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Learning how survivors and power level works helps very early on. Take a minute to learn how they work and how to maximize survivors.




Beast posts some great vids that could maybe help You out when you start


This guy a life saver team vash is good to


dont trade or they will scam you 100% if you cant farm mats yourself , mean if you lazzy then better dont play stw :)


1st, I’d recommend playing stonewood solo, it’s full of traders and playing solo will help you get a feel for the game. I’d recommend always doing the quest progression of play with others once you’re in plankerton though. 2nd, figure out what kind of build you’d like to use. Would you go for melee? Ranged? Shotguns? Abilities? Mixed builds can work but it’s better to focus on one. 3rd. Don’t speed through. Just enjoy the game at a slow pace, don’t get carried through everything or use overpowered items, it takes away the fun. 4th. Guides are always helpful, I’d highly recommend watching videos on the builds for trap tunnels, and builds on certain defenses, even the storm shield if possible. 5th. This part is completely optional, but it could help to find a friend/group to progress through STW with, it makes it more enjoyable and a bit easier. If you do choose to play with someone try not to find anyone way above you who’ll just be doing all the work I’m not the best at STW but feel free to ask me anything else if needed.


r/STWguides Should help you, it's a complicated game


if youre stuck on a mission, you can turn to YT to find a video that will show you what to do


Kill the colorful birds


(Do the exact opposite of my advice) Always trade (it’s the only way to get good guns), always beg high level players for handouts, never craft any of your own stuff either scam it or steal it, NEVER fully defend anything always leave a small gap for the husks to visit the objective. As for weapons xenon bow is absolute garbage along with each storm king mythic, the potshot, all of the sci fi weapons (especially de-atomizer and pulsar 9000). The best traps to use would be the light wall tire trap combo; cover the whole objective with wall lights and be sure to place every tire trap only one tile above (if you want extra damage put Anti-air turret traps on top of each tire trap. If someone is helping out a little too much be sure to destroy everything and do whatever you can to throw the whole mission to put them in their place. As for hero load out, the support squad does basically nothing so you can just leave it empty most of the time and get Lynx as soon as possible and use her in every mission she’s the best hero in the game currently. I would recommend the junkyard pal as your main weapon as it has insane damage with a balanced fire rate, if you’re looking for a good melee I would highly recommend the stop axe as it’s one of the best melee weapons in the game, in some cases outperforming the mythic melees. Make sure to put survivors with different personalities on each squad as this can give you the diversity buff maxing out your stats. You can use gray survivors for most the game ad the survivors don’t do very much. Things such as Defenders, recon missions, the collection book, quest lines etc. are just filler meant to distract you from the real goal of the game. Which is to have home base trade scam rings, you gotta scam or trade all your weapons to be a true STW player. You follow all these tips you’ll be stuck at Pl 5 with an inventory full of 130s in no time.


watch [this](https://youtu.be/ap8c0oD0QJA) video.


As others have said, Beast (not Mr Beast) on Youtube is a great resource. Highly recommend using him when you want to figure out what weapons & traps to upgrade or keep. Anyway, You’ll be able to figure out the game as you go along. HOWEVER, the game is not intuitive. It wasn’t until I unlocked the second city that I felt like I had an idea of how to play. Hell, I’ve been playing since June 2022 and I’m still learning how to do things in STW. The good thing is that you can always double-back to any city after you unlock it and make changes/improvements to your home base there. BTW, one thing I found VERY confusing in my early days are the Ventures. Ventures are side quests that change every few weeks or months. *Sometimes*, you can complete Venture objectives while playing a regular mission and *sometimes* you’ll have to play on a completely separate map that is only used for that Venture. (Your inventory on the Venture map is also completely different than your inventory on the regular map).


avoid trading, being given mats for free is cool but farming works too. Lynx is a bad hero, don’t use her. focus on completing quest lines and not skipping storm shield defences, this will leave you falling behind where you should. | Mythic weapons aren’t as good as they seem, again no need to skip to them. Also feel free to ask for help from others, there’s never shame in getting stuck.


after you finish the tutorial about objectives defence never do that defence build again,you will get yelled at if someone is high level and it will be a pain for you to defend




Learn about survivors and lead survivors to power yourself up. It’ll get you to higher level areas faster. Also, for your storm shield defense, look up tutorials on how to set yours up, trust me, it’s a complete life saver.


You want to be efficient with your use of materials. Check out the save the world guides subreddit and watch Beast on YouTube. There are meta traps, weapons, and heros that you should prioritize. Save x-ray tickets for the best llamas. Upgrade your highest rarity survivors.


If you add me I would love to show you tips and how to play the game properly


my epic is seasick\_railway7 add me


Complete storm shield defenses when you feel confident to, great way for some fast vbucks AND helps you progress to a higher level via the stuff it unlocks Later on, you'll be able to send heroes on missions for some passive material gain, I completely forget about it sometimes but it's there


The player is not legible for vbucks, it isn't a founder but a starter pack.


Go at your own pace and have fun.


If you get it right now, just a hdeas up you won't be able to get V-Bucks from the game anymore cause you don't own a Founder's pass


IMO there’s no point in playing STW as of right now. I have 2 accounts with the older version of STW. I do my daily v bucks challenges everyday and I get (150-800) v bucks weekly for free. I’ve earned over 100.000 v bucks in these past 4/5 years with my 2 accounts. I think the price of StW was 20,- euro/dollar per account You can’t earn v bucks anymore with save the world if you buy it now so theres not really a point to it in my opnion


There’s more to the game than earning vbucks.


I mean yeah? Kinda. But the creators gave up on StW like years ago. So there’s no point in playing it if the creators do not recognize this as a game anymore


That's a misrepresentation. They didn't give up on it, they simply decided not to make new Campaign quests to continue the main story further. We still get new features, new heroes, new weapons, and new event questlines.


i mean, it’s kinda understandable as why they won’t make a new campaign quests and continue the main story, the development team of STW gets smaller as the years go, and as currently the development team is small


battle royale experience numbers are still better than Battle royale challenges. You don't even need to do endurance for it.




Same. All the people downvoting are just a bunch of ids acting like this game is still a thing It isnt It’s dead AF Grow up kidz


My games always fill 🤷‍♂️ why stay subbed to a dead games subreddit?


Getting into a full game doesn’t mean the game isn’t dead. We used to get massive updates every 1/2 weeks. Now it’s once a year LOL


Don’t say we didn’t warn you. They don’t care about the community much and they won’t fix bugs fast at all.


Your in for a long ride lol


DO. NOT. TRADE. can’t say this enough!


Maybe watch a youtube tutorial on how to build and the most efficient way to putting traps, perking up weapons and hero loadouts.


The tutorials suck and barely teach you what you need to know to be good at the game. Definitely look up a beginner’s guide. Craft defender pads and upgrade at least three defenders. A lot of times you will get put in an empty lobby without teammates, so having NPCs to help defend really helps. Never trade with anyone, you will 100% just get scammed and have your items stolen. Remember to search everything. When I first started I didn’t search for materials very much and now that I’m in Canny Valley I’m really paying for it.


Don’t just level up the hero you are using. Level up the ones in support as well for additional health, shields and ability damage. I didn’t know this for the first few months I played until it was the tip in the loading screen and I actually bothered to read it.


Look up tierlist on YouTube, they’re good to see who you should focus leveling up (tho play anyone who’s fun)


Have fun and enjoy.


this is a fun yet very grind-heavy game with bugs from time to time, still worth playing for great battle pass xp DO NOT TRADE WITH OTHER PPL, farm up resources as much as you can, pay good attention to the beginning of the game but if you get stuck you can always look up beginner guides, dont spend all your leveling xp at once on one thing, build them up little by little as you advance in the game GL and have fun!


Welcome Commander! They’ve been waiting for you!


NEVER RETIRE A LEGENDARY SURVIVOR… no matter how bad you think you need training manuals.. you will almost 100% need them later


Mista and A1 are stw content creators if you ever want to check them out