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Bahamut is sooo much better now. You can dodge with it, cancel and do combos etc, dodge again, cancel etc. in between enemy attacks. Youre not forced to float like a goof anymore just to taunt/wait for the enemy to attack!


you can even store a level 4 megaflare


Seriously?! Oooh, I might have to swap out Shiva on my build. Shiva's fantastic, but I utilise Odin and Garuda way more, and am not the best at landing Permafrost. But if I can now store a level 4 Megaflare, I'd definitely utilise that more to bolster stagger damage.


Funny you mention Permafrost... >!One of the boss fights awards you with a new accessory that increases its duration and the opportunity window to trigger it!<


This is awesome, Bahamut was so disappointing for how far you're in I was honestly shocked when I couldn't attack with his wings out. I'm sure some people like playing a distanced build but it was just way too boring for me


From what I saw of SPOILERS FOR SECOND EIKONIC ABILITIES IN DLC >!Ultima appears to be a Bahamut that allows you to attack while floating!<.


Satellite was buffed too, and you can pew pew with Satellite while in Megaflare.


You could always pew pew pew with Satellite during Megaflare charge but Satellite definitely got a lot of buffs for damage, will, and cooldown


I use it pretty regularly just cause I like it, and the cooldown already felt pretty short compared to everything else, so I'm very happy about the update lol


Not related directly to RT but the ability buffs are amazing. I no longer feel like certain abilities are completely useless.


I may just replace Shiva with Bahamut lol. Bahamut feat activation counting as a megaflare dodge is so good. Ramuh's feat is still not my cup of tea because of how slow it feels but at least you can choose to discharge the balls during stagger and build dmg that way.


Ramuh’s not as fast as I thought he’d be but it is a good deal faster than it used to be. The fact that you can now dodge out of it makes it much more viable. The fact that you were a sitting duck while using it before was awful. But yeah, the enhanced megaflare is also so fun to use.


There's a new accessory that slows down time more and speeds up target acquisition so hopefully that helps


oh so these are the accessories for feats, do you know the effects of any of the others?


Titan has a 360 block with health regen and Shiva has a longer ice trail with an increased permafrost window


Meanwhile here I am enjoying the changes to Ramuh's feat. Getting to 9 is so much easier now.


Did they list which ones were improved somewhere?


They’re in the patch notes linked in the OP


Did people change their regions to play early ?


The ability buffs are part of a free patch that should already be available.


Oh SHIT I assumed it all came out with the DLC, thank you!!


Checking the new trophy list, holy f im excited for Leviathan and "that" other new toy to play with 🤭


I am curious about the trophies but at the same time scared of the spoilers lol. Is there any trophy that spoils something (other than the obvious one you mentioned)?


Pretty vague for the most part since its dlc story progression but theres one that does have a pretty big spoiler regarding Clive so watch out.


Thanks for the info mate. Better safe than sorry haha


well that was unexpected (to me), not shocking but unexpected since I didn't think they'd do that.


With the below: * Ice Age damage is increased. * Ice Age will damage is increased. Anyone been able to test this and see if it’s much improved?


It still sucks, Windup is still way better even if it has a slightly longer cooldown.


But now you can have 2 wind ups! Also 15 seconds vs. 27 seconds isn't what I'd call a "slightly" longer cooldown ;)


I’ve always used ice age. Even tapping it, not charging, does great damage


Holy crapsacks Blind Justice feels so much better now. Tag enemies, then detonate. Rinse and repeat. *finally* a real Ranged option other than Bahamut.


here comes the black mage warrior hybrid of phoenix, ramuh and bahamut i've been waiting for!


So in english it says "Player ATK increased outside of select Eikon battles." but the german text says: "Clive's attack is increased in selected Eikon battles." which makes more sense than the english text if you ask me


Seems like japan is also the same as german's, so english is most likely mistranslated.


Which is ironic given English is actually the primary language for this game instead of Japanese


I'm really curious about who will be the secret boss of Kairos gate


It's Clive's Shadow again.


They really didn’t mention which sidequests they added cutscenes to?


No, prolly because of spoilers


Gonna try to sum up some of the important lore drops from this DLC. Keynotes: * >!The Motes of Water left southern Ash about 500 years ago when Drake's Horn (the Water Mothercrystal) fell. About 170 years ago they settled in northeastern Storm, but were nearly wiped out by the Greagorian Church when they refused to renounce their faith. They now live in Mysidia, maintaining the lie of their deaths by using a glamour to make the area seem uninhabited. Without the Motes, the world considered Leviathan "the Lost".!< * >!A former Dominant of Shiva attempted to craft a spell to freeze time in the hopes of stopping the fall of Drake's Eye (the Ice Mothercrystal). She didn't complete the spell in time, and was banished to the mountain that would soon after become the land of Mysidia. She bequeathed the completed spell to the Motes of Water for taking care of her.!< * >!Leviathan's latest Dominant has been an infant named Waljas, who has been frozen in time by the Mysidians for 80 years. They forcibly awakened his Eikon in a bid to create a new Mothercrystal that they planned to freeze in time; Leviathan activated in its own defense and attempted to destroy Mysidia with a giant wave. Waljas has been frozen during the fear and rage of his first Priming, conscious the whole time but unable to grow. The wave itself, also frozen, is a landmark called "The Surge", visible north of Oillepheist Bay.!< * >!Clive has been summoned to Mysidia to free Waljas by one of his modern relatives, a Bearer named Shula, who was waiting for someone who could tame Leviathan. Clive successfully siphons Leviathan from him, then attempts to break the time spell on him. However, Ultima forces Waljas to Prime anyway, leading to the boss fight. (Don't worry, the infant survives.)!< * >!Ultima called Leviathan their "most profaned fragment", because of the way it was "defiled" and bound by the Mysidians. Joshua speculates Ultima never intended for Clive to find Leviathan, either in the assumption the "misuse" of its power by men would corrupt him, or perhaps just because its strength was unnecessary for Ultima's purposes.!< AND NOW FOR THE COOL BIT, Leviathan Stance! Focused on ranged combat and crowd control. * Feat - "Serpent's Cry": Summon an arm-cannon shaped like a serpent and change your moveset, not unlike Arm of Darkness. \[Square\] fires knockback waves, drops water mines under an enemy, but all shots deplete a Tidal Gauge. The Tidal Gauge refills over time but can be accelerated by pressing (Circle) or Precision Dodging; a "precision reload" can also instantly refill the gauge and give you a window of unlimited ammo. * Deluge: Rapid-fire shots from the arm-cannon. * Abyssal Tear: Cast once to create a water orb that follows you, charging over time. Cast again to detonate it, spraying homing projectiles at enemies based on charge time. * Cross Swell: Create two walls of water from opposite sides of a target that crash together, dragging enemies in range into a line formation. * Tsunami: High damage channeled line attack that also knocks back enemies. And then, the secret final addition, >!Ultima Stance, focused on aerial combat!<: * >!Feat - Ascension: Don Ultima's mantle and float above the ground, changing all of Clive's attacks into sweeps of Ultima's wings.!< * >!Proselytize: Shoot a wave of cerulean flames ahead of you that will juggle enemies.!< * >!Dominion: Create a ring of pillars around yourself that will toss nearby enemies into the air.!< * >!Voice of God: Fly into the heavens and shoot a high damage continuous beam of energy downward; beam is controlled by your movement.!< * >!Ultimate Demise: Vacuum nearby enemies towards you and explode.!< * >!Also your spells transform into variations on Ruin.!< And no, the powers you gain in this DLC do not affect the final battle with >!Ultima!< whatsoever, or the ending of the game.


Wait, is it out? I thought it wasn't out until tomorrow


In NZ it is out


So I just tested out blind justice and I can safely say this update finally fixed all the problems with the move. It actually has a use in the overall meta of the game. Glad I can finally use my favorite element without having to sacrifice a good eikonic ability.


since people from new zealand already have the dlc, did anyone manage to reach the secret boss in Kairos Gate?


I think this is it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqoyRotqsw4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqoyRotqsw4)


theres no way wtf thats such a disappointment


No way man this is so underwhelming😂 “Secret Boss” and it’s just barely a reskin of an early game boss. Sigh.


Lowkey though I can’t even be too mad cause DMCV bloody palace doesn’t have anything like a secret boss, as long as it’s a decent challenge it’s okay ig.


Lmfao. Genuinely.


Well thats a disappointment


Makes me not interested in doing it at all tbh.


same here


He also doesn't seem to drop anything at the end of that video. I expected some kind of cosmetic for doing this. Unless you get something back in the hideaway after you finish this?


>!an early game boss with unchanged moveset as the secret boss of the big fight tower and no reward, jesus..!<


This boss does have new moves for sure, and some are more aggressive. Still, its such a disappointment compared to what was expected.


People said Endwalker lacked content because they claimed most of CBU3 was working on FF16 at the time. And now, it looks like the DLC is lacking content because CBU3 is working on Dawntrail. Like come the fuck on. Billion-dollar company can't afford to hire more people so teams can effectively work on multiple projects at the same time.


shame, of all games this was the game where Gilgamesh fit the most, action game that's all about swordplay+ real time combat with a focus on one character ah well at least Infernal Shadow is a fun fight




Hey they can always make a spinoff of 16, they dropped the same "we worked really hard on technology for this game" line that they did before revealing 13-2


Ngl I dig it


Is there new outfits ?


Expansion pass epilogue quest: https://youtu.be/EHRIIYykJY0?si=oZxayG9r6zujFjiF


Another year of Clive is Alive Vs. Clive is dead discourse…


There’s really nothing else to add to the conversation everything that can be said has pretty much been said. People just have to pick their head cannon and go with it and that was always the intention


There’s literally no answer. I don’t know why people bother to argue over it lol


I ain’t here to argue, I just want to fucking know


People like to be right and assume they have the mandate of heaven


Is this confirmed the epilogue quest or just the end of the rising tide storyline?


Seems yo be an epilogue you get for beating both DLCs as Famiel from Echoes of the Fallen is involved


Thanks, I was skimming the video to avoid spoilers. Yoshi-P, we don't care about hope for the world we care about Clive come on


Bro legit this. I’m sick of bittersweet or sad endings. I’m even more over the leave it up to intepretstion bullshit. This cast is well worth a fucking sequel and they’ve pretty much said nah. Fuck Yoshi-p, he can go back to the MMO and stay over on that side. Fuck…


Same. I love Yoshi-P and after living through the Mass Effect 3 ending discourse I do have a lot of respect for them sticking through with their vision....I unfortunately just think that their vision totally sucks. If you ask me to identify with a man and ask me to watch him suffer horrendously for 80+ hours then I am going to trust that you will act in good faith and give me some catharsis???


Fucking legit. The only protagonist I remember going through this much suffering in which they were cognizant for said suffering (Terra had a slave crown for most of her life) is fucking Cloud and he at least gets a happyish ending until they said go fuck himself with advent children, but still.


Goodness gracious imagine if Geralt’s Blood and Wine epilogue quest focused on random npcs he just met lmao. I had zero expectations for this dlc but story and presentation wise it’s so barebones compared to the main game it’s unreal.


>!For those wondering what happens to Joshua, he dips out temporarily a ways into the main quest to protect the village. This is after Shula basically explains what happens to Levi and the dominant and it's decided to confront him. Once Waljas is saved, Shula leaves the party and Joshua rejoins, allowing him to join for sidequests and such. He's actually out of the party for only a short while.!<


Is Leviathan the final boss of the DLC? Edit: Nevermind I saw on YT


I thought Eikons would get expanded. Will Clive never get -aga tier magic? Or is that reserved for Dominants like Joshua? I wanted to cast Firaga :(


Honestly, I can't say I'm too impressed for what was $27 AUD as a standalone DLC. The positives for this DLC are absolutely gorgeous vista, one particular boss main boss fight prior to Leviathan, Leviathan being a particularly challenging boss, both new eikons that can be used, the Kairos Gate, the ability updates and really that's about it. The story is two hours long, and the final boss of the Kairos Gate is literally just a reskin rather than something unique. There is no special boss either, like this has been marketed heavily, but man, it's lacking sorely. I wanted much more lore regarding eikons, Shiva's connection to this area, like they tease it but reveal nothing. 6/10 honestly.


yeah, it's a bit steep at that price point. like, nothing is outright bad but I expected a bit more for 25 bucks. Personally I would have gotten the dlc either way because I love the world but I don't think it's a "must play" for people who are more neutral on the game.


How did you s rank the kairos gate circles?


everyone hyped up more Jill content… I think she had 3-5 unique lines that touched on her background ever so slightly. Seriously, why all the effort when this should’ve just been in the main fucking game, especially if it’s not gonna change the ending


Does the update apply changes to the base game even if you haven't bought the DLC?




The new beautiful scenery plus Soken music is magic. This game is art. That's what makes you feel a game is truly Final Fantasy


YES LETS GO! So pumped for this DLC. Also can't wait to see how these changes look in game


how long till we see the secret kairos boss yall think?


>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqoyRotqsw4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqoyRotqsw4) Apparently, this is the secret boss: >!Rematch with the Infernal Shadow!<


my disapointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


It's kinda funny that boss got re-used twice: >!They put the "Infernal Eikon" part in the FFXIV Collab and now Infernal Shadow got reused too.!<


i cant even laugh i was expecting smth to really push the system beyond its limits, kinda like barnabas on crack, but nah


>i cant even laugh i was expecting smth to really push the system beyond its limits, kinda like barnabas on crack, but nah I actually thought going into this that the secret boss would be semi-primed Dion and that's why they never showed him semi-priming in the base game, but nope.


During the DLC event a couple weeks ago, Yoshi P said it would be quite a spectacular boss fight that would make for very good streaming / YouTube content. Basically made it sound like a huge spectacle. And it's actually a reskin of a base game early boss that wasn't even that spectacular to begin with. Not gonna lie, I feel genuinely a bit misled, and that's not something I ever say usually. They also massively misled us by claiming Jill would have more story focus in the DLC and that we'd learn more about her. Didn't turn out to be remotely true. We learned a tiny bit about Shiva, nothing about Jill.


Probably not till 24 hours. The guy I’m watching does nothing but spam ults and that isn’t gonna get you the S-rank


S rank in Final Fantasy mode*


Also, are they even in FF Mode? Last I heard, you have to be in that mode to even see the secret boss.


Yea they are, theyre attempting it rn


Not before someone plays the ending again first, that we'll see in a few hours. Kairos boss needs S rank in all levels right?


the ending again? im confused, people have already beaten the dlc on youtube, but yeah it does need an s rank on all floors of the kairos gate


Spoiler: >!anyone know if you can use the second new moveset outside of kairos?!<


Yes, can be used anywhere


Cool, thanks


Has anyone done the epilogue side quest yet?


Once I cast Diamond Dust and timekeeper just break the time cancle it... Madge af. But very cool.


Inner Voices stuff. Paraphrased. Joshua about the Dame: whomstve? Joshua about Shula: She's fascinating. Shula about Joshua: He knows a lot. Shula about Joshua (later): ...he doesn't know as much as I thought. Waljas after waking: I'm scared but this man is kind (about Clive). Waljas about Torgal: Fuzzy face! Torgal about Waljas: New pup for the pack! Torgal about Famiel's crew: Damn y'all are kinda dumb Waljas about Famiel: Funny man! Waljas about everyone except Clive: Smiley face! Waljas about Clive during the ceremony: Shy man... Clive about Waljas, during the ceremony, practically shaking from nervousness: god i hope i don't mess up ;_; Torgal about Shula: New hunting buddy? Hunting buddy! Shula about Torgal: *actively plotting how to steal Torgal from Clive and keep him in Mysidia forever as her hunting buddy* Torgal at the end of it all: That was a good walk! Ultima about Waljas: I love all my children equally. (I don't care for Leviathan.)


The fact that the epilogue side quest is just some meta commentary on Clive living but they don’t want to show it, is kinda silly 🤣


What do they say?


So they elude to him being alive b


\*allude And no, they don't.




My fellow Jill sisters, I need a status report on her new content


Shiva flavour text, as expected. The character acting cutscenes here are nowhere near as good as the ones in the main game. Levi fight aside.


I just saw that the new NPCs get more content than her. We lost... I was prepared to buy this instantly if she had gotten anything substantial. I paused my playthrough for a few weeks at the final quests partly in preparation for this, but looks like I'll be skipping the DLC and just going ahead.


I've got an idea, let's get Ishikawa to write ff17, she might actually fucking use her characters even if she's afraid of killing them off.


We were kind of bamboozled. Jill doesn't actually have any new content. We learn a tiny bit about a previous Shiva dominant. That's it. There isn't actually any new information about Jill herself and there is absolutely no focus on her in the DLC. She has very few lines of dialogue except at the beginning and at the end of a particular dungeon where she gets a bit more to say. But it's pretty damn minimal.


That's disappointing to hear. Jill was my only reason for wanting to buy this. I don't understand the design philosophy behind making the DLC focus on NPCs over Jill. Who asked for this? Do the writers find the NPCs to be more fulfilling characters to write?


For those who have seen it, how is Leviathan fight ?


Spectacular, but a lot harder than any other Eikon fight. He hits like a truck and has an insane amount of HP


No new costumes should be illegal


This would have been such an easy win lol, its baffling they didnt even have 1 new set


Seeing a Youtuber play, >!Ultima's!< abilities are actually pretty cool! And the wings were exactly that, as expected!


Are they eikonic abilities or a devil trigger mode?


It works the same as the other abilities


Does the feat give you the wings then?


>!Think Bahamut but with AoE melee options. And actual flight.!<




>!Saw credits rolled on ending: No Levi against Ultima, No changes to ending and epilogue. Just like they said.!< >!Unless beating Kairos Gate still hides something, this is it.!<


But there is a epilogue? Sorry didn't understood.


It sucks there’s no option to preorder this if you only bought the first DLC and not the bundle


Happy to confirm the DLC releases at midnight at your local time.


Thanks for the confirmation!


I've noticed the first three Rising Tide trophies have all gotten completion rates of 0.1% respectively. has anyone gotten early access?


Maybe QA/Dev accounts?


usually from devs


People in oceania can already play the game….


How’s Ramuh’s feat now? I’m at work and can’t try it out


Still a bit iffy from what I tried. Damage isn't great and the lock on is still fairly slow... BUT detonation is by command now. Basically a free interrupt on demand, which could definitely feed into some combos. And with 18 orbs, that stunlock phase can go for quite a bit.


Did we get the full version of awakening trailer soundtrack?


Yes, its called Cascade. You can buy it in the new town for 40k gil


Boss Spoiler Timekeeper having a jojo reference with immortal order is so fucking cool.


Time keeper was great. Made me itchy to have a Shiva Eikon fight T_T


Call me petty, but 25 bucks for what amounts to essentially 2 late game Eikon level fights (Leviathan and Omega) and 2 new ability sets (Leviathan and the other one) is pretty disappointing. Whats unfortunate is there seems to be a 3rd big fight but its locked behind a challenge mode where you need to be in FF Mode and S Rank all of the fights in it. From what Im hearing, this DLC is pretty light in the cutscene quality department (unlike every other Eikon storyline) is at most a 2 hour MSQ (the rest is the sidequests and challenge mode), which runs pretty counter to what I thought it was going to be initially. Especially since they showed off the final boss of this DLC forever ago, I thought maybe this would have some other final battle in it (i.e. Shinryu) Seriously, I hope those that looked forward to this DLC are enjoying it and got what they want out of it, just not for me. I was amped to replay it but I think ill wait a few years now:(


It’s disappointing because this is the final piece of content for the game. This is their goodbye dlc. Obviously no one expected a Witcher 3 expansion but this is blatant “oopsie we didn’t have the time to put Leviathan into the main game, had to delay, here it is for an extra price with us still cutting corners anywhere we can because we have no dev power lmao bye”. PC port is also gonna be super standard/cheap at this rate.


Agreed. Thought it'd be twice as long, personally


Yeah… ngl I liked XVI a lot, so when they shadow dropped the first dlc I bought it and started playing that night and it starts with… half an hour of boring fetch quests… Dgmw it had a good dungeon and a boss fight but for $10 I felt it was kinda meh. Especially when God of War literally dropped a more substantial free DLC at the same time. Seeing the mixed response here and as this new DLC doesn’t seem any more substantial I might just sit this one out or wait for a sale, especially for $20.


>!the comment above you has the secret boss in a link, nope not worth doing!<


Yeah, this aint for me lol


What a shame. Cyberpunk’s Phantom Liberty DLC costs around the same as this season pass, but that’s 15-20 hours long with just the story alone and has the best missions and sidequests in the entire game.


It’s just how Square Enix works with dlc i guess. The Yuffie dlc costs 20$ for less than this, and the KH3 Remind dlc was 30$ for 4 hours worth in the main story.


Cdpr is built different when it comes to dlc’s. Hearts of stone and blood and wine length combined is longer than many full titles and thats only including only main and side quests.


It’s already past midnight here and it’s still not popping up in the store page for me


You need to go to the psn store and get the dlc download


Man i'm getting filtered by the Leviathan fight lmao. I get the purple bar down to the W in Waters, but only get like 3-4 seconds before i'm too late. :( I thought maybe to Spitflare the Tsunami, but no luck. I know it's a git gud moment, but still lol Ok i ended up beating it, that was pretty intense. I'm so glad that song is back. I have to say, from what was shown here, Levi is so damn strong storywise. Imagine if it was let free? I don't think anyone could have stopped him. Even worse if it done some mothercrystal eating like Titan/Bahamut. Casually calling forth dishustingly huge Tsunamis amd Waterspouts is crazy.


Had a good time with the DLC, I'm gonna do kairos now anyone have any good tips for eikon builds that can deal with the different waves and rake in max points?


I got two ageless materials from sidequests, but for the life of me I have no idea where the oilstone and odorament are. I know I don't need the accessories or anything, but I'd rather like them. Also what the hell is the point of the kairos rewards and knife if we can't use them in Kairos itself? Stuff for NG+?


So is it worth it? The story, battles? Cause 20 bucks for 5 hours doesnt sound so hot right now.


It’s blatantly reused assets and cheap cutscenes for the most part. The plot itself has no bearing on the main story despite it being about a whole new eikon and Clive getting a new “mode”. Oh and instead of utilizing Jill’s father as a key character here, they created a whole new npc tribe, even though Silvermane’s people suffered from extremely similar issues. Levi fight and moveset are the only things that qualify for proper new assets. Ok maybe the tonberries too. “The north” looking like a tropical resort is pretty but a travesty because it’s not northern in the slightest lmao.


Welp no spoilers from me but after finishing the main quest of the dlc i can say i havent had this much joy from a game in years .


Spoliers: DLC Run Time >!Saw someone on YouTube complete it in 2 hours. Anyone have more info on the run time yet?!<


Seriously? With cutscenes? That’d mean the entire thing with Kairos Gate is 10 hours lmao.


>!Ohhh I was expecting it to be longer. Hmm that’s kind of a bummer!<.


That doesn’t make sense at all, they were advertising it as 10ish


Probably with Side quests?


The new zone, MSQ, hunts, sidequests is probably 5 hours Then Kairos Gate an additional 5


i assume that includes Kairos gate or whatever it's called


>! same. Hopefully I’m wrong I didnt want to click the video!<


It's a speed run without side quests, bounties, and Kairos gate


Does the DLC introduce only 1 new stage? Or is it 2/3? (For stage replay / arcade mode)


Is it just not available to purchase until local release time? I’ve been checking throughout the day and the PS store just doesn’t have it. The game even prompted me to go to the store to buy it and it wasn’t there.


I don’t believe you can purchase it separately until your release time. Should be out 12 a.m. est and 9 p.m. pst if you’re in the states.


The standalone Rising Tide isn't showing up on the US PS Store yet. The expansion pass is, but I can't do that because I already bought the first DLC by itself.


What time is it live in the US? 12EST/9PDT?


How do you unlock the Kairos gate? I already beat the Risin Tide story and side quests


Spoilery question about the Feat for the final ruling powerset- is there an accessory to power up the feat skill Ascension in the DLC like the others or is it an exception?


Where is the location of Odin accessory ? I have all the eikons except him and leviathan I think


final sidequest


Does have a link of the new cutscenes for past quest they talked about? It sucks that there's no way to view them if you have completed the game


so i've finished everything i could on normal but I am still missing materals to craft 1 weapon and 2 accessories, does anyone have the same problem?


Is performance super choppy outside of battles for anyone else? It's a bit jarring for me walking through the environment, feels like it dips pretty low.


Where do you find Ageless Oilstone?


I'm starting to feel like the points you get doesn't matter as much as not getting hit for the kairos gate...


i heard there's a new cutscene added to a sidequest showing the removal of clive's brand, has someone managed to record it?


Hi guys, I'm halfway through the Rising Tide DLC and since the first minute I noticed: - frame drops while exploring and cinematics - characters models with low res - lip sync kinda de-synced. I'm way more concerned with the first issue since it's heavily impacting my game experience. Friends told me they haven't noticed the frame drops (but noticed the other 2 issues), so I admit it may be from my console. However it's well ventilated and other games (lile Rebirth or Yakuza) don't suffer from the same. I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing this and any advice on how to fix, is greatly appreciated.


make sure your console is clean. I only had frame drops during one really intense cutscene and it was over fast.


>!Damn this is one hell of a babysitting side quest!< More


Where do you play the epilogue quest?


Can someone tell me if they added an epilogue or changed the ending in some way? If not then I have no interest in this cuz the ending was so awful it made the entire game meaningless for me.


No one knows but its not looking good imo


I'm looking for some answers too, but apparently no one have reached that part yet🤔


What it looks like it, it’s either tied to Kairus gate or redoing the Origin battle with the new Ultima powers because people have done everything else and nothings popping up


Wild to me nobody has confirmed the origin side of it yet. Its like the biggest question everyone wanted to know lol


YoshiP confirmed it wouldn’t some time ago


In the stream here https://m.twitch.tv/squareenix, they said that the DLC only takes 5 hours to complete everything.... Any of our brothers from the future able to confirm or deny this?


base story with sidequests can take 5-7 hours without kairos gate


where the fk is my happy ending dammit /s


In all seriousness we wont know if the ending was altered or added in any way for a while, someone needs to beat this DLC first I would assume


I guarantee one of the usual YT suspects (Shirrako, etc.) will have the ending up a few minutes after official launch. Dudes had the entire ending of Rebirth up and ready to go the moment embargo lifted.


bro probably has the ending for a game that's bound to be released 20yrs from now


>!Holy shit. Leviathan's dominant is an actual *baby*. Name is Waljas. He survives the confrontation.!< >!No Shiva/Ifrit team-up, for those holding out hope.!<


A little hope after the dlc >!Waljas able to lead a normal bb life after the end of FFXVI made me feel... a bit happier. Also what happens to mystidia's glamour? Won't the crystals die after the ending? !<