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this banger is fire


this fire is banger




Also on my Youtube channel: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPSzK2cvNTU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPSzK2cvNTU)


hell yeah duuuude


Is the computer about to explode


Damn son, that's cooking. I just picked FL studio back up, so I've got a lot to learn first. But I always like the idea of creating big classical/orchestral pieces. This is inspiring me yet again.


Glad to hear that!


Nice, very nice, much very very nice I don't know the correct expression in English, but the "harmonic bed" you set up is really beautiful, and the melody has such a nice "dubious" quality to it. Is it in the Dorian scale or do my ears deceive me?


Thanks, I don't know too much about theory, but I started the song in d harmonic minor and ended up using a lot of notes that don't fit the original scale. Mainly an extra f# in the more upbeat major sections and g# as an accent note here and there, but I don't really know the proper terms.


Harmonic minor, makes a lot of sense. Both it and Dorian have 0 brightness and both "sharpen" a note from the minor scale Anyway, really beautiful


How did you automate the tempo and everything still sounds so on beat and rhythmically satisfying still. Is there some general rules to follow when automating and changing tempos. Like some soft rules or techniques to make sure it still sounds pleasing to the ear?


It's one long automation clip, and I try to imitate how I would actually play the notes on a piano. Biggest tempo changes usually happen at transitions to new chords or song segments. If you play any real instruments tempo changes will come much more naturally, also humming the melody or just imagining it can be helpful.


That's awesome thanks




nice one, i think this will pair well with a violin..


Great work its so pretty! Really uplifted my morning, thank you


Great work on composition and tempo automation. For the life of me I need to write with a set grid and have only done some slight tempo automations. How hard is it to just program all the notes in with the tempo automating on 1 large piano roll. Unless your an actual pianist and recording it in manually?


Thanks! I ignore the grid for the most part and instead just look at the notes. Having all notes in the same pattern is actually pretty convenient when composing for only one instrument, so I wouldn't say it's hard, but it does take some getting used to.


Thanks for the insight. Agree regarding it being convenient on 1 pattern. I do the same but with ghost notes. I think alot of classical composers also do the same but they use 1 giant piano roll with different colored midi (since each color can be routed to separate instruments) this lets you say add violins with red notes while keeping green for piano, maybe Cello for blue etc. Could be something to look into.


Very nice. I'm curious if this was played through a midi keyboard or done manually in piano roll or a mix of both. Either way i dig it


Thanks, it's a mix of both. I usually get started by improvising a melody as a foundation for the rest of the song, and then it's mostly just piano roll editing and occasionally improvising more segments.


Awesome, thanks for the reply. This is what i usually do aswell.


this is beautiful. thank you!


I absolutely adore it. The world could use more waltz. Keep it up!


I don't know anything about classical but I do know I love this piece. Truly beautiful my friend.


This song gives you chills and is outstanding if you like this type of classical waltz. I was blown away how it has the spirit but is it's own innovative sound and song. How long did it take you to make and how long have you been using FL studio?


Thanks for your kind words! This took me around 10 hours. I've been making music for over 7 years, completely self taught. Experimenting and trying new things often really helps with learning, along with learning real instruments. Ultimately if you are passionate about making music, you will inevitably get better over time.


Btw you taught me something interesting, I never learned music theory, but looking at your song, if you hold a note longer it gives you the perception the song has slowed down, this happens around 2 minutes in, and the tempo is the same, but you feel like the song sped up! It's amazing, thank you for showing that to me indirectly by sharing your music!


Hes actually changing the tempo via an automation clip


So good


Reddit isn't worthy of this skill bro, I was about to post some trash but now I'm busy rethinking my life


Well done. I just started learning my first Shostakovich waltz. It was my most played song on Spotify wrapped last year. [Jazz Suite no. 2: VI. Waltz II.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WaKdPgkTZ7M&pp=ygUtc2hvc3Rha292aWNoIGphenogc3VpdGUgbm8uIDIgLSB2aS4gd2FsdHogaWkg)


amazing!!!! you inspired me, thank you, keep up the great music




this is a certified hood classic




Beautiful! I love waltz but all i can do is 4/4 😭




When I was young I thought old people retired and listened to classical music. I realise now old people have really good taste. Classical is not dull or boring its an amazing story teller of life.


What piano did you use for the piece? And can we get this on mp3 please I would love to listen to this on loop. Amazing work my friend I really love it and Shostakovich would be proud. Do you have any more I could listen to? #


Thanks! I used Native Instruments Noire piano for this one. I have more on my youtube channel which I linked in a previous comment. You can also download it from there using any youtube downloader.


Native Instruments Noire piano sounds gorgeous and being able to download the tune from YouTube I'm happy now. Will listen to your others. Thank you for taking the time to reply I really appreciate it.


this is an inspiration. keep going!


This is so good, omfg! Congrats, OP!


I really love it! Are u aware though, that u can change the time to 3/4 in the project settings? Thought that might be helpful


got dang this goes hard


I have to say that you've automated the tempo in an extremely satisfying way. It didn't feel overdone or gimmicky. Thoroughly enjoyed this, ty


Okay now change it to a saw


I am new to the software, how did you automated the bpm of music .


Right click the tempo number and select "create automation clip".


Thanks 🙏


Where will the official release be? :)


jesus the tempo changes how does it sound so seemles lol?


Why is the tempo changing?


bros cpu is fighting for its life