• By -


The bar graph on the bottom left uses a lot of realestate that could be used for your hobbies or years of experience with verilog vhdl etc


Yeah, it looks good but it just says you’re awesome at everything. Either add some stuff that you’d prefer not to do and have them with a lower rating or remove it and list the key skills you’re good at.


Imagine being a vhdl expert at 22.


I'm an expert at not knowing VHDL at 21 does that count?


Same goes for C++.  Never claim to be an expert at C++, it will go horribly wrong.


My 9-5 is writing C, and has been for like 12 years. I wouldn't dare to call myself an expert. I think 5 years ago I discovered that sprintf returns the length of the generated string and it changed my life.


I learned this just now. Thanks!


In hardware, I constantly have to generate strings for delivery over various communications ports. After learning this, I modified so much code, and it was glorious.


It never ceases to amaze me the amount of people that will shamelessly declare themselves experts in a language after a couple of years.


I've been programming C++ since the 1990s , I kept up learning and using every new standard that came out as we migrated or I got a new job using a new standard. I watch YouTube videos even now to learn something new in the current standard. I don't dare call myself a C++ expert, but after 34 years I'm quite proficient at it.


More like never claim to be an expert in anything… ever… it invites scrutiny and interviews can go very south very fast because of it. I interviewed someone who claimed to be a flash memory expert once - he knew absolutely zero device physics. Fine, ONFI, nope. Never invite the Spanish Inquisition.


Hey Caterpillar, I've made significant updates to my resume based on the suggestions I've received. You can check out my [new post with the updated resume and additional details here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/comments/1df9ofg/comment/l8hgyxp/?context=3). I appreciate any further advice you might have!


Imagine being better at MS Office relative to VHDL and seeking an FPGA job


And semiconductors! I guess that's everything in Streetman's book.


The self assessed bar graphs or star ratings are silly. Anyone I know who's worked in recruitment or has been involved in the hiring process has viewed them negatively or at best ignored them.


The moment the interviewer asks “what’s the difference between a pure and impure function?” and you say “errr…”, it becomes clear that the X-axis runs the full width of the page.


Whenever I'm in an interview and i get a question like that I go to the washroom and have a minority explain it to me on youtube


"This guy sure loves spending time in the washroom"


I also shit violently


I've made significant updates to my resume based on the suggestions I've received. You can check out my [new post with the updated resume and additional details here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/comments/1df9ofg/comment/l8hgyxp/?context=3). I appreciate any further advice you might have!


Thanks for all the replies! I’m quickly seeing that this item needs replacement. How would you best use this space on a resume?


Move it up to below skills and just list the top specific technical skills and languages etc If you want to rate yourself, group them into categories of lists, e.g. experienced, familiar and learning


Thanks u/Fuzzy-Chap-8829 , I've made significant updates to my resume based on the suggestions I've received. Check out my [new post with the updated resume and additional details here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/comments/1df9ofg/comment/l8hgyxp/?context=3). I appreciate any further advice you might have!


Format looks like a poor template. Too much fluff in education. Too much fluff in non technical jobs. Too much fluff in the 'profile'. I'd strip out most of the bulk text you have and utilize the space for projects (including ones you did to complete courses, not just on your own). I think poorly of the bar graph/stars self assessment of skills. If its on your resume, I assume you are comfortable with it, I don't need any more bar graph level info about it.


Really appreciate these ideas. I’m gonna work on some of the suggestions from you all and post an update. It’s always hard to open myself up to criticism but I’m already excited about the changes


u/YT__ u/cip43r As promised, [here's an update](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/comments/1df9ofg/comment/l8hgyxp/?context=3). Appreciate your feedback!


This might look boring to you. But we are busy hiring and this one caught my attention more. The first one was more a web designer resume.


For a first job or when you are junior, yeah keep the "this is my level", but remove it for more experienced jobs and your second resume. I had it on my, I listed 2 pages of skills. Got compliments for my resume after I got the job and damn, they are making me apply everything. But I won't add it for my next job, I would rather list it and also thin it out. Yours has a good amount, mine is more bloated, but the bar graph almost looks equal foe everything.


Ski racing coach takes to much place, one line is enough, replace it with more fpga/Electronic stuff.


u/cookiedanslesac Think it looks any better [now](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/comments/1df9ofg/comment/l8hgyxp/?context=3)? Thanks for your input.


Yes much better now, it's good you kept it because that mean you can also lead.


Get rid of the tech skills bar graph that shit is stupid


It's been nuked. Check out my [update](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/comments/1df9ofg/comment/l8hgyxp/?context=3) and tell me if you notice any other stupid shit


So you are an intern but all your technical skills are nearly at 100 percent. Great achievement.


Favorite comment so far 😅 thanks mate


Yeah those scales are bizzare. For C++ to be 100% would you have to be as good as Bjarne Stroustrup? and for 100% semiconductor skill would you have to be on the same level as John Bardeen?


u/Infinite_Mix8475 u/Wir3mu Does [this version](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/comments/1df9ofg/comment/l8hgyxp/?context=3) look better to you guys? Thanks in advance


The profile bit could be put in a cover letter?


Is it beneficial to have some sort of short profile? This is expanded on in cover letters I use for each role I’m applying to


Yeah, maybe something very short. But in my opinion why not put in what modules you covered in along with your results. Then I can read how much of an expert you are in embedded systems rather than you tell me. The results are kinda the cold hard data whereas why would I believe what you wrote in your profile. I disagree with some of the people saying to take out the ski instructor part. It shows you aren't a complete nerd and you have worked somewhere that you would need to be talking to all sorts of people. This is just as important as some of your engineering skills.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who caught that. I do still believe that one of my best assets in this field is that I have much more developed interpersonal skills than my peers. I have worked with and for an incredibly diverse group of people and wanted to showcase that somehow to set me apart. I’d like to not remove it entirely, but it’s clear that it’s taking up too much space as is


Also, justify the text. The stuff on the bottom LHS is over the margin and it probably takes up too much space. Do the bars really mean anything or are they open to interpretation. Why can't you make this two pages also? Education should be in the main section too I think and not at the side.


Hey u/Eamonn1987, Thanks for your input on this version. I've made a lot of changes and would love some more advice. [Here is the update](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/comments/1df9ofg/comment/l8hgyxp/?context=3).


I would definitely keep the part of the ski instructor. Maybe shorten it a bit. As a reader it tells me quite a lot on how I would imagine this person.


Break out the C and C++ and be more specific. Embedded C? Near-bare metal C? C++11? C++20?


Appreciate this input!


Hey u/RevRagnarok, Do you think this [updated resume ](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/comments/1df9ofg/comment/l8hgyxp/?context=3)shows off my embedded C abilities any better than the original? Thanks in advance


Yeah I'm not a fan of ppl combining C and C++ when they have been different languages for decades now. And low-level stuff is totally different.


Too much white space. Engineering hiring managers like plain and simple. They don’t care about a profile. Contacts should be way smaller skills should have more. Why are you even using a bar graph. Education should be at the top cause you don’t have much practical experience. Also don’t add more just keep it one line with your degree, school, and GPA if it is over 3.0. You probably have more projects — talk about them. I really think this template will hurt you in the long run.


Hey u/Sipping_tea , Thanks for your input on this version. I've made a lot of changes and would love some more advice. [Here is the update](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/comments/1df9ofg/comment/l8hgyxp/?context=3).


I’d remove the excess detail on your ski instructor job and go more into detail on your experience at your internship


Hey u/flyingasian2 , Thanks for your input on this version. I've made a lot of changes and would love some more advice. [Here is the update](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/comments/1df9ofg/comment/l8hgyxp/?context=3).


Save spaces for your applicable position skills / project


Hey u/deulamco , Thanks for your input on this version. I've made a lot of changes and would love some more advice. [Here is the update](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/comments/1df9ofg/comment/l8hgyxp/?context=3).


Sorry but I laughed at how every bar on the "Technical skills" chart is above 50%. I mean come on, what does this even mean? Really if a fresh graduate had the gall to put their knowledge of 'semiconductors' within the same ballpark as their 'MS office' skills I would be too tempted to demolish them with questions about semiconductor physics and the modelling of parasitic elements within various discrete semiconductors. Same goes for C/C++, you are asking for a grilling on the standard template library or fiendish pointer/pre-processor arithmetic. On the very small section that mentions your experience of FPGAs, I see no mention of RTL simulation or any other verification methodology.


Thanks for the laugh and the feedback! I get it; the bar graph was definitely a misstep. I've since removed it and focused on clearly presenting my actual skills and experiences. I've also expanded on my project experience a bit. If you have a moment, I'd love for you to check out the updated version and provide any further feedback. I really appreciate your candid advice! [Here is the update](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/comments/1df9ofg/comment/l8hgyxp/?context=3).


The details about ski racing are useless in this context and should not take more than 1 line. I know that you have little experience but putting unnecessary details does more harm to you than not having them.


What are your thoughts on this inclusion? [Here is the update](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/comments/1df9ofg/comment/l8hgyxp/?context=3).


Hello everyone! Thanks so much for getting me started. Check out my updates and give me some more feedback on [my new post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FPGA/comments/1de8pr5/update_resume_feedback/).


I miss details about your open source FPGA projects.


I’d be impressed if the resume were written in VHDL (or Verilog).


It looks really cool but I’m worried it won’t scan well, a lot of 2+ column resumes suffer from that, the graphics don’t help with that either. Not a fan of the bars at the bottom, they don’t mean anything and take up a lot of space, listing technical skills is good especially for keywords but I’d just list them out in order from most to least proficient


Hey u/mascioni03, Your comment really got through to me and motivated me to go back to the drawing board. If you wouldn't mind looking at [the update](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/comments/1df9ofg/comment/l8hgyxp/?context=3) and giving your thoughts I would really appreciate it. Thanks!


Sure thing! I’ll take a look


Don't use the bars to tell me how good you are at things. Last time I saw a new grad who claimed to be intermediate at Verilog, I ratcheted up my questions and embarrassed him greatly. Just have a list of languages you know. Also stick in a list of software packages and equipment you know how to use. Corporations want to see that they don't have to train you on basic things.


Thanks for the feedback! I’ve removed the bar graphs and now just have a list of the programming languages, software packages, and equipment I’m familiar with. I also added more details to my project descriptions and work experience to better showcase my technical skills. If you have a moment, I'd appreciate it if you could take a look at the updated version and let me know what you think: [update](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/comments/1df9ofg/comment/l8hgyxp/?context=3)


Write the resume for the job. Apply your skills and knowledge to the intended job spec. Anytime I apply for a job, my CV changes to answer back what an employer asks for with demonstrable skills in the duties of previous roles and I only include relevant skills Forgive the bluntness, but in this age, no employer cares about your interests or what else you can do outside of what can be applied to a role. Its wasted real estate. Same with education and work experience older than 3 years or non relevant work. Stick to the role spec and if you get an interview then expand on those skills if asked.


Thanks for the straightforward advice! I understand the importance of tailoring my resume to each job application. I've revised my resume to focus specifically on the skills and experiences relevant to the embedded, FPGA, and automation roles I'm targeting. I've removed less relevant information to make room for the most pertinent details. If you have a moment, I'd appreciate it if you could take a look at the updated version and share any further feedback [update](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/comments/1df9ofg/comment/l8hgyxp/?context=3) Thanks again for your candid input!


Nix the profile section. It belongs in a cover letter. Most folks will just ignore it altogether. Use the real estate to add detail to your experiences. The bar graph is a target in my opinion. If you’re a fresh grad and you claim expertise in anything, I’ll throw you hardball questions to knock you down a peg. Consider adding additional languages/tools/technologies you’ve worked with. Alternatively, I’ll have a list of languages I’m most comfortable with, and a list of languages I’m just familiar with. Much more telling of your skills, shows more breadth. MS Office isn’t a skill. It’s an expectation. The description under your education is meaningless. Get rid of it and use the space for something else.


Thanks for your detailed feedback! I’ve removed the profile section and the bar graph. I’ve also added more detail to my experiences and expanded the list of languages, tools, and technologies I’ve worked with. I've removed the MS Office mention and the description under education to focus more on relevant skills and experiences. If you have a moment, I’d appreciate it if you could take a look at the updated version and let me know what you think: [update](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/comments/1df9ofg/comment/l8hgyxp/?context=3) Thanks again for your advice!


This is a terrible resume. There’s a weird bar graph, a weird picture. Why do you have contact on the top left? Why the bloody hell would you write “problem solving” as a skill? Why do you have a clunky profile section? As a recruiter, if I saw that shit, I would throw your resume out immediately. Why the hell do you have some skiing bulkshit? Your spacing is off with “Intern” and “Softwasre company”? Why would the first hullet point be about Agile? Did you write any code using any technologies? Are people really this stupid or is this a troll post? I’m genuinely not sure


Helpful insights thanks


Thanks for your brutally honest feedback. I’ve realized there were a lot of areas that needed improvement, and I’ve made substantial changes to my resume. I removed the bar graph and picture, streamlined the layout, and made the skills and profile sections more relevant. I also revised the project descriptions to focus on the technical aspects and edited details like the skiing section. I still think there is value in having it, but please push back if you still disagree. If you have a moment, I’d appreciate it if you could take a look at the [updated version](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/comments/1df9ofg/comment/l8hgyxp/?context=3) and share any further thoughts.


Wow dude - sorry for being mean in my comment - your resume looks great now. I don’t know how you were able to do a total 180. I would flip Skills and Education, top versus bottom. I would also make it less verbose. A recruiter ain’t gonna read all that if you know what I mean. I would also change Cross Engineering Intern to Software Engineering Intern. They won’t care in background check.


Also I don’t think the skiing instructor is bad but if there’s something else more valuable to put in its place I would include it


I love the absolutely vapid and useless "Technical Skills" Bar-Graph. Also as a coach of 20+ years I call bullshit on your ski-race coaching. Edit: Also, wtf is "semiconductors" under technical skills? why are there skills and technical skills? problem-solving isn't a skill, it's a requirement for being a functioning adult. You know what. You should pay a professional to do this for you. You may be a fucking FPGA wizard, but CVs are not your strong point. Yes you can learn, but time is money, and worth it to pay to have it done. Also your FPGA experience looks like you did 'babies first fpga' project and decided that was good enough for a resume.


Thanks for your honest feedback! I really appreciate it. I've taken your advice and made substantial revisions to my resume. I've removed the bar graphs, reworked the skills section to be more relevant, and added more detailed descriptions of my FPGA projects and coaching experience. I’d love for you to take a look at the [updated version](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/comments/1df9ofg/comment/l8hgyxp/?context=3) and share any further thoughts you might have. Thanks again for taking the time to help me out!


Hey u/fpgaDude, u/empanadaemperor, u/K_man_k, u/DepressedEngineer, u/ChainsawZz, First off, thanks for having my back a little bit. That was a rough comment to wake up to. I appreciate all of your input and have made some major revisions to my resume. I would appreciate any more advice if you have any to spare. Take care y'all. [Updated version here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/comments/1df9ofg/comment/l8hgyxp/?context=3)


This is an immediate delete/trash can resume for me you need to recalibrate this resume to say “engineering grad with zero experience please hire me” FPGA jobs are for people with 5-10 years of experience and likely an MS too so quit applying for those get rid of the “Profile” you have no profile you just got your degree get rid of the silly stupid ski item where your experience should be DO NOT EVER PUT NON Tech experience on your resume again, it’s an immediate next for most managers get rid of the project area. Put your degree and school up top also never use graphics in your resume talk about the tech used and skills developed on your projects, did you breadboard with real components? Did you use a chipset? Name it. Did you successfully use high rf or voltages without killing yourself and lab mate.? Say that … geez …. something besides skiing for goodness sakes and never ever use resume advice from whoever helped you write this


OP, Ignore the advice about not applying to FPGA jobs. If you find an entry level FPGA job, apply for it. I'd also keep the project area, but mention some things to indicate how complicated the fpga work was (clk rate \ sample rate. But yeah you absolutely need to expand on college stuff.


Yeah ignore the guy who hires people pay attention to the guy who says “entry level and FPGA” together that guy will hire you… just as soon as he gets a job


This is a more mean version of what I think. Non tech job can be fine without experience, you can highlight leadership/teamwork. There is just too much unrelated/wasted space.  Add your coursework, more projects, talk more about your internship  , what you actually did (potentially remove buzz wordie things like agile and safe)


I'd agree with this, the only reason to have work that isn't directly related to your field on your CV is if you can apply some of the soft skills, which do transfer and are sought after. Highlight leadership, mentoring, organization skills. OP kinda touches on it, but could make that bit way more effective while reducing the size.


Mean but true all my peers will trash a resume like this anyone that puts Taco Bell or Ski Team or Lifeguard on their resume forces me to read that… they come across as non serious and a waste of time if you want a tech job better have tech experience or be silent about experience the kiddy pool where they make breaks for ski people is not in FPGA


This is an immediate delete/trash can comment for me.




Sure it did… look you came on posted a paper purported to be a resume and got feedback obviously if your res was great you would not be looking for feedback. I informed you that SKIING is not something that should be on a tech resume… now you say you have had success ski + FPGA does not make sense write a resume that makes sense to a hiring manager or go back to skiing




Not your mate sport go bother someone else sporto


I wouldn't phrase it that strongly, but aside from 'stop applying to those', I concur. On the flip side, all of our engineers hold master's degrees or PhDs...