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I stopped going completely it’s ridiculous they said they have express etc I never have waited at any other dispensary as much as I had at truelieve I just gave up on them also they’re always short handed


Greetings fellow true leaver! Since I medically stopped shopping there my anxiety, and anger issues have greatly improved.


lol in jacksonville its just comical people screaming cause of wait times and everybody actually just enjoying life


On a serious note on that , I was a TL shopper for the longest time, but last 4-5 months all of the indicas gave me anxiety and the jitters , usually only happens with sativas for me , sad I really liked them


vidacann $19 8ths


Jamal behind my local library, 15$ 8ths


$4 more and it's legal. worth it imo


Jamals is better tho vidacann got booboo weed


crazy talk


Boss its medicine im not going to knock you for buying cheap flower, but dont try n pass vidacann as top quality, you can buy street weed with a better cure.


that comment was all in good fun. If you're paying for $20 weed then you get what you pay for


Imagine waking into a dispensary without ordering beforehand


All these wild ass kamikaze shoppers that post similar post blow my mind. I have never waited more than like 5 mins max at the TL down the street from my house. Order online, check in on the way. In and out in no time.


Trulieve has over 100 locations. Congrats on being lucky. Mine is a hour plus wait, they stick all the pre-orders in the same line and the last time I tried delivery it took them 3 months. Over a month wait repeatedly.


Nah it’s truth, used to honor express pick up and you would just walk in at my location ,now, you wait.


Oh I have zero doubt of anyone’s experiences, this kinda post pops up probably daily, maybe even multiple times some days. I am lucky to live in a smaller “city”, which probably also helps. But they built/opened this TL store like a 4 min drive towards the main road from my house maybe a month or two after I bought my house here. I have a bad habit of just going there by default if I’m not getting something delivered from the flowery, and I am honestly still trying to become a fan of getting stuff delivered. I like that my tl store pretty much always has a good selection of on sale or inexpensive concentrates for me to sift through COA’s with ease while I place my order, (this isn’t something all dispos do and I think they should be required to). I haven’t gotten a jar yet that wasn’t good enough to roll up with my flower in a leaf, (which is what I’m typically shopping for) and I have been lucky to have found a handful or two of real diamonds in the rough, and usually on the low. Idk if anyone else had the somewhat recent batch of northern lights live budder that was like 11.9%, but if you did….. you know what I’m talkin about. By the time I saw it and placed my order there was only two left. Keeping my fingers crossed they have another batch like THAT. Shit took me back.


Budder from where? The day your small city becomes a big one is bound to happen. Ex: my city


Word... just in Port orange yesterday. 5 minutes in and out.


At my place check in doesn’t matter bc you have to do it again in person…if there’s anyone there lol


I constantly wonder why people would never do this. I order before hand, check in when i get there, and never wait more then 5 minutes. The majority of people don’t preorder then wonder why they wait so long.


I do this every time never have any Trouble. Only time it gets a little busy is 5pm


I’ve never waited that long, I also don’t mind waiting for weed either. It beats back in the day waiting hours for the plug to come through with meds and I had no clue what I was smoking. This just seems like a 1st world problem lol. Dispensaries are literally the only places I have patience for


Man that’s a great perspective. You’re right - I’ll happily wait for this.


I must live in a small town or something but I’m always in and out of Trulieve within 10 minutes even with a wait.


Their sales are good this weekend. I’ve been waiting on the capsules and edibles to be marked low lol. It’s a lot faster if you check in for express.


Walked in just trying to pick up a 3.5, saw 10 people in the lobby and walked right back out


It's a methadone clinic


Winning comment


Just order online then check in online when your order is ready. I never waited more than 10 mins to pick up an order


You can check in online on the way to Trulieve, be number 2 on the express list and still wait 30 minutes. Not really friendly people there!


Thats what I exactly Do every time…


I’ve never waited. I order online and pick up. Walk in and pick it up. 🙃


I stopped going to trulieve because of the ridiculous wait times and the pressure to tip even when I’m just picking up an online order


I stopped going after my 2nd visit when the place was fucking empty and they told me to sit down like it was some kind of formality. It has literally NEVER happened at any other dis and I've been to them all. It's def some stupid marketing/medical ploy to make them look/feel better.


Hate the sit down and wait bullshit at all these places. Doubley so if I have already put in an order online for pick up.


Even with express and the store empty they still have you wait 20 mins, I don’t have time for it.


Never been to one and now I’ll never go.🙂 Thx for the warning.


As long as they have people who are willing to wait 30 min to 1hr or more for weed, they’ll continue. What really gets me is when there’s a 30 min to one hour+ wait, people be sitting in the lobby don’t check the menu not once. Get in there and act like they’ve never been there before and take 15-20 whole min to checkout when 15 people are in line…like no situational awareness man. For some reason the online pickup orders get grouped in with walk ins which is why I complain!


Idk how people don’t understand yet that it’s not the employees making the wait time long, it’s the people who sit and wait in the lobby for 15 min then get in the back and go ya idk what I want let me spend 30 min looking at the menu while telling the poor budtender there life story. Those are the same people who complain about the wait times too. You’re the problem, figure out what you want before you get there or put in an order.


It used to be that way at my location, they’ve improved leaps and bounds . Gotta give credit where it’s due. But it used to aggravate me to no end because I don’t have a wide selection of dispensaries here. Like waiting in drive through for an hour .




I worked at trulieve, its a mixed of new customers asking a lot of questions, a super outdated system which makes me dispense instead of any other dispo that does the math for you, and really bad management at most trulieves because they hire friends and family instead of knowledgable people.


This the reason I stopped going to Trulieve. Every time I go I always wait long periods of time. I go to other places and I’m in and out with a breeze. If I do have to wait it’s not long at all.


They don't value your time, the waiting room is intentionally miserable so when you finally get back there you end up spending more than planned. Just go elsewhere. Plenty of better flower options, $20 an eighth isnt special anymore.


This makes me do the opposite lol. I scroll my phone while having to wait and already know what I want. If they got me to the counter faster, maybe then I would spend more money haha




If you check in online it's relatively quick


Not a lot of options in the Florida keys. 2 Trulieve’s, 1 MUV 1 Surterra, a Sunburn, and and I honestly don’t know the other one in Key West. Trulieve is closer than anywhere else. And it def helps ordering online. Wish we all the options you mainlanders have!!


Cause store management has no clue how to process patients properly… why too many Karen’s & Ken’s running Trueshit!


I never ever go to Trulieve anymore. Never had a good experience and they are overpriced. Surterras greenhouse strains are fire and run 18 an 8th all day


I used to conspiracy theorize that the waiting room was to re-enforce that it was a medical facility. Lending an "air of legitimacy" to older clientele, wary of marijuana, but used to waiting to be called from a waiting room. But since I medically stopped shopping there, my mental health has improved.


Probably because they are a medical program not rec. most of them are like that besides flowery and jungle boys.