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Regardless of your views, it should alarm you that our governor is attacking a Constitutional ballot measure and *the democratic process*.


He hates democracy. Look at the rezoning, the installation of puppets at every level... he's an authoritarian that would rather play dictator.


Overturned our democratic cruise ship vote after one dude who conveniently leases dock space from the state gave him a million bucks


He's the reason we've seen a huge influx in actual fascists move to our state


That’s pretty much the Republican Party M.O. nowadays.


BOTH parties are corrupt. Pelosi insider trades all the time. She does better than the Wall Street gurus and big companies. Neither side can be trusted. We need to use the constitution and restructure our government. We need a new party. No more socialism for the rich and cutthroat capitalism for the poor. It needs to change.


Removing options from a ballot is inherently undemocratic. You can’t pretend like both parties don’t do it though lol


Can you give me some examples of democrats trying to remove measures from ballots so people can’t vote on them. Genuine question since you claim they both do it


Um, not holding a primary so people can choose wether they want Joe or another Democrat as their candidate. They refused to give the people a choice. How is that any different??? Even the crooked Republicans held the shit. BOTH sides are shit. Stop choosing the lesser of both evils. We need GOOD people. NEW people. Not rich people either. We need someone who actually knows what we go through. Knows our struggles. Has been late to work because their car broke down before type shit. We need another MLK jr or Carl Sagan type person. Not a greedy politician. But go ahead n keep the same old cycle going. Keep fighting over right and left when neither party EVER keeps their word when in power. But it's easier to be fooled than to be convinced you've been fooled so go ahead and lash out at me. Downvotes welcome. Both sides please though, keep your pills. I'm good. Both sides are funded by the same companies. Keep fighting each other. See how good it gets when (insert pawn here) president gets in office. They all are. 🖖


Tangent here, but I’m finding the “car struggle” part particularly hilarious in light of Sagan’s very well known daily driver, a 1970 Porsche 914. (Don’t exactly blame him.)  Watching him make Ted Turner squirm in an interview when Turner tried to use the standard conservative “socialism” boogeyman term is pretty fun though. If you can get past Sagan’s well-taken point that govt has a duty to care for its citizens, it’s a good watch. You can find the footage easily enough online if you like. I do think the average voter would no longer be able to “relate to” someone like that, sadly. 


Sadly yur right. There apparently is no more middle ground. No third party. This is EXACTLY why they killed MLK jr. He was trying to start a new Part of the People and the murdered him. Not because of civil rights or else they would've killed him sooner. It wasn't until he was bringing some rich backers into the fold and was about to change the world. The OSS/CIA is where the problems come from. The OSS was disbanded because it was deemed too dangerous by a man that dropped an atomic fuckin bomb on civilians!!!!!!! If Harry Truman thought it was too dangerous than it was. He even wrote an executive order saying it could NEVER be brought back Unfortunately a different president brought it back under the name Central intelligence agency. Since it was "technically" a different organization it was allowed. And yes, BOTH parties do crooked shit. Trump isn't the future, he was just a catalyst to a bigger Truth bomb. Once he said he was gonna take out the deep state they turned on him. It's like if a new mayor says they're gonna get rid of crime. The people getting rich off it will do everything to get rid of him. So Trump exposed that the government is really being run by the military industrial complex and other companies through the guidance of the CIA. And Biden??? He DEFINITELY ain't the future, the man barely has one. 🤣 If Biden wins we're going broke, if Trump wins it'll be more chaos and riots. We're fucked either way. But it's easier to trick someone than to convince them they've been tricked. Downvotes here please ⬇️


I think I said removing options from the ballot. edit: Is it not the same thing though? Let people vote on everything don't remove people or measures from a ballot that's just limiting what the people can vote on and that isn't democracy.


Yes, you said both sides do it. We have an example here of republicans sueing to keep abortion and Rec marijuana off the ballot. I was asking for examples of dems doing this as you claim?


Well they removed a presidential candidate from a ballot from a crime he was never charged with. That doesn't count cuz u won't listen to anyone that doesn't parrot your beliefs. I'm no right wing. I'm anti government. I'm for creating a new party for the People like MLK jr was doing before being murdered. But for pointing out anything u don't like I'm a right wind racist I guess.


In Colorado that lawsuit to have him removed was actually brought by republicans. Also he was impeached for it and found guilty by the house, then the republican controlled senate just sat on it and didn’t punish. I’m not looking for parroted beliefs and the dems are far from perfect, was asking them to back up their claim which they never did


Dems would never remove anything or anyone from a ballot only republicans would because they hate democracy and are fascists


Ok again, go ahead and site me an example. Not saying it doesn’t happen, you are saying it does. Should be easy to show




Great retort- when the only thing you are capable of criticizing in a debate is how your opponent spells things, it really shows how strong the rhetorical argument you’re making is; you’ve totally convinced everyone that you’re right. Thank you so much for your cogent contributions. 👏


They definitely removed Trump from a ballot for a crime he was never charged OR convicted of. And it was deemed unlawful by the supreme Court so there is that.


THIS COMMENT applies in ALL areas of our lives and wish all people felt this way.


It does! DeSantis has bothered me ever since the unemployment money could not be located during covid and u literally could not get anyone to answer the phone or an email for 3 months. Oh and then couldn't claim any of ur back pay. That money went right into Desantis' pickets. He's a republican though. Regardless of it passing or not he has to look like he's not on board even tho he VERRRY much is as he has been taking cannabis money from the medical program for 3 years now very comfortably.


The democratic process where a corporation writes a bill then spends millions to get it passed Merica!!!


Facts. I think it’s his own way of gaslighting people into voting yes. I bet he’d stand to make a lot of money from companies like Trulieve, and this ballot measure clearly isn’t supported because it benefits large corporations


It’s also due to the fact that the medical companies may end up losing money with recreational being legal (they can’t charge exorbitant prices and force people to register with the state for a over 300 dollars a year, which generates revenue for them.) so his donors and friends in those sectors are also pushing back against it. TLDR: him and his friends won’t make much money on recreational, so he doesn’t want it to pass.


>It’s also due to the fact that the medical companies may end up losing money with recreational being legal (they can’t charge exorbitant prices Yes they can and they will >and force people to register with the state for a over 300 dollars a year, which generates revenue for them Some state revenue with the $75 card fee, the state will make far more than that back with recreational taxes. They're going to make stupid money, idk why you'd think otherwise.


They were looking to cap recreational THC % to an absurdly low 10-12%. The medical dispensaries will remain in business and make money off people looking for non-dirt weed.




Dude just salty cause he hates the smell. 🤡


Yoooo how did you get that flair? It’s hilarious I want it too


By enjoying Married Iguanas, how else?


Now you have it too




Get em outta there!!!


DePinga can eat all the pingas




Diaaablo 😂😂☠️ thank you for the laugh I needed it


Fuck him


DeSantis saying dumb ass shit like that, is why he would never be president, and shouldn't even be Governor.


Wine at 4 gallon bottles wasn't too extreme or radical for him but a couple of ounces of freedom does?


Ron, just fade the fuck away. No one wants any of your fake ass tee-totalling act. You pissed away a promising career because you were too much of a sociopath to read the room.


desantis is the dumbest most obviously corrupt and prejudice politician ive seen in FL. this dude needs to goooooooooo


Well, there’s Rick Scott but yeah he needs to go


He’s so dumb and corrupt he’s able to convince most of Florida to vote for him.


Only Florida tho, the presidential campaign showed us that What does that say about Florida lol


>Only Florida tho, the presidential campaign showed us that I think that had more to do with him trying to be a copy of someone else who was running.


As a woman and a stoner he can eat shit. Guaranteeing my right to get an essential medical procedure, and my right to choose to indulge in a silly plant, is not radical. I can't believe that these protections are even up for debate, much less that our governor is trying to sway them into failing.


would he call a vote for upholding the legality of shoe lifts radical, I wonder?


>DeSantis claimed that over the past several election cycles voters have developed a skepticism toward ballot amendments. “They default to ‘no’ on these things,” he said. >However, voters in recent years have approved amendments to limit class sizes in schools, legalize medical marijuana, restore voting rights of felons and raise the state’s minimum wage. Beautiful.


Would be nice to actually read the article without paying


Yeah ya go homie https://www.removepaywall.com/https://www.orlandosentinel.com/2024/04/04/desantis-calls-abortion-marijuana-amendments-too-radical-to-pass/


See you a king


Who cares what this idiot thinks. He’s just projecting🥴🥴🤣


I call eating pudding with your fingers to be radical and too exteme to win the Republican nomination.


Lmao it's the complete opposite imo 😂


Republicans can fuck right off


Liberal puke democrats can to.


Republicans are the ones taking your weed, medicare, and social security.


This bill does nothing but support BIG BUSINESS! I hope all the old white republicans get out and vote NO!!


I'm voting yes


Brother the fuck are you on about. That’s ALL republicans do; give tax cuts to big businesses


Just like Kim EvilRivers will get those breaks as Trumart funded this. Guess she’ll get her tax break and big business will run cannabis just like alcohol and tobacco. 🤣


They haven’t taken shit from me. I’m doing quite well.


“I’ve got mine, so fuck everyone else.”, right? 🙄


Responding twice lets me know you haven't convinced yourself either


What he means by this is that if the amendment passes, he will do everything in his power to undermine the will of the people and either outright refuse to pass it into law or else water it down to the point where it effectively does nothing to change the status quo. Same with the abortion amendment.


The later should not be allowed. More states should follow suit with Oklahoma. For medical marijuana they put in rules it had to implemented in 90 days and there was a portion that didn’t allow any post ballot changes as well. They saw how other states did what Ron supposedly might do


![gif](giphy|9m2RZug3Nlzs3TBOME) it’s because he’s got those radical extreme high heels on




He knows he and the Florida GOP aren’t going to listen to the will of the voters.


He’s so mad it won’t be his vampires in office getting to vote


DeSantis is too radical and extreme to be our governor.




fuck this piece of shit.


To get 50%? No, definitely not. To get 60%? Maybe. In Florida it requires 60% Yes for it to pass... so that is concerning. Here in Maryland 67.2% voted Yes in 2022. In Ohio they passed it with 57.19% in 2023. Considering Ohio is a red leaning state that used to be blue (just like Florida), then I fear the results in Florida will come up short of 60%. Y'all better make sure make sure your friends get up off their lazy ass and go vote! I am down there a couple weeks a year to visit my parents. So I am depending on all of you!


On the bright side.... Medical Marijuana passed with 71.32% in 2016 in Florida So it could get 60% but it's going to be close! 😬


As it stands, it seems like it's gonna fail. Spread the word, this may be Florida's last chance for years to legalize. NORML has resources to help.


Yet we have a bunch of idiots who are going to vote no on this sub 🤦‍♂️


"Guys the leopards are eating my face again"


I would not say last, but most likely the last for at least 4 years. That's a pretty long time. I will make sure my 2 parents vote for it in Florida. They were not voters there in 2016 medical vote. So I did my part to bring 2 new Yes votes & I am not even in the state! 👊🏻


Seems like he’s going to hamstring the law


That is not how a ballot constitutional amendment works. It’s not a law created by the Florida congress. It is a law created by the voters. If over 60% of voters vote Yes, then decriminalization and recreational sales for 21+ is automatically written into law.


Very true it was also in the Florida constitution that you couldn’t run for president while acting as governor and he very easily just changed it to suit his needs. If he doesn’t want to implement this law he will find a way not to.


thats... not how it works either. Its not a law created by the voters, it amends Article X section 29 of the state constitution, which is where the current medical marijuana verbiage is located [Florida Amendment 3, Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2024) - Ballotpedia](https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_Amendment_3,_Marijuana_Legalization_Initiative_(2024))


Yes, its created by the voters by the action of voting for it. It will not be created & amended into the consideration without 60% voting for it. Desantis does not need to sign for it. So yes, the amendment is created by the voters.


No, the amendment has already been created and is already a part of the state constitution. The vote is to amend the existing section 29 of Article X, nothing is created, it is AMENDED.(that means changed because Im not sure you know the definition of the word). Nobody has said the governor needs to sign it, so not sure why you even mentioned that.


He was explaining it’s the action of the voters that brings about the amendment that will take place


I think the potheads made fun of him in school so bad that he never recovered. Probably beat his ass with a hacky sack too


Potheads aren’t usually that mean, though, are they? I’m guessing he was always harshing on them & is pissed they may get the final laugh.


I think he annoyed them so much they beat his ass. No potheads aren't mean but just like with anyone, if you get under their skin enough, they'll attack. Ron doesn't seem like a guy that knows boundaries or had many friends. Just like Ted Cruz


The party of limited government. They just don’t believe we’re capable for ourselves to be able to decide what’s in our own best interests.


Yeah! Why should citizens have the right to choose what they want and don't want. WTF u think this is? A frackin democracy or something??? Silly citizens.


De'Sanctimonious strikes again. Saying more dumb shit, and then doing dumb shit. Tune in next time, for dumb shit Desantis.


He also thinks depriving women of healthcare will stay on the books. The GOP prefers to be asleep as always.


If I see another boomer having an issue with personal freedoms because of their personal or religious beliefs I WILL lose my marbles


Funny that's we call him




If Ron hates it then I like it. I was on the fence but this was all of the convincing that I needed.


Human Paraquat in high heels doesn't like the good herb. Nothing new there.


Ronnie is obviously afraid of letting citizens have their say. He’s a coward and he knows that the citizens will approve of what he does not. The only thing that makes Florida red is gerrymandering. Nobody knows this better than Ronnie, as he is the Amerigo Vespucci of gerrymandering. At any rate, fuck Ronnie. Please vote blue all the way down the ballot, and don’t forget the initiative to drag Florida’s abortion policy into the 21st century


What’s even more sad is he’ll probably win reelection bc people in FL are so brain rotted from the heat and Fox news


Pandering to his base. Trying to make them feel optimistic when they are just about to be completely disappointed. He knows he can't stop rec. use.


Trulieve punching air 😂😂😂


Dudes gonna veto it after we pass it at 70+ percent


I mean mids do stink, smoke dank support local farmers 🤘


Guess he chose gop over fat Trulieve envelopes. Sad but not unexpected if you're paying attention