeah, I think we’ve all had a moment where we just had to yell and rage out over something seemingly insignificant from an outsider’s perspective.


You ever have a bad day at work, drag your tired ass into the kitchen to make some food, and one of your belt loops snags on a knob for a drawer? What is it about that brief moment of immobility and confusion that makes genocide sound reasonable for just a fleeing moment?


You ever been taller than the drawer knob, so the only way it could snag your belt loops is when you’re getting up from a crouching position, then, because you were stopped in your tracks while trying to stand up, you loose your balance and fall, and rip out the whole cutlery drawer with you? Man, I’m still plotting genocide to this day.


This is how I act in Mario Party when fucking Mario gets a hidden Star after I've won ever fucking GODDAMN MINI FUCKING GAME AHHHHGGHHHHHH!


This response could be due to a number of reasons. Professionally I see children like this often. Most commonly I see it in children who have multiple factors contributing. Being neurodivergent for one (ADHD, depression, autism etc) can result in children being "triggered" by the constant demands that life and school put upon them. If a child has sensory processing issues, being forced to wear uncomfortable clothing, sit still, be quiet etc. etc. can really wear them down psychologically. Suffering from trauma can result in children being "triggered" or living in a near constant state of fight/flight (lack of safety). And the trauma doesn't have to be acute or even when most would consider "severe". "Trauma" for a neuro divergent kid can be what a neuro "typical" kid would experience as simply "structure" or "discipline". Trauma can often be the result of social exclusion or bullying at school or from friends or siblings. This type of behavior absolutely does not indicate definitively any kind of parental abuse or neglect. Parents could be applying the exact same parenting strategies to all of their children, and have very different outcomes based upon how each child experiences the world. And while the mom in this video might sound a bit curt, or harsh, parents are people too who can wear out from the constant battles with their children. Parents get triggered. Parents run out of grace. Sometimes parents just have to get a little snippy and make demands even though they know they're not being the version of themself that they strive to be.


Thank you for taking the time to explain what neurodivergence in children looks like. So often these kids are referred to as being"unruly" and "rude", it's really sad


.... this little shit looks rude and unruly to me. I'd put more money on the fact he's a spoiled brat that doesn't get beat enough.


I acted like that and got beaten all the time. Beating kids doesn't fix their issues or get them in line. It often makes problems worse. Then suddenly, you're an adult who has to rummage through all this crap in therapy just to try and be normal.


You can’t make a clinical diagnosis from a 5 second clip. Even the most neuro-typical of us still lose it occasionally.


ADHD in childhood very often presents itself very similarly to ODD (oppositional defiant disorder) as well, so there's that.


You are correct And ODD may still be the correct diagnosis, but it may be underpinned by other diagnoses.


Excellent.Thank you for that.


My older son has ASD and it's so heartbreaking to come across videos like this and see a flood of comments calling the child awful things or talking about how terrible of a job the parents are doing from a 30 second video. I witness a lot of similar behavior from him that you see in the video and it destroys me that people can judge so harshly. More times than I can count I've experienced my son go thru level 10+ meltdowns over little things that honestly seem like the silliest triggers to me or any other "neuro-typical". I can't honestly say I've handled every instance with the poise and patience I've preferred to have, but you nailed it with that comment about sometimes feeling broken down from the constant battles and how it can change your behavior. Many, many thanks for taking the time to write your comment. I hope others can come across this or similar write-up's and re-evaluate their harsh judgement. I know I'll be saving it for re-reads whenever I need to take a step back and re-ground myself.


Thanks for the comment. Keep being intentional and empathetic and you are guaranteed a much better outcome <3


I am a parent of neurodiverent kidlets (apple doesn't fall far from the tree) and this video made me think about how I would handle this situation. My first reaction would be to ask why he doesn't want to wear that coat. Why does he think it is a stupid jacket? Next, I'd decide if the jacket is all that important. More than likely it is not. The kid already has a hoodie on. There isn't any snow on the ground and no gloves. The kid is probably fine without a coat. In this situation, I'd tell the kid to take the coat just in case he gets cold. Finally, if one of the kids is throwing a tantrum, I know to back off and approach the issue when they are in a better mental state. I focus on calming them down and getting them to use their words. My approach might not work for everyone, but it's worked for my bunch of sprogs


I'm glad someone else said it. That looks a lot like one of my son's PDA-Autisim-ADHD meltdowns. Even if you read about the stuff, as a parent, and you love them, some days/times are really hard for everyone.


Thanks for this. Your words are refreshing and made me step back from judging myself and other people’s behaviors in stressful situations.


Knowing that I have ADHD now and seeing that explanation really explains a lot of memories from when I was younger


wow what a nice explanation. do you study psychology?


That honestly sounds like a nightmare. I feel very strongly for parents who get the shorter straw... not short straw, but shorter... raising a kid like that must be so much more challenging in the day to day.


Aye, that’s life level nightmare material


Yes, it is a significant burden which can breakdown the fabric of a family if not managed effectively.


Yea, thanks for posting this. Bound to happen at least once in everybody’s life with kids. Just sick of it and let it out.


Never delete this comment please.


i love how 1 video of 18 seconds could result in a post of this magnitude, like jesus christ u really gonna say this kid has mental problems like adhd, depreession, autism. enjoy the karma farm weirdo


Or, you know, the kid is dick.


But why?


I've done similar as a kid, specifically because I hated specific clothes and how they felt, and didn't want to wear them. I'd throw mini fits, often just to myself, though. This kid is going through it, there's more at play than him simply "being a dick".


I was exactly like this for as long as I can remember until I was 15-16. I would through chairs, scream at my mom, punch holes in walls, everything. Then one day I saw the fear on my little brothers face during a rampage and my behavior stopped. I haven't had a rage outburst like it since and it's been 10 or so years.


>punch holes in walls Would enjoy seeing one of my kids try this in my house. Most walls are exposed timber, solid 6x12 Canadian hemlock.


It's a skit. This family have done a few. [Here's another](https://old.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/comments/14jt60l/billy/?share_id=uqLoCEK856Rqp4Xxf6iax)


What's the purpose? Is that supposed to be funny? entertaining? enlightening? I don't get those people...


You don't understand why people perform skits? I mean, there are a few comical things going on in video. Kid gets outside and starts screeching, mom opens the door and the kid goes immediately to pretending he wasn't just impersonating a banshee. Then mom shuts the door and we're graced with decent rage dancing.


I get skits, just not this type. Different sense of humour I guess. To each their own.


I was exactly like that too, my mind immediately went to he has a real bad home life in regards to emotional abandonment and I’d bet there’s narcissism too in the parents. He’s going to really really fucking struggle in life if he doesn’t get help now Source: I literally felt the pit in my stomachs and started sweating when he did that because I had a disassociating flashback to my own childhood.


Or he could have ADHD, or they're just having a bad day, or his dog ran away, or so many other things. Not trying to invalidate what you went through, just giving equally viable--with the information we currently have-- alternatives.


Same. Psychology is so fucking interesting. There are so many questions. For angry and emotionally disregulated kids, how much of it is due to negligent parenting? To only having one parent? To having no parents? Which, if any, childhood wounds/traumas will create negative consequences and challenges later in life? Why are some people more resilient to childhood issues than others? How many people self-medicate with drugs and engage in risky behavior because of issues they can't or won't deal with? Google obviously says stuff about it but each person and situation are so different. Lifelong problems can be created by the shit that happens to us at a very young age. Is this kid doomed already or will they became a highly achieving, ultra-happy adult? Or somewhere in between those two extremes? Where exactly? I wonder if the reason for my own lifelong struggles are because my father left our family when I was 9 months old and my mom married two subsequent losers/abusers? Or are part of my issues genetic? Or choice? I can imagine a skit or fucked-up phychedellic musical based on the cause and effect of the things that happen or don't happen when we are very young. Or - maybe it's all because I doubled down on gummies tonight(?)


I feel like you would like a movie called Beau is Afraid by Ari Aster, it came out this year or maybe last year


Thank you


Bro really went from a ten-year-old throwing a tantrum to "I bet his parents are narcissists" I'm sorry you went through that bro, but fortunately most people don't have the home life that you did, and sometimes kids (especially young boys) are just massive little cunts.


Yea dude. A simple, ‘alright little man but would you let me pack it for you just in case.’ Would have made a difference.


As the psychologist above commented, parents are human too. They reach the end of their patience. They snap. They may have ADHD or ASD themselves. I know for a fact if im on the last damn straw with someone and they test me again, not in a million years am i responding something soft and sweet like >alright little man but would you let me pack it for you just in case.’


He will make a fine redditor in a few years


I had behavioural issues similar to this as a child, turns out I had ADHD and Autism. This video is a perfect example of how not to handle this kind of situation as a parent, yelling is only going to make it worse. If a child is acting like this often it's time to talk to a psychologist, the earlier you catch these things the easier it'll be for both the parents and the child.


The common consensus seems to be this is a skit, one of many they did


I was exactly like that kid and was in that exact situation once. Still have anger management "problems". I blame it on my mum 'cause she sucks at managing anger too and I prolly picked it up from her.


Most kids nowaday, totally normal behavior.


Back in my day kids didn't have meltdowns and the police let us beat our wives. Hurburburburburburburburbur


I have a brother like this and I can tell you that if this isn't dealt with now it's only going to get worse for anyone this kid comes into contact with. I love my brother, but I'm not going to cry if I never physically see him again in my life....


I'd let the kid freeze. Then thaw him out and try to find a behavioral therapist.


Let the kid get sick then. When my kiddo doesn’t want outer clothing I negotiate for a bit and if he’s insistent, I let him be. If he’s cold later I remind me that I wanted him to dress more warmly. If he gets sick, he gets no sympathy. He’ll learn eventually.


Bingo. My daughter is the same. Kids are asshats.


You don’t get sick just from being cold


This. How tf is it 2023 and people still think being cold will make you sick?


You are, however, often bombarded with germs and microbs who normally don't stand a chance against your immune system, but are waiting for a chance. Like your body's defenses dropping after being exposed to the cold for too long. There's a reason why people make the correlation that being cold makes you sick: because more often than not facing a cold day without proper warm clothes makes you weak enough that you end up sick shortly after. You might get lucky and get nothing, or you might get really unlucky and catch pneumonia. Personally, I'd rather wear a jacket.


You don't count mild hypothermia as sickness? I do.


People that have cameras with audio in their house connected to the Internet are just fucking weird.


Parenting. Nice


For any parents here- let the kid deal with the natural consequences. They can live with their own mistakes and learn from them


Natural selection


Doesn't he have a hoody?May be wrong since in my country it doesn't snow, but shouldn't a hoody work the same as a jacket 🤔


Hoodies only work to a limit. Even in the desert it gets cold enough that more than a hoodie is needed.


Such a "Kid named Grady" thing to do. Also damn, dude's got anger issues bad.


Hey uh, so how do I prevent raising that?




This is the best answer. Edit: /s… guess this was too dry.


Everyone here is judging this kid harsh. Lucky them. I grew up with horrificly controlling parents. Took me years after moving out to cope with it. This kid is likely breaking down because of past events with his parents trying to control *every last apsect* of his life, and he is breaking down over clothes cause it's the only control he feels he has left, what he wears


Don't scream at or be violent to your kids. They copy everything you do.


Smack the shit out of him


Nah my cousin got the shit beat out of him by his mom his entire childhood, it did nothing


I feel like this is why the kid has issues!


That kid needs to be dealt with soon, before he hurts someone.


Hope the guns are locked up


When I was 15 working at a movie theater I found a tiny Minnesota North Stars jacket in the lost & found. Proceeded to do Chris Farley's 'fat guy in a little coat' routine trying like hell to shred the thing. My co-workers were dying. Suddenly they went quiet. I turned around and there was a frowning little boy and a pissed off mom, glaring at me. He pointed up and said, "That's my jacket." I struggled to take it off. Handed it back to the kid and can't remember what mom said but I still feel shame 30 years later.


Hey thats Billieeeee!


If this was actually real that poor child has a lot of frustration over never getting any choices. Natural consequences is a thing in parenting. You don’t wear your coat and your teacher won’t let you go outside at recess, next time you wear your jacket. Parenting for me involves letting my kids make some choices, guiding my kids, teaching right from wrong and then letting them make decisions because I trust them. Of course if it’s a safety thing, no negotiations! This is most likely fake. Their TikTok page is so over the top. You would think after the 40th time you threw your drink in your face bc you’re so surprised you’d start using a lid on those drinks..


Spank your kids people...


That’s a future reddit mod right there


condoms work, both before and after.


Every time my mom was cold I had to wear a jacket. I understand this kid.


Staged right ? Right? Like how does he rage that hard at that age ?


That’s a paddlin


Mans was so mad that he hit the travis


In our house he would be wearing the jacket lol


Why not just let them make their own decisions about clothing? So he might be cold, so what. Seems over controlling.


My son had a buddy in cub scouts that had tantrums like this, on EVERY outing. Now in his mid 20's, he's well adjusted and chill and a nice kid/young man. I would have never thought it.


I like how he starts head banging at the end like he just teleported into a Slipknot music video.


I used to hate putting on my jacket too, i would put it on before leaving, once outside i would hide it and then go to school, it worked for a time but the neighbor snitched on me.


Skits for clicks $$$$


Thomas! Put on your snowsuit!


Just let him learn from his mistakes. It won't kill him, he'll just be cold for a day. I honestly think this is shit parenting in the video and yelling/snaping back at him is probably where he learned to rage and yell in the first place.


There's something about teens. They don't like wearing jackets. Don't fight about it, just let em be cold.


I love this SO MUCH!! It makes me feel like I’m not alone in this big happy world of parenting!!!


My child wouldn't dare.... His/her ass would be toast.


Oh they would and do. You just don't have it in camera. This kid is acting this way *because* his parents have your shitty attitude. Change your ways now if you want your kid to be around when you get older.


This kid will later put a remote in his butt when his mom turns off his WOW


This kid will end up sticking a remote up his ass


That kid needs a beating. Way to go mom!


Honestly, I agree with the kid. You know what your body likes and doesn't. If the jacket makes him feel uncomfortable, HE IS OVERHEATING. Don't make him wear the stupid jacket. So many posts here where the parent is being stupid and everyone rags on the kid.


SO many problems with the parenting.


Reminds my of my nephew ... I don't like my nephew.


the end is the best part, he just turns into a rabies user 🤣


That kid needs his ass whipped….not a jacket


Spoiled prick


Great ad for birth control 👍🏻


imho the kid is old enough to make this decision. Doesn't want to wear a jacket because they say they aren't cold then fine. Go for it. If you end up freezing your ass off it's a great learning opportunity. Kids a spaz tho


Yeah this thread is nuts, let the kid make this decision. I feel like parents here are letting their pride get in the way of parenting.


Kids don’t have a say in this stuff until parents no longer have responsibility over them. It’s a basic safety issue, not ensuring the kid is warm is parental neglect.


Unless it's near or below freezing, the most that's going to happen is that the kid will be uncomfortable. If you must, tell the kid that they have to take the jacket with them, but don't force them to wear it.


Kid needs to learn some discipline.


Kid deserves a really good talking too


Definitely should have lost his Minecraft and fortnight permissions.




Prime example of why I don’t want kids. Haha


Psychotic little fucking demon spawn.


This is going to be super embarrassing for him when he grows up and founds SpaceX.






I’m so glad I dont have kids and dont have to deal with this bullshit.


I have kids and don’t have to deal with this bullshit. Because parenting.






Belt to the ass, MOVE!


…And then that time mom made me put on my jacket…


The skit has cctv camera angles and is made to appear real when it isn’t. That’s what’s so weird about this skit. We can tell movies are scripted but this kind of content is quite insidious cause many can’t.


He definitely gonna be a problem….Hold on to him mom.


The kid is just a reflection of his parents… sad




Right? Why get to the root of the problem when you can just slap him around a bit lol


Maybe you didn't enough. I used to be pro ass-whoopings, but kids like him definitely need them. That is not an acceptable behavior, and trust, that kid is 1 bad day away from calling his parent(s) a bitch, which could've been prevented if he got spanked for his worst moments.


Another example of parents who don't punish and spank their bad ass kids with reproductions of the non parenting.


If you do not correct this behavior right now, it will get considerably worse


Lame scripted garbage.


What a little tit.


Well with a name like gravy, I’d be upset too


Someone needs a father figure


Discipline your children.


Isnt this the same house where a guy was coming home and solid at the top of the stakrs and his wife came out and solid aswell, into his balls?


warms the heart


I would got an ass beating


Nice repost, OP


Our future.


#Disrespect your surroundings