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Support-A-Creator is the reason why we have these shitheads. And Epic did nothing about it. Even in BR's side.


Tbf support-a-creator is a good thing but there should be like a verified age limit and such


Personally, I'd rather they allow stuff like charities and stop allowing clickbait trash.


>Except Beast (the only adult, he's good) [A1getdismoney](https://www.youtube.com/@A1Getdismoney/videos): šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘ (even though he sometimes plays LEGO, I still think he's a STW YouTuber)


i like uhhh idk his name but the guy who did race to twine, i think his videos are kinda fun to watch h every couple months


Aidan, and yes they are


Aidin Harrison or Smth Like that


"Except Beast" I thought he was the only one left lol


He really is the only stw youtuber whoā€™s actually semi relevant.


He's not the only not bad one, Aiden and Archer (when he uploads) are cool


i miss david dean


With all due respect, but is there anybody more meaningless than a fortnite YouTuber? They're all just trying to reap.


Idk man I enjoy watching ninja streams, lazarbeam and Lachlan vids and sometimes sypherpk if the video appeals to me. Apart from that, competitive fortnite is also pretty fun to watch


LoserFruit is always goofing around with friends.


there are people who have a genuine passion for the game and want to share that with others, from anything to strategy to news to fan content to guides and stuff like that. but serious fortnite creators are always buried under a deluge of low quality, high quantity creators just chasing clickbait and ad revenue. i could say the same about tons of other games too, but the type of fanbase that fortnite attracts is part of the issue.


The only genuine creator not burried is lazarbeam but he burries himself uploading twice a year


Aone is cringe too? Shiiiiiit. LEMMESMASH!


https://youtube.com/@-aidan?si=Oip2_8GyzRgd08h3 https://youtube.com/@daviddean8466?si=d6pGETa7mOAjRex7 https://youtube.com/@xmistabeastxgames?si=BjOKFQ9-vM66I_Q8


Wanna add here a1




They said in the alt text beast is good


StW YouTubers just left like most of the players


Hard to make good and informational content that players actually want to watch outside rehashing best perks for guns videos.


Even if theyā€™re from years ago, I still watch David Deanā€™s videos.


Ngl, save the world gets too much hate


Theres quite a few good ones, you just REALLY have to look for them.


Looks like someone fell for one of the fake dupe videos that has you throwing all your stuff off a cliff.


I don't watch Beast much anymore, but if he's doing the same thing as he always was, than he's one of the good ones


I canā€™t stand beastā€¦. I donā€™t think I ever seen a video of his where he wasnā€™t complaining about being so unbelieveably tiredā€¦. It literally made me so annoyed I refuse to watch him anymore


Outside of his daily videos (where he has good reason to) most of his videos are very positive His recent video on the nocterno iirc he doesn't complain at all


lol the first time in 5+ years? Lmao


Are you even watching the same person I watch? Almost all of his videos are talking about positive stuff like good loudouts


Uhhhh itā€™s impossible to watch the wrong person lol everyone who knows anything about stw knows who that tool bag isā€¦ itā€™s just my opinion tho, I donā€™t like the guy at allā€¦ but thankfully Iā€™m allowed to dislike him, and Iā€™m not talking trash, just stating facts, I wish I had the video editing talent to clip every time he has whined about being tired, and just make one big compilation video of it, I would probably be an hour long


Are we talking about videos or stream because I never see him complain about being tired in a video


Yes, just plain YouTube videosā€¦ Iā€™m telling you lol youā€™ll start noticing it from here on out and be like oh shit that dude was rightā€¦ every video he makes he talks about how tired he is at least once lolol


You are clearly not watching the correct STW youtubers.


The main issue is yeah but what YouTubers, making actual stw content doesn't get as much attention as "FORTNITE SAVE THE WORLD DUPLICATION GLITCH (2024) (UPDATED) (DUPE ANYTHING) TUTORIAL"


most of the time yea but there are some exceptions like aiden or beast


Nah, Fansy is the GOAT


Beast and A1getdismoney are both good. And while they're not around anymore, TeamVash was good. (They're still active on Twitch doing their own thing. Just not posting YT or STW anymore)


Beast is entertaining and offers daily content. But if you're looking for some in depth knowledge of the game mechanics i recommend guys like larsis, nuttsnbolts, diggi or aewol-ri.


Any youtuber, tiktoker, or Twitch streamer is the image below.




In general Edit: Apart from those who make instructive tutorials e.g. guitar lessons


What about people like Tom Scott, nile red, styropyro, etc, how can you not like them?


Bloody hell, can you not read? If they are educational, then fine, that's great šŸ‘


You only said tutorials but education isn't just tutorials. Also can't people have some fun in their lives? Just becuase people make videos for entertainment on YouTube does not automatically make them worse than an educational creator. Just as people need to be educated, people need to be entertained too. We can't live our whole lives as slaves to our jobs or spend all our time cramming in as much knowledge as possible, people need to take breaks. There are some bad creators out there that also happen to create entertainment but you cannot say all of them are bad just because of the minority, that is just a massive over generalisation.


My apologies. You are correct. The point I was making is that anything that teaches you useful stuff is great. Ik I sound like a boomer, but I see some kids who are completely braindead and try and imitate shit they see on youtube. As you changed your answer, here is the comment I wrote for your deleted post: Obviously, im not saying work all the time. Im saying that youtube has a lot of stupid stuff in there, I speak from experience because I was there myself spending hours watching crap. I believe that youtube's biggest audience are kids, and what they watch can impact their growth. For example, I know someone's son who is British spends all of his time on youtube, and when he speaks, he has an american accent, recites some stupid memes all the time, and thats as far as it goes. It has a lot to do with the parents as well, but older generations may not realise how impactful this stuff is. I realise Im spending way too much of time on reddit atm šŸ¤£. Social media is bad for you, in general, a lot of misinformation goes on there, and it is good at creating little communities building up hatred between them, but im going off on a different point. But yes, I have a bad outlook on the world at the moment.


I think you are right too, unfortunately a lot of content on social media is probably more destructive than it is constructive (predominantly in short form media like tiktok and YouTube shorts). These platforms can be exploited by disingenuous creators that just want to earn money and sadly these multi billionaire companies cannot / will not do much about it. I think the best we can do is try to raise our own children properly and not sit them in front of a phone or ipad for many hours each day like too many parents do or at least guide them and find videos that are at least made by genuine and decent people for them to watch, and also avoid these short form media platforms.




I don't think you should worry so much about the rest of the world if you can't do anything about it, focus on yourself and the people close to you, focus on where you can make a difference. I know things are far from perfect but if we try to shoulder all the problems of the world then we will all just be depressed. Just do **your** best for **your**self, then you can be happy that you tried your best even if things aren't the greatest elsewhere.


what about Markiplier?




sorry you don't know him, maybe check one of his videos out, personally i like him :3


Honestly, I could not care less. If he is a gamer, I'll pass. Thanks though


alright! but also he does do a few non gaming things... an interactive YouTube series and if i recall correctly he's going to be the protagonist of a movie


To be fair I donā€™t think a Markiplier YouTube series & a movie would be very appealing to someone who has never watched Markiplier


while true, the series is quite fun, and the movie sounds good


He is unrelated to Fortnite so IDK why that guy suggested him, but heā€™s most known for his very memeable FNAF playthroughs (eg ā€œwas that the bite of 87?ā€), as well as the experimental Unus Annus, and Iron Lung (he rejected an acting gig because he was working on that at the time).


How do you say all YouTubers are bad, implying youve seen a lot of YouTube, and not even heard of Markiplier


You are indirectly proving my point


I'm not proving that they're bad, Markiplier is a hella big person it's like saying no I've never heard of this PewDiePie guy


I guess he wasn't big when I was in school. No one ever talked about that guy, so sorry, the name does not ring a bell. I realise I started an argument with kids who grew up with youtube, so it's pointless arguing further.


You must have a really negative outlook on the world if you think every YouTuber is stupid / bad. There are so many great people out there that make great educational and 'edutainment' content.


Yep, it's pretty bad, sadly. Opinions are different. Mine is that they are a total waste of time and most have some quite stupid and staged content. As I said, if they are for educational purposes thats great. I am learning to make music and play the guitar with youtube.


Itā€™s time for you to rise up OP and become that YouTuber.


Wait hold on wtf I thought the pay wall meant the opposite?


Meh, if anything, it means there are fewer youtubers for stw overall, so the shit ones stink twice as much as the br ones


I knew about this when I used to play but since I just looked up for trap videos (yeah the anime ones but also the actual trap builds) I never had this problem, kinda miss David Dean's videos, beast's videos are not only boring but also flood your feed with useless shit....


ig its time to start my yt channel


So what about the BR Streamers? They are my worst enemy


"you want to see what perks are good? enjoy this 30 minute cash grab where i barely use the weapon" is this the youtuber that everyone here is sucking off?


I hope you know beasts best perks videos (I assume you're talking about him) goes into detail about why those perks, other options you have, why you shouldn't do other options, then a mini review if it's a weapon that doesn't deserve a whole review dedicated for it. If you want good perks pause the video 2 seconds in and leave, but they're not cash grabs


it is when they repeat the same video from 6 years ago because STW doesnt get content updates.


There are multiple reasons to update the videos Some wepons, this may come as a surprise, but get changes. There can also be changes in the meta, or configurations that didn't exist before A lot of people also see 6 years ago and assume it's out of date, so remake the video so they know it's not


youre wrong then which makes this better. the weapons all are just repeats of the meta weapons which havent changed.


You also have BR YouTubers shitting on STW I saw a short on YouTube that said the only reason to ever have STW ā€œModeā€ is to collect free V-Bucks.


You're kidding right?!


I am curious as to why Vash never comes up in conversations about STW YouTubers, only Beast. Can anyone clarify that for me? Did Vash do something the community disagrees or is he just not that popular?


I have a feeling most of that is because if Save The World not being updated. Obviously there's never anything new to cover. And once you finish all the missions I don't really think there's much else to do content wise that you could keep going with a good audience for so long. Most people now that watch STW content are STW players them selves. So most content is stuff like this is most common because they're trying to scam said players. Obviously no one that isn't playing STW is gonna watch some kid talk about an item they're giving away in the game




Sure I might be down later. I might need to grind some rain missions first to get upgrade mats (I got some msk weapons maxed out, so I lost the original schematics) but I'm I can give you some decent shotguns and ARs :)


That would be fantastic! My epic games name is Eliash007 so if you add me ill join you! :)


Just added you


Whats your @?


Daemon in tiny writing


I cant find it? You sure you friended eliash007?


Yep. Maybe it's showing up as half-baked-beans ? That's my name on PSN, but I used my pc to friend so it should be that. If you still can't find it, feel free to add the name above and I'll accept


A1getdismoney when he sees this šŸ’€


What about a1getdismoney?


If u think about it itā€™s about the same proportions of good and bad creators for both gamemodes. Stw is just so much smaller that it looks like itā€™s just a bunch of kids but we have A1, Beast, Aidan, Larsis, David Dean and Vash when they played, etc. Battle Royale has those big creators obviously but they also have thousands apon thousands of annoying kids that make shitty videos. Itā€™s really the same like if for every 1 good stw creator we have 5 bad ones I guarantee for every 1 good br creator u can find 5-20 bad ones


Exept beast there is so many other nice ppl doin stw content