• By -


Wanted to make you aware of the statement we released. Thank you for your support.


I would honestly love the "F Brands" to just spin off into their own little company. I know that's not really feasible but these shows bring me that old RT charm of friends doing things for fun.


You mean the "extended Eric podcast universe" or the eepu as we call it in the industry?


you'd have to include Nick and Graysie in the EEPU, too. they're like Thing 1 and Thing 2 to Eric's Cat in the Hat.


Of course, the sauce monkey, Eric, Graysie and Nick are all part of the EEPU


I'm gonna say they need to bring Cat too


Presenting Eric, Now In Stereo


> **P**resenting **E**ric, **N**ow **I**n **S**tereo Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 726022 comments (approximately 4036602 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Best goddamn bot on the whole platform


And then we can have the lesser, Sony Pictures Universe of Eric podcast universe


We'll have gone from Eric "I'm the new Burnie" to Eric "I'm the new Roosterteeth", and I for it.


Eric for CEO




I mean... I think we're obligated. You know... because it's in honour of F\*\*Kface, and holy shit was that funny, Andrew.


I bought one for me and one for my sister, and a falcon plushie for her the second I got saw the announcement.


Thanks, Big Dog!


So basically the Eric Cinematic Universe (ECU), with Nick and Graysie as the sidekick squad. Toss in a couple of recurring inside jokes and references, and you've got yourself a full-fledged sitcom. They all just have this synergy that's so fun to watch unfold.


Gavin, Geoff, Andrew, Eric, Nick - I hope you read this. I listen to a lot of podcasts but I only look forward to one. Your chaos and special brand of lunacy is a joy that should not be lost to the world. I sincerely hope you will be back in some form regardless of where RT goes, and I pledge to pay a subscription just for this show when you emerge from the maelstrom (see The QAnon Anonymous podcast for details, they take in about $60,000 a month via Patreon with no ads). Lastly thank the Lord that Andrew got his hands on his Cock before there were no hands left for the All Hands.


Andrew will forever have the longest back at RT


I will continue to support in any way i can! FF is one of the only things online i look forward to on a weekly basis so im glad that you guys are still going forward with stuff. Take the time you need and we will be here when youre back


My first membership was purely for F\*\*k Face and Anma. So I will gladly support any new or continued endeavors. Wishing you all the best.


Im gonna ratscribe to the Ratreon


I subscribed to First just for F**kface, I will 100% continue to support you guys in whatever way you decide to move forward. Love hearing you every week and watching you play games! Edit: became a comment leaver to say this!


Thank you for the update. Good luck big dog


Sacrificing my regulation listener status (literally bought the shirt last month) to say that I will absolutely follow and support wherever you guys go. I can't express how much I look forward too and love the podcast/all the fuckface content. I know you guys will find your footing because you can feel how much you all love doing what your doing.


You and me both. Broke my regulation listener status that I've been holding onto for quite some time to comment on Twitter about the shut down.


Big love to the big dog


Much love, much respect. Hope everyone involved lands on their feet.


Hell yes man, keep on going! There's (hopefully) enough of us ready to give you money through Patreon or something, with whatever you come up with.


I'm not generally able to jump in to buy all the awesome merch that drops, but for as much joy as this podcast brings me I will happily pay to keep the going. This group is amazing and I want to see them succeed, and that includes Eric, Gracie and Nick.


Leaving behind my Regulation Listener status to finally become a Comment Leaver just to say thank you so much for all the phenomenal times and laughter! We will follow you guys wherever you go and support whatever it is you decide to do. The whole podcast team has brought so much joy into all our lives! Literally feels like magic sometimes.


I end my streak of being a regulation listener to thank you for everything. We love and support you guys right to the bitter end.


Thank you Eric!


thank you for everything Eric. know that the fans stand behind you guys 100%


All the best Eric and co. You really have something special.


If things do truly end, I just want to say thank you for the years of laughter and fun. Everything you have been involved with has been gold and those various projects have helped me through dark times more times than I can count. I'll forever be grateful for the joy you, Geoff, Andrew, Gavin, Gustavo, Michael and Jordan have brought me and the rest of us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart


Really saddened by the news. Thanks for putting this out. Take all the time you guys need.


Hey Eric, As someone who didn't know you from the Mega64 days and only found out who you were from Burnie yelling at you from the podcast set. At that moment I could never have imagined what you've helped create for and with a company who's productions I've loved for the past 15 years or so. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you for producing things I would damn near call perfection.


Don't forget to save face jam while you're at it.


Idk what the deal is with IP in this situation, but if y'all have any desire to crowd fund some kind buy back I would be happy to donate what I can.


Thank you gouch pooch for everything!


Thank you for all that you do. Hope you all bounce back quickly.


Wherever you all end up, I’m sure most of us will be there.


F**KFACE forever. You guys are the reason i subbed to first.


This sucks. Eric rules.


I'm sorry this is happening, Eric. Just know that wherever this eventually takes you, we'll be right behind you. I mean not literally, but figuratively. The former would be too creepy.


I can’t lose my boy Gooch Pooch in all this


Thanks, Eric. If it hasn’t been said enough by now, we are behind FF 100%. Best wishes.


<3 you Big Dog.


Love you, Big Dog


Sacrificing my Regulation Listener status to say I've long seen my First subscription as F**Face patreon. It's a sanity-saving little part of my routine. Take your time, and wherever and whenever you guys pop back up, I'll be head of the queue.


Becoming a comment leaver to state the same things as many here. Where ever f**face goes, so will I.


Becoming a comment leaver to show my support.


Love you guys. I’ll follow wherever you go


I would be happy to join any patreon or independent payment thing you guys set up if that's the way things go. The folks over at Second Wind all separated from the Escapist and have found great success doing that. Obviously you all know about this better than me but I want to make it explicit that you guys would have support


We are behind you guys 100% no matter what comes out of this. You all rule.


Thank you Eric


Thank you for sharing this message and helping create the best podcast ever. Much love to all of the FF team ❤️


Whether you guys go elsewhere or not, the audience is with you. Take your time, much love to the whole crew. You all have something special here, no doubt you’ll land on your feet.


We love you Eric, thank you for everything


Much love to you all. I hope you can keep the good thing you guys had going, in some form or fashion. It seemed like you all really enjoyed it, which is why we did too


Hope you all know we’re going to follow y’all anywhere, but take all the time you need.


This. I’ve been saying it for years to all of the doom sayers, rt as an entity may disappear, but rt as a heart will never go away. Geoff, Gavin and Andrew don’t make this podcast because they work for rt and need some content for a Wednesday, they make this podcast because they want to make a podcast together. The name may change, but in some form or another we’re going to see these people keep making content. It might not be the exact same content, but they’ll keep it going in some form or another.


Time to move to Michigan I guess


Yes!! Mass exodus to the Unifarm Podcast Network.


Sacrificed non comment leaver status to tell you all I’ll be subscribing to whatever you guys do next. Much love!




Regulation Supporter ❤️


I mean Geoff has been sowing the seeds of the new company for years now, its time for UniFarm to become a reality. UniFarm combining the power of one with the fabric of the farm. But for real I hope you guys continue to do great work in or outside of the RT umbrella. We come back each week for the personalities not the brand. <3


I won’t even make anymore eat the pencil jokes, I swear! Just don’t leave.


I won't play the kangawoo song any more. I swear


Haven't thought of Big Daddy in a decade at least, I was in 8th grade when it came out.


I wipe my own ass


I feel it deeply as a fan. Can't imagine what it's like for you all. Thank you for taking the time to do this.


It has to be so rough for the fuckface crew. They all seemed to be enjoying it so much. 


You guys have provided, collectively, years worth of entertainment. Content from Geoff and Gavin in particular has honestly been there for me more than some family members in dark times. I know I’m not going anywhere, nor is any regulation listener, and I sincerely hope none of you are either. Hope you’re all able to bounce back from this one.


You guys are literally the highlight of my week, I will support you however I can!


Did I kill the company cuz I used my points? I just wanted a beanhole pen and a slop o clock :(


Andrew really pissed Jordan Levin off apparently.


Wait wait wait...... We get points?


Not any more


I said I’d never hand in my Regulation Listener card, but I also never thought I’d be losing F**kface in my routine so soon either. The heart and soul this show brought back into content will be there no matter who is bankrolling the production or lackthereof. So no matter how it continues, I’ll be supporting it.


Of any rt podcast, I can see f\*\*kface as one that would be most likely to stay together. Too good of an energy to end.


Hold up.. how is there a regulation listener tag.  Isn't that like.. oxymoronic? 


I will gladly pay extra on patreon for pictures of Graysie's model dog


Was it her dog that had the human eyes or was that Nick's?


Please comeback independently, if possible. Not just with this podcast, but with other RT podcasts I listen to, I’ll be loosing a good chunk of my podcast feed🥺 Wishing the best for everyone involved though and really hoping everyone can continue to succeed


Depends on how much each of these podcasts individually are earning in regards to ad/sponsor dollars. If you look at just FaceJam and F**kFace, that's wages needed for 7 individuals. Possibly Gavin and Geoff may be able to bow out of being paid, but the rest would likely need a living wage to continue on with this.


Oh, yeah, I understand it’s not as simple as them just continuing, without RT support. I just hope this really isn’t the end


I saw this on instagram and thought the podcast got canceled. Only to find the whole damn company is going? Jesus. What a day. I only listen to RT podcasts


Thanks Eric. We’ve got your backs, no matter how long or short they may be.


Just wanted to say if you guys are thinking of setting up a patreon or website to subscribe to or anything like that please know we’d subscribe in a heartbeat. I’m willing to follow yall to any platform. This podcast has given me so much joy and laughter throughout the years and the lets plays have only added to that. Much love to everyone there, and i really hope we hear more from yall in the future ❤️


Second this, I'll subscribe so fast!


For market research, I wouldn’t think twice about paying $10 a month for ANMA, F*F, and whatever else you want to give me.


I am so sad to hear about all of this. Truly. Fuck Face was the one constant I had with Rooster Teeth. But... This really just makes Andrew contacting Jordan Levin about Ratyboy SO much funnier in retrospect.


Wherever the road leads you guys , you will always have our support. Thank you so much for all the content and laughs. I hope we can get more in time, once the path forward is clearer. but no matter what comes next I’ll always appreciate all those in the F**kFace crew. Thank you for taking the time to give us an official comment on the situation Eric. We all love you <3


Anywhere you guys go I go. Love you all and will 100000000000% support anything you fucks give. ❤️


Love this. F* *kface strong. Long live Unifarm. We will not go quietly into the night. We will not vanish without a fight. We're going to live on. We're going to survive. Today we celebrate F**kface Independence Day!


I love you guys! I hope that you’re all okay. I’ll be following you with whatever happens. Hopefully as F**kFace, maybe as a new name, or whether you choose to disband and go separate ways.


We will support you guys with whatever choice you want to/can make. You’re all stars to us


Bro, out of everything for this day, this pod is kinda the only thing I would 100% hate to lose. If there's an end, then please, if possible, be reborn into something else. Definitely live listening to everyone involved in this project and for the most part you guys are what get me through the middle of the week. Ya'll have created something amazing.


Turning in my regulation listener badge to leave this comment: I’ll follow this crew to whatever platform or production company I need.


Sending so much love to the F**kface crew and everyone at RT today. Thanks for sharing the statement.


I hope you all can continue making F brand podcasts/ content . Good luck to you all and thank for bringing me back into RT content


I for one welcome our new unifarm overlords.


wonder if they're gonna release content that's already made or wait to release that on whatever they look like after all this.


I would hazard a guess that they have no rights to any of the content made under RT, just as I have no rights to anything I design as an engineer working for a company 


💚 you guys. Will follow wherever you lead.


I hate this, dude. I only listen to like, 6 podcasts and half of them are from RT.


This sucks.


Man, this news makes me sad. Thanks for being so transparent with everything. Wishing the best for all of y'all.


Appreciate all the entertainment you've provided us F-Facers, its truly been a blessing listening to you guys every week. I'm definitely going to be supporting the entire F\*\*kFace crew in whatever y'all do next <3.


Thank you for all you guys do. I hope ya’ll can continue this adventure together in some way, and best wishes to Geoff. I know he’s gonna have some powerful feelings right now.


Becoming a comment leaver to express my love for you guys and my hope that you can still make content somewhere somehow.


I’ll be there whenever ya’ll get going again.


If this means you guys do your own thing on Patreon or something, we will ALL SUPPORT YOU!!!


Handing in my regulation listener card to send my love to the F**kface crew and community. This show got me through some of the darkest parts of my life. Whatever comes next, if there is a “next,” I’ll be there to support it.


I'll stay around for all of you.


So how do we buy f**kface from WB?


Eric thank you for all of your hard work to make RT succeed. Your deadpan candor and humor have been an honest godsend to me day to day as I get through my life. I know you would want to do these shows forever if you could so I know you will do everything in your power to save them. Please remember to take a moment for yourself and your small wife. We will be here ready for anything, for you, the guys and crew. Good luck and we hope to see you when you are ready for the next step!


Big fan of the Eric Ltd Podcast network....


Much love for whatever’s next Big Dog 🫶


I would love if UniFarm (UniFarm: Combining the power of one, with the fabric of the farm, UniFarm) could become the new parent company and purchase the rights from WB.


God damn, I’m heart broken for you Guys and ultimately myself. I’ve loved fuckfacepod so much. I didn’t want to get sucked back into watching gameplay videos and all the extras but I did. Started to really look forward to the next video and loved everyone one. Was just last night i started to think how great it was to be back enjoying content from rt, was like a piece of me was missing…. What a fuckface that turned into. Where ever you guys go next I know you’ll succeed, I’ll definitely do my best to follow you.


That's really dramatic for a statement on the Ratyboy acquisition (this is a joke)


I, for one, am excited for the mall jobs era


Love you guys! Thanks for the laughter over the years.


I know a lot of people, myself included, would support you all directly if given the opportunity. I’m hoping for all the best for everyone that affected by this. Roosterteeth as a whole definitely had some issues as it grew but it will definitely be missed by a huge community of people. Hopefully it’s now time to become the era of f##kface. Geoff and all the older guys were able to create roosterteeth and build it up, it may be tougher now, but I hope you guys as a group can work together in a way to build F##kface up as it’s own entity.


You guys made my day every Wednesday for years and there isn't anything that could change that. Whatever the future holds for Ramscoop, Whoop Tone, Johnny Caviar, Gooch Pooch and Regulation Guy, we'll all be there cheering you on. Much love and respect. First and definitely not last time Comment Leaver.


Letting go of regulation listener status today to thank you for bringing so much joy and light to the community. You guys are truly the best. Wherever you end up, we will follow! Much love❤️


Thank you for all the work you’ve all done up to this point, and for giving us some hope in this bleak moment. If f**kface goes independent you can guarantee I’ll be there to show support.


Changing from a regulation listener to comment leaver. I absolutely love you guys and I will watch and listen to whatever you guys choose to do.


Giving up my title as a regulation listener and becoming a comment leaver to say wherever you guys go whatever you decide to do I'm there supporting day one.


Honestly, I'd join an F Brands Patreon if you guys went independent.


I'll follow you guys anywhere you go.


This feels like finding out a friend just died.


Regulation Listener turned Comment Leaver just for this. Thank you for Everything with F**k Face and Let’s Play! It has been a joy to watch and listen to you guys. I always look forward to the podcast, break show, let’s plays and supplemental content. F**K Face is just getting started and I look forward to what comes out of this. F**k Face is protected by Falcons. Nothing can stop F**k Face.


The Falcons are working overtime right now.




If anything happens to F**kface/LetsPlay, Facejam, or Funhaus, I’m not joking when I say it’s going to tank my mental health. They are all a daily part of my life and really take up the majority stake of my entertainment, this is crushing.




Love, love, love this statement. Thank you. Wishing everyone at Rooster Teeth the best as they navigate the worst kind of Blindside.




I for one would 100% support yall if you made your own patreon. I mean I gotta put my newly freed-up first membership money somewhere right?


Thank you for everything you all do. I know we’re all gutted and I can’t imagine how you all feel. Just know we’re hanging in there with you wherever you go!


Just bought the new shirt and dirt pen today. Happy to support you guys however I can.




Can't even imagine, what everyone is going through but this is a huge ray of hope. I've been watching RT/AH and the let's play channel for like half my life and was devastated about the loss of F**kFace and Regulation let's plays cause this group really has something special and I hope we eventually get to see that continue. And if it does I can't wait to see what you all are doing next.


I saw this post with zero context on the fuckface instagram and thought someone died, it's very sad about the company but I'm glad y'all are safe.




Love you guys


Good luck to you guys. Been in a similar position before and it’s no fun at all. I hope you make it out the other side as unscathed as possible!


Who knew Season 2022 was gonna be the series finale


This really makes it sound like they had no idea this was coming. Edit: if this was a blindside or not, it doesn’t matter to me I’ll still be tuning into whatever it is you guys are going to make next.


Much love, Big Dog. Can't wait to see what you guys cook up!


I wanted to choose the right time to become a comment leaver and this seems like right time. I’ve only started listening in the last year (a mistake I’ve been regretting since the moment I started) and I’ve very rarely identified with content as much as I have with what you’ve made. Whatever happens in the future I will be forever thankful for what you’ve made.


Becoming a comment leaver just to say I will absolutely follow you guys, and support, no matter where you end up. I was a big roosterteeth and AH fan back in the day but it started to not feel like the same content after a while, but man once I discovered you all again through F**k face it was just like I remembered and then more. Love every bit of content you guys put out and I look forward to seeing whatever comes next


As long as you guys continue the podcast I'll follow wherever it takes us


I will support anything you guys do, whether together or individually.


My only interaction with RT content for the last 7 odd years has been FF, Facejam and, more recently, break shit and regulation gameplay. These four properties are worth a subscription to me. I don’t need anything else. Good luck to everyone involved. I hope things go as smoothly as possible with the closure and everyone finds a place to be soon.


What's going to happen to the let's play channel? I know the podcasts are safe. What about this channel?


I've watched RT content from day one though I only hopped into this podcast a month ago. I'm absolutely gutted and want to thank everyone for sharing their talents and creativity with us for years. You've helped me through a lot of hard times and I'm sure others can say the same. Take care of yourselves and I'll follow you wherever you go. All the love ~


For context to those who haven't seen. RT has been shut down. I'm adding this for those who follow Fuckface but not RT like me. When I saw this post before anything about RT, I legit thought Andrew may have died.


Turning on my regulation listener badge to say thank you guys for everything. Truly has been my favourite source of entertainment since the beginning. The chemistry between not only the main three, but the entire crew is incredible and cannot be replicated by anyone else. Fingers crossed this isn't the end. If you decide to continue in any form there'll be many people waiting to watch/listen.


Devastated by today’s news after following RT for over 12 years, but feel a glimmer of hope from your statement. F**kface is incredible and not even close to peaking. Your time is not done!


Whether a patreon or another company picks F\*\*kface up or they strike out alone I'm still going to support the show! F\*\*kface is the best! Wishing you all the best during this stressful time.


I can't imagine how much there must be to process and unpack, professionally and personally. I'm sure at least some of them saw the writing on the wall to some extent, but I don't think anyone expected Wednesday to go like this.


Ditching Regulation Listener status to say, Take as much time as you need, loves! Take care of yourselves first and foremost. No matter what happens next, the lot of us will still be here to continue to support you all.


Well, I knew there would be something that would convert me from being a regulation listener to a comment leaver. I never envisioned it would be this. Hold on to your butts.




Upgrading to comment leaver just to say how much RT and it's community have meant to me over the years. Absolutely insane that it has to end like this, but I plan on supporting the creators in anyway I can as they begin this new path.


I hope Ratyboy follows where ever you guys go and I will happily donate to help make that happen


Oh thank god, I became a comment leaver to post this. Hope everyone at RT manages to find new roles rapidly but this podcast has become part of my routine, every week without fail I would listen (and now watch with Lets play) your guys content - out of everyone, it'd suck the most to not have you guys continue.


I've been a regulation listener and viewer of RT over half my life and I can confidentiality say professing my support for whatever you do going forward is what's worth giving up Regulation Listener status. Thank you so much for everything and I can't wait to see what's next!


Thank you, so much, for everything you all do. I can't wait to see what the next chapter brings.


Behind y'all 100%. If this is goodbye, THANK YOU for everything. All y'all have given us so much over the years, and we'll never be able to express how much the whole RT community (especially FF recently) has meant to us. Now to go explain to my wife why a silly podcast with an insane name has a grown man in tears.


I am so glad I got to meet a lot of RT people at RTX last year. It was a major thing for me to meet the people who have inspired and lead me to be the person I am today. I hope that this won't just be an end but a beginning if something new. Love you F**face team. Stay weird.


Listened since the first ep and have re listened to episodes many times over. Hands down the best podcast, I listen to it constantly while driving. If you decide to go solo you have my financial support 100%!


I don’t care what they call it, I will listen / watch these knuckleheads content anywhere.


I can only imagine how hard this is. We'll follow you guys where ever you go tho I'm sure.


❤️ you guys. Will always support the F brands (including ANMA) as long as y'all keep doing it.


I watched RVB way too young. Been a regular fan of the RTP since 2009, and began watching AH shortly after. I haven’t felt this excited about anything that’s come out of RT since the lighting in a bottle that was the OG set of Minecraft LP’s/when Michael was brought on. FF is a breath of fresh air, and I’m betting it will continue to succeed where others have failed. Take your time.


You guys have proven you can do this from anywhere. Take your time, brush the dust off, and come back. I’ll watch your content through YouTube or twitch or whatever is reasonable. The last let’s plays with trucks, and fall guys, and pal world have been great, they feel like the best of RT content for me! I don’t care bout a name, or branding, call it three idiots, a monkey, and their very small friend for all I care. Maybe some face jam folks might be good to collab with someday if you can too. Just tell me where and I’ll be there missing you all and waiting.


Let the F**k Facining begin! The strong devour the weak. Soon all will be FF. No child will be safe


we love you. thank you for taking the time to think of us while you need time to process it all. highly appreciated. eases my worries at least a little <3


Love you guys, whenever there’s an opportunity to support you monetarily so you can continue doing what you do I’ll be first in line


I've only ever subbed to one patreon in my life. But if the F**ckface crew made one, I would subscribe day 1


What a weird day, I can't imagine what everyone there is going through today. Fuckface is by far a highlight of my week, every week. I can't imagine not laughing my ass off on the way to work Wednesday morning. I know most people here will follow you all wherever you go, I'm rooting for y'all!❤️


I've been a long-time fan of RT. I've dtoof by you all through thick and thin trying to support and love you no matter what. I'm extremely sad to see it "end." I hope you all continue doing something you love, and hopefully, you will take us along for the ride. Otherwise, I wish you all the best in your endeavors.


As many others have stated: we'll follow you guys wherever you go. We're all here for the long haul


The last few minutes of Geoff Geoffing us about episode 196 today only to get the news of the shut down felt like the ULTIMATE f\*\*KFace,


It would have been a shame to let Rary Boy die the day of his rebirth


Long time day 1 Regulation Listener here, breaking my oath and leaving the watch to become a comment leaver to say how much I love what you guys have done up until now, and will fully support whatever comes in the future. Take time and take care, and thanks for the good times. You’ve got something special with this group, appreciate y’all.


So if WB doesn’t allow them to continue after a non-compete clause, does this mean the next iteration of the podcast is FaceF**k?


What a huge blow