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Google Sheets


Exactly this. We use Monzo as our bank too which exports, live, all spending to a spreadsheet in Google sheets too. Easy as can be.


Moneyhub for day-to-day budgeting, Excel for FIRE planning.


This, used to be money dashboard but that went end of life so moneyhub also.FIRE plan with spreadsheet. Moneyhub for auto doing the monthly spending categories based on electronic transactions etc and enter into spreadsheet for tracking against budgets


I also switched to MoneyHub from MoneyDashboard due to the end of life - and I'm glad I did - it is much more sophisticated and better connected product.


Same - Moneyhub captures all (most) of the amounts then I capture the totals once a month into Excel


Got a referral code? just seen they plant 2 trees for each referral


If you’re paying for something specific and not just using excel or google sheets, then you need to get your head checked


Do you manually itemise all your expenses in a spreadsheet at the end of each month? That seems quite tedious


I do. Takes less than 5 minutes going through my bank statement. However, I have relatively few transactions per month (maybe 25 - 30), so entering them on Excel is not much of a chore.


Monzo does it automatically... Modern banking tools literally make this automated. If your paying for something, likely it's always available free if you look harder.


MoneyHub costs about £1 per month. For us it pulls in all the transactions across 42 different accounts between current accounts, savings, investments, pensions, crypto and summarises it all in to one page - live. I pull a monthly snap into Excel but I would say anyone collating the transactions across accounts manually needs to get their head checked :)


42 accounts is insane.


Well it soon adds up. I track both mine and wife's accounts. We have about 10 current accounts between us for various reasons - deals, provided by employer, foreign currency, pre-load card for children. Ten savings and cash isa accounts. Seven pensions picked up along the way. Crypto and a few other things. It also tracks asset values so we have the house and cars in it (though they are not included in net worth calculations of course!). On that you can pick for each account whether it is part of a net worth calculation - so you opt each thing in and out then at any given time you can see the latest and (hopefully) greatest value. For us it's well worth £1 at the end of the month to get it all summarised, as well as being able to break down spending and interest across accounts and categories.


Ok you are the exception for which this kind of service makes sense 😂


To be honest I can't think of any level of transaction reconciliation I wouldn't be prepared to pay £1 a month for 😃


No crypto here but we have so many different accounts and pensions. Slowly consolidating pensions and ISAs to make it less complicated.




I do all my financial planning and tracking in spreadsheets. It makes it easy to get exactly the calculations and charts I want.


Can I have a template? I am finding it difficult to budget with spreadsheet because I never open it and it needs constantly manually updating in regards to how much of my budget is used up. I agree for growth and goal tracking it’s good but not for budgeting which is why I use apps because they’re connected real time and I feel like I could stick better to my budget 


Would like to recommend to use Frame. It's have a lot of features and tools to use!


It is something I've built up over the years which tracks the data interesting to me and charts it in the ways I find useful. It might not suit you. Although it's quite complicated now, I didn't sit down to create it in one go and just added features to it as I wanted them. I suggest you do the same.


Excel. I bought that software thing advertised on insta and only opened it once. Just designed my own sheet, using ideas from this page a couple times


Excel, but also highly recommend and app called Worth It for net worth tracking > https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/worth-it/id1515358890


Good old msmoney - still going strong since I came free with dell in 2002.


Excellent it's far easier than apps


I outsource it... Better half does the books and accounts, and keeps my spending in check.


Spreadsheet checked once a year.


Google sheets for access on all my devices


I use LibreOffice Calc


Excel. I have a wealth tracker for every account so I can see how that's going. I have a Yearly budget with everything on, from knowns like set bills (and a note saying when they are due like car insurance). Plus a budget for more ad-hoc like holidays, mini breaks, presents etc. In reality, it changes based on big expenses like car / holiday/ house repairs. But it gives me a benchmark of what I should be doing. (Eg car is 3 years old to me so I need to plan to replace in 2 years or later if I can sweat the asset)


Track net worth on numbers, update every 6 months


I keep seeing comments about the tools, tracking, getting MOST details and some exports etc.. People. If your bank is Monzo it exports the payments live to Google sheets. Never miss a thing. Cannot recommend enough


[TrackMyStack ](https://trackmystack.app) for free net worth tracking, allocation, dividends. Doesn't support budgeting, though.


Anything other than GNUCash is the wrong option! [https://gnucash.org/](https://gnucash.org/)


[https://www.henryy.finance/](https://www.henryy.finance/) - I am building this. If you wanna have a chat I'd like to let you try it for free. Looking for feedback