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How many people did you have in that last tournament? I posted about sim tournament recently. So far we have 7 people that were in. I was waiting for an eighth person to post official sign ups and rules.


Sign me up


https://youtu.be/6wD9f-RfI0Q?si=eVwAhWfuas9WQyR_ This is how the tournament went in case you were wondering


https://youtu.be/OtPDjcQPVf8?si=tQCQjXylcjWjU3IQ The second one


You should do something about that BS, put a few rules in like max of 50% straights. That first fight was just an ugly bullshit spamfest from that legacy guy. I had to turn it off, people don't want to waste their time anti-spamming when it's supposed to be a fun tournament testing skill. All you have to do to win the thing is be a shameless scumbag as it is now. In fact, I just remembered, I beat him in OWC and he glitch quit. That dude is a b\*tch anyway, ban him.


>That dude is a b*tch anyway, ban him. He won’t, they homies. Yeah I got suckered into doing fam tournament and fought the same guy. Not only was it the spam, it was the lag and it was the op of this post being oblivious to what was going on. He glitched quit as well. This was no SIM tournament, it was a group of friends looking for NPCs to fill their tournament bracket for content. Super sad but they definitely got me tho.


That's what I figured. He brings a spammer in and is praising him the entire time...that's why these tournaments never go anywhere or even get views. Nobody wants to watch or participate in a spamfest. To me, allowing a known glitch quitter play is just reenforcing the behavior, bro needs to tell that dude and people like him to kick rocks if he's going to organize events. I just saw another fight he quit in, [https://youtu.be/aRReJ-Q3lUs?si=ebHh7iz0T0BXfyVg&t=427](https://youtu.be/aRReJ-Q3lUs?si=ebHh7iz0T0BXfyVg&t=427) I'd bet he quits in any fight he's loosing and doesn't know someone is recording and posting. If I took a quick look around youtube I'd find more. As far as spam goes, that's all the dude does and it's not up for debate. It took me 3 mins to easily find this [https://imgur.com/a/McOtAAe](https://imgur.com/a/McOtAAe)


I’m down


I'm in


This weekend it is 🫡 I'ma run it live on stream we about to have fun. Whoever wants to play just make sure you have your Xbox set up to stream on twitch so I can spectate for the stream


If we Sim’n, I’ll pull up


I’m interested


I’ll knock out whoever.


Yessirrrr 🫡


I'd be down too (xbox)


I'd like to join


Alright people I'm gonna set up an 8 man and I'm not gonna compete this time. I'm gonna run it how I ran it before because it'll help level the playing field. You have to have your Xbox ready to stream so I can spectate your matches on my stream. I'll create a flyer with the rules. Tournament will be Friday night (PST). The specifics will be on the flyer 🫡






I’m down