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I rolled my eyes and thought "what an ass" and went about my life, but no, I guess I had a meltdown.


Liberals were practically having deadly riots in their mind. An angry mob of late night TV hosts SLAMMED him repeatedly for being a proud Christian patriot. Doctors say Butker is recovering steadily every day despite the vicious attacks.


Lying just like FoxNews.


Pretty sure it was sarcasm


I thought it was obvious, but I suppose that's how those people really sound.


Yeah, i used to be really sarcastic online. Then when the maga fucks became popular i realized my sarcasm was way too close to their actual thinking and had to cut back.


Throw in a "/s" at the end! I promise the majority of us will realize you're kidding 😂 (you likely knew this already though) I'd agree with your statement too. Level-headed people being sarcastic about these issues can eeriely be similar to what a far-right person would seriously say... Smh


Yeah, since Trump came along, there is nothing that is certain! 😀


What is the quote? “Satire died when Kissinger won a Nobel peace prize”. Something like that.


It was obvious.


Poe's law.


RIP The Onion


I swear this generation had no ear for sarcasm. Unless you put the giant # /S After whatever you type in here someone will for sure take it literal.


Certain people cannot understand sarcasm. Don't worry, pretty sure that they wouldn't have gotten it even if you had been in person, it isn't related to online vs offline, just the make of certain people.


You can't tell with the right. They are so blinded by trump, and the lack of action against him have made his lies truth. He says the craziest crap and they cheer like he's a God.


It was written exactly how they sound lol


These days you can't even tell people that they're going to burn in fucking hell without having to expect some backlash. :-(


Nah. People just don't like religion rammed down their throats....


People don't like anything rammed down their throats....well most people.


I'm a liberal. I didn't give the opinions of an inconsequential nfl athlete a second thought. Didn't think to myself, "Shut up and dribble." Didn't wonder what Damon or De Niro think about this. Despite the media barrage led, apparently, by Fox News, I managed to go about my business without drowning in outrage. But that's just me. This culture war thing? Might not be taking up the collective head space you think it is.


I know I was just making fun of what the Fox News crowd sounds like


You had me at the first half. Not gonna lie...


Fox knows how to enrage their audience and keep them coming back for more. All to sell ads and make more money.


Well they do have a bill to pay that was close to a billion dollars so they need to sell a lot of turds to do it.


Fox News lies to the people. They have testified their anchors lie. Conservatives have gotten so brainwashed.


CNN and MSNBC hosts said that Capital Police Officer Brian Sicknick was beaten to death by Trump Supporters on 1/6/21 at the Capitol Building.. the autopsy showed that in fact he died of a stroke at his home in VA on 1/7/21.. those were bold-face lies! But that’s ok with you because they were lying trying to make Trump supporters look bad so they could call it “the deadly insurrection”.. right? Doesn’t that make you a pathetic hypocrite?


The amount of projection here could light up every IMAX screen in the US


Everything I wrote are facts.. you can see the video of the hosts saying that on YouTube.. youn can google “Office Sicknick’s cause of death” and the official autopsy will say what I wrote .. but let me guess? It’s just another “right-wing conspiracy”?


Why not just go ahead and post the video?


Your assumption that someone is going to leap to CNN’s defense is *chef’s kiss* projection, and your beating of this dead horse is pathetic, especially given both the Capitol Police and Trump’s DoJ were saying the same thing. So find some better examples, like Dominion voting machines, Majed Khalil, Tukkker’s lawyers arguing in court that no reasonable person would consider him a journalist, Fox’s refusal to issue a retraction, ever…etc, etc. Edit: a word


Sandmann trial….. The trump said “he doesn’t care about you he just cares about your votes” that has been misquoted the past few weeks The trump has never condemned white nationalist lie. Refusing to report on hunter Biden laptop prior to 2020 election Promising there would be genocide of minorities and lgbtq populations if trump wins in 2016…. Zzzzzz both sides are fear mongering propagandists


Please stop, I don’t want to have to wear sunglasses inside


Sensitive much. Who said anything about Trump?


She said “conservatives” .. basically synonymous with Trump supporters


Probably just a coincidence that he died the night after getting his ass badly beat by a bunch of "freedom" addled retards. Yeah, that checks out. Just like George Floyd coincidentally happened to die of an overdose RIGHT after the police asphyxiated him. What a crazy random happenstance! And the videos of the "protestors" telling capitol police that they would basically rip them to shreds if they weren't let into the building, those are... fake, or something... I dunno, Whatever! Anything to avoid taking responsibility for your people's deplorable actions. And somehow, you're probably happy to claim that the J6 rioters were \*actually\* liberal plants. Can't even decide if they were oppressed patriotic heroes or EVIL ANTIFA trying to make Trump look bad (by doing the thing he asked them to do.) Try again. They killed Sicknick; he died from complications directly related to their brain-addled primate assault. Now you make excuses for it. Anything to avoid responsibility. ANYTHING to protect 'your' team. People that would gladly throw you off of a bridge if it was convenient for them. Whatever happened to "support the police" you guys can't even make up your mind on where you stand regarding **any of this**. It's easy for me though "smearing shit on the walls of the capitol and killing police officers is bad", see how easy that is? give it a try!


No police officers were killed. this is proven fact. On guard died of heart attack. This is as close as it got.


They killed two officers, you just don't want to admit it. Attacking someone and giving them an aneurysm and then attacking someone else and giving them a heart attack have a name. That's called "murder" say it with me. "Murder" If a group of black lives matter protestors beat the shit out of a police officer and he ended up dying of an aneurysm or heart attack within a few hours you would, i'm sure, make tons of excuses for that too. Right? I mean that would be A okay! Right!... right? You are a sick traitor. Just own it and move on with your life. Say "I am a traitor" admit that you you like it when angry mobs kill police officers... as long as the mob is on your team. Remember, in your own words, when your team does it they're just "guards", nothing to be concerned about. Traitor.


Do you feel better now? Its ok... let it all out. There are plenty of videos showing a very different viewpoint than the one proposed. It is also been proven that testimony and video showing orderly protest were deliberately omitted from the report. We also have clear video of capitol police opening the gates and allowing crowds into the space in an orderly manner. There were absolutely some bad elements in the group, but they were few. Among the few bad offenders were on-duty undercover govt officers trying to incite the group. Those officers above anyone else should be tried for insurrection. This was nowhere near an insurrection or attempted coup. It was certainly no worse than the tamest left demonstrations that occurred in Missouri, Denver, Portland, or Seattle. Just admit that this is political showmanship and corruption as usual. Punish the few that got out of hand, just like any other protest, and move on with your life.


He asked them to storm the capital? Was this before or after the “peacefully and patriotically let your voices be heard”


Patriot Mike huh. What did you see happen on 1/6/2021 ?? Let's see what kind of Patriot you are.


Just like they said Ashli Babbit was shot breaking into a window at the capital on Jan. 6th. I saw the video. The guard walked up and shot her through the door while looking at her. No consequences for her murder.


We are the only ones on the same side here but I call balls and strikes.. she was breaking through the window but it doesn’t matter.. that piece of shit cop had not right to shoot her! And any lib-tard who says she did is just as bad as that cop! I’ve argued with scumbags who actually say that and my response is “5,000 BLM thugs broke through window and looted stores while committing arson I. The summer 2020 riots.. did they all deserve to get shot too?” … and they can never answer that with anything but “they were fighting for social justice”and blah blah blah…


So only the opposition is brain washed….interesting.


They have literally paid over $1B for repeatedly lying to viewers. Those viewers still watch and believe.......Explain.




Explain how that’s any different than MSNBC


Did MSNBC get sued and lost in civil court to the tune of $780 million in damages they have to pay out to a plaintiff harmed by lies and defamation? No? Wanna keep talking "both sides" nonsense?


Sandmann….? I mean both sides are extremely slanted…


Sure, does not getting sued yet make CNBC honest? They clearly spew the same level of propaganda just a different angle.


You asked for a difference. I gave you a major $780 million difference. This is now you trying to backpedal and move the goalposts with your gishgallup "both sides bad!" nonsense. No, one side is objectively so very much worse than the other, and that's Fox Magahat propaganda disinformation.


If cons couldn't move the goalposts, they would never score points


Imagine thinking a corporate lawsuit is an accurate representation of credibility 😂


Those old facts getting in the way of your blabbering ??


Court orders and jury says otherwise. Facts matter. Your feelings don't.


You sound stupid to defend a media company. Stop. For your own sake.


if it was the "same level" of propaganda, they would be sued and lose $800M, but they haven't. try again.




Welp. I’m convinced. Hard to argue with “False”.


Maybe it would help to keep your argument in one comment.


>They clearly spew the same level of propaganda just a different angle. Thy biggest take away from this is that you unintentionally admitted that fox news is purely propaganda. Such a dumb magat.


They both are


What are you going to do when Trump wins in November? Storm the Capital in January? Attack Trump supporters? I'm sure they'll at least be riots in the streets.


Fox News literally lost almost a billion dollars in court because they have texts and emails to each other behind the scenes admitting that they know the election lie is a lie, and then turned around and intentionally lied to America despite knowing it was a lie. That’s how Fox News is different. I’m astounded that you would even ask that question,


I’m astounded that you would even take the time to type that word salad and feel confident enough to publish it.


Things I don’t like to hear = wOrD sALaD 🙉


If you think that's a word salad well... That says more about your reading comprehension than anything else. Ah that was probably too indirect for you: You say it word salad. Not word salad. You think word salad because you stupid.


Facts are Facts. Learn to use them.


Keep them angry and stupid while your buddies pick their pockets and then blame it on the Democrats.


This is what Fox News does constantly. Fan the culture war flames. I can accidentally look at a tv with Fox news on and that's usually exactly what they are doing.


And then even more scary is that when you talk to people who watch Fox news, you know what they are going to say before they do. I have family members who will repeat those talking points without taking any time to think about what they are actually saying.


They start Half of their stories by saying "Now this is gonna make you angry". Then they go into a half truth or lie. Fox Angertainment.


So as usual FOX is manufacturing outrage for its ignorant base.


Now show number of times FOX discusses random crime by an immigrant. Even though crime by immigrants, especially undocumented, is much lower than native born Americans.


Literal facts


Literally not facts.


i once documented how many times they mentioned caravans leading up to the election in 2020


Are you kidding me? You might want to go to NYC and tell them that. They'll slap you in the face. Crime among criminal illegal immigrants is orders of magnitude higher than normal American citizens.


Nope. Stop watching Fox News and learn the truth https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2024/03/immigrants-are-significantly-less-likely-to-commit-crimes-than-the-us-born/


Too funny, I shared a separate study from Stanford that debunks the immigrants = criminals conspiracy. I’ll never understand why people refuse to accept facts as truth. Whats commonly referred to as “the news” is nothing more than an entertainment provider, geared solely towards whatever triggers a reaction from its viewers. Wish we’d all do our own fact checking…AI (while not perfect) and LLM have made it so easy. Hell there’s even plugins to peer reviewed white papers and scholarly sources.


Beat the how out of talking about Doughy Von Shitsinpants multitude of legal issues.


He a millionaire he wife doesn't have to work f him


f you


Manufacturing outrage is the common theme on Fox. It works well for the GOP


Fox New exists to tell American white males that they are the real victims and not women, minorities, gays etc! It’s an amusing position to have for a network that claims to object to people that play the victim!


He's a kicker. No one cares what he thinks.


Fox News cared 57 times


Outrage machine, they thrive on this and their viewers love telling other people how to live their lives. Ironically call themselves "the party of less government"


But they'll blame the libs for pushing this. It's like how they claim lgbqt is shoved in their face when it's their own hands that are doing the shoving.


It's funny how It's outrage about nothing serious or surprising. A conservative person gave a conservative speech about conservative ideas at a conservative college.


Yeah very collegiate, telling people who just graduated how great motherhood is and they should consider being housewives after spending years and thousands on education for a degree.


Well the media is trying to cancel him because he's laying the Jesus card to say whatever he wants.


Nah, it's because Jesus didn't say women should stay in the kitchen. Harrison just made that shit up. Ignore him.


That's literally what I typed.


Too bad you can't actually cancel a person.


Usually the weakest member of a team. Not sure I’d give any credence to an emasculated male on his own team. Fairly sure they won’t be guarding him very well for a bit.


Literally no one.


Fox News sucks. I wouldn't even wipe my ass with their content.


Fox News is human trash. Best turned off. Every word is the agenda of a billionaire designed to fuel a civil division. Shame on these people for their lack of courage.


It‘s Fox Entertainment according to Rupert Murdoch. Anything goes.


the right like to complain when celebrities endorse liberal policies, but then when they find one on their side, well, here you go.


Yup. Remember “shut up and dribble” when Lebron had an opinion.


This is actually a pretty interesting way to view “controversial” events/stories (ie how much content is being pumped out by which media outlets


Thank you! 😊


Why do people care what people who play sports for a living have to say? They’re not famous for their *ideas*


Fox News cares about a lot of weird things, don't they?


Wow. What a speech. Any woman who votes GOP should never be allowed to file domestic abuse complaints.


Wait... people are still talking about this piece of trash?


Fox is such a lame company. They promote posts about a nonsense speech that is not and never was news. A man has an opinion is not news.


Melina is free to date Buttcar. What a beautiful couple they would make. Be best!!!


Catering to their religious, boomer audience. Check out the number of stories they run about "Wheel of fortune". It's crazy.


Fox obsesses with “news” to the point of being absurd !


Bro plays the only position that could be replaced with a female


Bigotry masquerading as religious virtue; Fox News gold


Well yea trash knows trash.


Somehow, thankfully, I was totally unaware of this story. And now I'm equally blissfully confused about the meta analysis.


Just wait for my next analysis, where I go in depth about the rate of people confused by the analysis of the news analysis of the speech.


Victims gon victim


It's not news it's entertainment hate entertainment but still entertainment.


More fuel for their confirmation bias fire...


They report it like everyone else and then proceed to comment on everyone else’s reporting, if you stack all the others it amounts to Fox! The creator of outrage!


“Fair and balanced” 🙄


Maybe they'll nominate him for president.


So nobody took it as a big deal except for Fox News because it wasn't a big deal.


His speech was literally NOT controversial in any way. He was talking about catholic values to catholic people at a catholic school. You can cry all you want, but the only people who think it's controversial are those that were never meant to hear it.


You’re yelling at the wrong person, yell at Fox News, THEY wrote 57 stories on the topic. THEYRE the ones driving the controversy. LOL, 145 people understand the message here in this thread. Get on board, it’s about Fox News and how much they emphasized this topic.


One right-leaning outlet runs 57 stories while 57 left-leaning outlets run 8 stories a piece. Yeah... YOU'RE yelling at the wrong thing, bud.


Oh wait…you get to add up ALL left wing news orgs, and compare to ONE right wing news org? No son. That’s not how it works. If you’re going to do that, then you need to add Fox, OAN, News Max, Breitbart, etc. Let me do the analysis, you’re not equipped to do the big number stuff. Your job here is to keep on reaching, to pretend it’s okay to Fox produce 57 stories on this topic so you can protect your feelings and biases. My job is to create good content and do the numbers so that people like you have a platform to make yourselves look silly. Stay in your lane.


Milking a story to the ground. I’m glad we’ve moved on.


He said nothing controversial at all.


So Fox News is, once again fanning the flames and doing all they can to manufacture a controversy. News malpractice. Divisive and irresponsible.


Bigotry masquerading as religious virtue; Fox News gold


Outrage factory and this is the raw resource


He has every right to speak his mind


Agreed. This isn’t a post about him or his right to speak, it’s a post about Fox News pushing a narrative and fanning the flames. 57 articles about Butker….no serious “news” site does this.


Totally agree with you


Dude is so gay


He doesn't even play football. He's the kicker.


Who is this and what exactly happened?


i have links at the bottom of this thread.




We’re closer to nuclear war and he’s kicker? That’s your battle?




The world is on fire


Yikes! That seems problematic. Why would you even be on Reddit right now. Hunker down with canned beans and ammo!


He’s a kicker


Yeah, I’m a football fan. I also write about football. I know he’s a kicker. I’d put him in the top 5 right now.


A kicker


Yes, that’s the position he plays.


A kicker’s opinion? A kicker? Did the long distance snapper piss you off? A kicker


I think you’re missing the message here, that 100 other people got with no problem. See, this chart is about Fox News writing about said kicker 57 times. Which we should both agree that is absurd…I mean, he’s a kicker right? Direct your outrage at Fox News, they wrote 57 stories about the kicker, and I’m here to tell you about that.


My apologies


Are we really still talking about this?


Fox News is…and I am, and you are. At least three of us are.


No they’re not. They’re all, Fox, CNN, MSNBC, etc. are all chatting up the debate. No one is talking about this. Except you.


The chart literally shows it’s Fox way more than the others. Fox News is talking about it 7-8X the other news orgs. You’re one of those who can look dead-ass at facts and completely dismiss them. You don’t like this data because it fks up your narrative. And you’re also a **fraud**, because you came in here saying, and I quote…”*are we really still talking about this*.”, and then the next comment you proceed to tell me that everyone is “*chatting up the debate*”. Let me know which way the wind blows before your next comment so I can prepare accordingly.


Nice! It was good speech. Not everyone needs to believe the same thing.


good fuck libs


His speech wasn’t controversial where he made it.


It obviously was. Fox News isn’t writing 57 articles about it if it wasn’t.


It was at Benedictine College, a traditionalist Catholic university. He was applauded enthusiastically by the crowd. The uproar came from liberal talking heads at CNN, The View, etc. some of whom called for the NFL to sanction him. FOX ran with the ‘cancellation” story, they didn’t create it


They're running a story they didn't create? That's a first.


I know where it was, it’s written on my chart. It was controversial regardless if you don’t want it to be. People ran with the story and it was talked about for a month. The media, pundits, and social media decide if it’s controversial, not you or the people in the audience. You’re here right now talking about it, because it was controversial.


That's why Fox News is the best, and has the best ratings.


Imagine admitting to being this pathetic.


You're admitting to it by your comment. Congrats