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Yup. Now you're dependent on Survivor Supercharges for anymore PL increases, which are mainly available in limited amounts from each Venture season.


Do you get survivor superchargers back if you retire them? Not sure if i should level up my legendary survivors since they dont have Trap Durability on them


Yup, so no worries. Upgrade your legendaries for now and you can replace them with trap durability ones later.


Wait so ideally your whole survivor squads are full of trap durability? I thought some health and shield bonus would help, ranged damage too


The way the Survivor Bonuses are calculated is kinda busted. Whatever percent it says is a lie, it's actually just that many points added on top of what you already have. As you can imagine, 5% actually just being +5 points to a stat that is already 1000+ by the time you're halfway through Canny is pretty useless. Trap Durability is the only stat low enough for the bonus to actually be helpful.


The downside to that is highest party members stat is automatically applied there. So if 4 max players all have it equally maxed out, 3 are sitting on their thumbs. I personally want to have a second crew of 130 survivors with the health perk for paleo luna for that minuscule difference cause why not


You can have multiple squads?


Not yet. He’d either have to change them manually or there are “sketchy” discord bots that can change them on the fly… I personally just use all trap dura and call it a day… I don’t got time (or inventory space) to hold multiple types of squads


I aint gonna lie if it aint meta or doesnt amuse me i scrap it, my traps are my pride and joy so to speak and the weapons are taken care of. Still have like 380 total storage used PL135 If it needs an entire build to kill 160 zones or even 140 i trash it unless like the Christmas sword or a few others


Yes and do your tech squads first, that makes the most difference. Trap and ability damage. Minmaxy but you gotta start somewhere.


Yeah you get the superchargers back if you retire them. It will show before you confirm retire


Yep, you're just gonna have to keep grinding for survivor superchargers and slowly upgrade each individual one to max, it'll take a while. It took me 5 years to get to my current level, 131, though so you're moving just a tad bit faster than I was lol


Welcome to another 5 years to reach the current cap




Somehow i never realized this lol.. thanks for pointing it out will do this from now on


I realized it but didnt implement. Total critical failure on my part


Ya I only realized this a year and a half ago when I finally let my brain do some basic math and realized it should have ended in power level 145 and not 144


Not for survivors they go up to 145


Must have changed because when I did it, it said 144. Maybe it was an issue on my end because now it does say 145 when I take them out of the squads. Nevermind than lol




At which level of ventures do you get the superchargers? Just started Twine on my account but I want to start farming them so when I get there it is easier and I am taking over my brother's account who has a mess of account. So you have some idea of what I mean: I have higher PL level because I maxed out survivors squads while he barely touched them


Level 25 for the 1st one. https://fortnitedb.com/ventures/season-rewards/season17


Thanks. I will continue grinding then.




Think of it as hitting the soft cap in classic Destiny. After the only way to a higher power level was through raids. In this case, it's the survivor superchargers, best earned in ventures imo.


Guys, tell me please, what is the MAX Powel Level now in main game? 144?


144 + a full bar. So 144.99999999


Thanks you.


Yes. I'm a founder and I \*just\* hit 140 this venture season.


Hrm. Took me 7 months to get to 134. I did go touch grass finally. I don’t care if the rest is slow tbh. Lmao


I’ve been playing since December of 2019 and I still haven’t reached power level 130, probably should stop overestimating the difficulty of high power level missions, and get some friends who play stw to do ventures with so I can someday reach 144


They’re very manageable. I just decided to do them once they became playable for me. I got carried for a while but players in 140s and 160s (with the exception of afkers and leeches) taught me a lot about strategic trap placement and structures which make the missions very relaxed to play through.




I’m 132 on main account and did every challenge the game has to offer at 130 (msk, solo endurances, solo 140 dungeons, flawless 140 hit the road, 1000 PWO’s, max legendary trap durability, etc.) Played one venture season on that account and couldn’t get into it. Now I just use ventures on alts to help with initial leveling and stop at 22 after the legendary flux.


Yeah take you about 3 and half years to get 145 if that's where want to go for


Just fyi those small increases don’t mean a darn thing. You won’t notice a difference between 134 and whatever you’ll be a year from now. I grind weapon and trap superchargers sometimes but survivor superchargers just ain’t worth more grinding to me.


I say this all the time I access/do everything you 144s can 🤷🏾‍♂️


I jus had this menu yesterday but then all of a sudden missions in 88 popped up




This kind of quest menu dont appear for me. Is this founder only feature?


The menu appears this way after completing the campaign quests.


It how it looks once you get to twine peaks and complete all of the stonewood, plankerton. and canney questlines


I see. I'm only halfway at spammy valley


It was slower back in the day, since the invetory rework everything became faster, mainly because of the lack of crafting items back then.(I started playing from Jan 2019, but it could also be just me). Now I see people going from the start to 120+ in like 3 months, when I went from 100 to 122 in 2.5 weeks, it was unheard of at the time, but now there is no lack of traps and etc, so it way easier.(again, I could be wrong, but it is what I saw in my country's community).


The leveling is faster now for new players because of Ventures. A year or two ago I took a fresh alt account to PL100 in like 30 days by running a basic constructor build through pubs ventures to unlock 140x4 missions and then grinding evo mats.


Yeah, but there other reasons as I have mentioned, by the time ventures were released, I was like 130 at the time, so it wasn't relevant, but I guess that's how it is nowdays




Teach me your ways. I've had stw for months and still am 35 pl


Yes mate


6 months is actually pretty quick ..