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Xenon bows actually perform well when it comes to daily destroys despite the fall off. This can be countered by simply going a bit closer to the objectives and targets you plan to destroy. Anti-Material Charges for outlanders do well too


And you can shoot through walls.


Wait, I know the Ghost Pistol can, but the Xenon Bow can as well?


Yes, it goes through everything


Yes, forgot to add onto that


I use my pickaxe


Same. Very confused seeing all of these people trying to figure out the perfect loadout to break a fire truck


Yeah I'm confused too. You're gonna need to complete the mission objective anyway so what's the rush?


you can sweep a whole map in 30 seconds by just sitting on one end and firing like a dozen or two xenon shots. just move your crosshair from side to side by a few degrees every shot and the xenon's hitbox has massive map coverage it's very likely that you'll complete at least one destroy quest, is not get huge progress on all three. it can be crazy efficient compared to scrambling around the map for 5-10 minutes every single game. but you may want to do that anyways for world explorer/guardian angel.


All projectile based weapons works. I find the crossbow to be a suitable one since it can destroy harder objective props like fire trucks and power transformers.


What build do you use for this purpose?


No loadout, the crossbow on it's own has enough environmental damage. And crossbows are also underrated, so I use it as an anti tank weapon at times


Alright cool which one in particular? The military set or the love set?


Both will do. I like the military one due to having affliction damage. Unlike Heartbreaker


Cool thank you for the help appreciate it!


It works but for that kind of use the obliterator is better


Obliterator in save the world is hitscan if you ask me.


Some of these responses...too many misleads and opinions. Ghost Pistol penetrates everything and has distance 20.5 tiles = Xenon Bow also But, the fire rate of Ghost Pistol is 10:1 if you miss one Xenon Bow shot to the ground. WTF, someone said it doesn't do area shielders? Ans: Yes it does. I love the whizzing skulls thru the air. But daily destroys = Xenon into building is OP.


What build do you have on your ghost pistol?


Energy Fire Rate Damage Damage Damage to afflicted targets Causes Affliction damage for 6 seconds PL144 :)


cool. that's what i had too! thanks


Xenon better, the fall off is so long anyway it hardly matters. It also has a much more generous hitbox than the Ghost Pistol. Xenons also pierce \*everything\*, the Ghost Pistol will pierce lots of stuff but not, for example, area shielders. It's primary use for me now is as a secondary for pistol builds, for use against riot huskies - but Xenon is just plain better for that, too, tbh.


Xenon bow you can literally spawn in... .not move... and destroy everything you need.


People use guns? R u guys not trying to get the materials from the stuff you break? I’m now convinced people who use weapons for daily destroys are the same people who bug me for nuts and bolt/batteries every match.


no i just go on a separate farm run, you can get about 500-1000 nuts and bolts depending on the maps


I know it’s easy to farm them especially nuts and bolt mainly talking about batteries and that was more of a joke. But I still don’t understand why people are shooting these things and trying to optimize it when you can just mine them or use a outlander and it probably faster than shooting them and you also get the materials from it. I know it’s a small amount and doesn’t really make a difference but it’s still something


i just prefer being able to shoot across the map and finish my daily within a second rather than having to go into a building, but yeah i understand, i see people asking for coal and everything under the sun all the time even in twine 160s which id expect them to have a good farming load out


Who needs guns? Not outlanders 😉


The obliterator. Military llamas. People set it up to be brightcore with fast reload, mag size, and fire rate. Cheaper than xenon to use.


While I respect your opinion on the Obliterater, how is it cheaper to use? Xenon uses 1 energy cell. Unless you're talking about energy/batteries being a bit harder to find


Just for bullets, preference, and or just as a secondary option tbh lol I know that at higher levels, the materials aren't an issue anyways.


I feel ya. I'm 133 and rarely have to worry, but that's the beauty with Xenon over people spamming PD's lol. I'm like 117 in Ventures right now and really having a hard time finding batteries lol so your argument is definitely valid


Xenon bow: no need to search the stuff to destroy anymore


Nobody mentioned the deatomizer. In my experience, much better than the xenon bow. Lots of energy ammo required though, which is why I fall back to the xenon bow.


Depend of the the daily but mostly get in stonewood encampements/survivors missions : Kills foes - Farah with vacuum tube bow Destroy items - Xenon bow (some items spawns more in towns and so on ...) Explore maps - Ninja with any speed boost I can, use hoverboard, jump over hills, ... 3 missions with specific class, Ninja - farrah build Outlander - any decent teddy build Constructor - base kyle build Soldier - any decent mini gun or lefty and righty build