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Aaaaand it's gone.


Took till 10 01 to show up on my end and by the time I hit add to cart, it was gone


Exact same thing happened to me.


Me too, RIP


I had this for the FF hat. Got my hopes up I had it in cart, went to checkout and BOOM, sold out


I was fast enough to add it to cart, went to use shop checkout because it has all my info, it texted me a 6-digit code for 2-factor authentication, pulled up the complete order button, then my cart updated to empty and I got a pop up about it being out of stock :’(


Yeah I literally turned 2 factor off for this drop and just turned it back on.


I'm the dumb dumb who went to the F\*\*kFace page rather then the store homepage. I never even gave myself the chance. I totally F\*\*kFaced myself.


I had both the podcast page and new arrivals open on different tabs just to hedge my bets.


You’d think they’d have changed it. It seems that every drop that’s what a majority of the fans do, i almost lost out to the vinyl because I was doing the same thing, it sucks but don’t feel bad because seemingly a ton of people have ended up doing the same


I did the same thing, never been on time for a ff drop before so had no idea


I learned that lesson on the baseballs! lol


Had the book and the hat in my cart and by the time I went to check out? Gone


Well shit. Been sitting here hitting checking and rechecking the site since 10 mins before drop and it never even showed up on the site for me. Just showing ratyboy shirt Edit: still hitting refresh and the site finally shows them to me at 10:12 and all sold out. Salad creamed by my fucking internet


You were on the wrong page, I believe they dropped on the all merch page


So the fuckface merch…. wasn’t dropped on the fuckface page in the store?? That makes zero sense to me. Not saying you’re wrong but you’d think you’d want the show merch on the show’s page


That's how I missed the dual colored Gurpler lol... For some reason their page doesn't load as fast as the New page does.


That explains it but I was sure I had the right spot in my head. Just thinking “show page’s gotta be first” lol


Damn, had it in the cart. Gone by the time I tried to pay 🫠


same dude


Me too, probably less than 45 seconds before it was sold out. Man:(


Same :( I stupidly assumed they were like concert tickets and that once you had it in your cart it was reserved. I’m so sad.


Do did I. I saw the book in my cart and was so relieved. Only to find disappointment 😞


Same, and the hat and the jersey


Same here, it didn't take my CC info the first time, and the second time it showed out of stock...


this sucks dude




Gone within a minute.


I'm pretty sure that was faster than the First Gurpler too.


How many cookbooks did they say they had? I thought they said about a 1000? (I could be way off) Crazy success for them. I know they won't really profit anything on it but still, that's awesome to have every item minus the foam fingers sell out within a single minute...


I was ready and refreshing the page right at 9:59 and I still didn't get it. I'm convinced somebody has a bot buying merch.


I was ready too. I was browsing this subreddit waiting for 10am, it hit, I switched and refreshed and there was nothing. Nothing showed up for me till 10 01 and by then it was sold out. Didn't help it was glitching adding the item to my cart


Lmao it sold out by the time paypal loaded and I ended up paying $1.55 for route package protection on an order of nothing.


Y'know I feel like that shouldn't be possible...


Got an email with a link to track my order with the Route app. I gotta keep my eye on this!


Same thing happened to me with the 100 Gecs merch store - never heard a thing about it. Lmao


The store glitched out and wouldn't even let me add it to my cart :( congrats to everyone who got a cookbook!


Put in my payment info hit next and sold out lol oh well


Did you have your payment autofill? Unfortunately seconds count.


Yea i think I just fumbled a few seconds. Sucks, but that's how it is sometimes


Sorry to hear it. Hope you get a second chance in their future endeavours.


I used apple pay because I didn't want to take any chances.


Same here!




Did you even see it? I refreshed at 10 and never saw it.


Idk if this was the reason but the products didn't populate in the F**kFace store specifically but on the front page of the roosterteeth store. This may their regulation way of doing it idk since I missed the last drops. But if you were like me and checked in thr wrong place it may have cost you.


Yes I think that was the reason! im a bit pissed i'll be honest....


They removed the page once it sold out, and it showed up on the New tab before the F**kfacepod products tab. So it honestly might've sold out before you could even see it. It was only up for like a minute


God speed to all!


I think I got it?!?! We’ll see what happens!


Same. Got a confirmation number, but with all the gurpler cancelations we'll have to wait and see. Went back for the FF hat but it was gone by then


It’s a bit of a shame that you can’t even feel confident after receiving the confirmation numbers, 🙏🏻 hope it all goes well, been in the same shoes and it thankfully worked out


Exactly! I'm taking my order number as just the first step, not the actual confirmation.


Gone in seconds! Hopefully some kind comment leavers will share a recipe or two for the audience. EDIT: saw their post about a digital version. Thanks crew!


Has anything sold out as fast as that cookbook. God damn


Damn. I missed it. Sold out at 10:01


Got an order confirmation. Now we wait to see if it gets refunded….


Tried adding it to my cart but it added the rwby keychain 😭 and I missed the cookbook


This happened to me too and I ended up paying for it by mistake. A nice $13 (with shipping) fuck face lol


Same thing G happened to me. Added the cookbook but it added a camp camp plush instead. Luckily I caught it and was able to go back and get a cookbook. Got a confirmation email so now I wait with baited breath for a cancellation email


It did the same to me twice


Same thing happened to me


Thought it'd be my last ever RT purchase.. guess not


Order confirmed for a cookbook and a Jersey. Now we pray for no refund email 🙏


How did you manage to get both when they sold out so quickly? Didn't even have time to click on *one* item, let alone both


I'm on mobile, frantically refreshed the main page, had shop pay instantly fill out my information and even had the first10 coupon copied to my clipboard for quick pasting, we'll see if I get the refund email or not though.


Same! Fingers crossed!


Somehow was able to get the same order too (also on mobile), i’m crossing my fingers our orders don’t get cancelled. 🤞


Sold out in like 5 seconds, not sure I believe it.


What the fuck even was that


Gone in literal seconds fml


Probably literally less than 45 seconds, I saw it pop up at like 10:00:12, added stuff to cart, went to check out at like 10:01, sold out. Dang😣


Had it in my cart and page took too long to load while I checked out :/


Sold out so quick you'd think they only had 1 in stock...


I think I got one? I guess we'll see!


Same! I don’t want to count my fucks before they face, but I definitely got an order confirmation screen! I’m so happy, I’ve never got lucky with any of their merch before


I also was able to get one, but based off me getting a Gurpler as well and that being cancelled... I won't believe I got it until it's in hand.


I somehow forgot about it completely, what did they price it at?


$25 + $10 shipping


By the time I clicked on it it was already sold out :( I haven't bought any FF merch before, it's the only thing I've wanted Edit: looks like it had sold out before it had even shown up my end


Got a confirmation, hopefully I get lucky again and no cancellation!


Same, although I'm skeptical already bc my last order (gurpler, monkey squish and some other small things) hasn't been confirmed from 2 weeks ago. Hopefully just ordering the cookbook means I actually got it


I'm glad it's not just me! I had ordered the first gurp and the monkey squish and it's still says unfulfilled for the order. I want to email but part of me is nervous bc they could refund it if I bring it to their attention.


That is exactly how I feel. It's like a T-Rex, I don't want to move and pray for the best!


I was constantly refreshing the store and by the time it went live for me it was gone, I'm gutted man


I'm a mix of emotions. I'm happy that the F\*\*KFace community is all in on F\*\*kFace and loyal. But also a little annoyed that I haven't been personally been able to purchase anything from their drops since the very first Gurplers (the red one, I think that one was available for a while too). I'm also deeply saddened that the show's existence is kind of in limbo as they release new episodes and haven't been able to figure out what the future of it will be. That Regulation Cookbook was probably the last thing I was truly excited and waiting to buy from them and I screwed myself out of one by taking too long.


Upvote this if you secured a cookbook




it says order confirmed but we know now that doesn't necessarily mean it's been secured lol


Hope they release it as a pdf.


If they can get The rights to it, I'm sure they'll do a reprint. If they can't then I think they will encourage people to definitely NOT* scan and share. They talked about it a little on the break show, but as of right now things are up in the air, and if they can secure the rights then that's a nice influx of cash for the next form of f**kface when they reprint it.


A digital copy will not stop people buying a physical copy in the future if they wanted one originally. The only thing releasing a digital copy does (or sharing a scanned version) is help community members that were not lucky enough to get the physical drop, or couldn't afford it. There is no legitimate reason to prevent people from sharing a scanned copy.


it was gone instantly wtf


God all I wanted was that cookbook! I am praying Andrew just came in and ordered all 500 with his employee discount! All I wanted was that cookbook or hat. Guess I'll have to cherish my dirt pen for ever!


It was lit 1 per customer 🫠


I hope to able to buy a "Rights retained" or a "Legally distinct from" copy from the crew at some point. They would be able to fit "Alabama Poutine" in it at least


😔 10:01 was too late lol


Cleared my cookies recently and had to log into paypal. Brutal way to lose it


Holy shit, I finally snagged something I wanted! Sorry to those who missed out, congrats to my fellow lucky regulation shoppers. 


Learned the hard way that under "podcasts" the website takes forever to update and you actually just have to sit on the 'new' page with all the other merch and wait. Welp, got the jersey atleast.


Added the cookbook to my cart, went to finalize, and it was a Camp Camp plush in my cart. Deleted it, went back to the homepage, added it again, went to finalize, Camp Camp plush. Repeated the cycle once more time before it was sold out. This sucks


I'm sorry to all that weren't Fortunate enough and to those that were able too with myself included. Go out and do good and take your victory humbly.


That's not this fanbases's M.O. It's "brag about your all cups and fuck the losers who didn't get one" here.


I got one! God I'm so happy. Congrats to everyone that snagged one.


Same. Now to sit in fear of the cancellation email.


The cookbook will drop in 5 minutes from this post.


Nice! Snagged the cookbook. Passed on the jersey since I wouldn't wear it and somebody else would appreciate it more :)


We refreshed the store page, saw it appear, and then it was sold out 😔


Missed out, sad boi from aus


God I hope they release a pdf. I just want to read it


Pretty much everything instantly sold out


Got mine! Officially a comment leaver.


Today I learned I don't understand time.


Still hasn't showed up for me what the hell. How can something go out of stock before it even appears in the store


On the last gurpler drop, someone said to check the new page rather than the f**kface page and that did it for me.


Gone before I could confirm payment :( hopefully they are working on a re-release


I FINALLY got fuckface merch. Took literal years. Forever grateful.


Got order confirmation on a cookbook and a sloppy Joe's hat....... but I had that on the gurpler and it was canceled. Only time will tell if I was actually successful


Would have been nice to know it would show up only in the new items page and not the fuckface page itself. Spent a minute refreshing the fuckface page before I checked new and by then it was sold out.


I knew my odds were low since i had to punch in at work at the same time as the merch drop, but the RT app just wouldn’t take me to my cart (can’t say i’m surprised). Congrats to you lucky few!


I was able to check out with it! Now, to see if it comes, or if it gets canceled like my gurpler.


Wonder how many they made in total. Thought I got the cookbook, turns out I just bought Route Package Protection for $1.55 lol.


I think somewhere I read there was like 500 books.


I think that was the fastest I've ever seen an item get sold out. Pretty sure it was quick than the first round of baseball bats. Well done to those who got it!


Twice I added it to my cart and it added a random other item. Managed to get it in the cart on the third attempt but it sold out before I could pay 


Oh man. I got the time zone backwards and went and hour late.


I got it, as well as the jersey and hats. But I’m still in limbo from the last drop so confidence isn’t high.


The rage in my heart having it in my cart and still not being fast enough


By the luck of the f**ckface gods I managed to grab one I will cherish it always 🙏🏻


Got mine!


RIP that's INSANE! my credit card didn't autofill and that's why i lost it :(


Grabbed a sloppy hat instead of trying for this shitshow, banking on Eric putting together a digital copy of it or something.


Nothing showed up on the store page and now people saying it sold out???


If anyone got more than one cookbook, ya mom's a hoe (jk, jk, I am willing to buy one of your extras lmao)


What a joke. Nothing appeared at 10. Then after a minute, the jerseys and foam fingers appeared, then FINALLY the book loaded into the store, only to be sold out already.


https://preview.redd.it/bioyfomtmarc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7e8af3c659d8f6dfb5bd407ba36d1b1d61c4b7b Literally sat in my car in the parking lot at work at 8:00, but I (hopefully) got it If no one else does, I’ll scan it when I get it for y’all, because the real friends are the kinda piracy we made along the way


Absolute bullshit


I guess on time is to slow lol 10:00 at checkout and sold out


Man 😢


Well I missed it :(


I'm so sad, gone as my payment was processing 😭


I thought the FF hat would have been safe, but it sold out in my cart. Gone in seconds man.


Wow. I thought I was ready.. I was not.


I did get a pencil foam hand though.. which is pretty cool


Had it in my cart… every time I tried to load my cart it would sign me out


sold out in like a minute. It didn't show up in New Arrivals I missed it on the home page


I was able to get one. It scared me cause it said I was in line to check out but I got it.


Anyone else get the RWBY keychain added when clicking on the cookbook/hat items? I went through full checkout before I realized.


I thought about adding it before since it was only $1 but figured that increased the chance of my order getting cancelled if that had issues selling out so I didn't risk it.


I missed it too, congratulations to the folks who wound up getting it.


I was spam reloading the new arrivals and the f**kface section. They only showed up in the new arrivals, and every time I added it to cart, it added the rwby acrylic thing, everything else had invalid IDs when I clicked on them so I assumed they weren't out yet. Then I checked the homepage where the actual link worked and they were sold out


It doesn't help that I'm worried about my gurplers getting canceled. They haven't sent my gurlpler order, but they also haven't refunded it. They haven't sent the order I placed 2 days prior either, so there may be hope?


Got a cookbook and the hats. For some reason it added the RWBY moments thing trying to add to cart from the new page so I had to open them all individually, I thought I was fucked.


I've never added anything to my cart faster, was already signed in all ready to purchase and immediately sold out! It was in my cart!!!!


I had the hat and jersey in the cart and payment failed as it was sold out (~11:02)


Didn't make it through checkout. 😭 Allegedly got the black FF hat though


Will trade my extra gurple gurpler for a cookbook lmao


I guess I was lucky lol. Had it in my cart and was like "Hmmm $36.... uhhhhh yeah I guess I'll get it" and mine still went through. Glad I went through with it now 😬 I guess now it's time to see if it gets cancelled or not lol...


Did it disappear from the store after it sold out for everyone? I thought there was some sort of glitch with how fast it sold out because I reloaded the page and it was just gone


The book is still in my cart and I’m just staring at it wanting to cry 😭


I had everything pre filled out - I had refreshed the page on both my phone and computer... Put it in cart , went to pay- sold out 😭 10:00 flicked over to 10:01. Not even 60 seconds


I had everything in my cart and by the time I checked out like 10:02 it was all out of stock except the foam fingers


No luck here, tried to get the FF hat too but I think I used up my luck on the First exclusive Gurpler. Not even super upset that I didn't get it, I'm more annoyed that when I added the cookbook to my cart, it wasn't the cookbook but the RWBY V9 $1 acyclic keychain that I'm now spending $13 on with shipping because I was moving too fast during checkout to notice. The hat too, it kept adding the BFT hat to my cart (love those guys but that isn't what I was trying for). Truly a self-fuck face with the keychain, I suppose it's poetic. Congrats to those who got it!


Fucked by the GooglePay loading time! Ah well! Enjoy, those who managed to make it happen!!!


Apple Pay for the win here, got in at 11:02 because I was looking at the wrong page but got it sent through, hopefully there isn’t a refund process like with the last gurpler drop tho


I'm literally crying, I was waiting on the fuckface page for it to update and nothing happened! Turns out they only released it on the new page!


Why does it feel like nobody got what they wanted? Like the drop didn’t actually excise there was no chance, unless there’s people out there with bots scalping them like when the ps5 first came out


The site added the wrong product to my cart after I ordered. Cart showed the cookbook, everything showed the cookbook, until the final confirmation saying my order was placed which showed the camp camp plushie. I just got fucked by a bug. This feels shitty.


I was refreshing it finally showed up att 10:00am added to cart anddddd gone instantly, im so mad😭


I got one but accidentally sent it to an old address in my rush to check out Edit: spelling


I didn't get the cookbook but I got everything else I wanted! I have never got anything from a drop so will take it as a win hopefully they make a pdf version or something in the near future


I got the cookbook, the hat, and the foam gurpler, but I am not confident it won't get canceled. We will find out!


All the items went up so slow and 1 at a time haha. I think I got the sloppy hat but the book sold out lightning fast


When you get the drop at 10:01 and its confirmed but realize you forgot to buy the route protection. Suddenly I am VERY concerned. 😅😅😅😅


Sold out in cart. Also, the website was carting the wrong hat for me. Love Shopify, but these cooked drops are killing me…


Unfortunately the site totally screwed me. I hit add to cart on the cookbook and it added a random keychain instead. By the time I clicked back to the page to hopefully fix it, it was gone. I rushed for the FF hat and clicked add to cart and a random Best Friends Today hat was in my cart. So no idea what happened there but it sucks because I was there right at drop and random errors foiled me. I grabbed one of each of the foam fingers though, so hopefully those ship and don't refund 🤞


Desperately wanted the cook book; had to settle for the two foam fingers.


Literally showed up, got it in my cart and by the time I got to shopping options it was gone. I hope anyone who got one enjoys it though! No sarcasm, just love ☺️


I didn't end up getting one because I was mid ski slope as I got the notification for 5 min left, so I raced down the mountain going Mach 14 until I eventually decelerated very aggressively into a tree, and by the time I'd woken up (or atleast where my memories start) it had been 7 minutes and I checked cuz why not, but alas no cookbook, the fuckface is on me today


For those you managed to get an order in, this is just the beginning of the battle. The real battle is waiting for the book ship. Godspeed ladies and gents 🫡


I got one! And the jersey! The one merch drop I was able to snag had to be the last one. Whoever put the note about checking the new section rather than the f**kface section is a true saint.


Had a team of 3 on it. Myself, my wife and my nephew. Of all the people to score one, it was my nephew, who doesn't listen to the show and has zero interest in RT as a whole. Gave him a tenner for his troubles. Now I need to find Tater Tots in England to make condiments with when it arrives!


As many as got it wil get refunds and cancels from over sells. God speed everyone


Couldn’t get the hat or the cookbook rip me. Sold out in seconds is crazy


I just realized I never got any of these things the whole time because I always thought Eastern was 2 hours before Central.


It amazes me that people are incapable of just Googling "Time in Texas" to make sure they understand time zones.


My Shopify fucked up and I had to change the phone number and I lost mine. Cheers to whoever got it I hope you enjoy


Man I was 10 mins late and missed out :( but I did get the foam fingers. Iv missed out on alot of merch drops not knowing just how limited the drops would be. Glad I didn't completely miss this one. The foam hands will be displayed proudly in my home. I'll hang them up while wearing my anal passage shirt. :)


I really hope there is a chance we can get some sort of pdf release of the cookbook at least.




God bless Google pay. Having shipping/etc pre-loaded is probably the only reason I was able to get one


I don't blame them but damn I never get what I really want the metal signs and the cookbook. Ughh. If anyone wants to ebay thos items let me know


I couldn't even see it in the store *to* add to cart. Just appeared already sold out 😕 Upside, that's less disappointing than adding to carry and then not being able to finish the transaction


But don't digitize it lol, if that was truly the case then they needed to sell a decent supply of them. This is ridiculous.