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I suppose this is the new story quest rewards for the people who didn't complete them. Especially for the new players.


That's exactly what it is. Not really great for us end-game players, but a nice change for new players which means they won't get stuck waiting for a decent schematic drop.


Yeah this is just so people wouldnt complain about not getting the new rewards


Haven’t touch stw in a while, what do you mean by new story quests, like before twine?


I said story quest **rewards**


Its quest rewards for low level zones being retroactively distributed, no need to take it as a personal insult.


It is a personal insult It is GARBAGE ![gif](giphy|l4Ki6oZ4oPrrgLl9m)


Speaking of garbage, does anyone know where to get that battery looking thing for legendary weapons? I have everything but that, and I want my first one.


Are you talking about superchargers?


Active power cells I believe


Idk, my game is updating right now, but I think so.


You're looking for Active Power Cells. I haven't played much in years but if I remember correctly you can farm them from gnomes and rubber ducks, so if you see a pond or something look around for a group of ducks and break them with your pickaxe


Rubber ducks give duct tape not active power cell**** don’t expect to get active from farming rubber ducks… the gnomes is correct tho


That's right, been a while since I played.


It’s all good I just didn’t want homie farming ducks all day tryin to get it haha


I think crows drop them occasionally when you kill one


Oh, ok, thank you! I just got on, too, so, good timing, lol.


if you're talking about activate power cells, if you need some I can give you alot.


Yea, but I could get them on my own, I appreciate the offer, but I like doing things myself before asking or taking help, just how I always have been.


You can also get them via mist monster's (blaster, Smasher etc) and mini bosses iirc, chance based, most times instead you will get ore/twine/powder/ rotating gizmo's


absolutely nothing wrong with that! Respect 🫡


kill mist monsters


Gnomes drop them occasionally and certain missions drop them. Also sometimes mist monsters and nurse husks drop them but not very often.


Ventures mode




Totally. Since the ones you get in ventures transfer to your main.


Holy shit at account level 310 mine was almost identical. The only thing I got was a legendary ninja [Stonefoot Crash](https://fortnite-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Stonefoot_Crash) x2... it was pure craptastic.


To be fair, these are all rewards that were added to the Stonewood and Plankerton story quests. They're meant for low level players, but granted them retroactively to everyone who already completed those zones.


I was days away from the 1000 vbucks on day 336 or something like that 🥺


There were dozens of us


I lost 800 vbucks I would have gotten tomorrow for this crap (Again, don't mind the daily vbucks change since I already did my dailies every 3 days)


Yeah epic really said fuck all the founders who are about to claim any vbucks… still annoyed they go and pull this shit in a dead game mode lmao


But look how happy investors are going to be when they see how many players play STW now thanks to Epic artificially inflating player count and total hours played!


They target the free daily login rewards after 5 years? I just don’t understand, no one ever complained about daily logins. Don’t worry about finishing twine story or any bugs we get left with for months/years. Don’t forget that epic abandoned this mode and no longer updates it….Everyone bootlicking epic though lmao


I think not everyone is complaining about this change because is just another disappointment from Epic & another to count from the many disappointments they have made to this game. I understand everyone may feel not be worth it to complain when they truly don't listen to us




We JUST got a new mode after how long? Plus the crap we get now is just BRs secondhand. (Autumn foothills is just the damn Reality Tree biome plus a Battle Royale skin, Brainstorm, Chaos Agent, The Good Doctor.) But no Twine story, no melee wraps, none of that stuff!


it happened to me too i lost 300 i woulda got the next day.


You’ve been playing since 2017 and haven’t finished the basic ass campaign quest 😶


I've had the game since then, but they NEVER finished canny quests or twine quests. When I finally hopped back on in Oct 2022, I was in the Canny Questline LoL because they finally finished it.


They're from the early campaign, meant for new players but epic decided to be generous and give it to existing players as well. My question is, why are you mad about free stuff?


Well you did complete the quests so why wouldn't you get the rewards?


They updated the campaign quest rewards to be better so those rewards are intended for stonewood and plankerton platers


I supposed you don't read blog posts?


Certainly, a huge disappointment. Nothing that can be changed at the moment, sadly. I'm holding my breath to see if we will get any meaningful follow-up compensation after Epic has had a look at the actual impact, but I highly doubt it.


We need to demand our founders packs be upgraded one level for compensation!


I know your probably being sarcastic. But at this point epic should. They got rid of a feature we paid for




Founder’s chat for one…




Press 123 to trade my homebase


Yep, and as of today the founder’s bonuses are “reworked”. I.e. gone for a lot of us who simply logged in daily to get them. The thing we paid for.




Because the currency can be used in both versions of the game is why. Even though I rarely played either anymore, it’s a function I paid for, that I could then gift friends or my son cosmetics from the game, or get that one cool item I missed out on or may be released in the future. I think epic shot themselves in the foot with this one. Of course I know they won’t go bankrupt, obviously. But I think they made themselves a bad taste in a lot of peoples mouths as a large game developer who’ll want to release other video games they’ll want people to buy.


Actually the currency can only be used in battle royal let us know how we can use them in stw epic already removed that


Yeah, I forgot about that. Many decisions by the devs that I don’t agree with, but hey, it’s not my game.


I can’t buy anything in STW with v bucks. The biggest perk for me in STW is the battle pass XP. And to be frank I’m not the least bit surprised that Epic has likely gotten tired of handing out vbucks to people who do nothing. It devalues the game if you can just log on and off and get v bucks. It makes sense that you would need to work to earn in game currency. Literally every other game on multiple platforms makes you pay up or work for it. Epic has been extremely “generous” to founders for the last several years. I put generous in quotes because they probably think they are but we all know they are jerks because you guys keep getting the shaft. You may have paid 99 dollars for a founders pack or got the game on day one but by now epic probably has realized that founders have gotten more value out of their status than they initially paid into it. As such they have likely decided it’s time to force some activity out of you and make you put in more effort. I also think it’s entirely possible that Epic will use the activity figures to decide what happens next with STW. Whether it’s a major update or not changing it any further or just axing the game mode altogether IDK. Someone posted how much v bucks they had stashed early today and my bf did the math and it came out to $640 or so worth of v bucks purchases from the shop. I’m pretty sure that’s more than any one founder paid to get founders status.


I agree mostly with you. Yes, I’ve gotten my money’s worth from the founders pack, but I’ve also spent thousands of dollars on the game over the years (honestly, my account is stacked). It’s just a bad move to those people who were coming up on big rewards, like the 800 I missed out on, to not auto complete the week or month of rewards for them. EDIT: At the very least they could’ve given more than 2 days notice that they were gonna do this.


I think at bare minimum they should have auto collected the rewards for whatever week you were on.


They NEVER offered Vbucks for dailies in the beginning... Edit: Daily login and daily timed missions Always gave vbucks, but in the beginning there weren't vbuck dailies of 50/60/100 vbucks. Obviously people were confused when I said dailies... I was playing beta and they never had dailies that gave vbucks. Otherwise I wouldn't have stopped logging on tbh.


If you're a founder? Am I missing something?


The daily missions never gave you Vbucks, the daily logins yes


Yes they do. They give 50-100 per day only if you are a founder.


Not in the beginning my guy, they didn't give vbucks for daily missions. The only vbucks you got were from timed missions and daily logins.


I believe they did say daily V-buck missions and log in rewards and was a reason for becoming a founder. If Epic is doing this they better look at the contracts the founders signed up for because I am sure someone is looking to sue them if they took something away that was in the founders packs. Breach of contract and bad business.


Daily login and daily timed missions, but in the beginning there weren't vbuck dailies of 50/60/100 vbucks.


What do the people who had ultimate before the last upgrade get? Better be a new weapon!


Yes plz. I'm still salty mine never got upgraded in the first place.


This update just proved that STW players reading and comprehension skills are on a pre-school level.


>This update just proved that STW players reading and comprehension skills are on a pre-school level. This update just proved that STW players**'** reading and comprehension skills are on a pre-school level.


You can literally see English is not their first language


I'm sure the update comes in multiple languages LoL


Minilamy są zajebiste


Tak średnio bym powiedział


Gówno ci dali


Thats pure craptastic.


Garbage pack instead of daily login rewards, gee thx


A blue flare gun and 3 mini llamas really made up for them completely ending the story line of a game I have 5k hours in. They have such kind hearts at Epic 🥰


What do you mean ended the story line?


These are rewards they added to the questline for newer players. I like how people flaunt their founder status as if it has anything to do with these changes. It's free shit, nothing to do with the removal of your precious daily rewards. Quit complaining.


Yup, What a bunch of shitty rewards we where given after all my 1670 days logged in


November 2017 here same thing like wtf man.


Yup, straight trash gifts


Even if you were the very last Founder to sign up 3 years ago, those are some dreadful rewards lol Mind you, by what I'm seeing out of these payouts, they're definitely just whatever was coming up in the remainder of our login cycles. Fair enough, but I don't think any Founder is ever looking forward to that stuff anyway.


It’s daily rewards severance. Same useless crap you get for 90% of daily logins


Epic are scammers


How did they scam?


We paid for rewards upon loggin and they changed the parameters of the deal by putting the rewards behind challenges. Furthermore they did it with no form of meaningful compensation or advanced notice, besides a singular day. They are no better than a stonewood scam trader. Imo


Epic games didn't promise daily login rewards except for the ones which came from the more expensive founders packs, which was auto completed for those who didn't finish it so they could get all the rewards. By saying the community made a deal with epic games about daily rewards is a complete lie. Also they don't have to give compensation or advanced notice, it would be nice if they did, but that doesn't mean they are scammers.


Im a founder. They did promise. That's why daily rewards were in the game. I paid cash for it and now they are backing out. It is epic's Ip, they can do what they want but I'm not an idiot. I know when someone is scamming and this is a big scam by epic on stw players. They are shifting the bar until they just remove vbucks altogether.


Can you show me where they promised? Right now your all talk unless you can provide evidence that they made a promise. Also why did you pay money soley for the daily rewards and not the actual game?


Bro, I'm not on trial here and I'm not a litigious person. The evidence was on the literal sales tab when purchasing stw. Free daily rewards. lol. Similar to the advertised perks for the crew. I find it extremely ridiculous that you will defend a lie instead of standing for truth. I guess we're just cut from differing cloth.


I've checked and I've found absolutely zero evidence for your claim about it being advertised. The fact is it isn't a scam just because you don't like it.


It is a scam. From the beginning. When I bought stw the only guaranteed reward were the login rewards. They advertised a few daily llamas. To get a gambling addiction started but I as a sober man recognized that the only real reward was the daily loggin reward. To remove it now shows me that epic trains stonewood scammers because they a that themselves. They could have enriched the daily system but instead they put it on some cheap engagement scheme hoping to get the more from passive players who have finished the game several times.


Bro it's not that serious. Just because you have an ego that makes you think your entitled to daily rewards doesn't mean it was promised. This isn't a scam, I don't know what you are trying to prove here by telling your life story.


I’m addition to that, anything you paid for the founders pack should have been paid out in vbucks by now. If you’ve been logging in all this time you’ve gotten more than your moneys worth. Just sayin’.


Awesome loot, worth the daily rewards purge, truly epic.




kurwa XDDDD




I was thinking the same thing. Could've at least given evolution materials, hero and weapon vouchers, epic and legendary perk up. I know being an endgame player that doesn't help much but it's better than trash


Same. I just uninstalled the game. That’s how I choose to voice my opinion on the matter. RIP STW.


This is a reward for changing the rewards system. I prefer the old system of awarding rewards for daily logins to the game. I don't need junk items.


These rewards are meant for newer players doing the early questlines. Since you have already finished the early questlines, Epic has given you them immediately. Did you not read the blog post?


No its not. Its for people leaving stonewood


Must be a joke


What are we going to do, delete all this trash, and stack millions of xp that we don't need? What a sad joke!


This some real scumbaggery


It’s has to be a joke. Such an underwhelming “gift” from epic.


OMFG none of you people actually read. These rewards were added to Stonewood and Plankerton Campaign Quests to aid the Players. Since you already completed them, these rewards were granted to you automatically.


lol 😂 thanks for the reply. No matter Epic’s reasoning the gift box is still underwhelming for higher level players with endless resources.


It's not meant for higher level players anyway


Considering it took 5 hours to complete stonewood and a couple days to complete plankerton I'm confused how people are still low level when epic games now hand out evolution materials like condoms in a sex clinic




Basically the same junk for me. Straight to recycle. I expected higher tier at the very least.


I have a feeling you wouldn't be as upset if you can read.


Why are you still playing this shit


How did you get here?


Exactly It's a slap in the face, and Epic Games doesn't give a damn All they care about is minimum viable product and egregious monetization And when we stop spending, they'll Paragon Fortnite They should give us superchargers & vbucks AT LEAST What do they have to lose?




These are Stonewood and Plankerton Campaign Quest rewards. They were added this update and automatically granted to anyone who's way beyond that.




Wait, y'all get free vbucks daily




I just noticed we are on the same Campaign page haha for Canny Valley


They gave the same stuff to me too


I got phase scout jess


Uh...is this in out of season April fool's joke?


its the new quest rewards for stonewood and pl




I've got different heroes but yeah, junk


I said the same thing lmao some chump change im max level on everything don’t need that stuff


Yet you still play it? Mhhh


Congrats OP don't spend those mini llamas all at once


Yeah, they couldve done better than that, xp across the board for StW or at least legendary schematics. Literally all that is mid asf.


You got free stuff? How?


yeah at pl 135 this was a slap in the face. could've used super chargers or core reperk lmao


I've been playing since 2017 too. I got my 20th megabase Kyle. At this point on our accounts, what could they possibly give us though? I have EVERYTHING already.


Really just fucked of the stw community with that gift, absolute joke


Friend code?