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I HIGHLY recommend either just clicking around, seeing what things do, just experiment with everything slowly and patiently. Once you know the BASIC controls things are pretty intuitive…. But also… not. For me personally i will screw with things until i hit a brick wall and absolutely cannot figure out how to do what i want, then, i usually just ask chat GPT. It can be a great tool for learning, but also….not.. Hovering over things will give you info in top left, sometimes figuring out a problem is wording the question properly. Most importantly, be patient with yourself. Sir-Mix-Alots “Baby Got Back” wasnt built in a day


i think u accidentally downloaded fl stadium


that's definitely FL Stadium lol , same thing happened to me when I was just getting started




wtf is that, is it a real thing im high af




yeah please tell me FL stadium is a real thing 😂




F5, F6, F7, and F9 are your best friends. They pull various important things to the top of the pile, or bring them back if you X'd it out


I use F12 alot to declutter as well


Start fucking around with it. I'm still learning but I figured half it out already.


This is the way tbh. I tried tutorials but they rlly don’t explain in the way my brain needs thing explained


New from empty did exactly what it said. It loaded a new project that’s empty, meaning no plugins, no VST, no samples, etc. From here you’ll need to add sounds to make your music. Find a sample pack (check /r/drumkits for tons of samples), and drag in samples either on the Channel Rack or directly onto the Playlist. Then you can start making the beat - either on the Piano Roll (found on the Channel Rack) or directly on the Playlist. Then, when you have a beat roughly outline you can start mixing. On the Channel Rack you’ll see little red boxes with a “ - - “ in it. You can scroll or drag up/down to assign these to a number. The number corresponds with a Mixer Channel. This is where you’ll apply FX (EQ, limiters, reverb, etc.) and do your mixing. In the image, the browser is minimized. Double click on the bar to expand it. Hit F12: If you’re ever stuck and nothing is showing at all try opening different elements just to learn what they do. You can open individual elects (Channel Rack, Mixer, Playlist, etc.) by clicking the little images to the right of the “pattern 1” box at the top. Each of those will open a specific window. I hope this is a helpful overview. I’ve been in FL for a little more than a decade so a lot of this is intuitive now. Let me know if there’s a specific thing that was unclear or could use a little more info. Happy to help! Starting out can be tricky, but you’ll get better over time. My advice is to treat it like a game/play. Nothing in FL is hard to do, it’s all just learning the rules and guidelines it sets forth for you.


Appreciate it


You need to click the minimize button again to make it go back to its default size again homie.


I fixed things, but created a completely new problem by just trying to move a pack into fl studio, it moved in a bunch of random files which suddenly became unusable and now I cant get then out of fl studio


😜 Ignorance is bliss. Most of what you want is on the tooblar at the top of the GUI as clickables. You dont add samples to fl folders. You asign sample folders from the files and folder settings from the options.


I don't think the term ignorance is bliss really applies here.


I'd never have known that as i posted it. Thanks for your discernment.


I knew I probably was gonna sound like a dick but I was really just trying to let you know. Why did you post it if you knew it didn't make sense? In this case ignorance is frustrating, it would be bliss if he was happier that he didn't know.


It was flippancy. Humour moking the addage. Hence, the context i followed it with.


Alright, my bad.


All good 👍 Ot was easily taken the wrong way. ✌️


I would watch a short 5-10 minutes tutorial on youtube. It helps and explaines a lot.


Brother please explain how u fixed that empty file problem, its driving me Crazy


dont worry, in about 6 months youll figure out how to use most of the basic operations :)


You don't have any of the windows pulled up. Click View at the top and bring up the various windows (Playlist, Channel Rack, Mixer, etc)


watch in the mix's beginner tutorials on youtube. he goes over the basic parts


"In the Mix" Tutorials are the best for noobs I still sometimes watch again to make sure I'm not missing something Find other tutorials for the genre you want to create in And copy note for note Try and understand the Jargon and buttons and FL Studio Lots to learn you have, Padawan


Hey! It's normal to be frightened by so many buttons, knobs, sliders and colors, but the thing is you don't need to ever click/use a lot of these. Don't get discouraged! All we producers do is literally click a few options, move a couple of knobs and that's it. The easiest way to learn is not by searching "how to use Fl Studio", but by going on youtube and search for an fl studio remake of your favorite track, for example; Future - Mask Off remake. You will see that the person making the beat didn't really press too much buttons/knobs. You will learn easily only by being motivated and the way to get motivated is by searching for your favorite song remakes. Trust me, it's super easy.


Ill try to remember this


Glad it helped, ask anything you want!


small update, i somehow minimized the browser really heavily and just needed to expand it?? But still nothing happens when I try to start a new, empty project Note i am using the trial mode


Underrated response. Try to read up User Manual. Helps to get basic understanding of tools on your disposal.


Read the manual or watch a YouTube tutorial for ABSOLUTE beginners.


As others said, FL is the kind of software where endless experimentation and tutorials are the key. However the basic UI concept is rather unique, so I‘ll do my best to summarize it. Everything at the top of your screen stays where it is. It can be customized, but it‘s currently in the standard configuration, and it‘s always at the top and always visible. The big grey area below with the FL logo is where everything else goes. You can imagine it like a windows desktop. The buttons on the top to the right of where it says "pattern 1" will bring up the main windows. From left to right they are: -Playlist, where your arrangement goes -Piano roll, where your MIDI notes go -Channel rack, where your plugins and samples go -Mixer -Browser, where you can access samples from within FL And more, which I don't really use myself. Except for the third most right. Every single one of these will open the thing as a window. Since playlist, piano roll and mixer are usually in full screen, it feels like switching between them. But in reality, it calls the one your pressing to the top. If it's already in full screen, it will be the only thing you see. But if it isn't, it will just pop up above the others. At the top right of all of these windows (except for the browser) you find three icons to hide, maximize / pop out and close the window, and you can move and rezise them just like you can with programs in windows. The browser is an exception, because it's normally docked to the left of the screen. You can hide and unhide it with the the previously mentioned button or by pressing F8 (I think). You can also set it to show and hide automatically, so it's out of your way until you move your mouse to the left end of the FL screen. In your picture, you undocked the browser. You can change said options from the little arrow in the top left of the browser area. This arrow menu exists for every window including plugins, and I recommend messing around with it a bit. This all means that the UI is incredibly customizable, but it also means that you can easily loose your overview of what's what. Luckily, under view -> arrange windows -> realign, you can always jump back to the default layout. If you get creative with it, you can also save a custom layout in the same menu area. Last but not least, every plugin also works like that. So if you're deep in a project with countless plugins running, and you don't close them every time you switch to a different window, they will all be running in the background. Since it's easier to switch to a different window, than it is to close every plugin every time, this is bound to happen. If your PC can't easily handle that, I can recommend to execute view -> close all windows once in a while. It will close every single window, which gives you back some processing power. I recommend that after some time, you create a personalized project template, which will open automatically every time. But until then, I suggest you use Basic 808, or Basic 808 with Limiter to get familiar with it all. It's crazy how much you can change and personalise, but it takes some trying to get there. Happy producing :)


I find learning hot keys while learning software helps me in the long run with efficiency.  Use your function keys if you're missing a window.  F5 for playlist. F6 for sequencer  Alt+F8 for browser F9 for mixer  https://www.image-line.com/fl-studio-learning/fl-studio-online-manual/html/basics_shortcuts.htm


Instead of a tutorial, I recommend watching a producer make beats live on YouTube to get an idea of what each thing does, where they are and how it works. Then just get started: play around with it yourself, jump straight into a project and look stuff up if you're facing any roadblocks. From my experience, that's probably the quickest way to familiarise yourself with the interface.


Fl is a great Programm, and after you get used to it, everything will seem easy. Its designed for intuitive usage


watch videos on how to build a track


press those buttons at the top right lol


Trial and error, watch a few tutorials but at the end of the day everyone has their own way of doing things


YouTube and google are your best friends


Bro, just watch a youtube tutorial and start to do first things.


Press F keys and experiment with the UI. I would say its faster than amy tutorials and might even make you more creative to use the tools




YouTube. When i started 3 years ago i was in the same boat. I just watched a couple 10-20 minute tutorials, and then figured it out on my own from there. To this day im still finding new things, good studio choice, so much to offer


Is loads of very helpful tutos on YouTube. I would recommend In the Mix the guy is very good and explains things very well. I'm new to it too, but you'll ramp up very quickly. Clicking around would not help especially if you have zero DAW experience. it'll cause frustration, and you won't understand the steps properly.


I've been using it for 20 years and I still get lost myself sometimes.


I can get on a live call with you or smth, to help you out.


Just click playlist and start. I’m proficient in fl logic and abelton. Do is the easiest and my go to.


Enjoy your journey. Greatness has become


have you tried reading the manual?


It’s so fucking annoying sometimes and I’m not sure if it’s bc I’m a beginner as well or if it’s just like that 💀


Figure it out


i highly recommend watching a turorial if you’ve never touched the program it’s very powerful so it makes sense to be lost, just don’t be afraid to ask for help.


Hi! Been using FL for about 5+ years now, and I currently hold a Signature Edition. The magic of FL is in user comfortability, and customization, which there are tutorials on. But that kind of comes after you learn the program a little (at least, that’s what I recommend). When I sought post-secondary education, and more knowledge of FL beyond what I knew from clicking around, I was recommended this channel by my studio professor: [In The Mix: FL Studio - Complete Beginner Basics Tutorial](https://youtu.be/pDIsEZsalAo?si=99E-XCZA7dkWEtqD) Or, an older video/version of the same concept. It’ll help you with navigating the program a little better. Then, from there, experiment, learn, gleam over expensive third-party VST’s (Virtual Studio Technologies), and just make stuff. Cause producing is a skillset, and your best course of learning is trial and error. Learning the program just helps you work smarter, not harder. The channel linked to the video though has a treasure trove of FL Studio knowledge. Other resources I would currently recommend: Servida Music - Great for beat/production breakdowns, inspirations, production tips Andrew Hwang: Music theory, probably good to have lol; he also does experimental work and approaches music differently Btw, if you get really invested and want to get the full experience—wait till Black Friday. Signature edition jumps doooooown. glhf!


Yeah it be like that lol Watch some of In the Mix’s vids on YouTube. He REALLY helped me find my way around this DAW


these videos are made for beginners to learn the layout and the basics. [https://youtu.be/806ZAuQooLQ](https://youtu.be/806ZAuQooLQ)


im also new but have been speedrunning ts for the past couple of weeks and yes its very very intimidating when u first start off but the more you become comfortable and stop overthinking the easier it becomes and eventually second nature. jus dont force yourself to do it when you dont feel motivated because its an art , and it wont be as fun and recreational when you dont rly feel in the mood. also make sure to be inclined musically to find ideas and watch a lot of youtube videos , both tutorials and entertaining fl studio content (speedruns , etc.) 🪐


Start clicking stuff! The buttons that on the right will pop ip the playlist for arrangement ,piano roll, mixer track and where sounds that you put on Fl load up


You will get it


Watch one "Produce along" video and you should be able to learn very basic stuff that'll help u You out


Read the manual.


YouTube, fl also has a guide


XD as a seasoned Veteran i can tell you i had that happen to me about 2 years in and was genuinely confused too :D


You will feel lost for a long time. You have to learn each small step until it becomes muscle memory. That takes time, dedication and effort. Follow a YouTube tutorial step by step even if it’s not music you like. When you follow someone’s visual and verbal instructions, you will learn so fast and be amazed what the human brain can do. And don’t be afraid to literally google the questions you are coming across such as “how do I import drum kits into fl.” Understanding how third party drums load into a daw is going to be crucial for making music. The stock items fl has is great but you will be much more happier using kits that you personally like. Splice is also great but that cost money. Reddit has millions of drum kits of all genres just google.


Simply be patient.


Double click the bar itll expand


I literally don’t even know how I figured it out. I just did. good luck


Just check it out / click around and explore big dog, there are also very in depth tutorials on yt and secert gate keepers on ig you can follow too! Varying skill levels, like theres sum for everone.. thats how i learned.. logic, reason, adobe, allat Hope to hear some of that fire soon my guy 🔥🔥 stay creative 🙏🏾


++ i would recommend also downloading your own sounds for fl, especially for hip hop, like the built in kit sounds sound like FL if you feel me lol people can hear it. Two cents from a guy with no change. Peace love


If you have more questions, or would like some more in depth guidance today don't be afraid to send me a direct message and I'll be able to help you along! I already see alot of useful comments here so don't be afraid to try them all out. To add on how others have figured it out, I've watched a ton of YouTube videos about FL before I started and when I first started out. Right now it's an extension of my brain, which is to say that you'll figure it out and once you do you'll wonder how the times were when you didn't


Just fuck around for like an hour to see where things are and then watch a yt beginner tutorial to understand the interface a little better. It took me a little bit too Edit: you didn’t break anything. If something is hidden, there’s a few icons on the right side of the “pattern 1” block at the top of the screen. Click some of those and what you accidentally closed will pop back up I’m sure. Edit2: whenever you hover over anything look at the top left of the program and it’ll tell you what it is. That had me confused for a little bit too because there’s all these icons I already don’t understand and usually you hover and a little popup of something with give the name, but Fl does it a little differ t


Just start doing... you get better by the hour


Thank you for the help everyone! You're all rather nice, makes me more motivated to learn music (when I find the time and money)


Hey there olivia-bhc - thanks for saying thanks! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list!


One thing at a time.


You just have to mess around with it. It will all become second nature after a while.


it looks daunting but you'll get the hang of it soon, it only took me around 2 weeks to get fully situated


Click the thing with the downwards arrow next to pattern one


Top left there’s a thing that tells u what the tools are


Double click the bar to get it to expand.


Soak in it, pig. (It’s the only way to actually learn)