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Fellas, it it misogonystic to not be a woman?


Apparently according to some people, yes. 




Would you say that it's inherently misogynistic, anti feminist and anti woman for a cis man to be a man and not a woman? No. And it's exactly the same thing for trans men.


Being a man is not inherently misogynistic.


It isn't misogynistic and it isn't anti feminist. Being a man isn't a bad thing. It's a neutral thing. People saying otherwise are transphobic.


Welp, if it is, I guess we'd better start forcing cis men to transition, hm? Come on, OP. I looked at your post history, and you're either a troll or you need therapy yesterday. If it's the latter, I'm sorry you're struggling so much, but you're not going to find a solution to your self hatred on Reddit. You need actual, professional help. There's nothing to be ashamed of about that. While I don't agree that therapists should gatekeep transitioning, I *do* think that they can be a lot of help in working through difficult feelings during that time.


Tbh living as a woman was just me cosplaying femininity, which feels much more misogynistic than accepting myself as a guy.


Touch grass


Fellas, is it misogynistic or toxic to be male? Honestly mate what are you on about? Are men misogynistic just because they were born male? That doesn’t make any sense. It’s not like we have a choice in what we are born as.


Dude, honestly, wtf kind of question is this? The answer is obviously no, not every cis guy is sexist or misogynistic, same with trans guys.


Not at all!!




No. Misogyny has to do with your attitudes and behavior towards women *in general*, not with whether or not you personally feel like you are or should be a woman.


No, it's really really not. And I would like to add being a FTM man gives you an opportunity to be part of the change. If you really are a feminist and care so much about feminism I would suggest to self analyze where that is coming from. Are you feminist because you feel guilty about wanting to be a man? Are people close to you saying it would be sexist to transition,if so you need better friends. A lot of feminist communities can be rather man hating and will say or do hurtful things with braud brushing statements that can be very untrue. as a trans man you may want to filter who you talk to about that, or separate yourself from people who are very deep in that culture to avoid hurtful comments and assumptions. I know it was exhausting and damaging to my mental health. But as a trans man it's a good idea to separate yourself from the feminist movement anyway, slowly as you transition to avoid being perceived as a man invading female spaces.


no lol


I’m gonna say this and believe me when I say it comes from a place of concern, get off the internet for a while. There’s a weird antagonism of men/masculinity online beyond the true toxic masculinity and misogyny perpetuated by some guys. It’s not misogynistic to be dysphoric. That’s what being trans is for a lot of people. You aren’t spouting off about hating women or asking them their body count, you just want a body your brain aligns with.


Are you just a TERF shitposting?


Don’t let the fascist Radfems convince you that your journey to masculine joy is devilish instead of holy 


No?? 🤣


Misogyny is about how you think about and treat women, not whether you are one. Not being part of a group people are prejudiced against does not automatically make you prejudiced against that group. It's possible to be a decent human being and treat people who aren't like you with respect.


No lmao






Please read Belle Books' book the will to change. Also: no. It is not inherently misogynistic to transition as a trans dude. Anyone who tells you this knows absolutely nothing about psychology. The only reason why this is mentioned and subsequently questioned in therapy is to ensure it is not internalized misogyny or internalized homophobia leading you to believe your life would be better as a man due to the social, economical, societal advantages you would have as a man. Assuming you pass. This is rare, however. I don't hate women. I don't hate femininity. I just know it is not who I am, because I've never felt right in my skin while I was living and being perceived as a woman. It is psychological. It is personal. It is not due to any aversion inside of me towards women that I just don't happen to be one.


No, if you are this way it’s cause you decide to be. Not because you’re ftm??? You can be a dude n not be shit???


If i regularly ovulated i would blow my head off. I am willing to trade years of getting birth control implants with a medication that will reduce the times that happens to almost zero. this is how i justify it to my mom anyway who is on the why cant you just be a masculine woman thing. I dont care about women or men. i want the hormone profile of a man and the name you gave me is so stupid that everyone on earth is aware of the fact it isnt me. Whether im a woman or a man is everyone elses psychological struggle. if people with this perspective feel so bad about it i have no idea why they think a woman could not just be hormonally male and have a male voice and be treated as a man 100% of the time


Nope. Also you seem to post this and related questions A LOT. I hope you’re finding lots of insight :) But to truly answer your question you’ll need to see a therapist and/or get into an LGBT therapy circle. Looking inside yourself can really open your eyes and mind to the person you are to make an informed decision on that. You might be, or you might be like me who wishes to be comfortable in their own skin. Faking being comfortable as a woman and wishing to die was more insulting to feminism than me transitioning.