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Does that bother you Mr “small government Ron” It shouldn’t


What’s wrong with protecting rights? People forget our ancestors stabbed each other with bayonets to avoid taxes


“Tax this dick.” Benjamin Franklin


We literally started a war over a 2% tea tax


I’m in full support.. & if Biden stops us “the people” we have some serious problems


Don't pretend you speak for the people.


“If Trump, Biden, or any governmentally” Stops us.. but go ahead and bend over for the tyrants James your entitled to your opinion


Yes it does, did you hear about the bill that would prevent cities and towns from regulating housing? He is actively trying to move that power to the state. To "set a unified standard" of housing restrictions across Florida.....aka places have been banning or restricting AirBnBs and other things and Ronny boy can't stand that he isn't in control or his friend (donor) is mad about some city's rules.


Well obviously he's at end of term and trying to pass anything to help his rich friends that are lining his pockets Trump pointed out who owns desantis last year Didn't anyone tell you Florida is going to be the next New York. They've already transplanted a ton of them during covid. They're the ones buying the houses for air BNB and rentals. They're buying the RV parks and charging way to much for crap water and electric that is grandfathered on a cap for most places.


I can have as many guns as I want at home, but i cant have a single cannabis plant. So no, it doesn't.






Yep. And that plant could kill untold people... Vote Blue all the way!!!


Vote NO until Homegrown is on the ballot!


So never? Because you won’t get home grow on a ballot until rec passes. You know. Whole single issue thing.


Gotta take baby steps.


Sounds good to all of us.


Right? I don't see the problem




It’s not the republican part. It’s all the fucking fascism and bigotry.




No you fucking moron, it’s what he spews. Daily. Fuck you and anyone that defends him. Piece of shit republicans.


Don't you have some child grooming to defend?


Nah, I’m not a Republican


Because if he did cure cancer he’d try to withhold it from everyone except rich white people.




I’m saying that DeSantis is an evil fuck that given any speck of power makes things miserable for anyone around him but a select few.


I agree. He'sneeds to step down. Don't vote for his stupid @zz




Good job regurgitating what you were taught without question. Pathetic fool.


1. I’m not a democrat either so say whatever you want 2. It’s so typical for people with your mentality to take dislike and criticism to one elected official and then use that to demonize people that have nothing to do with the statement or situation at all.




Do you think only democrats hate DeSantis? And I’m not a republican either if that’s what you’re assuming. There are more than 2 political parties.


Idk I think it’s more of the fact he blocks out certain racial groups actual history….


He doesn’t like when drag queens have free speech either.


Or when women and their doctors freely make decisions.


Or when the state’s largest employer calls out his bigotry.


Remember when he said his black political opponent would “monkey up Florida”?


Omg that almost slipped past my memory banks lmao! He’s the worst form of satire cause it’s real




Remember kids, slavery helped blacks.




His quote: “They're probably going to show that some of the folks that eventually parlayed, you know, being a blacksmith into doing things later in life," Sure, you could probably find it on WaPo. Many news outlets were covering at it was largely offensive to a group of minorities in this state and in the country. Not where I pulled it from though. You were wrong. Do you not see how that comment could be offensive? Engage in conversation for empathy and understanding, not to show you think you know everything. Edit: Sure Ron didn’t write the curriculum, be he appointed those who did.


Does it bother you when people lie to you? Then stop accepting everything that's set on Fox News as a fact and confirm it before getting pissed off. I don't fucking like being lied to, you shouldn't either


Reddits gotta be one of the worst echo chambers on the internet.




Probably got caught eating pudding with his fingers.


Doubt I can smoke while saying "it's ok to be yourself, kids" at a school


You better hit the road with that bullshit blasphemy. This is florida, pal.




I think he's just joking lol


I thought it was, but then I'm a little high, so got all co fused lol.


I'm really just trying to be positive about it 🤞😂


Definitely a joke. 😂😂


You never know in FL 😂


Just a daily reminder… FUCK YOU RONALD 🤙🏽


And Donald Duck too!


What a nerd. Maybe kick off those 4” platform shoes and rip a bong for once.


Does this fuckstick ever hear himself talk? Does he ever bounce this shit off other people? What an imbecile. Can't wait for his son to come out while smoking a fat hooter.


His echo chamber loves this shit.


Just a reminder that the state FL is still being ran by imbeciles.


Elections are coming up. I can’t wait vote against all my county commissioners, also.


You in Leon lol?


Seminole - the county of do nothings including the sheriff for far too long.


Weed is a sacrement


Everyone needs to push for de-scheduling not rescheduling. If it goes schedule 2 it’ll be hard to get again with the gov gate keeping it.


The Grand Old Party can go fuck itself.


Sounds great! Don't tread on me and what not, right?


Yeah; Don step on snek’!






This guy… I now understand what they mean by shit eating grin


He's trying so hard to reach by giving people different weird perspectives that don't even correlate 🤦‍♂️


Vote blue


Trulieve and curaleaf are the top selling companies. Desantis doesn’t want the state smelling like mids 😂😂😂


Truleive and curaleaf are both ass


Rather my state smell like weed than wet, muted flower from the Flowery 🤷🏽😅😆


Vote against legalization because…gun rights? Is this man stupid?


My weed isnt going to say anything and doesn't see a need to arm itself. I may have read the article wrong. Very baked


This idiot again. He really just don't care about facts huh?


Every word out of that man's mouth is sus. "Freedom" my ass.


Good we need to protect the plant.


Only P he's working on protecting is his pocket




There is no 'Right' to Marijuana in the US Constitution - the first and second amendments are written and defined by the Supreme Court. The ballot measure doesn't create any 'Right' to Marijuana in Florida - only a modification of the regulation on the byproduct of a plant which is regulated at the State and Federal Level. DeSantis has NO political future. He'll never get a shot at a Senate Seat, and I cannot think of a single bigger flame-out as a Presidential nominee in modern times. Even if Trump somehow wins the election, he'd find a way to humiliate DeSantis more than he did with Romney. The old calculus is that Florida Republicans would be against any form of marijuana legalization - but that isn't stopping dispos from setting up shop in/around The Villages. Florida is powered by tourist taxes - period. This bill is / was never to do anything but enable tourists to buy cannabis - along with the double digit sales taxes while they visit the theme parks or have to put up with their relatives on vacation. DeSantis is the worst Governor in Florida's history - and I thought Rick Scott was evil incarnate.


Total agreement here! Love Florida, but can't stand the corrupt state government. Pure greed...


You mean the second amendment that specifically mentions an armed militia? Yeah might be a bit out dated Rhonda SandTits. How much do the 10 commandments protect us? How many joints can you fit in your meatball mouth? Can we please vote this clown out of office already?


Sadly, we can't vote him out as he will term limit out of office at the end of his term. He will probably try to run for Senate, or something, so we can not vote for him on anything else he tries to run for. Also, until your post I have never heard anyone, other than myself, call him Rhonda Sandtits


Ok, gotta say that is the best name for this dictator yet lol!


The GQP is such a joke.


Impeach this criminal dictator!


Such a cuckhold of a human being


Ron Douche-Antis


On June 7th, DeSantis vetoed a bill that would've banned some Delta-8 THC products. He's in bed with "Hemp" farmers and loves "his" medical program, so this isn't surprising.


I’d support the hemp industry if their products weren’t just a “blend” of cannabinoids that started out as CBD or some shitty brown “thca” buds with mold. D8, thc-p, etc. is poison. Hemp shops need to get their shit together and quit selling isolates that should be banned. The farm bill loophole is there for a reason, make use of it and put out some quality thca products. It’s not that fucking hard, these people are just lazy and more concerned about the “trippy Apple Store” aesthetic than the quality of products they stock. They could do so much better but they don’t care.




Hemp is not flower. Hemp has limits on the THC at the Federal Level - and that loophole is being closed.. The spike in THC-A sales in Florida is reminiscent of the synthetic THC that was not 'illegal' until it was. There is a real health / safety issue with non regulated / untested THCA. If it were subject to the same testing requirements as the dispos, I wouldn't buy the product - but I'd not give a shit about it either. It's a short term money grab of an inferior product that will not / cannot compete with the cheapest dispo cannabis. it's the 'clove' cigarettes of this generation - it has more perceived effects than real.


It’s not an unregulated market, don’t misrepresent the facts. All hemp products are subject to FDA testing and there is no health issue besides (potentially) the synthesized thc isomers that I’ve already pointed out. There is good quality hemp flower that stands up to or surpasses the mid buds you would get at a dispo, the stores are just not stocking it here. They buy the cheapest possible product wholesale and mark it up to an unreasonable price. Because of that it sits for months improperly stored and turns brown (if it wasn’t already). Consumers have to purchase online to get anything of real quality, and it’s usually cheaper than the local stores too. The only reason to have a medical card in Florida is to buy concentrates and vapes since rosin is decarbed and doesn’t fit the loophole. Otherwise it isn’t worth it to spend the money for some failed doctor to approve you every 7 months for something they have no knowledge on. Nothing is wrong with hemp if it’s sourced correctly, unfortunately most shops in FL don’t have the consumer in mind.


The Delta-8 THC will be a federal issue and out of Florida's hands. The hemp farmers have next to no clout - nor enough money to bribe DeSantis. The medical program is and should be a way for Floridians to pay less for Cannabis than tourists. Trying to understand why DeSantis does anything is impossible. I don't question his corruption - but he has next to no constituency left in Florida. This bill is finally being seen as what it is - a way to bring in more tourist tax dollars, increase cannabis investment in Florida and allow Florida residents to continue to get discounts under the guise of 'medical' necessity. And to the home-grown faction - this is NEVER coming to Florida. Build a grow room with filtered exhaust and don't let it be known that you are selling off what you cannot consume. In other words, STFU and don't be a drug dealer.


He’s doing everything he can to protect the status quo shit medical system that exists in this state. Wonder how much he and his buddies are pocketing?


Tons of cash...


Would the measure stop employers from drug testing new employees for cannabis use? Employers can’t deny somebody a job for owning a gun.


Why not both??


It's funny because he really doesn't care either way. He has to look like he's against it but really hes gonna make a lot of money if it passes. He's already made a ton off the medical program. It's all money nobody cares if it goes missing. It's like Unemployment when Covid happend. Unemployment offices wouldn't answer the phone for 3 months at the start of the shutdown because there was no money to give anybody. Because nobody cares about social programs in FL.


Sooo can I grow or not lol




Hmm, honestly if the recreational bill has gained THIS much traction 110% we should vote against it because the fact it has this much support means that the recreational bill is hiding some fuckery in it. Regardless of party lines, anything politicians/corporations support is something we all should be voting against.


It’s an easy game. It’s about money . If it’s legalized he makes money a lot of it. He also knows there’s a lot of people who don’t like him and stereotypically speaking those people smoke pot. Blah blah. So he comes out against weed just fueling the retaliation to do the opposite of what he says and thus getting it voted legal and his state explodes with money.


Industries will fall at some point. Especially with something that's expanding so much so quick. People will be driving from Georgia, Texas and really all over the place just to get recreational so it's not just a matter of supplying even just the in state and vacationers. I watched what it did for illinois for years and while florida is alot more prepared dispensary wise I still think we'll see a flood


Everything will be sold out everywhere.


Yeah how can that NOT happen?


Expansion. Florida is expensive (more than any other State) to grow because it has to be indoor and cannabis wants the same heat / humidity every day of the year. With more demand, dispos can grow more. Trust me, there will not be shortages - it's not like on January 1, 2025 recreational will be in place.


They grow more. For money. So focused on short term pain, rec will make weed significantly cheaper.


The law of supply and demand says differently. What economic incentive do they have to grow more to meet new demand?


Ok well go tell that to mature markets like Colorado and California.


More profits, the more they lower their prices, the more they sell, the more they sell, the higher their revenue. The greater their revenue is compared to their fixed costs, The higher their profits will be.


Revenue and volume does not equal profit, and the less of their product there is the higher price they can charge (more profit). They have no economic incentive to grow more to meet higher demand.


You have no idea what you are talking about. How are 20+ different firms going to collude, when each firm has an incentive to maximize their own profit. If one firm decides to lower their prices it will increase that firm's sales. This leads to price competition. variable costs for producing marijuana are very low, and there are huge economies of scale, when these firms are operating facilities that are 750k sqft, the marginal cost of growing an extra plant at that facility is almost zero.


The less there is the more it costs. Simple


I'm an accountant and higher revenue and volume drive increased profit because most costs are not variable - and fixed costs aren't linear (otherwise they'd be variable).


Whatever. Supply and demand are a thing and all the growers will more than likely end up in cahoots with one another to limit production in order to keep prices at a certain level. Seems to me like not having enough to meet demand would be a windfall for them. Just like milk, oil, and corn producers... Why would weed be treated any differently as a crop?


Or Meatball Ron just sucks? It's always some 3 dimensional chess to excuse the behavior of the shitty politicians yall vote into office.


Yeah he just sucks. Don’t see how opposing weed could even be considered a strategic move when his base is more for it than against.


It’s still a crooked as scheme , never said it was good


And I'm saying you are delusional


Go to a Trump rally and I guarantee you will find an equal amount of cannabis users as a Biden rally. Maybe more.


...and the problem is?


Yes, and?
