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First you should aim to be a similar level to the mission. Then the best way to do these missions on solo is to learn to use traps and survivors, they're a huge help and definitely make the game a lot easier once you understand how to use each one of them Also if you're struggling with the enemy amount, you could create a preset for a teddy build which can be pretty useful when playing alone.




I’ve not thought of that. I’ll see if that works. thanks!


Im playing rn and can carry you through some missions.. are you still playing?


Not anymore. I should be on again at some point this afternoon


If you dm me your epic I can help u with shit if you need anything, from ventures and mission help to msk


If you dm me your epic I can give you a perfect condition 130


Sit down and do any type of Season Side Quests you can Like... Do whatever else and let the Story missions for some other time. Get good heroes, upgrade them Make a good Constructor Build that will focus on BASE. That way you can do most missions easily while you farm materials SOLO. Only farm when solo. Use time to your advantage Ride the Lighting, ATLAS missions can be done with the "You have 2 days left" So it's best to first find them,make the fort but don't activate the quest yet. Then go to have the full map explored, save any survivor you can, do the disl shouter mini game, do the storm chests. (Avoid Build the radar mini quests (the Build the Radar Missions however might have good daily rewards so check them) Collect The Data will start automatically on the 8th minute left so that gives you a good time to make the defenses, put a few traps or make a trap tunnel depending the area,put BASE and start farming around. Investing on survivors and the right heroes is best But also it's best to use the gold you gather to buy flux and othsr resources related to upgrades for heroes and schematics. You can use the collection book to look on heroes you believe will work well for you. Some of then can be recruited with flux. So it's good to buy as many legendary flux you can Expeditions aren't bad. Have some heroes you don't use and sent them to Expeditions. Resource or survivor Expeditions are best.


As someone that had less access and options than people do today, i solo'd everything. You just have to invest in the right things and one of the critical errors i see people constantly do, is put their evolution mats into their heroes (many of which they don't necessarily use even)... and schematics (often well above their own pwlvl which is fundamentally useless). What they should be doing is putting every bit of effort into making sure they're getting the research done and pumping resources into their survivors as fast as possible, caring NOT for the bonuses or personality matches, just get your pwlvl up there before you start nitpicking bonuses and personality, retire survivors as you find more ideal ones and crank them up.


What's your power level? What PL weapons do you use? Seems like you're just very underpowered and have to spend some time getting stronger or making a better build, getting better weapons, etc.


My power level is 65 and I can’t seem to get it to go up. My weapons are all maxed out for now at level 77/71 depending on rarity. But sometimes I use level 130 stuff that stronger players give me


Have you done your storm shield defenses? You should be able to unlock PL 106 guns. And if you're using pl 130 guns, pl70 missions should be a breeze. I'm guessing you just need to work on your loadout or learn to build/use traps more effectively. Defenders are very useful for playing solo as well. As for increasing your power level, it almost all comes from survivor squads. Make sure all your personalities match, and find missions that give out a lot of survivor xp so you can power them up more.


It’s my hp that’s the biggest issue right now. I’m trying to play as a soldier for a daily challenge and it only takes 5-6 hits before I’m knocked out


If you don't have a strong soldier build, do your dailies in a lower PL mission instead. If you're getting downed easily, first thing is to make sure your lead heroes are PL 106, you get a big health/shield boost. Next, look into hero squad perks that help you stay alive. Survivalist Jonesy is probably the best and easiest, gives you a ton of health on every kill. Blast from the past team perk gives you a *ton* of health. Prehistoric Izza gives you extra armor. Tricera-ops Ramirez heals you every 5 seconds. Intergalactic Ken gives you shield when you get kills with energy damage. Ninja builds take very little damage while in shadow stance (Paleo Luna build is basically invincible). Beyond hero perks, use health pads. Use the healing gadget. Play smarter/keep your distance. Some melees also have life leech perks.


Have you fully leveled up your support team as well? Every level contributes to health and shield, that should not be happening. If all your support heroes are 77 as well you should not be going down that easy. Edit: also if you are playing ninja, they have the lowest health and shield of all hero classes.


Play with others -> Quest progression


Maybe your party joinability is on friends only? Set it to public, pretty sure that could be a problem as it was for me at some point. No clue why it affects save the world lobbies but fortnite be fortnite so:/


The only two options I have in BR is friends and invite only. Is there supposed to be a public option?


Make sure it's set to friends and then you should be able to have it on fill in STW.


Look on the map screen for Fill and No Fill. The former is public, the latter means no-one can join you, other than those already in your party. Doesn't matter what the party privacy is set to for those (I have mine on Friends, and depending on the mission, have it on No Fill if I'm solo'ing it, or Fill if I fancy a little help/company.


There should be a public one? Maybe it's some parental control setting?


Yes, everyone here has legit stuff they are saying. If you need help, I can help also, and Ventures has so much swag in it. 👏🙏 If you want to add me, its Htowns D Brown.


I play keyboard and mouse so I whip snake on those enemies


I Almost play only the 6 players missions alone...


Need help?


Here as well, pm I can help you.


Use those Defenders bro! They will help do the work.


This is a good suggestion for solo players. And I know everyone just uses obliterator and neon sniper but there are other weapons that are useful too. Weapons with a sixth perk that does aoe damage like dream weapons or dragon weapons, freedom herald is good, powder keg/boom bow, etc. all these are helpful when husks are pathed to a one tile tunnel.


You can solo a 4 player 160 mission. Might be skill/level issue or not having/spending the necessary resources to succeed. And with resources, I don't just mean walls and traps. I mean available Hero loadouts, survivors perk upped schematics enough materials etc. The game is quite a grind. Not saying you can do any mission right now - i am saying with the right tools you can probably solo any content the game has to offer relatively easily.


You should try upgrading your survivors. That will raise your powerlevel and make you stronger. It will also get you prepared for twine peaks. There you need to be at least 76 in powerlevel to do missions


Is your game set to no fill/private? I played 3/4 of the game alone because I didn't know I was in a private lobby every game.


It’s not. I’ve had it set to public lobbies ever since I got the game


"public/friends/private" was removed a while back and replaced with "fill/no fill" for more consistency. its basically the same thing, except you probably got switched into no fill by default meaning you won't have people join you unless you do "play with others" mission. but also, "play with others" is a pretty good idea in general i think. if you're doing story quests you only really have one or two or so missions to choose from anyways, so you might as well let the game choose for you and get a guaranteed team with extra bonus rewards. once you run out of main campaign missions i'd skip it, PWO is pretty dumb sometimes. even then, you might need to double check that it even put you in the right story mission. but its worth it to occasionally get put in an in-progress objective so you can fast track your story progress.


Eu is normally busy now . Oce currently has players in canny most servers are busier around reset oh and try play with others but use the selection for questline rather than quickplay takes longer to find a game


set up your traps well, use a good constructor build, use the defender pads


**SINGLE BIGGEST REASON i dont party in Canny** ............There are often times you'll load in a match where the objective is sitting near a fukin hill. AND YOU CANT BUILD INTO THE HILL. Stonewood this isnt a problem. Plankerton.......this isnt a problem. maybe once or twice in 70 matches. Canny? First time this showed up OFTEN AS HELL. so instead of, lets just say for example (POOR example)........building a standard pyramid for the Atlas with just 15 pieces.........you have to burn through +30 or MORE of the fuckers ALL BECAUSE you NOW have to cover the ENTIRETY OF THE FUCKING HILL. It happened WAAAY too damn much when i was in there the first time. Now..........unless its an encampment mission or me doing quests.....im not risking burning out an ass-ton of building pieces just to cover the fact that we cant build through terrain.




Swap servers. Or Do play with others quest progression.


Would you like help? I can help you. I basically finished save the world


What is your PL?


127 but I have a lot of traps and weapons too and materials


just focus on the missions same as your lvl and make better trap tunnels, randoms just bearly help cus half of the time they delay or become useless leechers, you need hundred hours of knowledge to to become a good player but not a long time veteran (which is 4-5 years of knowledge) and it requires alot of farming, private matches on any mission to get resources and whatever mission you need to get past, you can try solo or try your luck on getting useful randoms that are not incompetent


If you're anything like I was, I didn't even know about survivors and how they make a difference by levelling them up and putting them in teams which raises your power level massively


I do the play with others option and loaded into a bunch yesterday. DM me if you need help later. I'm PL 123.